Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1880 Thousands of Possibilities

The road that has been eroded by the years for hundreds of millions of years groaned in pieces.

Meng Chao's spiritual energy kept blasting into the ground, and with his palm as the center, the road surface with a radius of several tens of meters was raised high, like an active volcano being formed.

After two or three seconds of stalemate, the road surface in the center of the palm was cleanly pierced through, blasting out a transparent hole the size of a palm.


What Meng Chao saw through the hole was nothingness.

From his observation of the surrounding roads, all the roads are more than three to five meters thick.

And the thickness of this hole...

It has no thickness at all.

It’s like a piece of white paper, no, it’s thousands of times thinner than white paper as thin as a cicada’s wings, it’s like a membrane made of nanomaterials, it doesn’t even have a “membrane”, it’s just flattened in three-dimensional space It's just a two-dimensional plane.

As soon as Meng Chao's gaze fell into the hole, he was immediately engulfed by the rolling black mist.

The road where Lu Siya was located was clearly directly below him, so it stands to reason that he should be able to see it through the hole.

But there was nothing in the cave except for the unpredictable and unpredictable black mist.

Meng Chao faintly understood.

The ground under my feet is not so much a road as a bridge, a bridge that spans the vast ocean composed of extremely chaotic space gaps.

No, it's not even a "bridge", but a "waterway", which is one of the few waterways that can pass safely on the violent ocean composed of gaps in space.

Regardless of the method, as long as you leave these waterways, carbon-based life and even all matter will be involved in the random turbulence of the space gap, broken and reorganized from the molecular or even atomic level, and then transmitted to any planet, galaxy or even the entire sea of ​​stars. a coordinate to go.

Meng Chao stood up, looked over the edge of the road, and returned to Lu Siya's direction.

Lu Siya had disappeared at the end of her path.

Meng Chao twitched the corners of his mouth, did not speak, looked away, and continued on his own path.

He didn't know how long he had been gone.

The concepts of space and time are not meaningless here, or they have been disrupted and reorganized.

Anyway, he hasn't felt too tired or hungry for a long time.

There is another fork in the road ahead.

The scarlet afterimage left by "War God" Lei Zongchao also split into two again, extending towards two different fork roads, one high and one low.

This time, Meng Chao didn't hesitate.

Instead, it was very natural, and he walked on the road to the left.

Similarly, once he stepped on the road on the left, when he looked back, the three-way intersection behind him and the road on the right disappeared in an instant just like the previous choice.

Behind him is the straight road leading to the past.

It's like the choice never existed.

A similar fork in the road appeared five times later.

Twice were three-way intersections, twice were crossroads, and the most exaggerated one, nine forked roads appeared in front of Meng Chao, like a mess of chaotic spider threads.

And the scarlet afterimage of "God of War" Lei Zongchao split into nine roads as expected, advancing towards the nine forked roads at the same time.

Without exception, Meng Chao chose the leftmost path.

And in the process of advancing, he also met seven "travelers" just like he met Lu Siya.

Wu Haibo, Long Feijun, Shen Yupeng...

Although they are not on the same path.

But everyone kept going.

Meng Chao also tried to call out to them, but they were as deaf as Lu Siya, as if they couldn't see or feel his existence at all.

Perhaps, at other times, on their own road, they had seen Meng Chao pass by on the road not far away, and tried to call Meng Chao by all means, but they never got a response from Meng Chao.

never mind.

At least, everyone is still alive, alive in some form.

This is enough.

Another time, Meng Chao was not sure. He seemed to see... himself on a road thousands of meters away.

Because the psychic interference in the depths of the ruins was too strong, Meng Chao couldn't raise his extraordinary vision to the limit.

The tumbling black mist swallowed too much light and ripples of spiritual energy, and things three or five hundred meters away became mottled and blurred.

Meng Chao wasn't sure what exactly he saw.

The "thing" seemed to have a face exactly like his.

However, he looks older than him, and has experienced more vicissitudes, leaving dozens of criss-crossing scars on his face, pulling and deforming his facial features, showing an extremely indifferent and cruel temperament.

Moreover, a pair of big purple horns grew on the forehead of that "thing", like a bloodthirsty scimitar, raised high and shining coldly.

Behind him or "it", there is a pair of wings covered with fleshy membranes. Between the wings, at the midline of the back, there is a row of crystal clear bone spurs, exuding a gorgeous and dangerous aura. breath.

Meng Chao vaguely remembered that he had seen something similar before.

Thinking about it, it was one of the thousands of "selves" that I saw in a trance when I was stimulated by the "original mother" in the depths of the holy mountain of Turan and fell into a deep sleep.

This is...the "monsterized" self!

Meng Chao's eyes widened desperately, the eyeballs almost tearing the eye sockets, trying to see more details clearly.

But the "monsterized" self was too far away from him, it just disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

The startled glance made Meng Chao's imagination run wild.

Is this a real world or an imaginary world?

How many search and rescue teams are walking here?

Since there is a "monster-like" self, will there be a "monster-like" Lu Siya, and even "monster-like" Wu Haibo, Long Feijun, and Shen Yupeng, and even more versions of me and them?

And how did these... "things" get out?

Could it be that if I had made different choices when passing through every fork in the road just now, for example, if I chose to go to the right in all of them, a brand new self would be split?

Meng Chao shook his head.

Some can understand those pioneers who have fallen into madness after going deep into the ancient ruins and listening to too many "calls of the ancients".

Maybe they're not crazy.

It's just beyond the limits of the human mind, submerged in the depths of problems that cannot be understood by the weak brain of human beings.

Fortunately, this journey seems to be coming to an end.

Under the guidance of "War God" Lei Zongchao's scarlet afterimage, the ruined walls around Meng Chao became taller, larger, towering, and denser.

Like, gradually from the urban-rural fringe of Taikoo City to the city center full of tall buildings.

Not far ahead, a grand building that could only be called a "palace" after collapsing and melting, condensed again, but was still magnificent, fell into the world like a palace above the sea of ​​stars.

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