Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1:

State-owned enterprises are ultimately state-owned enterprises. Although some people say that the institutions are bloated, overstaffed, and inefficient, there is one thing that everyone has to admit that these "national brands" that have witnessed the growth of the Republic and participated in the process of its development still have A lot of technical background.

Phoenix's "Chasing the Wind" bicycles sold pretty well when they bought bicycles in the 1970s and had a car number. After entering the 1990s, seeing that one day is not as good as one day, Li Tianfeng, the production plant manager, was also anxious and wondered. Started an electric moped.

However, the factory manager at that time only cared about his own money, and the factory was going from bad to worse, although he also wanted to support Li Tianfeng in researching new products-the factory is better, isn't he more able to continue to make money from it? Perseverance is really powerless, so after more than a year of research and development, but only a prototype car.

What makes people laugh is that this prototype is not an electric moped, but a gasoline moped. It is a bicycle with a fuel tank and a small motive. When you want to pedal, you can pedal twice. If you don't want to pedal or encounter a big uphill, you can go up as soon as you turn the accelerator. .

At that time, this gasoline moped was also popular in some markets, but that was because major cities began to ban motorcycles one after another. This product appeared as a side ball for people with related needs. It didn’t take long because of pollution. Severely squeezed out of the market-to be a digression, it is precisely because of the lessons learned from gasoline mopeds that the directors of the Science and Technology Commission have such a cautious attitude when talking about electric mopeds.

However, Director Li was thinking about keeping up with this trend, and without even thinking about it, he came up with a prototype of a gasoline moped. When the prototype came out, the cities had already begun to block this thing gradually.

But it's okay. When the bicycle factory was researching it, it was known that this thing was a game of speculation, so when it was designed. The spare model of electric assist was also considered.

You know, from bicycles to mopeds, there are many things that need to be broken through, which can be called a leap. But going from gasoline assist to electric assist is much simpler. Can be included in the scope of transformation.

Because of this, although this electric moped is only a pattern, Li Tianfeng is confident that it will soon be able to produce a finished product, because the factory still had considerable technical strength when it was engaged in research. It is again by him to preside, so. He believes that this design does not require major changes.

"Oh, that's it," Chen Taizhong laughed, and shook his head nonchalantly. "You can hand over this drawing to Director Liang. He is technical. /*\\"

"He can't bear that responsibility, you are the leader of the Science and Technology Commission," Li Tianfeng heard. Can't help but yell. There is obvious unrest in his eyes, though. His voice was so loud that anyone in the distance couldn't help turning his head.

When he said this, Director Li even had tears in his eyes, "Do you know? How difficult it is for me to keep these drawings? Some private owners are looking for someone to buy them, and they are willing to pay one hundred thousand... one hundred thousand, you know. Do not?"

One hundred thousand? Chen Taizhong sneered inwardly. One hundred thousand is also called money? Please, what you said is a bit of a harm to harmony, can it be done quietly?

"My son got married because I couldn't collect the 20,000 yuan gift. The marriage was blown. My son now doesn't recognize me as my father." Li Tianfeng's voice was indeed low, but his words were even more sad. "He knows me. There is this blueprint, but I know that this blueprint can keep the ignition seeds in the factory...people always have hope, don't you think Director Chen?"

Alas, your brain is not enough, you know how to keep the fire? Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. One hundred thousand, just one hundred thousand, was not enough for him to buy Lei Lei the Fukang Shenlong, so he made a dignified factory director entangled like this.

On Thursday afternoon, Chen Jie was thinking about the shortcomings of the information he prepared at the governor's office meeting tomorrow, but he suddenly received a call from Duan Weihua, feeling a bit puzzled.

Strictly speaking, her situation is similar to Duan Weihua. She is the kind of master who has some people behind, but is basically out of date. Of course, although Duan Weihua is a department-level cadre, she is in charge of a city and has little room for improvement. Saying no, she has no chance of rising.

However, there are many cadres in this situation. The two have dealt with each other, but it is also generally speaking. Governor Chen belongs to the kind of person who does not stretch out his hands indiscriminately, and his personality is similar to Cai Li. I won’t call Guo Yu directly—Although it’s just a recommendation, it’s a bit too much to say hello to Duan Weimin. It’s more appropriate to look for Mayor Guo.

So she called Duan Weihuaneng, which was a little strange. After the two made a few words, Mayor Duan said that the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is about to hold a middle-level cadre meeting, and I don’t know if Governor Chen has time. Come down and give pointers.

Too much deception! This is Chen Jie's first reaction, good fellow, don't we have that friendship? You directly called and asked me to participate in a middle-level cadre meeting of a division-level unit?

However, this anger was only a momentary matter. She pondered for a moment. Duan Weihua did things, which was notoriously stable. Tiannan Province has only 13 cities and cities like Phoenix, second only to Subo. Governor Chen is right. The situation of the team there is not unfamiliar. *\\

Then she remembered again that the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission was also thriving, but Dong Xianglin said that the group had no leadership.

Duan Weihua is trying to help me agree? Want the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission to bypass the Provincial Science and Technology Commission and contact me directly? This is because Governor Chen didn't think so. His tone was a little cold for a while, "There have been more things recently, and there may be no time. Mayor Duan, please tell Director Dong of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission."

The relationship between Chen Jie and Dong Xianglin was fair, and it was normal. They were all in Subo, and I saw them without looking up, so her refusal was normal.

"The Provincial Science and Technology Commission did not report to you?" Duan Weihua's voice on the phone was slightly surprised. "The National Science and Technology Commission is coming to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission for inspection. This meeting is also a mobilization meeting..."

National Science and Technology Commission inspection? Chen Jie was taken aback at that moment. She really didn't know about this. How could Dong Xianglin make things difficult for the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission in private, so how dare he report to his governor in charge?

of course. This statement came from Duan Weihua, the mayor of the city. Governor Chen has no reason not to believe it, and moreover. The Phoenix Science and Technology Commission now has a little bit of reputation, and it is not impossible to invite the National Science and Technology Commission to investigate. Thinking of this, she was a little angry for a while. Dong Xianglin, where did you put me as the governor in charge? I don't know how to sue me for such a big thing.

However, anyway. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission is her place. No matter how angry Governor Chen is, he can’t say anything in front of an outsider Duan Weihua, “Oh, I’ve been busy recently. Maybe I didn’t pay attention to this news in the past two days... what's the specific situation? ?"

"Haha," Duan Weihua chuckled lightly. After a pause, he said, "Phoenix Science and Technology Commission also learned this news from others, but I called the State Science and Technology Commission to ask, and there is something to be said... Now I will report the information first. What is certain is that, Director Tao of the Office of Innovation System Construction will definitely come."

Duan Weihua paused in his words, that was also particular, he laughed and fell silent for a while, and I told you how I smiled.

Tell me about it. Chen Jie understood. The Phoenix Science and Technology Commission had no news from the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, so Duan Weihua went to the National Science and Technology Commission to implement it. \\/*/\\This Dong Xianglin has no sense of the overall situation, right?

But again, this is Governor Chen's site, isn't it? She can't blame Duan Weihua for holding on to the people below, but she must defend her own people, "Oh, this...I understand."

After she said this, she realized that Duan Weihua’s laughter was a bit harsh: This guy is laughing at my inability to control it, right? Dong Xianglin, this make me ashamed in front of a mayor.

"This meeting was originally held on Wednesday, but the comrades in the Science and Technology Commission got the news on Monday." Duan Weihua coughed. Although his speech was mediocre, Chen Jie's heartache was struck by the words and sentences. "I have done the work, and they are willing to postpone it. Let’s see if Governor Chen can come and give guidance."

It's really naked. The Phoenix Science and Technology Commission knew the news on Monday. How could Dong Xianglin's Provincial Science and Technology Commission know no later than Monday. It's Thursday afternoon. You Governor Chen didn't even know the news?

But Governor Chen can’t get angry yet. People have postponed the meeting. They just want to respect the leadership. Of course, the department’s respect, Chen Jie doesn’t care too much, but compared with the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, this attitude is just one. The sky is underground.

Moreover, the meaning of Duan Weihua’s words is also clear. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission is so fucking, I, the mayor, certainly won’t agree, but Governor Chen, you may be deceived-yes, we are not the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, but it’s pretty good. Respect the governor in charge.

To put it bluntly, the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has made achievements, and the Provincial Science and Technology Commission does not have to worry about it. We have prepared a pair of chopsticks for Governor Chen. If you want to come, just pick up two chopsticks.

The face is given by others, but lost by herself... Chen Jieyuan is not strong, so she has a very thorough understanding of this, and she is in charge of the Science and Technology Commission. She also knows what the Innovation System Construction Office does. In other places, it is a place where policies and regulations are engaged, and Director Tao is the director. If he is willing to come down and inspect, it means that this phoenix is ​​destined to spread its wings and fly!

Regrettably, she did not play any role in it. At this time, the Phoenix group can still think of themselves, which is to show that there is nothing wrong with it. Strictly speaking, people have to care about it, and she will inevitably accompany the inspection. Will be said lukewarmly.

Of course, she is not afraid of the trivial words that will not hurt her, but since she has achieved this step, since she has no intention to move forward, she will show the respect of individuals. Yes, face is very important.

A city-level science and technology committee who had never dealt with, gave her face, and the provincial science and technology committee, who is under the nose every day, is deceiving the top and the bottom. Thinking of this, Chen Jie really doesn't feel good, Duan Weihua, you are not so direct. Will Guan Dao Wujiang die?

She was a little lost thinking about it, and she didn't speak for a long time, and suddenly heard someone in the receiver "puff puff" twice, followed by Duan Weihua's voice, "Hello? Governor Chen, are you listening?"

One thousand one hundred and twenty-one chapters and another meeting

Chen Jie heard that Duan Weihua was so troublesome. It was far from being as stable as the legend, and she couldn't help but smile again. Mayor Duan is not a frivolous person. It's impossible for him to be born in such a young person. . \\*

This is just a suggestion from Duan Weihua. As for what he wanted to suggest, Chen Jie couldn't understand it for a while. But anyway, she clearly heard the anger of a mayor: Look at the Provincial Science and Technology Commission in charge of the province... We can be regarded as giving you a lot of face, right?

"Who is there?" Chen Jie didn't want to think about this problem anymore, so she could only divert the topic.

"The main party and government leaders in the city must attend the meeting." Duan Weihua bit the word "main" a little bit harder, Governor Chen, what, I don't want to put pressure on you. But Zhang Yaodong will also go.

The municipal party committee and the municipal government join forces? Chen Jie felt more and more uncomfortable, the pressure was really great. "When will this open?"

"It is estimated that it will be next week," Duan Weihua replied lightly. "If Governor Chen doesn't have time, we will arrange it until Tuesday."

"I'm afraid I can answer you on Monday," Chen Jie laughed. The tone was lightened a lot, she never felt it. This kind of normal catering can bring so much satisfaction to myself, "I'm really sorry, Mayor Wei Hua."

After putting down the phone, the smile on Chen Jie's face slowly solidified. She raised her hand to dial her secretary's phone, her voice was frighteningly cold, "Notify Dong Xianglin, let him come over. Right now!"

The secretary rarely heard the leader so angry. He hurriedly agreed, thinking about what Dong Xianglin did. I faintly heard Governor Chen sigh in the receiver, "It's broken, doesn't it have to go twice?"

I heard that the meeting will be postponed to the next week, and the Science Committee and the gang are almost rehearsing, and the four directors will put everyone on the sheep, "Come back next week...wait for the notice."

However, most of the cadres from these counties and districts are not reconciled to return. Although the four directors have already issued the "password," Li Jian cannot tell the news that he is about to improve, but he doesn't know how. The news of the commission's expansion of the leadership is still known to everyone. \\//*/

What's more, we all know that this time we will expand five deputy positions, five ah...If it is one or two, then five, if it is a regular department, you dare to think about it, right?

"This must be from the guys in the city," Wen Hai looked at Chen Taizhong distressedly, and took out his mobile phone. "Look, I turned it off."

"I turned off too," Qiu Zhaohui was also there. He really had nowhere to hide. He hid in the Huadu Hotel near Dream City, but unexpectedly ran into Chen Taizhong, who arranged the room for Shen Zhiwei. Small.

"Which machine is it off?" Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, and stabbed his finger to the ceiling by the way, "Let them look for it, we can't be the master, do you think?"

Said that he turned and left, leaving only Qiu Zhaohui and Wen Hai looking at each other. For a long time, the two nodded and turned on their phones at the same time, "Yes, why don't you let them find the city?" There are still three deputy positions. Instead of making outsiders cheaper, let other people find the city. These days, there are fish and shrimp paths. If someone can take the position, isn't it also under the Science and Technology Commission?

Qiu Zhaohui thinks farther, the atmosphere of respecting teachers and teaching in the Science and Technology Commission is still a bit strong. This is also a common occurrence in places where cultural people gather. There are really not many outliers like Dong Xianglin, so there are really people in the system If you come up, then the previous four directors can still be more respected.

This time, Shen Zhiwei came to Phoenix to do business. Because he caught the case of four people who made money and killed him, he naturally found Liu Wangnan, put a banner of "Courageous Action" for Liu Hall, and asked to see Director Chen by the way.

Although Chen Taizhong didn't want to accept this love, Director Shen was very on the road, and he was very happy when he agreed on the day. Afterwards, he also knew that he would send a banner and a venue for mixed officials. Isn't it just a matter of face?

"Director Chen, I want to give Mr. Liu a place to be brave and righteous." Director Shen will also come, "Do you think appropriate?"

The old bustard and coal mine brave enough to be a good citizen? Although Chen Taizhong knew that he was polite, he didn't expect to be so polite. He really couldn't understand what happened these days.

However, since people have the intention, he can't stop him, right? He couldn't laugh and shook his head, "This, should I commend the local mine guard? Mr. Liu doesn't seem to have much to do with this matter... Isn't this also something that Shen Zhiwei is in your jurisdiction? Shen Zhiwei is most worried about. It is Chen Taizhong who is unwilling to let his concubine be exposed. There are really a lot of flattering horses on the legs these years. Hearing what the other party says, he must try to fight for it. "That's also President Liu's hatred of hatred and good leadership? "

Of course he understands that it is also important to add glory to the jurisdiction, but that is performance. But having said that, I really want to talk about performance from the upper ranks, or there are talents behind them that can help. Isn't it better to rely on Chen Taizhong?

Good leadership? Chen Taizhong just wanted to laugh. Liu Wangnan now guesses that he can't even find the mine, but people bluntly give credit. He can push a push, it is too hypocritical, so he nodded with a smile, "Thank you for sinking the game."

Regarding the exposure of Liu Wangnan's identity, he really didn't care about his current identity anyway. I'm not afraid of others attacking with style issues, and. Because he arranged for laid-off female workers to "employ", he also fought for the city's top ten young people. Of course, being the main coal mine can also be a model citizen.

In these years, the underworld has been whitewashed, isn't it also possible to get into the CPPCC? Can you mix in the unwashed...Huh? Looking for Xiaoji to find a way to get Liu Wangnan a member of the CPPCC to do it?

To put it bluntly, this CPPCC member is just a layer of protective umbrella. He is thinking about it, but Director Shen said it again. "Director Chen. This weekend, I don't know that Wang Ju is okay... Let's say it in front of him. Isn't it better?"

"Hey, don't talk about it," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and shook his head. Wang Hongwei understands his own affairs too well, and that person doesn't rub the sand very much in his eyes. Even if he agrees to this matter, he thinks he will have to. Furious, "It's okay to sit with Wang Ju, don't mention it

"Success, I won't mention it," Shen Zhiwei meant, and it was nothing more than a suit with Secretary Wang. By the way, he hinted to Wang Hongwei through Chen Taizhong: Look at Wang Ju, I have cleared up the past with Director Chen.

"But what should I mention?" He scratched his head a little. "Reporting work?"

"No, I have a topic," Chen Taizhong took out his cell phone and said in his heart that Li Tianfeng's favor was placed in front of Wang Hongwei. By the way, he could learn more about that person's situation.

Xiao Tao was a little dizzy when he looked at the phone number. Because of the personnel arrangements of the anti-corruption bureau to be established, Wang Ju had a headache all afternoon. Now it is this call again, "Secretary Wang...Taizhong Chen's call."

"Tsk," Wang Hongwei heard those three words, closed his eyes in pain, clenched his teeth, and knocked his temples on the edge of his palms for a long time, "Okay, first ask him how big things are...what? Eat? No! Wait a minute... Call me..."

At the same moment, the mayor of Tongde City, Zang Hua, was looking at the list of participants, and suddenly found that there was a name on the list that was a bit familiar, "Chen Taizhong...not coming, is Ding Xiaoning?"

"Yes," Sun Tianren, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, came to report. Han Xudong, secretary-general of the municipal government, is a native of Zhao Xicai. He will definitely not be pleased by Zang Hua. However, Zhao Xicai is now the mayor of the provincial capital. It was Mengyi, and Mayor Zang wouldn't be too obvious even if he didn't like it.

Han Xudong and Zhao Xi are not in the same line, and he didn't have much power before. Now the new mayor takes office very quickly. For this kind of person, Mayor Zang still has to focus on pulling, so Deputy Secretary-General Han presided over the preparations for the meeting.

"Who wants to invite Chen Taizhong?" Zang Hua frowned immediately, "Who drafted this list?"

Mayor Zang also had an impression of Chen Taizhong. In fact, he had an impression of Ding Xiaoning. He was not very close to Du Yi. The promotion of Governor Du was due to another cause and effect. It is precisely because of this that he is very Pay attention to collecting information about people related to Governor Du, and work hard to build yourself into a **** Du submitted by various agencies and reviewed by several people in the General Office." Han Xudong District Deputy Office still The unwilling kind, a little ignorant of these two names, it is inevitable, "Is there any problem? "

"It's okay," Zang Hua thought about it carefully. It was really okay. He was thinking about who this person is and who it is. Can this work be carried out yet? Moreover, looking at Chen Taizhong's specific performance, it is justifiable to invite this person to come.

Of course, it is normal for Chen Taizhong not to come, so he has to avoid suspicion. Anyway, if Na Ding Xiaoning can come, it is considered to have given Tongde face, and this young deputy office does things with his own rules.

"I can go back and check it," Han Xudong stammered and explained, his face was a little red, "but...the people at the general office better recognize Secretary-General Sun."

Your abilities are really a problem. Don't do things well. The instigation is so obvious. Zang Hua glanced at him and looked a little contemptuous in his heart. However, right now he has no one to use? At the very least, Han Xudong had a strong taste of surrender.

"Just ask," he smiled and shook his head, "but... remember not to spread the news."

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