Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 174 Extreme Dance (Fourth!)

Puzzled by the students, they hurriedly switched the screen to the main perspective captured by the camera on Meng Chao's shoulder and helmet.

When the signal is strong and stable, all fighters can share the view.

On the one hand, it is convenient for them to discover the problems of their comrades in time and formulate more complicated team tactics.

On the other hand, watching the gorgeous performances of masters killing monsters is also the most effective way to improve combat effectiveness.

On Chaofan Tower's official website and the video library of the live broadcast platform, there are main-view videos of peerless masters beheading hell beasts and even doomsday beasts for download, allowing the citizens of Longcheng to improve their strength for free.

Just now, many people switched to Wu Wu's main perspective.

But Wu Wu moves like a ghost and is as fast as lightning, performing three-dimensional maneuvers, turning and moving in a very small space of 360 degrees almost every second.

Looking at her main perspective, it's like riding a roller coaster with triple acceleration. It can only make people feel that the sky is spinning, flying through the clouds, confused, and it's impossible to see how she makes a move.

Some people even watched it for a few seconds before being shaken by the ultra-high-speed rotating screen, making them vomit.

Meng Chao has a completely different style of painting.

If it was said that Wu Wu's battle was "unintelligible", Meng Chao's main perspective was uncharacteristically honest.

He didn't use any flashy movements at all, nor did he have any treacherous attacks, nor did he have any colorful big moves.

They are the most common ones, the three basic power-strength methods, the Baizhan Dao method, the military boxing, the thunder cross sword, as well as the side-sliding step, the rocket sprint step...all the elite teenagers of Dragon City have been in contact with since high school or even junior high school. Entry-level martial arts.

One move at a time, the speed is by no means fast, and the attack route is not tricky, people can see clearly, and even feel that any ordinary soldier who has been on the battlefield for a few days can perform it.

However, those wolf crocodiles, ghost porcupines, and hundred-eyed toads who were extremely cunning, ferocious, and powerful in front of other students seemed to be deeply attracted by the light shining on his blade, jumping up one after another, and took the initiative to touch his blade The collision made him cut the monster's throat with the least effort every time he used the knife.

Of course, there are mud, weeds and "water monkeys" under his feet.

There are also many monsters sneaking up from behind him.

There are no "long-legged spiders" around to help him monitor the enemy's situation, and the field of view and resolution of the unmanned reconnaissance drone are also greatly limited.

However, he still seems to have penetrated every detail of the battlefield, always dodging the traps in the swamp just right, and narrowly dodging the surprise attack of the monster from behind.

In no time, dozens of monster corpses fell down on both sides of his path.

Unlike the shattered corpses of the students, the wounds of the monsters killed by Meng Chao would not exceed the length of their little fingers, and the amount of bleeding was very small, which was very convenient for harvesting materials when cleaning the battlefield.

This shows that he has precise control over everything, and when killing these monsters, he still has spare power, and can even decide how to kill them.

Seeing the appearance of the monster hitting his blade "just in time" every time, some people even had the illusion that he was dancing with the monster.

"Meng Chao?"

A hundred question marks appeared in the minds of the students. Duan Lian couldn't hold his breath at first, "When you chose the equipment just now, did you deliberately not choose the reinforced exoskeleton, because of the flaws that Teacher Li said?"

"That's right."

Meng Chao took half a step to the right, tilted his upper body at forty-five degrees, and let the venomous spikes of a ghost porcupine lightly pass by three millimeters from his chest. The special combat knife "Ben Lei", the blade seemed to be swallowing lightning, pierced from the only fold of the ghost porcupine's neck that was not protected by spikes, it didn't penetrate too deep, it only cut off its throat and The carotid artery, without even hurting the cervical vertebrae, retracted and stabbed the head of a sneaky hundred-eyed toad under its feet.

Before the Hundred-Eyed Toad had time to use his dying pain to spur all the acid, he had already kicked this thing into the wolf crocodile group farther away.

The acid sprayed out by the hundred-eyed toad happened to hit the eyes of several wolf crocodiles without leaving a single drop.

Although the wolf crocodile's eyesight was mediocre and its eyeballs were eroded, it still thrashed about in pain, sending out a "death spin".

It's a pity that they didn't bite any prey, so they could only desperately entangle the surrounding weeds and "water monkeys" to vent their anger.

However, Meng Chao seized the opportunity and stepped forward to "swish, swish, swish" three times in a row. Using the spar inlaid on the body of the sword and the matching runes to form a spiritual magnetic force field that heated up instantly, the "Ben Lei Dao" The sharpness of the knife was raised to a high temperature of thousands of degrees, like a kitchen knife cutting tofu, beheading the heads of three wolf crocodiles.

It took only ten seconds to complete all of this.

Every link is very clear, without using any over-the-top techniques.

But the students watched it dumbfounded, and asked themselves, they couldn't combine seemingly ordinary techniques into such a miraculous effect.

At this time, Meng Chao explained in detail: "What Mr. Li said just now, the current "strengthened exoskeleton for street fighting" is of course one aspect, but even if the "strengthened exoskeleton for swamp" comes out in the future, I probably don't know it well. to use."

"Why?" Duan Lian completely suppressed the idea of ​​competing with Meng Chao, and regarded him as a monster with the same rank as Wu Wu. fighting power?"

"That's right, but if you use extra power, you will have to pay an extra price."

Meng Chao recalled the experience of previous wars, "After all, the reinforced exoskeleton cannot get rid of the limitations of machinery. The joints that claim to be free to rotate at 360 degrees have dead angles after all, and the rotation speed cannot keep up with the human body's force by 100%. The speed of the master's force.

"And once you get used to the powerful illusion brought by the power augmentation system, it is easy to form dependence and muscle memory. Once your entire combat mode and force system are unconsciously adjusted with the enhanced exoskeleton, During the battle, if the reinforced exoskeleton is broken, wouldn't the combat power plummet several times?

"Besides, we are all one-star superhumans who have just awakened. There is still a long way to go. No one knows what kind of miracles we can create. If we use this mass-produced reinforced exoskeleton, its speed, There are limits to maneuverability and maximum exertion, which can easily become shackles and bind us firmly.

"Ordinary soldiers have no hope of awakening extraordinary power, and their speed and strength are weak. Of course, they can use reinforced exoskeletons to increase their combat effectiveness.

"Peerless masters, there is a super weapon maker known as 'Armorer', using the bones of doomsday beasts, the spiritual marrow deep in the underground spiritual veins, found under the meteorite lake, various space metals that fell to other worlds in ancient times It is another matter to tailor a variety of unique reinforced exoskeletons for them.

"For me, I prefer to imagine myself fighting in a harsh environment with no logistical supplies and no support. I don't like the assistance of too many machines, monsters, and drones."

The students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Not only were they shocked by Meng Chao's words, but they were even more shocked by the fact that they saw through the main perspective that while Meng Chao was talking eloquently, his sword was not idle, and he slaughtered four monsters in one go!


Duan Lian was stunned for a long time before he said, "How can you kill dozens of monsters in an instant, surpassing Wu Wu's killing efficiency? I can see that her speed is several times faster than yours. Could it be that she is poisoning again?"

The students nodded one after another.

They were convinced by Meng Chao's insidious and cunning tricks of poisoning, squatting in pits, digging traps, beating sap, and so on.

"I didn't kill dozens of monsters in an instant, nor did I poison them. The monsters I have to deal with today are all toxic and corrosive. Of course, they also have resistance to toxins. The trace amount of toxins applied to the sword , is not enough to put them to death."

Meng Chao paused, and said, "Probably the wounds I tore on the monsters were relatively small. Many monsters were fatally injured and still ignorant. They lived around for a long time before dying of internal bleeding or heart burst. The unmanned surveillance plane was suspended." At high altitude, I can't see very clearly, so there is a delay in the data, right?"


Duan Lian couldn't believe it, "I was just about to ask you, the wounds you tore on each monster's body are so small, how can you guarantee that they will hit the vital point?"

"It's just a common technique, everyone can do it."

Meng Chao said seriously, "As long as you are like me, part-time harvesters, you have carefully dissected hundreds of wolf crocodiles, ghost porcupines, and hundred-eyed toads. The distribution of an organ is well understood, and you can also point to the vital points with ease and joy, like a butcher dispelling an ox."


There was a few seconds of silence on the communication channel.

"Why do you seem to have eyes on your back, no, not only your back, but even the soles of your feet, which can see through everything on the battlefield, avoiding monsters sneaking up behind you, and the man-eating swamp disguised as the ground?" Xie Feng replaced Duan Lian, continue to ask.

"This is the credit of the extreme flow. By cultivating 1024 branches, I have raised my perception to the limit of the spirit pattern. I can not only perceive the subtle differences between the swamp and the ground through the combat boots, but also smell the blood of the 'water monkey' smell mixed with muddy smell, and even hear the breath and heartbeat of the monster."

Meng Chao said, "Such a keen perception is useless in a noisy, polluted city full of reinforced concrete, but in the wilderness where there are not many people and the surroundings are quiet, it can be greatly improved. Battlefield Survival Chances.

"I used to perform the magic of extreme flow for everyone on campus - let the coin flow from the back of the left foot along the spiritual vein, all the way around the body, and finally land on the back of the right foot, and use the subtle control of muscle fibers and the disturbance of spiritual energy, Knotting leg hair——At that time, many students misunderstood that I was a pervert. What is the use of knotting leg hair?

"Now, you all know, since my leg hair can be knotted as I like, of course I can also perceive the slight murderous aura, as well as the subtle changes in the touch of weeds and swamps, just like radar, allowing me to advance half a second, Get out of danger!"


Have you seen "The Avengers", in which Spider-Man sensed the arrival of Thanos, and his hairs stood on end.

Meng Chao's ability to sense knots in his legs has already surpassed Spider-Man's. This is definitely a very useful and serious ability!

In addition, although this fourth is to make up for yesterday's only two changes, but... Let the old man ask for a monthly pass, it just happens to be 100 on the monthly pass list, and he is about to fall out, looking at the old man with such watery eyes Niu, do you have the heart?

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