Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 158 The Birth of the Doomsday Remnant Soul

Meng Chao's smile gradually froze.

In the depths of his brain, there are indeed two souls living there.

One is my eighteen-year-old self, who is in full bloom, full of vigor, impulsive, persistent, innocent, with a little sense of justice, and believes that good things are happening—in short, he is no different from his peers.

The other is the return of the doomsday, the remnant soul of the rest of the battle.

Think about it carefully, what kind of mental state would you have at the moment when Dragon City was destroyed?

In decades of increasingly cruel and bleak wars, although he has honed his superb killing skills, he has lost everything, his family, his homeland, and his future...

How could such a soul still be as passionate, bright, and innocent as when he was eighteen years old?

When he was reborn, because the cerebral cortex was very immature, the remnant soul of the doomsday was suppressed by his eighteen-year-old self.

With the awakening of extraordinary power, spiritual energy continues to impact the brain, and the remnant soul of Doom gradually wakes up. While releasing rich combat experience and auxiliary skills, it also brings Doom's habits, thinking patterns and instinctive reactions.

There was one thing that Meng Chao had subconsciously ignored in the past few months.

As a "third-rate master", how did I struggle all the way to survive to the end?

So many peerless masters with outstanding strength have fallen, why didn't he die?

And lurking, infiltrating, poisoning, assassinating, setting traps, extorting confessions by torture... so many extremely brutal skills that are as natural as breathing, under what circumstances and at what price did they learn them?

From the soul of an eighteen-year-old hot-blooded youth to the doomed soul crawling out of hell, what has he lost and what has he gained?

Human beings will always deliberately beautify memories.

For those memories that cannot be beautified, simply cover or even erase them.

It's like my mother can't remember anything related to the X-eye in the mysterious hospital.

I also seem to have forgotten how to change from an ordinary person ridiculed by the night witch as a "cumbersome" to a "third-rate master" who can struggle all the way to the end.

My neck hurts.

It was as if blood was spurting out.

Can't breathe anymore.

Meng Chao swallowed hard, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his neck, but he didn't know why he did it.

Luo Hai didn't notice that his face was wrong, and he was still chattering: "Honestly, I can accept everything else, including you squatting in the bushes to ambush your classmates, which is barely a normal fighting mode, except that you cut your throat Lian, even if it's fake, it's too... crazy, it's just creepy!

"I not only regard you as a friend, but also as a one-in-a-million partner. We want to join hands to conquer the world, and we must pay attention to personal image and commercial value, you know?

"For example, you became the image spokesperson of Ben Lei Dao. The packaging, publicity, navy, etc. are all very lively. At this time, the actions you made against Duan Lian were revealed by your competitors— — Cut your throat! What do you make people think?

"I don't understand. Even if Duan Lian is difficult to deal with, is there really no more suitable way, must be so cruel?"


Meng Chao held his throat, his eyes dazed and confused, and asked himself in his heart, why did he choose to cut his throat without thinking?

Accompanied by a sharp pain in the throat, a fragment of past life memory that had been neglected all the time suddenly burst into a strong blood light.

Countless blood shot out, dragging his consciousness into the abyss of his previous life.

Meng Chao seemed to have fallen in a nightmare for a long time.

In the end, he fell hard into a smelly mud.

Both Luo Hai and the training room disappeared.

Instead, there is a dark swamp in a strangely shaped dense forest.

Meng Chao found himself ambushing here with a group of cold-eyed, lifeless soldiers.

Everyone took off their camouflage uniforms, took off their firearms and daggers, and put on a lifelike leather case made of monster materials. They transformed into half-human, half-beast, hideous and ugly.

Then, on the lumpy cyan leather sheath, she continued to wear armor made of animal bones and bronze, and picked up a very rough cold weapon inlaid with crystals at random.

The human soldiers opened their mouths, inlaid with sharp false teeth.

Then use a kind of chalky paint to smear on the beast-like faces to draw skeleton-like faces one by one.

"This is……"

Meng Chao's mouth was dry, and he realized that he recalled a military operation he had participated in in his previous life.

He turned his head and used a high-powered telescope to observe a village not far away outside the jungle.

This is a village full of fairy tales and magic styles without too many high-tech and modern industrial colors.

The village is surrounded by piranhas and poisonous vines, forming simple walls.

There is also a huge screaming fungus like a parasol, which is a kind of intelligent fungus with extremely sensitive perception. After getting used to the breath of the owner, as long as a stranger approaches, it will release spores in a hurry and make a scream-like sound.

Through the wall, one could vaguely see the villagers busy.

The villagers here are slender humanoids with pointed ears.

The skin is blood red, and it is covered with dense, gorgeous patterns like spirit patterns.

The smoke is curling up from the kitchen, the fireworks in the world, the busyness of the adults, and the laughter of the children are like withdrawing from human beings.

Meng Chao saw the three children playing and playing all the way, and ran out of the village.

They took turns extending their four-fingered hands into the flower buds of the piranha, and pulled them out like lightning before the buds shrunk violently.

This is a boring and silly game only for kids.

"Don't speak the language of the earth, and don't use the weapons of the earth."

A low voice came from behind Meng Chao, "Do you understand if you don't leave one?"

Meng Chao turned around and saw an exceptionally tall, half-human, half-animal monster with a deformed skull painted on its face.

Or rather, earthlings disguised as monsters.

He was chewing something in his mouth, his breath was heavy and smelly.

"Instructor, there are children." Meng Chao heard himself say.

The instructor with a foul mouth slowly approached, and the white skull squeezed out a ferocious smile: "99, are you crazy or blind, there are no children there, only cubs of alien creatures, and we have killed so many cubs before. Monster cubs, no difference."

Meng Chao heard himself hesitantly saying, "But..."

"No but!"

The instructor with a stinky mouth squeezed his shoulders heavily, with such strength that he almost crushed his shoulder blades, "99, in the training camp, you are the one I admire very much, whether you are talented in marksmanship or evolved from harvesting Delicate knife skills, even at your age, can be called a miracle.

"However, your character is too weak.

"Put away your outdated humanity, think about how many difficulties and crises Dragon City is facing now, how many compatriots may live or die because of our actions!

"Remember, even if you become a despicable cockroach, a brutal demon, or a cold machine, as long as the fire of earth civilization can continue, everything is worth it!"

Meng Chao heard himself say dryly, "I, I understand."

"Really, 99?"

The instructor with a stinky mouth smiled, put a mace studded with monster teeth into his hand, patted his shoulder and said, "Then, later, you will deal with those three aliens with your own hands. Cubs of world creatures, right? Then, you can leave the training camp and get stronger power!"

Meng Chao visibly trembled when he saw his hand holding the mace.

"I..." He was speechless.

"Why, it can't be done?" The instructor with a foul mouth frowned.

"I don't know, instructor, I, I may not be ready yet." Meng Chao heard himself say weakly.

"Are you not ready yet? That's right, everyone else in the training camp started training from a young age, only you joined in the middle. You are too old, and your mind is full of things that hinder you from becoming stronger. It is human nature to be unprepared." Common sense."

The instructor with a stinky mouth patted him on the shoulder lightly, with a regretful, even understanding tone.

But in the next second, his palm brushed across Meng Chao's throat, "Then you are useless, go to hell!"

Meng Chao stared, his throat hurt sharply, his blood flowed wildly, and he fell limp on the ground.

One after another, human soldiers disguised as monsters and covering their faces with skull patterns stepped over him.

He was like a ball with a hole in it, he lost all his strength in an instant, he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't see the wound on his neck, he could only hear the sound of blood "sizzling" and felt the expanding sticky A pool of blood, feeling the rapid passing of life.

The feeling of falling into death inch by inch, like being swallowed by a dark swamp, even if it was just a memory, still corroded his nerves like acid, making him want to scream, but he couldn't make a sound.

The instructor with a foul mouth squatted down and stared at him intently.

"In the next life, no matter what I say, there is only one answer, 'Yes, instructor, yes!'."

He gently patted Meng Chao's cheek with his bloody deformed palm, "Remember the standard answer, 99."

Meng Chao remembered.

The instructor strode away.

"Say it again, don't speak Earth language!"

Soon, where Meng Chao couldn't see, the screaming fungus started screaming.

Meng Chao screamed, waiting for death to come.

The darkness overwhelmed him, and he passed through the darkness, returning from memory to reality.

He found himself curled up in a corner, still clutching his throat, his arms and chest were covered with nosebleeds.

The cold sweat that hadn't flowed in the fierce battle just now had already soaked his clothes.

"Meng Chao, what's going on!"

Luo Hai was dumbfounded, wanted to help, but couldn't do anything, and didn't dare to disturb him. Seeing that he opened his eyes again and seemed to regain consciousness, he said, "You don't go crazy, do you?"


Meng Chao took a deep breath, feeling like a drowning person who sank into a deep pool for a few minutes before being rescued.

No wonder, past life memories must be gradually unlocked.

The impact of this memory just now was too strong, too terrifying.

If he had unlocked it a few months ago when he was still an ordinary person, he would have burned his brain straight away.

Even now...

Meng Chao clutched his hot brain, still immersed in the great shock.

"So, I used the 'fake throat-cut' trick on Duan Lian because I tasted it in a secret training camp and left a deep impression on it?

"What have I, Dragon City, and the entire civilization in my previous life become in order to survive?"

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