Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 270: A New Generation of

Meng Chao pondered for a while, and understood a little: "Yes, when you say that, I feel a little nervous. I don't know if the saber-toothed hound at home can continue to be raised. Even the biochemical pets prepared by other companies are out of control. It's possible, isn't this a time bomb planted in the house?

"If this incident becomes a big issue, it will not be good news for those who are engaged in the monster preparation industry in Dragon City, and it will even arouse doubts among the general public, thinking whether we should go further and further on the road of 'monster civilization'.

"Our Agricultural University, known as the 'Monster University', has many research projects related to biochemical modulation, and there are a large number of alumni who are practitioners in this circle. It is a relationship of prosperity and loss. It is indeed not a 'spiritual creation' A family matter.

"Then I don't understand. Since the situation is so serious, why are we allowed to observe it? The Agricultural University has a lot of experts in this field!"

Ning Shewo said: "Because of the seriousness of the situation and the complicated interests involved, the school doesn't want to accuse others.

"Now the matter is still in a highly confidential stage, neither the press nor the self-media have intervened, and there has not been a storm in the city, but it is said that the other party's attitude is very tough, and I am afraid it will be difficult to be kind.

"On the side of the Agricultural University, we don't want to draw fire on ourselves, nor do we want to make the matter worse. We hope that it can be solved in a low-key manner. Therefore, it is not acceptable for the officials to come forward directly. So I will find me—I am a visiting professor of the Agricultural University, and I am also a "ling" One of Chuang's shareholders, the identity is relatively flexible, as for you, as a freshman, you have a good personal relationship with me, and now the image of the media is relatively positive, there is more room for solving problems, and the method can also be more flexible."

Meng Chao pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "Old Ning, don't you mean that we need to use our own technology to cover up or even modify the test results?"

"How is it possible? My share in Lingchuang is not big enough to bet on my reputation for a lifetime."

Ning Shewo said sternly, "If it is finally found out that there is something wrong with the biochemical modulation of 'Lingchuang', even if the company goes bankrupt and the relevant personnel are brought to court, it will be a matter of course. After all, there are three lives here!

"But now the founder of 'Lingchuang' has vowed that there is absolutely no problem with the company's biochemical modulation. The three biochemical beasts use very mature modulation techniques. The same technology has modulated tens of thousands of beasts. , There has never been such a vicious incident. He suspects something else, and we have to guard against it.

"In short, our task is to keep our eyes open, to ensure that the process of flaw detection and autopsy has not been tampered with, and to find out the reason why the biochemical beasts go berserk, that's all."

While talking, the two had come to the "Jiusha District Biotechnology High-tech Development Zone" not far from the Agricultural University.

Following a burst of moist and pungent soil smell, they quickly found the "spiritual creation creature" in the middle of a giant sandworm farm.

The giant sandworm is the first monster tamed and modulated by humans.

It looks like the front of the head is split, covered with circles of ring-shaped fangs, like a ferocious monster magnified a hundred times by earthworms, but in fact, it has a very gentle temperament and will not actively attack humans. All kinds of garbage produced for food.

Even hard rocks can be chewed with ring-shaped fangs, all kinds of garbage that is difficult to degrade can be digested and absorbed, and the excrement can be prepared as a good natural fertilizer. When the city was most difficult, it helped human beings.

To this day, the giant sandworm is still one of the most inseparable biochemical beasts in Dragon City, and it has three main uses.

One is to dig underground space for the construction of shelters, subway tunnels, underground hive cities, and the mining of spar veins.

Second, waste disposal—the tens of millions of people in Longcheng are concentrated in an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. They eat, drink, and scatter all day long, and the amount of waste they produce is simply astronomical. If there were no giant sandworms devouring and excreting them day and night , the whole city has long been flooded with garbage, making it stinky, and the plague is raging.

Third, some species of giant sandworms have been specially prepared to produce very fat meat, which is no less than the legendary crab meat. The output is large, and it is very convenient to raise. It is a very good emergency food.

Ning Shewo introduced that the flagship products of "Lingchuang" are certain types of giant sandworms, and they can be seen in garbage disposal and tunnel excavation.

After relying on giant sandworms to open up the market, it gradually transitioned to the modulation of small and medium-sized working animals and pet animals.

Sure enough, when Meng Chao walked into "Lingchuang", he saw two giant screens on the left and right, and the company's promotional video was playing. Blind or even a massage, it is a happy and peaceful scene.

And when the scene changed, when Dragon City was attacked by monsters and the owner's house collapsed into ruins, these golden retrievers would show their sharp teeth without hesitation, fight the invading monsters, and use their keen sense of smell and powerful The sharp claws are constantly scratching in the ruins, searching for and rescuing the fallen owner.

Meng Chao was amazed when he saw it, and asked Ning Shewo in a low voice, "Can the functions mentioned in the promotional video really be realized?"

Ning Shewo said: "'Lingchuang' is ambitious and wants to create a new generation of smarter beasts. They even think that the name 'Biochemical Beast' has a certain negative color and is not conducive to commercial promotion. They are planning to unify the new generation. The standard of modern intelligent pet beasts, known as "spirit beasts", has become an indispensable helper for human civilization.

"The current products are definitely not up to the standard in the promotional video, but this is the direction they are working hard to-integrate the advantages of guide dogs, hearing dogs, search and rescue dogs, police dogs and even military dogs, and have no less than Only the intelligence of a ten-year-old human child can serve mankind better."

"That's it..." Meng Chao was thoughtful.

The two met Xie Xiaolei, one of the founders of "Lingchuang Bio", in a reception room where the giant sandworm breeding pool can be directly seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a refined temperament, but piercing eyes and full of energy.

Wear casual clothes that seem casual, but the materials are quite textured.

Even if the company encountered a major crisis, there was still a casual smile on the corner of his mouth, with a sure chance of victory.

In short, he is the kind of person who "looks like the founder of a high-tech company".

"Old Ning, I'm really ashamed to bother you again."

Xie Xiaolei was personable. He first expressed his apologies to Ning Shewo, then stretched out his hand to Meng Chao, and said with a smile, "Meng Chao, hello. Recently, your story has been circulating in the alumni circle of our Agricultural University. I heard that you led the freshmen of the five-school alliance The battle team defeated those invincible sons of the Dragon City University, which made our 'Monster University' proud, I, an old senior, thank you very much."

In a word, Meng Chao blushed slightly, and thought in his heart, no wonder his business can grow so big, this commercial boasting ability is like an antelope's horns, without showing any traces!

Of course, he sensed very strong psychic ripples lingering on Xie Xiaolei's body, especially his hands and brain. The magnetic field of life is simply shining brightly. It is also impossible to give birth to the ambition of "unifying the standards of a new generation of intelligent biochemical beasts".

The three sat down, and Ning She said to me: "Tell me, Xiaolei, what's going on, I came here as soon as I heard the news, I don't know the details yet, when did it happen?"

"Two days ago, in the 'Sega Tiancheng', there were three consecutive attacks by biochemical beasts, resulting in the tragedy of three deaths and one injury. Among them, the injured were overly frightened, their mental index collapsed, and they were still hospitalized." Xie Xiaolei Briefly.

Ning Shewo and Meng Chao looked at each other.

"Sejia Tiancheng" is a high-grade commercial housing complex in Dragon City. Although it is not as luxurious as "Dragon City One", it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Residents here often have a certain economic strength, are the backbone of the unit or team's business, have a relatively wide network of contacts, can exert influence from all aspects, and directly overturn the "Lingchuang" boat.

Ning Shewo mused, "Two days ago...the autopsy hasn't been done yet?"

"The victim's autopsy has been done, and it is confirmed that the three biochemical pets were killed. The three biochemical pets were killed by the neighbors and security guards who came after hearing the news. Exactly—invite Mr. Ning and classmate Meng Chao to be witnesses to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the inspection of the biochemical beasts." Xie Xiaolei said.

"Xiao Lei, to be honest——"

Ning She, when I heard this, my eyes suddenly sharpened, "Is there any problem with the products of 'Lingchuang'? I heard that you have tried many very extreme modulation methods in order to launch a new generation of 'Spirit Beasts'. For our own problems, honestly admit that we can be punished as we want, even if we go bankrupt, it is the best ending.

"If you have other thoughts and think that I or the Agricultural University can save you, then I will say that even the king of heaven and I can't save you. At that time, it is not the police and the court who will come to you, but the judge of the Chaofan Tower. It's too late for you to cry!"

"how come?"

Xie Xiaolei called Qu, "Although we have tried a variety of cutting-edge modulation methods on the new generation of 'spirit beasts', these three crazy biochemical beasts are all very mature products of the older generation, and it is absolutely impossible to Something happened, there must be a conspiracy here!"


Ning She said to me, "Since no biochemical beast has been dissected, how can you be sure that there is any conspiracy?"

"Because one of the three deceased was a competitor of 'Lingchuang', 'Tiangong'."

Xie Xiaolei said, "Now 'Lingchuang' and 'Tiangong' are competing for a large order. Seeing that 'Lingchuang' is superior to its opponents in terms of cost, construction period, energy consumption, and environmental impact... at this juncture, It's such a coincidence that a middle-level opponent was killed by the product of 'Lingchuang'!"

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