Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Fire prevention and theft

Seeing that these two defended so tightly, Qiao Xiaoshu finally gave up his thoughts. [m]

Now Mayor Qiao needs to rely on the Science and Technology Commission for a lot of places. Chen is a famous dog face. He was anxious and refused to recognize him. Originally, he had the thought of "Shenggu is happy to lose", and there is nothing. If you have a heart to gain, you have already gained a lot, so you can only count on the meeting of the Science and Technology Commission.

The next topic is very nutritious. Later, Mayor Qiao actually asked about Chen Taizhong’s experience in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and finally shook his head regretfully.\"Tsk, many comrades responded that they couldn’t contact you at the time. what."

     Chen Taizhong was moved in his heart. He said that I had disappeared in Guangzhou for a day and night. In case Nick was not cautious enough to cause the incident, my buddy would be talked about by others, maybe there would be some trouble.

Thinking of this, he decided to lie again, smiled bitterly, and shook his head.\"Oh, don’t mention it, the luggage was stored at the Guangzhou Railway Station. I forgot to bring my ID card, so I said that I would turn around. I didn’t expect to be caught by the joint defense. I was sent to the asylum, fortunately... Fortunately, I finally escaped while they were not paying attention."

     There are a lot of tricks in the shelter, and many people don’t register if they get in. It’s not good to have money after registration, right? He said so, but it is a matter of unconvincing evidence-this method, buddies can use it frequently in the future.

    \"Oh?" The two Qi Qi expressed surprise. It took a long time for Qiu Zhaohui to smile wryly and shook his head.\"It's also because of you that you ran off so much that it would be terrible to change it to me."

    \"This system of detention and repatriation..." Qiao Xiaoshu also gave a wry smile and shook his head. The expression was quite disapproving, but Mayor Qiao is the mayor of a city, so he can't openly attack the national policy.

    \"When will we be able to issue temporary residence permits in Phoenix," Director Qiu said, naturally, he hopes Phoenix City will prosper, but the next sentence is a bit unreliable, \"Let’s also overcorrect!"

     The three of them arrived at around three o'clock in the afternoon and around four o'clock in the afternoon. Qiao Xiaoshu answered the phone. A friend from afar went home. Mayor Qiao was still waiting to refuse, but Chen Taizhong and Qiu Zhaohui drove him away. \"Mayor Xiaoshu, we have the opportunity to report to work. Seriously, we will receive first. good friend."

     Qiao Xiaoshu hesitated for a while, and finally left. Before leaving, don’t forget to remind me, \"The work of the fund starts first, I will definitely support you..."

    \"I see. He hopes that we absolutely support him." Seeing him go. Qiu Zhaohui snorted. Smiling and complaining to Chen Taizhong.

    \"啧. Another wave..." Chen Taizhong sighed. The heart said that anyone knows. Dude and Lao Qiu looked like they were having fun. But he abruptly topped another mayor? \"I want to do something. It's really not easy."

    \"That is. He actually wants to borrow money from us." Qiu Zhaohui shook his head and sighed. Quite a little bit dumbfounded. \"Bullying me is a three-year-old kid? Borrow money to the city. Isn’t that meat buns and dogs? More buns can be counted-but the problem is that our Science and Technology Commission is still eating wotou."\"In the future, we have to keep a low profile. By the way, Lao Qiu. This confidentiality system should be strengthened. I think it is necessary to attend a meeting." Chen Taizhong didn't have much thoughts to complain. He is used to living nervously in Phoenix. Thoughts fell into work again.

     is the ground. Do it. It can be guaranteed that he will be less disturbed when he is at leisure. \"Relevant data. Not only can't be known by the science and technology committee outside. The income can't be transparent. No matter how I can beg, I can't hold back more wolves and less meat."

    \"Well. It makes sense. I strongly support it." Qiu Zhaohui smiled and nodded. \"It is necessary to pay attention to this issue... fire prevention, theft prevention, and journalist prevention."

    \"I think it is the mayor of fire prevention and theft prevention." Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile. "Come and touch the nails one by one. None of them have enough. One after another."

\"Where is the advantage, you don't have to be so angry." Director Qiu comforted him, \"Mayor Qiao is not bad, and he is our mayor in charge, so it is normal to be a little careful...Everyone is the same, too poor long time."

     At the end, he laughed instead.

    \"I also want to work in a large and bright office building," Chen Taizhong said in grief, \"It is best to have a sauna in the lounge,   it saves money to open a one is coming."

\"Yes, yes," Qiu Zhaohui nodded again and again, and the building of the building must have nothing to do with him. Not only does it have nothing to do with Wen Hai, the old enemy Wen Hai is still responsible. Anyway, even if Chen Taizhong let him be responsible, his innovation What about the fund? Who cares?

     Therefore, Director Qiu did not hesitate to express his support for Director Chen, \"Even if we ignore the ideas of the people below, once the building is erected, it will definitely attract people's attention. This matter should be slowed down."

\"You said we have always been like this, okay?" Chen Taizhong thought on a whim, another idea, \"Lao Qiu, by then our science and technology committee will become famous, others will come to see, ah... such a difficult office environment, Created such a big benefit..."

     Having said this, he didn't say anything. He glanced at Qiu Zhaohui diagonally with a smile, and his pride was beyond words.

\"This... is not so good, the taste of the show is too strong," Qiu Zhaohui pondered, and decided to tell the truth. He shook his head and looked at Chen Taizhong.\"When we have money and improve everyone's quality of life, Whatever needs to be improved is improved..."

\"Too loyal, I take the liberty to say, I understand your desire to be motivated-I still want to be motivated, but this kind of behavior is unconventional, it doesn't matter if you use it once or twice, remember: you can go up to the mountain and meet the tiger. The right path of officialdom follows the trend."

\"This is reasonable, huh," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, but he was quite disapproving in his heart. If you can't figure out the consequences of being unconventional, of course you will feel that it is not a good thing-without those unconventional, buddies can become the youngest in the country Is it located?

     However, the director Qiu really wants to be good for him, and he also said that he is very serious, he can naturally hear this, \"Haha, I thought it was you who were reluctant to touch your fund’s income."

\"You talk like this, but it is not conducive to the unity of our Science and Technology Commission." Qiu Zhaohui also knew that he was joking, smiled and patted his shoulder, but the next moment he talked about something else, \" By the way, this three thousand Ten thousand pounds, when will it arrive?"

    \"I will remind you for a while, maybe it will take a while," Chen Taizhong sighed, \"If I can't make it, I'll have to go to Europe... Well, I can't be free."

     Qiu Zhaohui felt that the money was still early, and he became entangled in his heart, and pondered, "Too loyal, this Guangming Group money, there is nothing to do?"

    \"The money is coming soon," Chen Taizhong is still a little confident in Zhi Guangming, \"But I am really useful."

\"How much money is there and where is it used?" Qiu Zhaohui's question was a bit overwhelming, but it is messy to care, besides, he also knows that Chen Taizhong really doesn't care much-if he really cares, Who will speak out if his brain is flooded?

\"One more than one billion, go to my friend's account," Chen Taizhong really didn't care about this problem, but he would definitely not explain the purpose of the money, and just do it when the money is available. If you don't believe it, who dares to crook mouth.

    \"More than one billion...into your friend's account?" Qiu Zhaohui stared at him dumbfounded, and unconsciously clicked, \"Bang Dang", the poor stainless steel tea cup fell to the ground for the second time.

\"You don’t dare to say it casually," Director Qiu didn’t even bother to pick up the cup, and looked around nervously-although there was no one in the private room, he sighed, \"Too loyal, you have to control Good thing about your mouth, it's going to happen badly."

    \"The big thing about the fart," Chen Taizhong snorted and didn't care at all. \"I hope that some people will jump out and make waves, they will die miserably."

    \"Do you really... have such a certainty?" Qiu Zhaohui said heartily, this is the Chen Taizhong I know, but he still stared at the other person's eyes, \"Isn't it bragging?"

\"Lao Qiu, we have known each other for a few months, and we have dealt with something together. Do you think I am the braggart?" Chen Taizhong looked at him frankly,\" But this matter, you There is no need to tell others, our Science and Technology Commission has finally made a living."

     When he said so, he was really overwhelmed by the cumbersome things in front of him, and he realized that it is not worthwhile.

    \"That is," Qiu Zhaohui smiled and nodded, but in his heart he calculated that if Chen Taizhong was willing to be blackmailed, how could he be a vice-provincial cadre?

     may be Mengyi or Du Yi. Realizing this problem, Director Qiu immediately became excited.

Since he managed the 20 million yuan, he has been working hard in the meantime, and I really don’t want to mention it. In the month when Chen Taizhong was absent, countless people wrote hello, relatives and friends, and related leaders. Director Qiu, who has been jumping up and down for many years, has been At the beginning, Qiu Zhaohui still enjoyed this feeling. It is always a good thing to be the focus of everyone’s attention. However, with some heavyweights He gradually discovered that this target was not so good.

    , especially Guo Yu, put too much pressure on him. I have found someone to help Zhongguancun Street, and I have also asked someone to talk about supervision. The pressure on Director Qiu here is needless to say.

In the end, he had to sacrifice the banner of Chen Taizhong to resist a lot of pressure, even if he surrendered himself, he would not hesitate to say, \"The notes I approve must be reviewed by Director Chen. Everyone, I am a mess. You first communicate with Director Taizhong, will it be successful?"

     Don’t say, Chen Taizhong’s banner is really easy to use. At the very least, Director Chen was not in Phoenix at the time, so it took a while for others to find someone, right?

     Of course, some people have spoken insult to Director Qiu because of this. For example, the people of Mayor Guo said a lot of ugly things, which made Qiu Zhaohui care about it, not care about it, and don't mention how angry it is.

     If I take advantage of this, if I are two people, I wonder if I can succeed? Director Qiu immediately thought about it. He is also a human and has his own emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, right?

     Three shifts arrived, and the outbreak broke out for the 25th consecutive day. Ask for a monthly pass. )

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