Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 8:

After buying back dV. He was so dying that he was hit by Nangong Mao Mao again, and the boss of Nangong looked at the two young people who were sticking together. Finally smirked and shook his head, "Too faithful. Don't be too crazy."

"Tsk, you guy. There is just a problem with your thinking," Chen Taizhong's face sank. Carrying a hand bag and pointing his finger at the other person, "Why do I worry about that thing under the crotch all day? I bought it for Mayor Joe's land."

"Don't talk to me," Nangong Maomao smiled and leaned forward, then looked around and muttered again. "Ma Xiaoya is quite familiar with this stuff. Would you like her to assist in the shooting?"

"Forget it. Haha," Chen Taizhong couldn't blind him. He stopped pretending and shook his head with a smile. He rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and said, "I heard that those people are playing crazy, I'm...a bit cleanse."

"Ma Xiaoya is more regular," see him without denying. Nangong Maomao smiled strangely. The voice was suppressed lower, "Her eyes are very high. She has been with Yu all day. Even if she has a job, Yu Yu is crazy."

Chatted a few more words. Only Chen Taizhong knew. Ma Xiaoya is also unfortunate. Although only 27 this year, her husband died in a car accident two years ago. After being drunk, he drove an Audi after chasing the tail of the truck and flew away.

Her father-in-law is a local tobacco and alcohol consignment, so there is a way. Also dabbled in the underworld. However, Ma Xiaoya's family is also unambiguous. Her uncle was the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city. Although it is now back. But protecting Ma Xiaoya still has no problem at all.

Even Ma Xiaoya's previous anchor job was the way her uncle found. and so. Her husband also knew that this widow was too young to hold on, and simply ignored her.

She is widowed. There is someone in the station who has the means to stare at her, like this. If she is not careful about the consequences, she does not want to agree. Just this time. There is an admirer who has been in love with her for many years, and offered two million packages for her a year. Ma Xiaoya was simply disheartened and stopped working in Taiwan-in fact, her relationship is in the province below. Coming to Beijing is just a secondment.

Now Ma Xiaoya is following Mr. Yu and mixing well. After the man had wrapped her for a year, he wanted to do it again. The price reached 3 million, but Ma Xiaoya refused to agree.

"That girl, Xiao Ya. It's really more regular. A few months ago, I heard that I had a relationship with an Australian Chinese. In the end it didn't happen," Nangong Mao Mao looked at him and spread his hands. "Apart from this, I really haven't heard of who she has anything to do with, but I know she is interested in you."

"Nangong..." Chen Taizhong stopped talking for a long time before shook his head with a smile, "How do do I feel like you are pimping?"

"I used to work by pimping. There is demand above and below. We thread needles in the middle. What is it instead of pimping?" Nangong Maomao laughed mockingly. Look at him again, "I just heard that you are a little clean. I think of me 20 years ago. If you are not happy, just treat me as if I didn't say...I really helped free."

"Wait, I'll ask Elizabeth. Is this always okay?" Chen Taizhong was touched by his attitude. In fact, he also knew that "I can play with my sister-in-law. I can't play with a bitch." Ma Xiaoya does not have him. So unbearable as imagined. And rash refusal would make Nangong Mao Mao feel shameless, so he wanted to agree.

To his surprise. Elizabeth is very interested in this suggestion. She believes that when the two are happy to shoot by themselves, it is a bit easy to affect the mood and rhythm, and the scene cannot be changed at will. It is really a little flawed.

If outsiders help to shoot, then this problem will not exist, and it can better retain the beautiful moments when the two people collide with each other, especially when the shooting location is not a man. It's that she has had a two-sided fate - she has a good impression of Ma Xiaoya.

Chen Taizhong relayed her opinion to Nangong Maomao, and did not forget to shrug his shoulders helplessly, "I think I am now. I am becoming more and more obscene. I always feel that this is not a good thing."

"This kind of obscenity. Will it affect you?" Nangong Mao Mao coldly snorted. There was a bit of disdain in his eyes. "It's not that I said you. Too are still too awkward. I have seen ugly places. It is much more than you think. What is this? With your current ability and connections, this is still a matter Are you?"

Chen Taizhong thought about it carefully. He smiled and shook his head, "It's really nothing. It's hard for ordinary people to take me down with this..."

This is the truth, the truth. Nangong Maomao is right at all, if there are no other factors. It is really too difficult for others to take him down. Although he is only a deputy. But this kind of thing that is a killer for ordinary division-level cadres, there is really no possibility of overwhelming him.

At most. He will lose power in the future. It was rectified. This kind of obscene behavior will become one of his countless crimes—of course, it may be his most heinous one in the propaganda.

But the gap between truth and propaganda often takes light years to calculate, thinking about this. Chen Taizhong couldn't help sighing secretly: It seems that this is true, and he has reached a certain level and influence as an official. Secular morality and even law. To them, farts are not.

just now. The buddy has some qualifications for "no fart". For a while, he doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

However, Chen is not a master of the past. Now that it's settled, it's time to start shooting. then. At more than eleven o'clock in the night. Ma Xiaoya quietly appeared in the hotel, but Mr. Yu did not see where he was going. According to her, Mr. Yu was going to participate in a film opening ceremony tonight.

Ma Xiaoya did not come empty-handed, she brought in two suitcases. The waiter helped Chen Taizhong to push the trolley into the room, and when the waiter went out, she opened it Shishiran. In the original two boxes, there are various spotlights, brackets and white cloth used to reflect the ground.

"It's a bit...too formal, isn't it?" Chen Taizhong looked back at his foreign female companion in shock. Elizabeth swallowed, "Professional. As expected, professional..."

"Okay, let's talk about the price," Ma Xiaoya didn't want to hear them talking in bird language, she was busy installing on the side, and didn't mean to ask someone to help. "Director Chen. I'm not talking about the Pulitzer Prize anymore, anyway, I took this job today. Half of it is for curiosity...can't give it too low."

Chen Taizhong also scratched his head a bit. He only said that Ma Xiaoya was dedicated to preparing. He didn't expect that she didn't even think about Shuangfei. He just wanted to see his process of conquering exotic beauties. "Isha. She asked us the price... This is the place you asked her to come."

"First... you are not allowed to turn on the lights, that affects the fun. When we start to invest. You turn on the lights," he listened to Elizabeth whispering while translating on the spot, "Also. We are naked, you are wearing clothes, It's not fair, so you have to take off your clothes... well. I said Miss Ma, don't stare at me, this is what she said."

Ma Xiaoya offered a price of 200,000 yuan, and Chen Taizhong added 500,000 yuan to her without even thinking about it. "As long as Yisha is happy, a little money is nothing. But you have to take off your clothes. You can't keep your socks."

"I don't want more than 200,000...but. Wait for you to take it off first, can I take it off again?" The woman got bold. In fact, it is much bolder than men imagined. this is not? Ma Xiaoya would actually bargain like this-in fact, she was going to take pictures of others, and it was impossible for her to be mentally prepared.

Then it goes without saying, under the dim light. Chen Taizhong first kissed Elizabeth so dimly. After he got emotional, of course he didn't think too much about the thoughts of the people next to him, and began to fight with real swords. Especially Elizabeth thought that there were people watching the battle, witnessing her happiness. This stimulation really made her rush to the top again and again with ease.

I don't know how long it took. After Elizabeth screamed desperately, she finally lost her voice. Yes, she was so excited today. The army was defeated early, only to lie there panting.

But Chen Taizhong hasn't, so what? I can't help but look for the photographer, but Ma Xiaoya didn't know when she was completely stripped off-the two of them were not in the mood to ask her to fulfill the appointment.

Is the ground. She took her own initiative, and now she has a dV in her hand. The body was shaking, and the surrounding spotlights shone from all angles, which could be clearly seen in the dazzling light. The fluid produced by the leakage between her legs has already flowed to the crook of her legs, and the hair between her legs and the thighs are full of shiny dew and water marks. The reflected ground is not only light, but also naked.

"It's your turn," Chen Taizhong stretched out his hand to greet her, but his tone was categorically unwilling to refuse, "borrow it for use. She'll be relieved in a while."

" are too big," Ma Xiaoya said incoherently. Stretching his neck and swallowing, the dV on his hand was involuntarily put down, "I...I'm afraid I can't stand it."

Elizabeth was lying languidly. Hearing the conversation between the two of them, she shook her for no reason. She hugged him tightly with her hands and feet, "I'm You are mine."

in fact. She didn't know what those two said, but women at this moment are extremely sensitive, not to mention that this kind of thing is human nature, and the expression of the eyes and the tone are enough to explain the problem, the language or something, it is In the second place.

The same is true. This theorem has also been fulfilled in Ma Xiaoya. She doesn't know what Elizabeth is talking about, but she understands that people have already stated: I don't welcome you to share my man!

"That... I can't blame me," she chuckled, then picked up the dV. Just her voice. It's hoarse...

The next day, although Nangong Mao Mao still went to bed very late. But it was an early morning, and he was really curious about what happened to Chen Taizhong's room-one night. That room is unusually quiet. Did not hear the French woman's place.

of course. He didn't know that Chen Taizhong sounded the room around this time, but he didn't want to be disturbed. Dude, this is the first time to be an actress.

After eight o'clock, he saw that Ma Xiaoya had two dark circles coming out of her eyes. I couldn't help yawning continuously, and I couldn't help being a little surprised. "No. Are you so bad?"

"What is the loss?" Ma Xiaoya glared at him. But he looked weakly, "I said, brother, don't do this kind of errand for me in the future? Is it really hard to earn these twenty."

"Isn't it. Taizhong is really so powerful?" Nangong Maomao opened his mouth in surprise, "Can Shuangfei make you like this?"

"You're just flying, my old lady is a photographer!" Although Ma Xiaoya was sluggish, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Then he smiled bitterly, "That Chen Taizhong is not a human being, and he hasn't stopped all night. Fortunately, it is the French woman. I don't know how many times I have died after changing it."

"Uh," Nangong Maomao covered his mouth in surprise, although this action is unavoidable. But it's definitely not the kind of doing errands casually, "meaning you held dV all night?"

"I'm going to lie down all night, and I won't be so tired?" Ma Xiaoya shrugged helplessly, but she was wondering in her heart. I'm going to be attacked by that peerless weapon all night...Forget it, don't think about it. "I'll drink some soy milk first, I'm thirsty..."

The water in her body. The loss is indeed a bit severe...

Strictly speaking, the battle actually ended at around three in the morning. Elizabeth still didn't want to sleep, so Chen Taizhong directly threw her a stupor. Then the three of them slept on their own.

and so. The two got up at nine o'clock in the morning, and Chen Taizhong agreed to take her to Xiangshan today to see the sky. Although it was a little overcast, he didn't care. If he could climb Fragrant Mountain in the rain, wouldn't he have some fun?

Elizabeth slept well. But this evening she was really too excited. So the whole person looks good. But it still gives people a feeling of being strong and overdrawn.

The buddies are getting more and more absurd. Chen Taizhong looked at her like this. But I remembered the absurdity of this night. To be honest. He never dreamed that he would accept being watched when and when, really, it was impossible or impossible to think about it when he left it before.

But it was early this morning. This scene actually happened. Although a little inexplicable, it was natural and natural, and I recalled it carefully until now. Then I asked myself in amazement: How degenerate am I?

With the change of status, people will really change. At this moment, he really deeply understood the meaning of this sentence, human and earth. They are indeed proud. You want to cleanse yourself and stick to the moral bottom line. But there are always people who consciously or unconsciously make all kinds of temptations to you.

This guy Nangong. There is indeed a way to pull people into the water. Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head: You have to guard against this guy in the future, or you might be sold and help the money.

The two wandered around Xiangshan for a long time. Lunch is also bought casually. Listening to Chen Taizhong's explanation all the way. Elizabeth also regretted that she came too early. If she came a month later, she would be able to see the red forest all over the mountains.

"But. Without you, what's the point of the Manshan Red?" Unconsciously. Xiao Nizi thought of the separation she was about to face again. Can't help but stretch out his feet. Kicked hard at a small stone.

"Ah," someone screamed in front of him, but he was hit somewhere by the stone. Turned his head back and cursed. Chen Taizhong was taken aback. Just about to say something, Elizabeth tugged at his hand, "Run."

Ok. Run fast. Chen Taizhong saw it, and the stone hit a beer belly middle-aged man among the people in front. Look at the stars holding the moon. It is probably some kind of person, my buddy is here to relax. It's not the fault.

Fortunately, to climb the mountain. Elizabeth changed her travel shoes, not to mention Chen Taizhong, as long as he was willing, he would run extremely fast on stilts.

In a blink of an eye. The two of them ran away like the wind. It has been running for more than a mile. Then he stopped and looked at each other. He burst into laughter out of breath. It's the kind of pleasure like doing a prank as a kid.

The laughter stopped for a long time. Elizabeth raised her bushy eyebrows and shrugged with regret, "Happy time. It's always short."

Chen Taizhong didn't know how to answer this. Suddenly feeling a shock on his face, he stretched out his hand and looked up at the hazy sky. "Oh, it's raining..."

Elizabeth didn't dress much, and the two could not find their way down the mountain. When they got to the ground in front of the car, they were almost soaked with lichens.

Raising his hand to turn on the warm air, Santana drove to the hotel and changed his clothes. Chen Taizhong received a call from Qiao Xiaoshudi. Mayor Qiao has arrived in Beijing.

Dinner was still quite lively. Nangong Mao Mao invited Yin Jinghua, Ma Xiaoya, Su Wenxin and Chen Taizhong the last time he met Li Kai, a tall man. what is interesting is. Gao Yunfeng also mixed in.

Add Mayor Joe and his secretary, together with Elizabeth. The big table for ten people sits all over the floor. Don't look down on the Nangong Maomao Hotel. That's really a bit of fun. Needless to say, wild boar and baby fish, only the lamb in Shangdi. They are all first-class premium products.

Mayor Qiao said that he did not eat lamb, and Ma Xiaoya explained to him with a smile, "This lamb is not mutated at all. Lamb is fed with scallions. It is generally not eaten in Beijing."

When cooking mutton, put green onion and **** somewhere to get rid of the smell. The scallion is a kind of weed that looks like a scallion, but it is not a wild onion. If the sheep grow up eating this stuff. Not only does it have no fishy smell. There is also a unique fragrance in the meat.

"That's going to be a taste," Mayor Qiao looked at Ma Xiaoya. Smiled and stretched out his chopsticks. of course. Everyone drank local wine, and that was Chen Taizhong's possession-even the remaining bottles were ordered by Nangong Mao Mao.

After drinking for a while, Qiao Xiaoshu had a spectrum in his heart. Dare to love these people are all a little bit shy in the capital. Just as Chen Taizhong expected. Mayor Joe was really impressed by his public relations capabilities.

Especially important. He found that these people were polite to him, it seemed that it was only for the sake of face, but Xiao Chen was mixed up like a fish in the water. The attitude of those people may not be considered respectful. But definitely considered passionate.

What puzzled Mayor Qiao the most was the foreign beauty next to Chen Taizhong, as long as she was a person. That woman is Chen Taizhong's wharf, what is terrible. The two didn't shy away from others at all—at least this Elizabeth didn't shy away from others.

Always be arrogant and young, be steady, he was a little emotional for a while. Too loyal, you have done things a bit too far, but here is Beijing, no one can save you, you are young. Such a great future. Why don't you know how to cherish it?

of course. It is impossible for him to say this at the wine table. Mayor Xiaoshu is still very organized. I couldn't say that I was joking and joking with everyone on the inspection road. I said that after the meal, I will find a chance to hint to Xiao Chen.

But he knows this. In the eyes of others, it is not worth mentioning. He is good at climbing books, and he is also the mayor of the following cities. Say something consciously new, but others have already seen it.

At first, others saw Chen Taizhong's face, but they could still hear a few sentences. After that, everyone said their own things. It is also very lively.

Qiao Xiaoshu felt a little unsure, so please tell Chen Taizhong more. But now that they are very busy, I want to say a few words to this. When I met that one, I finally realized faintly: Don't this guy is putting my face down, right?

But again, don’t you want to lose face? Yes, but you have to have that weight, right? Among the group of people present, Ma Xiaoya has the worst net worth. It is also four or five million. Others are above tens of millions. Although Mayor Qiao was dissatisfied, he had to admit: these people are all unambiguous.

Originally, he heard that Ma Xiaoya used to be a female anchor of China Television. It's not bad to look at the little girl, and he said to laugh with one's own literary talent or good status. Later, I dismissed the idea, UU read and forget it. This is not a place I can afford to play.

and so. This meal Chen Taizhong’s goal was basically achieved, but Mayor Qiao’s private concern still made him a little depressed, “I said too loyal, this Elizabeth... you have to pay attention to the influence.”

"But if you don't play like this, you can't get into this*," he can only bite the bullet and break, in front of his own mayor in charge, he can't say "I don't think this can affect me", right? It's not a good thing to be too crazy.

"What kind of people are they, Mayor Xiaoshu, you have also seen...they have a lot of energy anyway. If they hadn't helped out, I really couldn't hire a deputy minister."

"A vice minister is coming to Phoenix?" Qiao Xiaoshu's attention was immediately diverted. In fact, Chen Taizhong's explanation was reasonable. So he immediately followed up on the topic, "Which deputy minister is it?"

This sentence. I really asked Chen Taizhong, coughing, and he smiled awkwardly, "The person who said this won't let me inquire. I don't know if there is anything in it."

of course. There must be said inside. However, Chen's words have always been half-truths, so I hope it will not arouse the suspicion of Mayor Xiaoshu.

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