Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 171 Unnamed Lake, Fierce Battle Begins!

three days later.

Broken Star Lake District, No. 421 unnamed lake.

It is as slender as a gourd, with rounded ends. Perhaps in ancient times, two meteorites fell nearby one after another, forming an overlapping meteorite lake.

At first glance, the water is glistening and the waves are calm. Even the lush aquatic plants around the lake, except for the slightly reddish tips, look harmless to humans and animals, peaceful and peaceful.

However, when a few shells screamed and landed on the nameless lake and its surroundings, it immediately tore up the illusion of harmony.

"Boom! Crack! Crash!"

As several jets of water shot up into the sky, many strange fish with hideous faces and sharp fangs appeared on the surface of the lake, biting together dizzily.

Several reptile monsters with hard shells like crocodiles and swift movements like jackals emerged, and burrowed into the grass on the bank.

The grass was also hit by several shells, and several spiky monsters appeared, which looked like small wild boars, and fled further away in a hurry.

Led by these two brutal carnivorous monsters, all the monsters around the lake were alarmed. At least a thousand monsters rushed across the road and showed their whereabouts one after another.

Some monsters are natural enemies of each other. They found each other when fleeing. The desire to hunt and kill overwhelmed the vigilance of danger, and they threw each other down, biting and devouring each other.

Even some spiritualized plants disguised as ordinary weeds waved their branches and leaves like poisonous snakes, entangled many panicking monsters, and dragged them into the grass. creepy sound.

In fact, this is a half-lake, half-swamp terrain. When the shells fall on the ground, they will be deeply embedded in the soft mud, and their power will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Dragon City's limited resources were not enough to support unlimited carpet bombing.

Besides, the Broken Star Lake area is the most important high-tech agricultural area in the future planning of Dragon City. It is necessary to plant crops rich in spiritual energy here, so that the next generation of Dragon City people will become stronger and stronger. It is best for everyone to awaken the extraordinary strength.

If the Broken Star Lake area is completely razed to the ground by unlimited carpet bombing, and the soil rich in various precious nutrients is all burned to ashes, then the hope for the future will be completely cut off.

This three-minute shelling was just to intimidate the monsters that were dormant here and force them all out of the grass that was half a man's height.

After the shelling, a large number of multi-legged chariots with slender metal blade limbs, like spiders magnified a hundred times, surrounded them from three directions.

The Broken Star Lake area is full of swamps and mud, and there are a lot of metal components, extremely tough weeds, and the juice of many weeds is extremely corrosive, and it is not suitable for crawler-type vehicles with a weight of tens of tons and a low chassis. Armored vehicles unfold.

For ordinary multi-legged chariots, the failure rate of putting them here will also greatly increase.

In order to completely wipe out the Broken Star Lake area, the military specially upgraded the multi-legged chariots, and further raised their blade limbs, turning them into special models for swamps and lakes nicknamed "Long-legged Spiders".

Even engraving runes and injecting rune ink can produce a "spiritual effect", improving the hardness and toughness of the material from the atomic level.

The mechanical limbs of the "Long-legged Spider" are still too fragile to carry too many weapons and ammunition.

Now, it is mainly equipped with eight tactical cameras with 360-degree rotation, ultra-high detection distance and resolution, biothermal energy detectors, and spiritual energy detectors, which are specially used for tactical reconnaissance.

In addition, it is a new type of battery that is powered by spar and has a large capacity. It can not only provide energy for itself, but also allow the drone to temporarily land on its back. Through fast charging, just five minutes of "rest", It can make the energy-depleted UAV perform high-intensity operations for more than 30 minutes.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

Dozens of "long-legged spiders", hundreds of cameras and biothermal probes instantly scanned the monster that ran out just now.

And through the drone suspended in mid-air, which is specially used for signal transmission and data transfer, all the data is uploaded to the tactical chain, and then transmitted back to the East Lake Base, the strategic level of the super brain.

Ultrain instantly calculated the number, level, and danger of monsters.

And through database comparison, we found out the weaknesses of these monsters, the best way to fight, how many materials they may have in their bodies, where they like to build their lairs, and even a large number of battle videos of the most classic ways of fighting such monsters.

Send it back to the battlefield through signal towers and communication drones, and input it into the helmets of the freshmen of Agricultural University who are fully armed and eager to try at the edge of the battlefield.

There are two display screens in the helmets of the freshmen of the Agricultural University, which can not only present a large amount of battlefield data, but also closely monitor their own physiological parameters, and share the field of vision with their teammates. The communicator is ten times more powerful.

"Wolf crocodile, an amphibian monster, has a strong bite force. Once it bites its prey, it is used to screwing off the limbs of the prey through the method of 'death rotation'. It has a certain mimicry ability. It likes to hibernate on the edge of the lake and in the grass. The current number of detections is 87.

"Ghost porcupine, a cloven-hoofed monster, a distant relative of the sword-halberd demon pig, has chosen a small and agile evolutionary route. Although it is less than half a meter in size, it still has the characteristics of a wild boar monster that is fierce, violent, and fearless. It needs attention. It is the needle-like hairs all over their body, which contain neurotoxins, which can cause severe pain to the prey and the enemy. When necessary, it can even curl up into a ball like an armadillo, erect its poisonous spines, and bounce towards the target , once the face is poked by hundreds of poisonous thorns, it is very likely to be disabled and blind.

"The current number of detections is 243.

"Hundred-eyed toad, an amphibian monster, has a huge body and amazing jumping ability. There are hundreds of poisonous sacs all over its body. It can jump into the air and spray highly corrosive acid in a large area like a shower. It can damage metals and machinery. To cause a certain degree of damage, if equipped with a reinforced exoskeleton, you must pay special attention to the attack of the hundred-eyed toad.

"The current number of detections is more than 1,000.

"In addition to the above three threatening monsters, there are at least 50 kinds of monsters near Lake 421 with certain aggressiveness. The following is the list of monsters...

"In addition to the monsters, there is also a carnivorous spiritual plant called 'Water Monkey'. It looks like ordinary water grass, but its branches and leaves are as tough as vines. It can also swing freely. Its attack range exceeds three meters. Drag it into its roots, and suffocate the prey by blocking and entanglement.

"Comprehensive assessment, the danger level of area 421 is 'yellow level', and one-star extraordinary people are allowed to enter. Please, for the future of Dragon City, the earth and human civilization, fight bravely and make contributions!"

Through the wilderness reconnaissance that began decades ago, Dragon City established a large-scale database on the northern line, found out the habitats and spheres of influence of a large number of monsters, and divided the entire battlefield into five different areas.

Green means that all the monsters in this area have been eradicated. Occasionally, there are one or two fish that slip through the net, and they are also miscellaneous fish that ordinary people can deal with. It is absolutely safe and large-scale production and construction can be carried out with confidence.

Yellow means that there are a large number of ordinary monsters in this area, and there may be lairs of ordinary monsters, but apart from individual monster leaders, there should be no super beasts. An army composed of ordinary people is led by one to three stars. , enough to wipe out this area completely.

Red means that there are a large number of nightmare beasts and lairs in this area, and it is not suitable for ordinary troops to enter. Even the strong in the terrain have to carefully consider the risks. If they are besieged by a large number of nightmare beasts, they are very likely to fall on the spot , it is best, under the leadership of the strong in the heavens, can they fight with confidence.

Purple, which means that there are many hell beasts living in this area. Considering that the wilderness is the home of monsters, even if the hard power of the strong in the sky can crush the hell beasts of the same level, it is not recommended for them to go deep into it alone. To five heavenly realm experts, lead a dozen or twenty extraordinary realms, and get support from the rear artillery fire and attack drones, such a configuration; , to ensure safety.

The last and the most dangerous black, it is self-evident what it represents - the most powerful king among 108,000 kinds of monsters, the domain of doomsday beasts!

On the electronic combat map of the freshmen of the Agricultural University, after half a month of bloody battles, the entire Fragmented Star Lake area has basically turned yellow and green. The closer to the east and west combat bases, the greener it is, and it looks so cute. .

Only the area close to the tombstone forest is sporadically red, which means that there are nightmare beasts haunting it.

However, all the areas below black, the same color, are also divided into shades, subdivided into different degrees of danger.

Like the 421 area they are currently in, it is "dark yellow", which means that although there are only ordinary monsters here, the environment is complex, and the habits of the monsters are also very violent and ferocious. Become a nightmare monster.

Such a place is not suitable for the large-scale deployment of ordinary Red Dragon Army.

And the Agricultural University selected fifty outstanding players from the Martial Arts Department and the Beast Control Department, all of whom have broken through the one-star spirit pattern. Even against the upper-level nightmare beasts, they have an advantage in hard power. Naturally, this is the most suitable starting point for making contributions. .

"Received, isn't it just a few thousand ordinary monsters? We have fifty people, and they are distributed to each of them, that is, dozens of them. There are also 'Griffin' teacher Li Yingzi and the instructor of the beast control department. Realm master Luanzhen, where there will be danger, hurry up and kill it!"

For the past three days, they have been locked up in the base to receive basic pre-war training. Seeing that they have come a few days earlier, the freshmen from other schools have gained quite a lot, and their bones are already itching.

At this moment, wearing biochemical combat suits, equipped with reinforced exoskeletons, and armed with military-grade knives and big swords, the freshly baked transcendents feel that every drop of their blood is boiling.

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