Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4179: Eventful spring

"Is it District Mayor Chen? Take the liberty to bother, I'm the office of Evergrande No. 1 Hospital," a male voice over there was very polite. "A suspected case has been admitted to the hospital. I hope Bei Chong can send an expert to help. a bit."

The First Hospital of Evergrande is the First Affiliated Hospital of Hengbei Medical University. It is one of the best hospitals in Hengbei. Chen Taizhong was a little dizzy when he received this call. "Where do we have any experts in Beichong, the First Hospital of Evergrande is too worthy of us. ."

"District Chief Chen, you are too polite," he smiled over there. "Bei Chong has sent away the American plague. We medical workers know very well... now I hope to get the support of Bei Chong and the conditions are easy to discuss. "

"We are only focusing on prevention, and the implementation is more thorough," Chen Taizhong replied lightly, "We are not good at treatment, sorry, I really can't cooperate."

"Patient..." There was still chattering, but District Mayor Chen directly hung up the phone. You, an office worker, dared to call me rashly-are you right there?

After hanging up the phone, Director Wang and Secretary Gu left and watched them leave. Secretary Qi glanced sideways at District Chief Chen, his eyes were very complicated, "Hengbei No. 1 Hospital... also has it?"

"Suspected case," Chen Taizhong shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave. If there is a suspected case in Yangzhou, Li Qiang would not mind a trip, but Chaotian's case... has a relationship with Beichong. ?

Two days later, Asada’s suspected case was diagnosed. On the same day, three people were diagnosed with the zhèngfǔ office and water conservancy department in Cape Province—it seems that Ooguanhai’s infectious ability is still quite strong.

For a time, there were clouds in the Cape and Hengbei, and the rush to buy was everywhere, and people were panicked, especially the market price of mercury thermometers.

However, the strange thing is that there are no relevant reports in the media of the two provinces, only some appeals, saying that the province has coordinated a large amount of materials, and it is not advisable to panic buying and hoarding. I hope everyone will not blindly follow the trend to avoid unnecessary losses. ...

At this time, the conference was over, and then there was news that many medical staff in some hospitals in Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Hanoi, Vietnam had contracted the virus.

The next day, news came from the south that the head nurse of a certain hospital died of infection. The impact of this news was too great, not only for ordinary people, but even many medical workers were frightened.

At this time, Beichong's behavior of forcibly measuring body temperature has gradually gained everyone's approval, and the cart drivers are no longer making troubles-they are all people who travel north and south, knowing that the current situation is getting more and more severe.

At the same time, the protective measures that Bei Chong has adopted have also entered the eyes of some members of the public, both praise and derogation.

Some people think that Beichong's infrared thermometer is good and worthy of emulation, but more people just stand by and watch silently-after all, people who have the ability to decide to buy this thing before the big outbreak, I know that it's just a group panic, and there are still few specific cases, far from the point where we must pay attention, and this thing is really expensive.

At this time, Beichong’s orders are facing full arrears. The manufacturers are not stupid. It is time for inventory. When they sign the contract with Beichong, in order to avoid paying possible liquidated damages, the production cycle is always longer. Dragged in.

At the moment, Chen Taizhong’s heart is to capture the two people who spread the rumors. One of them is in the capital and is the maker of the rumors. The other is in Ufa and the spreader of the rumors. There are many people who spread rumors, but This product has the most ruthless transmission, reposting four to five hundred posts, and arguing with moderators in some forums, suspecting others to delete posts.

It took Bei Chong three days to dispatch two groups of police officers, and the two were captured back to Bei Chong.

The one in the capital is a college student with a certain amount of Internet knowledge, but in the face of the full-fire District Mayor Chen, his ridiculous caution is really not worth mentioning.

At the beginning, this person tried to deny it. After being caught in Bei Chong, he found that denying was useless. Suo xing said frankly, yes, I was spreading rumors, but just talk about it online, there is no need to take it seriously, right?

If you don’t talk about this network, it’s really a magic mirror. Many people find that you can talk nonsense irresponsibly. Even if you swear casually, you don’t have to worry about the other party coming over through the Internet to punch and kick, so everyone can vent the ugliness of people. one side.

This is what this college student thinks, "On the Internet, no one knows if the other person is a dog. If I make up some lies, I will make up, and then I will scold others... Seriously, they are all fools."

I think the cost of spreading rumors is low, right? Chen Taizhong was too lazy to say, and directly ordered, "Notify them of the school for one year of reeducation through labor...Thinking that you are hiding outside the firepower range, so you have the courage to spray manure casually?"

"But my original intention was good, I want to make the report of the epidemic transparent," the college student retorted boldly.

After all, it’s a young man who loves to show off and vents on the Internet. Then he finds that nobody cares, and his courage is getting bigger and bigger. This time his original intention may be good, but he was too unconcealed and finally hit Straighten up the big board.

"Your original intention is something that concerns me?" Chen Taizhong said disdainfully, "You have slandered me Bei Chong, and you are my enemy. If you have the courage to come to Bei Chong and stand in front of me and slander me, I will respect you. Points...Hiding behind the Internet, playing as a dog who can type, bullying me out of reach, what do you think you are?"

This college student is a little better. The one in Ufa is even more bizarre. He is a chief clerk of the provincial capital Qinyang Discipline Inspection Commission. As a discipline inspection and supervision cadre, he did not hesitate to forward such irresponsible posts. It is also judged that this is very likely to happen, because more than one hundred cases occurred around "one of my classmates".

The day after this article was posted, I was invited by the National Security Bureau of Ufa Province. However, I learned that this person’s father was the former Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Finance. Everyone simply made a transcript, and let them out if they criticized education. Up.

In fact, the Provincial Guoan's investigation of rumors is based on the above meaning, mainly to understand the identity and motivation of the poster-whether it is instigated by foreign forces.

After knowing that this person is a national cadre, and reposted, there is also a retired deputy minister father, the provincial Guoan does not want to be troublesome.

After coming out of Guoan, this man was also triumphant and posted a post to curse zhèngfǔ, how big is it? Lao Tzu belongs to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Who dares to follow me?

Fortunately, when Bei Chong got to know this person, people from the National Security Bureau of Ufa Province replied impatiently, “That’s Gao Qiang, the chief clerk of the Qinyang Discipline Inspection Commission’s office. Forwarded."

This answer made Bei Chong's arrest team serious. After careful study, after careful deployment, they finally captured the person at the door of this person's house, and then drove madly.

After Gao Qiang's family heard about it, they immediately reported it, but Fang's reaction was slow. The chief clerk of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission was kidnapped. It wasn't that he lost his bicycle. Why were you worried?

Later, the unit of the high section chief came forward. The leader of the Qinyang City Discipline Inspection Commission said that this may be retaliation against the discipline inspection and supervisory personnel, and you must pay attention to it.

It’s too late to pay attention at this time. In the more than a year since Mayor Chen took office, Bei Chong Fang has repeatedly arrested cities and provinces. He has already summed up a set of effective methods, and he has worked hard. Also after enough exercise.

After the arrest of Section Chief Gao, he was a little ignorant at first. He didn't know who he had offended. "Brothers..."

Before he finished speaking, the two strong men who were holding him slapped in the face, "Cāo, did you speak?"

The vehicle drove to the suburbs and changed to a Honda Desert King. During this time, he was held on his head again, and his mouth was sealed with tape. When he raised his head again, he was already on the highway.

It took more than ten hours to walk at this high speed. He signaled that he was urinating, and the two strong men coldly replied, "Pee in your pants."

Ten hours later, he finally watched as he entered the Hengbei realm. Only then did the brawny man tear off the tape from his mouth, "Get out of the car and pee."

While peeing, he asked the brawny man who peeed together, "Brother, are you catching the wrong person?"

"The famous and powerful, how can we catch the wrong person?" The strong man grinned.

"But I... I don't have an enemy from Hengbei," Section Chief Gao said he couldn't understand. "Brothers are asking for money?"

"I know the wicked things I do," the strong man didn't bother to pay attention to him.

After driving for two hours, I got off the highway, and when I was paying the toll, Gao Qiang got up and shouted, "I belong to the Party Committee of Ufa Province and I was kidnapped. Report jǐng soon! "

The face of the toll collector changed It was already bright at the moment, and the horrified expression on her face was too obvious.

After all, there are laws in our country. The Chief High-Tech Section sneered in his heart. He was ready to be severely beaten, but your license plate number must be recorded by the high-speed toll station unless you also take the high-speed toll station. .

He thought beautifully, and the toll collector was too scared to swipe his card, but he didn't expect that the brawny guys would take away his sealing tape.

The driver of the car touched the bridge, then passed a notebook over, "Look at this, perform official duties... Don't listen to him nonsense."

The toll collector took a look at the book, but it was an official certificate—Wei Xiaosheng, Economic Investigation Brigade, Beichong Branch, Yangzhou City.

"Oh," the toll collector nodded, but stood up and asked the leader for instructions--since the other party dared to say that it was a family member, she could be regarded as an official business.

The certificate was handed over to a man, and what was so real was that there was a highway patrol car next to the toll gate, and the man passed by with the certificate.

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