Official Immortal

Chapter 579: Thanks Chen Ke

Do you want to ask me about the work of the armed police? Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded. .

     However, since Wang Hongwei asked, he had to vent a little bit of resentment, \"I’m not easy to say about this, but Wang Ju, Xia Ma Township, there are not only desperadoes, but some locals are also very restless."

    \"I know this better than you," I don’t know why, and if I don’t call Chen Taizhong, Wang Hongwei always feels a bit empty and unreliable, but when he hears Chen Taizhong's words, he feels uncomfortable again.

     This is of course influenced by the rumors of Chen's \"consistently correct", and Director Wang really can't stand his small behavior, \"The Yinping Division has avoided this action except for a few backbones."

\"Well, that's good," Chen Taizhong was looking for a private room, while replying, \"Anyway, I heard that there is an old secretary named Du in Xia Ma Township, who seems to be able to make trouble, get him out of work or work in the government. It will be much easier."

     The old secretary surnamed Du, Wang Hongwei remembered these six words silently. Although Chen Taizhong was vague, he finally had a clear goal. Then, this guy must not let it go!

     As for Guan Qiao in the meantime, Director Wang didn't want to think about it. The more you know about Chen Taizhong, the more troublesome it becomes. That is purely a troublesome basket.

Chen Taizhong found the private room, and just sat down to say hello to the Jing family brothers and sisters and Xing Jianzhong, Xiao Ji also walked in-he is in charge of the tar plant project, which is not surprising, but it is strange that he actually followed behind An Daozhong.

It turned out that Andozhong was really interested in the carbon plant project. After Linhe Aluminum's 100,000-ton electrolytic aluminum project is launched, the carbon plant may also start the second phase of the project. How can he not let him go seriously? treat?

     waited for Director An to hear Xiao Ji said that the tar processing plant was doing technical appraisal and applying for high-tech projects, so he had the idea of ​​learning. Isn't this carbon factory a high-tech enterprise?

However, when it comes to the Science and Technology Commission, Chen Taizhong can't laugh or cry, \"This, Lao An. If you want to do it, I can let Xiao Ji and Xiao Zhu cooperate with you. Your project will be in charge of Xiao Zhu in the future... I don't want to deal with those people anymore."

    \"My project has been reported to high-tech?" Xing Jianzhong was very confident in his project, but when he heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he glanced at Jing Ziling without a trace. The smile on Wang M’s face grew thicker.

    \"Hehe, I don’t know what level was rated?"

    \"The rating depends on how much you can spend," Xiaoji explained quietly, \"As long as it is not so backward, it is easy to discuss, it is not possible. Technical transformation can also be rated."

Ordinarily, Xing Jianzhong is his client. He shouldn't be such a blow. However, his family background is better, his appearance is handsome, he has had a double-digit girlfriend, and his brain is very active. Something, already very experienced. Jing Ziling and Chen Taizhong met. I always have to start entangled like this. It seems to be a natural couple, but in the eyes of Xiaoji, I can feel that these two appreciate each other very much.

     How about that sentence? It's not that the enemy doesn't meet each other, Jing Ziling has never been harsh to others - strictly speaking, the genius girl does not seem to put others in his eyes, only likes to compete with Chen Taizhong, and Chen Section Chief is also uncharacteristically, and has repeatedly tolerated this little girl Temper. That **** character is not seen at all.

     Xiaoji knows that his section chief knows many beautiful women, but in his opinion, this one should be the most beautiful among many beautiful women.

     is the case, then he can't tolerate Xing Jianzhong's okay to Jing Ziling. I said you don't think you have some skills. It's a sweet pastry, it's better to behave better. Don't use any brains on your partners-it is not good for the project to become dirty, and you cannot afford to provoke Chen Ke's responsibility.

\"Oh, is it like this?" Xing Jianzhong was obviously hit hard by this stick, and the Ruoruuowu's pride on his face disappeared immediately, but the beauty is currently, he still has to try to maintain his image,\" Is this the same for Mr. Jing, Su Bo?"

    \"I’m not sure about this," Jing Junwei smiled and shook his head.\"But I can be sure that the situation in Beijing is better."

Xing Jianzhong asked this question, but Chen Taizhong was furious. I rely on it, my buddy is working hard to help you run errands. The second department of business will help you pay for gifts for the Science and Technology Commission. Want to transfer the project to Subo?

    \"Subo, maybe it will be better," he replied with a smile, \"Haha, but...Subo has a lot of officials and yamen."

That's what      said, but his heart is fierce, such a big momentum has been created, if your kid dares to run, hum, then don't blame the buddy... what's that.

     Xing Jianzhong was a little confused when he heard this. He looked at Chen Taizhong in amazement, \"Chief Chen, you mean that the procedures will be very cumbersome to run there, right?"

     To be technical is to be technical. Xing Jianzhong's professional level is good, but he is much worse when dealing with people. He is also a master with insufficient emotional intelligence. Not only did he not reflect the smell of gunpowder in Chen Taizhong's words, but he could actually ask such questions.

     I said, did you talk like that? An Daozhong couldn't see it anymore and interrupted with a grin.\"Gong Xing, you are right, but the problem is not only here. You said that if a company is invested by three parties, it is technology, capital and government, who do you think? Will have the greatest say?"

Xing Jianzhong fell into deep thought for a while, and it took him a long time to react. He nodded silently, and when he looked up at Chen Taizhong, there was already a trace of respect in his eyes.\"Understood, I really understand. Thank you Chen Ke for your care... …I am definitely working on this project in Phoenix. If I don’t attack others, I will attack you Chen Ke."

He is not good at dealing with people, but he is not stupid. An Daozhong's words really woke him up: You are a bit technical, and you are proud of it, but in detail, it is very nonsense if you don't have funds and contacts. When the factory is put into production, the investor is really good. If you want to vacate you, you are vacant. In these days, speaking depends on strength, technology... that can only be regarded as soft power.

    Soft power...Is that power that is soft?

Of course, compared with government officials, businessmen with a little money in their hands are scumbags. With his lonely turtle identity, Xing Jianzhong, if he can't do well in those officials with long sleeves and dance well, when the factory benefits, maybe he will The foundation was taken away by others.

     Yes, if he wants to develop a good business, he must first find a good backer.

Xing Jianzhong thinks this way, of course it is a bit too much, but it cannot be said that this situation does not exist. People who have no vision must have close worries. The "Holiday Hotel" incident that Chen Taizhong experienced personally is a living example. Liu Zhiwei's Xin The seizure of the Sheng Aluminum Factory is even more bare.

Therefore, for many investors, when investing in a project, the quality of the project must be given priority, but the local investment environment is also a top priority. Otherwise, as a high-strength billionaire, how can it be? Because a small \"Taizhong Library" cut the ribbon, I made up my mind to invest in Phoenix?

     Boss Gao has taken a fancy to Chen's forces behind him! With the help of such a capable friend, investment can be guaranteed, and it is also very convenient to expand new businesses and new projects.

As far as Xing Jianzhong is concerned, it is only now that he has not realized that the investor Chen Taizhong is looking for is from the capital and will not interfere too much in the affairs of the factory, and the local cooperation of Phoenix City has not interfered much in the periphery. Jing Junwei's status as a Jingshang can make Phoenix City people a little jealous.

     is also the only way to guarantee his management right over the factory. This is a great favor.

     Of course, when the factory is up and running, after a few years, Xing Jianzhong's own power will rise, and then he won't have to worry about But right now, it's his weakest time.

     With this kind of enlightenment and enlightenment, Xing Jianzhong immediately converged a lot. He has a bit of skill, and he can't be arrogant. However, he did not expect that there are so many twists and turns in Kechang Chen's stomach? People just went for their political achievements.

     Some of his considerations were overkill, but he knew that An Daozhong was also a government official. Since people can raise such a topic, it must be possible.

     Let’s mix in the Phoenix, Su’s a bit scary, I want to understand this joint, where can he have any thoughts of picking up girls? Qi Dafei.

     Even if you want to pursue Jing Ziling, you have to mix yourself up for a few years and then act again. Xing Jianzhong made up his mind that he couldn't afford to lose, really couldn't.

     Chen Taizhong was taken aback by his confession, and he said that this guy didn't intend to yell at me, right? However, he is not afraid of being shamed, so he shook his head with a smile, "Hehe, Xing Gong, you are too polite, creating a good investment environment is what we should do."

This Chief Chen, a good city, Xing Jianzhong smiled and nodded.This person is so young, he can actually speak so obscure, but now he can beat me again while pretending that he doesn't know. His speech is indeed level.

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