The seemingly simple and rough symbols engraved on the rock wall are full of meticulous details, like patterns with infinite resolution and nested layers, which can be continuously enlarged to present a layer after layer of new worlds.

And in each world, there is billions of times more abundant information than the symbol itself, just like a magnificent, magnificent, and vast library.

And each of the trillions of "words" in the billions of books on the tens of thousands of bookshelves in this library is an entrance to a new and deeper library.

Originally, with Meng Chao's naked eyes, he absolutely did not have the ability to "read" this information.

However, as the dark tide in the depths of the ancient ruins surged and spiritual energy surged, the magnetic field of his life seemed to resonate mysteriously with the magnetic field of the surrounding space.

It was as if, as a descendant of genes, he had temporarily unlocked some of the authority of the "ancients", and was able to manipulate his body in the way of the ancients.

His eyes seem to have the functions of astronomical telescope and electron microscope at the same time, able to clearly capture and infinitely magnify the mysterious and complicated symbol on the opposite rock wall, and guide his consciousness to drill into the "infinite library" opened by the symbol, Enjoy wandering in the depths of the endless ocean of information.

Meng Chao faintly realized that this symbol contained all the research materials on "spiritual veins" of ancient civilizations.

In other words, it is the entire design diagram and construction flow chart of the theoretical building of the "carbon-based biological life energy network research" by the ancients.

As long as you can understand all the information contained in this symbol.

No, even if you can only understand one-tenth, no, one-hundredth.

It is enough to make his whole body's spiritual vein undergo a qualitative change, break through the shackles of life, and become an "existence beyond the realm of gods"!

Meng Chao's heart skipped a beat.

He forgot everything in a trance.

They forgot the situation of themselves and their companions, and also the difficulties faced by Longcheng, and they even forgot that they were going to search and rescue "War God" Lei Zongchao.

He is placed in the "infinite library", and his perspective seems to be split into hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of copies, and he is attached to thousands of "ancient people" who are supernatural and immortal, I saw them guess, search, explore, and overcome the difficulties of the "carbon-based biological life energy network" from different angles and in different ways.

Countless formulas, countless algorithms, countless successful or failed experiment logs, and even the personal experience of the experimental subjects, all turned into a surging torrent of information, crashing into Meng Chao's spiritual world in the most efficient and intense way.

Squeak squeak, squeak.

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

Meng Chao heard a voice that was indescribable, sharp and deep, vague and clear, weird and sacred.

It seems to come from ancient times or the ghosts, enough to erode and destroy the mind's ravings.

But he soon realized that these ravings were not unpredictable and irregular.

Rather, the amount of information is too large and too dense, and it is almost necessary to compress the ultra-high amount of information like the stars in the sky to the extreme and transmit it to his brain in a flash.

His brain lacks the "hardware" to store the information, and the "software" to decompress and read the information. Due to the self-protection mechanism of the human brain, it can only flow the huge information that contains the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient civilizations. , presented in the form of "garbled characters".

However, I know that with my own mind, I am still far from being able to understand the crystallization of wisdom of ancient civilizations.

Knowing that the consequence of forced understanding is very likely to be a mental breakdown and complete madness.

Even the brain is overloaded, the brain cells are burning, and the skull is burned into an empty coke oven.

He couldn't help it, and was deeply immersed in the "infinite library" and the super-compressed ancient information ravings, unwilling to wake up for a long time.

I do not know how long it has been.

It seemed like a second, and it seemed like billions of years.

Until a sharp beep came from deep in the brain.

That is the detector of the spiritual index and physiological parameters, and the alarm is issued at the same time.

And the spiritual magnet dormant in the depths of the brain is also automatically activated, spreading and spreading along his brain sulcus circuit, forming a criss-cross cooling pipe network, which transmits the high temperature and high pressure generated by the overload of the brain along the mouth, nose, eyes and ears. And the pores are jetted out.

Meng Chao was awakened by the explosion-like pain caused by intracranial high pressure.

He endured the severe pain, swallowed a mouthful of magma-like saliva with difficulty, gasped or groaned for a long time, and the soul and body gradually overlapped together.

Meng Chao found that at some point, he had already jumped onto the opposite rock wall.

In front of him was the rune left by the bald crystal man hundreds of millions of years ago, which contained information about the "carbon-based biological life energy system".

However, Meng Chao, who had come to his senses, had lost the ability to "automatically read, transmit and analyze ancient information".

Of course, this ability was also cut off, causing serious interference and deep erosion to his too weak brain and spirit as a human being.

In Meng Chao's eyes at this moment, after hundreds of millions of years of impact, this rune has long been dim and fragmented.

If you don't look carefully, it is easy to confuse it with the cracked lines on the rock wall.

Under the rune, the straight passage that was originally the "Entrance of the Carbon-Based Bio-Life Energy Laboratory" has long been twisted and deformed due to the continuous collapse of the rock formation and the compression of layers. Dark and deep rock crevices.

However, Meng Chao found that his entire right arm had been deeply inserted into this rock crevice at some point.

The sharp pain from his fingertips and the wet blood on his palm told him that his right hand was scratching hard just now deep in the rock crevice, trying to expand the rock crevice and find a new point of force.

"Me, what was I doing just now?"

Fine ice crystals oozed from Meng Chao's forehead.

He re-perceived his central nervous system, nerve endings and every bundle of muscle fibers, and found that he was clinging to the rock crack in a very strange posture.

Judging from the way his hands are grasping and his feet are exerting force, he actually wants to get into this rock crevice without looking back!

"Could it be that I was deeply attracted by the mysteries of the ancient times without knowing it, and wanted to pass through this corridor and enter the 'carbon-based biological life energy laboratory' to gain deeper wisdom?

"But, this corridor has collapsed!

"After the collapse, the widest part of the corridor is only more than 20 centimeters, and the narrowest part is only three to five centimeters, which is less than half the width of a palm. Even if I can control my muscles and bones as I like, this is too much effort!"

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