Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4186: Take over

The message of Chen Taizhong's high-profile return to Phoenix was spread in a small area in the afternoon, especially after lunch, someone Chen parted ways with Mayor Wu and swaggered across the market with a group of attendants.

There are cadres like Zhang Aiguo and Gu Xin, as well as people in the society like Iron Hand and Seventeen, and Ma Feng, a Canadian Chinese. The group of people roamed around Phoenix magnanimously. control.

Such a group of people get together, one can imagine what will happen. When the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission was watching the thermometer experiment, everyone still behaved relatively normally, but once it was scattered in the urban area, it was really arrogant.

For example, after a long-distance bus is on the road, it is common to pull a few people along the way. There are many people who go to the bus station to take the bus, but many people live not far along the way. It is more convenient to stop the bus halfway.

Of course, this situation is constantly being cracked down by the Transportation Bureau. On the one hand, it is prone to overloading and is not responsible for passengers. On the other hand, it is the revenue from ticket sales, and the station cannot be raised.

However, it is really convenient to take a ride in this way. Passengers do not need to take a bus to the station, which saves money and time. Even if it is a convenient service, the Transportation Bureau is not easy to control it.

But now that it is raging, the station issued an announcement stating that riders must come to the station to prevent the spread of the disease-strict control and control are necessary in extraordinary times.

However, this set does not work in Phoenix. At least the credibility of the Phoenix announcement is not as effective as Beichong. Many people still use the roadside for convenience.

Long-distance buses are usually privately contracted, and regardless of the number of drivers, they can pick up passengers and leave. As for the infrared thermometer, Phoenix has only two thousand in total, and it is impossible to equip every long-distance bus.

When Chen Taizhong's motorcade saw this situation, they stopped the car directly and ordered the car to turn back to the station-the incident was small, and it really carried a passenger on the road, and the whole car was in danger.

Some drivers felt that this was not an issue, so they had to spread their teeth and claws, saying how many times we ran, it was all right.

But Chen Taizhong didn't tell them that, and he didn't even need him to come forward. The iron hand, the horse madman, and the gangsters of the seventeenth men directly expressed: Do you want to run this line?

In extraordinary times, when using extraordinary means, some passengers expressed that they did not understand. You blocked the car and delayed our journey. The person who blocked the car said that the fault was not with us, but with the driver... They didn't carry passengers halfway, and we didn't bother at all. I care about you.

As soon as something like this happened, the news spread in Phoenix, and Chen Taizhong returned and investigated it carefully.

Although the common people were dissatisfied, but the lord who didn't want to cause trouble, just pinched his nose and recognized. Those who have the courage and ability to cause trouble, but know the roots and feet of the Five Poison Secretary, really dare not care.

In fact, for most people, this is a good thing. Rumors that broke out have spread everywhere. Right now, it is better to be managed than no one.

But for some people in the Phoenix officialdom, they just don’t understand it. Even if they do, they won’t have the turn of a cadre from other places to do it, right? Not only is it arrogant, but also doesn't give any face.

Moreover, what Chen Taizhong said in the chemical plant was also spread out. Not only did he not put Xie Wude in his eyes, but Du Yi, the secretary of the provincial party committee, was named on the spot.

This is so arrogant! The news reached Xie Wode not long after, and Secretary Xie shook his head without making a statement, but talked about something else.

He wanted to care about it. He really didn't care about it. Xie was from the provincial party committee. He knew too well about Chen Taizhong's destructive power. Zhang Hui was alive and destroyed in this person's hands. Cao Fuquan, another important minister of the Du department, mentioned this. The goods are also big.

Xie Wude is now fighting Yin Fang fiercely, and he really doesn’t have the strength to open up a second battlefield. In fact, even if he didn’t fight Mayor Yin, he wouldn’t be arguing with Chen Taizhong because of a rant or two. Phoenix is ​​fighting with this cargo, but they have the home court advantage. The three words "Phoenix Yellow" are not for nothing.

But to say that Secretary Xie has no complaints in his heart, it is also false, but the time is not ripe, he can only bear it first... In fact, Chen Taizhong is not blindly domineering, in addition to strictly investigating the prevention and control links, he also The publicity of the situation in Phoenix is ​​not for him to brag, but for the implementation of Wu Yan's political achievements.

As for the official media in Tiannan, the most important thing is the Tiannan Rì News. Director Chen was not a fool when he was in Wenming for more than a year. He called Qin Liancheng directly: Old Director, Phoenix wants to go. Manuscript.

Then go ahead. After hearing what he said, Director Qin will directly express his opinion. You can go directly to Lei Lei, and reporter Lei’s supervisor will approve it. There is no need to be so high-profile.

The former president of the newspaper, Dou Jiuxian, had resigned at the end of last year because it was up to the point, otherwise Chen Taizhong would have to look for him.

The new president is in the stage of understanding the situation. It is Xiao Gui and Cao Sui for the following business. If he really thinks that the draft is inappropriate, he will most likely ask Minister Pan-who will the old meeting of Pan speak for? Need to ask?

Therefore, the Tiannan Rì newspaper quickly published Lei Lei's manuscript, "Phoenix City Strictly Defends and Strikes Out has a Great Effect."

When writing this kind of manuscript, Reporter Lei also got a taste of it. Anyway, it is a bragging manuscript. First, I will briefly introduce the epidemic situation in Phoenix, and then explain in detail how Phoenix responds.

Infrared temperature measurement, isolation observation, key defenses with points and areas... etc. In short, Phoenix did everything they wrote, and emphasized that this matter was ordered by Executive Deputy Mayor Wu Yan. It seems that the effect is very good, and the people of Phoenix are stable. , The people live and work in peace and contentment.

Of course, at the end of the article, I definitely want to emphasize that it is not as terrible as everyone thinks. As long as you deal with it seriously, it is not difficult to control the spread-this is suspected of underestimating and misleading everyone’s understanding, but there is no way. The most authoritative official media in Southern Province, the article has to be written like this, otherwise, who will cause panic?

Those who really know how to read the newspaper can tell at a glance. The author of the article emphasizes that only if he takes it as seriously as Phoenix, he will be "no big deal".

This report is located in the fourth edition of the Tiannan Rì Newspaper, with more than 900 words throughout, only mentioning Chen Taizhong once. That is because Bei Chong not only provided thermometers, but also helped with training and use.

Compared with the rigorous rigor of "Tiannan Rì", "Tiannan Business Daily" wrote more sentimental. As Chen Taizhong's queen reporter, Liu Xiaoli publicized the prevention and control measures of the phoenix, and broke it apart. There is also a large number of contrasts between Phoenix and Bei Chong-Bei Chong is the first to look forward and take precautions, and Phoenix is ​​the courage after the sudden attack.

During this period, as one of the main characters, Chen Taizhong always runs through the whole text. It is he keenly felt the danger. It was he who rejected all opinions and boldly took the lead in using the infrared thermometer. He turned around at the gate of Beichong. gone.

As a cadre who grew up as a phoenix, he heard that his hometown was attacked. The young mayor of Beichong immediately supported two thousand infrared thermometers, worth 10 million yuan, and came back voluntarily to assist Mayor Wu Yan in the fight. .

As for the ten million, Phoenix is ​​going to give money, and it was taken directly by reporter Liu with a chūnqiu writing technique-originally, even if you give money, people can deliver the goods in time, which is also called support.

This report is not over yet. Liu Xiaoli has always had a hobby of follow-up reports on large-scale sensitive topics, so she said that there will be new reports tomorrow, such as confirmed cases in Phoenix, suspected cases and the number of people in isolation. This newspaper broadcasts daily Data-It must be emphasized that this was approved by Wu Yan, the deputy mayor of Phoenix.

Of course, the necessary tidbits are also necessary. Reporter Liu wrote at the end of the article, "Want to know why you turned a corner at the gate of Beichong? I will tell you tomorrow..."

As soon as this article was broadcast, it evoked a huge response in Tiannan. It was terrible. It was known to ordinary people. But how terrible it is and how to prevent it, everyone has heard from it. However, in the general media, it is very There are few specific and detailed introductions—reporting such things requires huge risks.

But Liu Xiaoli has a lot of first-hand material, so she is not afraid to write it. She has Chen Taizhong as the backing. As long as she doesn't write randomly, she doesn't have to worry about others making trouble.

Not to mention that due to Wu Yan’s strong takeover, and Chen Taizhong’s strong support, the spread of Phoenix was obviously curbed. For the top level of Tiannan Province, this is also a good thing. It is inconvenient for the official media to say more. Social media think Report, that also depends on it.

It is especially worth mentioning that the pen of reporter Da Liu is really unambiguous. In an article, he not only praised people, but also wrote things, but also wrote wittyly. From this report, the people of Tiannan have learned not only Related knowledge and feel the story xìng-science and technology entertainment, is king.

That day’s "Tiannan Commercial Daily" was therefore out of stock-everybody should learn the preventive measures.

The next day, "Tiannan Commercial Daily" printed 100,000 copies, but it continued to be out of stock, because reporter Liu's "turning around in Beichong" greatly catered to the audience's appetite.

Regardless of the emotions, nationalism, low self-esteem, or old-style Chinese imperialism, or even dissatisfaction with the super-national treatment of foreigners in China...In short, ordinary people see the United States. I was almost locked up by the people of Beichong, and finally had to leave Beichong in a desperate manner. Everyone felt that this story was simply great, too deflated-let you bomb our embassy again, let you hit us again Airplanes, there are always people in China who do not eat yours.

It is especially rare that the protagonist of the story, the mayor of Beichong District, is a person from Phoenix and a person from Tiannan——Fuck. Where is the honor of Beichong? It is our Tiannan people who are officials in Beichong.

At the end of the article, Liu Xiaoli pointed out with regret that the American Oguanhai paid a great price for this because of his arrogance. This person is currently being treated at a hospital in Beijing and is far from life-threatening if he listened to persuasion. , Why is this?

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