Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4210: Someone grabs the goods

Chen Taizhong is a face-loving person, and Ma Yingshi is also a face-loving person.

Most of the time, the so-called face refers to public image. As for the truth, it doesn't really matter, it just needs to be known by some small circles-most people just know it and don't know why.

This is the case today. If Chen Taizhong didn’t punch the consignor with two punches, no matter how annoyed Chen Taizhong would be, as long as Ma Yingshi walked the related favors, it would be a big thing and a small thing - the people would never know what happened. what.

But if his people took action, this contradiction could not be concealed. Even if he was willing to admit defeat, Chen Taizhong would lose face, and the man who beat him later would not accept the related deal behind the scenes. .

The common people don’t look at what’s happening behind the scenes, they only look at who is better than who, and Ma Gongzi’s fall is a solid fall. Even if he finds it from behind the scenes, he still has no face in front of him. Everyone says it’s Ma Yingshi. Can't beat Chen Taizhong.

So what happened today, in the final analysis, was that his people acted too arrogantly. Of course, he also knew that a few jǐng investigations were for his benefit and to stifle the signs of danger, but after all... it was a bit past.

Facing his crack, Xiao Dong was calm and calm. He stretched out his hands and said, "I won't take this handcuff, so I will take it back to the Phoenix...There is always a place for reason in the world."

Chen Taizhong didn't intend to watch them quarrel, he walked to Wang Yuanyuan, "This truck will be delivered to Tiannan. After a while, you will execute the contract with the owner and take the provincial road to ensure delivery of the goods out of Hengbei."

Ma Yingshi was on the side and heard these words clearly. He had a heart attack, but the three people around him fainted. Knowing that the guy was muddled, he couldn't say much, and he didn't have the face to wait. He turned around with a cold snort. gone.

His father's affairs are important, but after eating such a big deflation today, he doesn't want to stay any longer, which makes people laugh.

However, he couldn’t tell his father about this kind of thing. One was that the matter was too small and the dignified bureau committee could not come up with such a trivial matter. One was that he had a problem with what he did. People just passed.

Sooner or later, Ma Yingshi was looking for it back. Ma Yingshi was secretly secretive, but how to find it... He currently has no mature plan-Chen Taizhong's ballast is not so easy to find.

As for making a fuss on the land of the Bayi Auditorium? Don't be funny, leaving aside the factors of Sun Shuying and others, this matter is one yard of things, one is the question of making money, the other is the dispute of spirit, and should not be confused.

At a very young age, Ma Lao San knew that there can be arrogant disputes on small matters. When doing big things, you must put your personal emotions aside. Let alone three people being beaten, even if those three people are disabled, they will have their own opinions.

A project of 7.8 billion yuan can't be affected because of this little thing-it's not as shameful as to be unclear.

Seriously, he doubted whether Chen Taizhong would link these two things, although he was not afraid of doing so by the surname Chen.

However, after going to the hospital, the results of the three examinations were not optimistic, and they were not far from the disability.

Three stomped hands were crushed and broken, and two of them had broken ribs, especially the young man who only took Chen Taizhong's punch. Two broken ribs and three fractured bones. The doctor who examined him asked directly—this is a broken bone. Did the car crash?

This kind of injury, let alone in Beichong, even the Yangzhou hospital cannot guarantee that it can be dealt with without any consequences. Therefore, after a simple debridement of the wound, Ma Yingshi adjusted an Iveco as soon as possible. The three were sent to Chaotian.

The three jǐng chasers were very dissatisfied, and they vowed to find someone to retaliate after returning to Chaotian. The jǐng chasing of the provincial government could not fight any cat or dog.

But President Ma said that if this matter is resolved by official means, I am afraid that it is not appropriate-he is really telling the truth: the conflict between you and Chen Taizhong can only be regarded as personal grievances, and the crime of attacking jǐng is not necessary. , But if you want to pursue him for deliberate injury, that's fine.

But in fact, if you don’t count assault, it’s hard to get Chen Taizhong from the crime of intentional injury alone—just like the problems that District Chief Chen faced when arresting other cadres, the identity of that cadre is a headache. Layer protection umbrella.

Not to mention that Chen is not an ordinary miscellaneous cadre. The administrative staff is on the right track and the zhèngfǔ leader in Beichong District, who wants to engage such a cadre, a crime of intentional harm is not enough.

Not to mention that Bei Chong has made remarkable achievements in economic development under his leadership. The effectiveness of the recent fight is also praised by everyone. Such a popular fried chicken is difficult to defeat even if it is used for wind problems.

However, President Ma didn't want to calm down the situation. He implicitly hinted that you have any unconventional methods, just let it go, I will give you something if something happens.

The Iveco car galloped away, but Ma Yingshi was still unable to leave. He only transported 3,500 infrared thermometers, and 1,500 more, and temporarily placed them in the warehouse in Beichong.

When Mr. Ma came, he only brought a draft of one million and two or three hundred thousand in cash. With such a small amount of money, he wanted to take all the goods away—the deposit was not needed.

But Chen Taizhong said that this is not appropriate, I can keep the goods for you, when you have money, when will you come to pick up the goods-this is all the treatment that others don't have. If you change to another province, who will tell you what to keep? goods?

Later, after negotiation between the two parties, President Ma borrowed another two million from someone else, and three million picked up two thousand units, plus 1,500 temporarily detained, and collected 3,500 units and shipped them back. .

Beichong said that the remaining 1,500 units were not allowed to be taken away. The remaining 11 million yuan must be settled before the goods were taken. You must know that the goods were taken by the province. Yes, and Beichong is only the next county. After all the goods are taken away, it is not easy to ask the province for money.

Ma Yingshi knew that he was very stiff with Chen Taizhong this time. He was afraid that there would be some accident on the 1,500, so he could not follow Chaotian. The money would arrive tomorrow morning, so he would wait another night. .

But he didn't want to stay in Beichong anymore, so he looked for a hotel in Yangzhou. There were more people in Yangzhou who wanted to play with the secretary of the horse. When he showed off, many people came to visit.

Among these people, there are a few unambiguous masters. When it comes to things on the ground in Yangzhou, they are all in a big deal. If you have any instructions, please just ask.

Ma Yingshi didn’t tell them anything about Beichong, so he listened to them and listened, seeing that the meal was about to be reached, and everyone said where to eat. His attendant hurriedly came over, low. The sound whispered in his ear.

This is too much! After Mr. Ma listened, the flames rose up. The deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Office who had been staying in Beichong discovered that Beichong was going to use the 1,500 thermometers left to the province.

Fortunately, this deputy director is more dedicated. As he is, it is impossible to guard the scene, but it is okay to find a few people to help stare at it. So when Bei Chong moved here, he knew.

He was originally at the isolation point to see how Bei Chong isolates and observes the patient. After hearing the news, he rushed to the warehouse to stop him. As a result, the people in Bei Chong said: There are too many people asking for goods, and you can’t get the money tonight. It can't be left in the province.

The deputy director was immediately furious. He pointed out: This is not a question of whether you stay or not. It is a matter of expropriation from the province. Ordinarily, if you don't give you money, I can take it first. Don't treat our reasonableness as weakness.

In fact, this is reserved for Haijiao. The people of Beichong are not afraid of this. When they promised to give it to the province, we received a lot of complaints. Now that the province has no sincerity to buy it, we will sell it to the province. Horned.

In fact, the deputy director also knows that Beichong's actions were revenge for the incident in the afternoon, but Ma Yingshi's refusal to pay the remaining money over was the fuse that triggered the incident.

So he called and informed Ma Yingshi-you have to get the money quickly, or Bei Chong would give Haijiao the 1,500 thermometers.

How could this be? Ma always feels that this matter has developed so strangely, Chen Taizhong, you won't give up if you get a bargain?

Call to find out, he confirmed that the ten million yuan will not arrive this evening, so he raised his hand and called Sun Shuying. You tell Chen Taizhong, what is this famous?

"Chen Taizhong has an infrared thermometer on his hand?" Sister Sun asked in surprise over there after listening.

"Yes, you just pretend that I didn't say it." Ma Yingshi hung up the phone without thinking about it. He thought of the addition of a strong competitor. He took a look at everyone present, "I almost got the money right now. , Twelve million...who can take it out?"

Twelve million! Everyone here, look at me and I will look at you. All of you here are very unambiguous masters in Yangzhou, but 12 What is this kidding? The bank is off work!

Let alone Yangzhou, a poor and backward place, there is no real big money. Even if this kind of thing is put on the billionaires, it is still a big problem. Which company will be spared and put more than 10 million. Cash around?

However, there is a trade boss who is quite unambiguous, "I have a total of six million yuan in order on a few cards. Let's gather together...Can you swipe the card?"

"How could it be possible to spend such a large amount of cash in that broken place in Bei Chong?" Ma Yingshi was really annoying and annoying, and then he frowned, "Who can guarantee Chen Taizhong this 12 million?"

The crowd was silent for a moment. These people were very unambiguous in Yangzhou, but when they heard the words "Chen Taizhong", no one was willing to answer the question, even if it was Secretary Ma's son.

Seriously, even Secretary Ma’s son was forced into this situation and had to borrow money. Who would dare to stroke that man Chen’s beard lightly?

"It's very loud, it's actually like this," Ma Yingshi sighed disappointedly, and raised his hand to call Chen Taizhong. The next moment, a reminder sounded from the phone, "The phone you dialed is turned off..." (To be continued.)

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