Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1877 A Different City

Using both hands and feet, Meng Chao climbed up the magnificent and glorious past, which looked like a whole piece of crystal carving, but now it turned into a gray rock, covered with honeycomb holes, and the crisp remains of the aerial battle fort.

He saw that the core of the aerial battle fort seemed to have been attacked by the acid of wild beasts, and a hole with a diameter of more than ten meters was eroded, almost running through the front and back.

Around the cave, there are also a large number of human-shaped protrusions, which also present a gray-white rock texture, and the surface is covered with honeycomb holes that make people feel dense phobia.

"Is this... the corpse of an 'ancient man'?"

Meng Chao squatted down in front of a raised figure.

This bulge is about four or five meters long and about two meters wide. The head, torso, and limbs can be distinguished—of course, all organs evaporated hundreds of millions of years ago, and the hardest bones became crooked. Qu, like glass that solidifies after being melted, stubbornly retains the imprint of the owner's previous existence.

There are many similar corpses.

It was as if the driver of the air battle fort, when the car was hit to the point and was about to crash, scrambled to be the first to rush out of the hole that penetrated the front and back, trying to escape.

But still unable to break free, the fate of the fort being destroyed.

Because, what they faced was not just raging flames and serial explosions.

There are also ancient beasts.

Meng Chao found traces of ancient fierce beasts beside the corpses of many "ancient people" and even inside the chest cavity.

If it is said that modern monsters are a combination of different animal characteristics, there are still traces to follow.

The remains of these ancient beasts were all strange and indescribable, and could not be compared with any modern creatures Meng Chao knew.

They seem to be the product of forcibly breaking through a heavy gate from the deepest part of hell, knocking themselves to pieces, then putting them together again, and finally crawling tenaciously into the human world.

The corpses of many "ancient people" were entangled by these ancient fierce beasts that looked like "hell creatures".

Many ancient fierce beasts even released innumerable strands from their bodies, things that looked like blood vessels and nerves, pierced deeply into the "ancient man"'s body, reaching the "ancient man's" brain area, as if they wanted to inject some kind of toxin or information Implant it.

Meng Chao even found the corpse of a gigantic and immemorial giant beast towering above the sky behind the sky battle fort.

This corpse was continuously impacted by the long river of time, and it was almost annihilated.

But the remaining scales and half claws are still nearly 100 meters long.

Judging from the remaining brand marks, it looks like a super-giant deep-sea octopus, dancing wildly with thousands of tentacles, piercing deeply into the air battle fort, no, including the air battle fort, there are hundreds of giant giant octopus around it. The inside of the building, even along the foundation of these buildings, pierced into the underground core of this ancient city.

This weird way of attack gave Meng Chao a feeling.

The mastermind of the ancient monster named "Chaos" did not want to "destroy" the city in front of him.

Instead, they want to seize, infiltrate, transform, and completely own this place.

And just when it was about to succeed, destructive flames descended from the sky, bombarding everything on the earth—the majestic city, the row upon row of buildings, and the "ancient people" and "vicious beasts" who were fighting desperately in the burning city. He burned and melted into fragmented wreckage, and was sealed in this treacherous and unpredictable alien space until today, hundreds of millions of years later.

"What is the difference between this ancient city and other ancient cities?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

In the ancient memory of the monster mastermind, he had witnessed hundreds of siege battles of the ancient beast tide.

Most of the time, what the primordial ferocious beasts execute is pure killing and destruction. They don't need any wisdom, they just need to tear up and swallow everything within their vision, turn it into nutrients, and transport it to the "chaos mother body" "Among them, it is used to concoct more and more powerful primordial beasts.

The ancient cities that were ravaged by the ancient beast horde were often completely destroyed and turned into nothingness. All the substances containing spiritual energy were all coerced and consumed by the beast horde.

Rather than the city in front of you, there are huge ruins left.

"This ancient city must be different.

"Maybe it's the reason why the 'Ancient Civilization' made up its mind to kill the killer and use space-based orbital weapons to completely clean the entire ecosystem of the alien world!"

Thinking this way, Meng Chao turned on the "searchlight" again, trying to scan for the traces of "God of War" Lei Zongchao.

But this time, what rushed to his face was a series of huge lights and shadows that towered like mountains and were as powerful as gods and demons.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Next to Meng Chao's ears, came the soul-stirring roar of an ancient ferocious beast, as well as the "ancient man" burning life, stirring up spiritual energy, urging various ancient artifacts, and blasting out the explosion of shining flames.

The ancient battlefield that had been experienced in the deep memory of the monster master once again came to Meng Chao's mind in an immersive way.

In front of his eyes, illusions suddenly appeared, setting off a frenzy of colorful lights and shadows.

"The residual psychic energy ripple here has a high amplitude!

"After tens of millions of years of erosion, it is incredible that so much valid information can be scanned!

"I have to be careful, these 'remnants of psychic ripples', in a sense, are reverberations of life magnetic field of ancient beasts and ancient people, and can even be understood as 'remnants of ancient powers', a little careless, It's easy to be influenced by them, even my brain is completely occupied by them!

"Speaking of which, if we can successfully find the 'War God' Lei Zongchao, return to the ground without any danger, organize a stronger force, and come down again to explore, excavate, research and use...

"These 'remnant souls' that contain ancient mysteries can also help the Dragon City civilization to insert new wings, fill them with powerful fuel, ride the wind and waves all the way, and surpass the limit!"

Meng Chao's heart beat faster and his sweat was surging.

I feel that the "gambling game" I participated in, regardless of the risk or the bet, has been raised to a level that cannot be increased.

Fortunately, he kept his mind steady, and still saw the red flame-like afterimage from the interlacing of lights and shadows dancing like gods and demons.

It seemed that the "God of War" Lei Zongchao was not disturbed by these "immemorial remnants" around him.

Instead, with one heart and one mind, he passed through the corpses of gods and demons, and continued to trek towards the most densely populated buildings and geometric structures in front of him.

Meng Chao took a deep breath, and followed almost every footprint left by the "God of War" Lei Zongchao, stepping forward step by step.

Pass through two streets that are so spacious that they are almost like playgrounds.

After a collapse, it looks like the ruins of a broken mountain.

And the wreckage of four air battle castles that were melted by space-based orbital weapons and then solidified again, becoming deformed and twisted.

Meng Chao braked suddenly.

His face became pale.

The pupils suddenly shrank into two needlepoints.

He stared dumbfounded at the impossible scene in front of him.

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