Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 162 Extreme Current Opens the Situation

Meng Chao was silent for a moment, shook his head lightly, and sighed.

"Student Zhou Yun, the monster doesn't care if you are male or female." He sat back with a wry smile.

"Meng Chao, you are such a man!"

Xie Feng leaned over and said in a low voice, "However, is it worth it to be punished for this kind of thing? I heard that even the dean was alarmed. If it wasn't for his old man's efforts to protect you, it would be more than just a simple 'report of criticism'. Maybe he will stay in school for probation or even persuade him to quit!"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes, thought for a long time, nodded slowly, and said firmly, "It's worth it."

"Huh?" Xie Feng was stunned, "You really have no intention of repenting!"

"If with my help, Zhou Yun and more female students can be more vigilant when sleeping from now on, don't be sneaked by people or monsters to the bedside in the middle of the night and still sleep soundly. Their battlefield The chances of survival are greatly improved."

Meng Chao said indifferently, "In order to save the lives of more female students, to allow more future strong women to grow up safely, and to create a bright future for Dragon City, even if they are punished with 'reporting criticism' or even 'staying on probation' Even if I am misunderstood by the girls, jealous by the boys, reprimanded by the teachers, or even taken away by the police uncle, I will have no regrets, and I will be content with it!"

Xie Feng took a deep breath, and after a long pause, he said, "Meng Chao, I can't tell the difference between your sinister and vicious methods, or your face that is stronger than a monster's carapace. Which one is more admirable!"

"I've already died once...during the undergraduate combat test."

Meng Chao smiled, "Faceless or something, does it make sense to someone like me who came back from hell?"

"Shameless enough, I like it!"

Xie Feng secretly gave him a thumbs up, and then lowered his voice, "Speaking of which, how did you do it? You should know that Zhou Yun's dormitory is on the fourteenth floor, and the whole building is monitored. There are also senior school girls living there, and even teachers on duty. They are all elites of the martial arts department, and their vigilance is higher than ordinary people.

"I... have a classmate who can't figure it out. I really want to know more about your modus operandi. Can you introduce it?"

Meng Chao frowned: "Your classmate, isn't it my classmate? Who is that?"

Xie Feng scratched his head: "I'm wrong, it's not a classmate, it's a friend of mine, I really want to know more about your modus operandi, and criticize it!"

"I can tell you."

Meng Chao thought for a while and said, "But if you know how to do it, you can't do it in the same way, because you don't know how to limit flow, and if you don't have delicate control over your muscles, you can't move silently on the wall like a gecko, and you can't Drilling into the narrow and tortuous pipeline, it is even more impossible to accurately calculate the speed and angle of each monitoring probe, and flash past like a ghost; and without cultivation branches, if the sensitivity of the five senses is raised to the extreme, there is no way to perceive the woman. The breath of teachers and seniors, so as to avoid them and find the real target.

"Honestly speaking, this infiltration is indeed the proudest work of all I have learned in my life. It is ten times more difficult than infiltrating Duan Lian's single dormitory. You are quite smart."

"of course."

Xie Feng paused, and quickly defended, "It's not me, it's my friend!"

"Okay, it's your friend."

Meng Chao smiled and put his arms around Xie Feng's shoulders, "Does your friend want to learn extreme flow from me?"

Xie Feng: "Hmm..."

Meng Chao: "I know that your brother is an upright gentleman with noble sentiments and the most steadfast Beast Soul Ryu warrior. You certainly don't bother to learn such petty skills as Extreme Ryu, but you are loyal and willing to do anything for your friends! I Wouldn’t it be nice to teach you first, and then teach your friends after you have learned it?”

Xie Feng scratched his head with a troubled expression.

Suddenly, he noticed that Sun Ya not far away was staring at him and Meng Chao meaningfully.

Xie Feng trembled, and hurriedly moved his butt away from Meng Chao's side.

"So, you, oh, your friend, wanted to sneak into Sun Ya's dormitory...to learn martial arts with her?" Meng Chao was thoughtful.

Xie Feng blushed: "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, no, my friend is not, and it's not right, this..."

"Stop this and that, if you don't learn, I will!"

Duan Lian sat down between Meng Chao and Xie Feng, and said sincerely, "Student Meng Chao, after thinking about it for a long time after the lesson that day, I found that the limit flow does have merits and can effectively make up for the lack of the beast soul flow. Please teach me how to bypass the monitoring and sneak into the night with the wind, so that I can be vigilant and avoid being attacked by monsters. How much monster coins or other cultivation resources do you want? You can ask for a price!"


Xie Feng stared at Duan Lian dumbfounded, "I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also this kind of person?"

Meng Chao wanted to make up for the psychological damage caused to Duan Lian by cutting his throat that day, so he naturally agreed.

Then, he got up and walked over, and sat next to the girls headed by Sun Ya.

The gazes of Sun Ya, Zhou Yun and the other girls turned into sharp knives of vigilance, poking at him.

"What are you doing here again?" Zhou Yun frowned.

"Let me tell you an important piece of information."

Meng Chao turned his head and looked out of the porthole, not letting Duan Lian and Xie Feng on the opposite side see his mouth shape, "Nowadays there are some villains with ulterior motives in the society who want to use the limit flow to do some dirty, despicable and shameless things. , although you are warriors, you are also girls, you must know how to protect yourself."

"Learn the extreme flow with me. Only the extreme flow can deal with the extreme flow. Learn how to cultivate 1024 branches, and your perception will be greatly improved. Next time, if bad people in society want to sneak attack you at night, it will not be so easy to succeed.

"By the way, I can also teach you some methods of setting traps. If these bad guys in society really plan to do something wrong, you will definitely be able to teach them a deep lesson, and you will be overwhelmed with pain."


Sun Ya raised her hand, "Compared to learning Xtreme Flow, we are more interested in who else are these 'bad people in society' besides you?"

"I can't say." Meng Chao turned his head and stared at Xie Feng and Duan Lian who were opposite him.

Xie Feng didn't understand, and smiled at him and Sun Ya.

Meng Chao also smiled.

Sun Ya, Zhou Yun and the girls all narrowed their eyes.

"I can't tell everyone who else is in my gang, but I can only tell you that since I ate the 'notification of criticism', many boys have been filled with righteous indignation, like wolves and tigers, screaming to learn extreme flow from me, ruthlessly Criticize this insidious method of warfare."

Meng Chaoyu said earnestly, "In fact, tactics are like weapons. There is no distinction between good and evil, good and evil. Like me, I use extreme flow to fight for justice, contribute to society, benefit the public, and find a brighter future for Dragon City." , Therefore, I am also very worried that the extreme flow will fall into Xiaoxiao's hands and be used to misbehave and ruin the reputation of me, Teacher Gu, and the extreme flow.

"That's why I spare no effort to promote it, hoping that most girls can learn it, at least understand some theories first.

"If everyone is willing to learn extreme currents from me, I can also share with you how to be vigilant when camping, how to set up warning lines and defensive measures.

"The defense of the girls' dormitory in our school is really full of loopholes. I have at least seven ways to sneak in. If the field camp is of this level, I really don't know how to die!"

"hold on!"

Sun Ya raised her hand for the second time, "Last time you told the teacher that there were only three vulnerable routes in our girls' dormitory, and you pointed them all out. You made up for it and only got 'reported criticism'. Why do you say now, There are seven ways to sneak in?"

"Really, did I just say seven?"

Meng Chao waved his hand, "Don't pay attention to these details, what I'm discussing with you now is a matter of life and death!"

Sun Ya, Zhou Yun and the girls: "..."

Just as he was speaking, the pod shook slightly, and the armored airship had reached the sky above the destination, began to "hiss" and deflate, and landed slowly.

In the center of the Broken Star Lake area, there are countless lakes. Among them, there are two large lakes in the east and west. They are the largest and richest in resources. The people of Longcheng have set up two rolling camps here consisting of thousands of tents. Clear the two bases of operations in the entire lake area.

Among them, the East Lake Base is in charge of the "Alliance of Five Schools" of Agricultural University, University of Technology, University of Science and Technology, Medical University and Military Academy.

The West Lake base is in charge of Longcheng University.

From this, it can also be seen how powerful Longcheng University's dominance of the Big Mac is.

Although there are no doomsday beasts in the Broken Star Lake area, the water network is dense, the land is muddy, weeds are overgrown, and there are all kinds of highly poisonous and super corrosive snakes, insects, rats and ants. If ordinary soldiers enter rashly, it is very likely that they will suffer heavy damage.

As a result, the Red Dragon Army reserved this area for superhumans with strong individual combat capabilities. As for the human mechanized army, in addition to building and guarding the main artery from Dragon City to the Broken Star Lake area, it is deployed in Broken Star. Between the lake area and the tombstone jungle, build a fortress there, build a defense line, and prevent the high-level super beasts in the tombstone jungle and even the Raging Wave Mountains from jumping over the wall and rushing out, flooding the entire Fragmentary Star Lake area like a tide.

As the height of the armored airship continues to decrease, the students can clearly see the strong wind sweeping, the wind blowing the grass low, revealing countless transcendental spirit flames, fighting endlessly in the grass, as if monsters emerging from the ground to fight .

There are also strong people who stir up the magnetic field of life, using a principle similar to magnetic levitation, to float above the lakes, and wait for the depth bomb to blow the monsters under the lake out of the water, and immediately kill them mercilessly.

Looking as far as the eye can see, on the horizon, at the junction of the Broken Star Lake area and the tombstone jungle, one can faintly see a dark line of defense that is constantly getting higher and thicker.

Thousands of cannons can't wait to roar, pouring shells and incendiary bombs into the tombstone jungle day and night, trying to kill more than 50% of the monsters, super beasts and carnivorous spiritual plants with carpet bombing before the strong enter. Take the pressure off the strong.

Farther away, where the clouds and mist were shrouded, there would be deafening loud noises every ten minutes.

It was the "Tiger Mighty Cannon" which was slightly inferior to the "Longwei Cannon" in the rear. It launched a test of artillery fire on the Raging Waves Mountain Range, hoping to provoke the doomsday beast and force it to come out to a decisive battle with the god-level powerhouse.

The strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke mixed together, which stimulated the nerves of the students and put everyone into a state of war in an instant.

Everyone subconsciously clenched their fists, or held the hilts of knives, hilts and firearms.

In the meeting of wind and cloud, the young eagle spreads its wings and becomes famous, and it is now!

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