Meng Chao opened his mouth for a long time.

Shen Yupeng's doubts were also his doubts.

Except for the conflict with "spiritually created creatures", Jin Yongqiang did not have endless conflicts with anyone.

And it is impossible for the "spiritual creature" to know that he poisoned the beast.

Otherwise, just call the police directly, and his own law will punish him, so why bother to cause trouble?

But even without evidence, Meng Chao still firmly believed that Jin Yongqiang's death was by no means an accident.

Because the quest message above his field of vision has already jumped to [Mystery of the Demon God, 8% quest progress].

As the case gradually came to light, the progress of the mission has increased a lot.

This shows that Jin Yongqiang's death is absolutely inseparable from the "demon god".

But how should I tell Shen Yupeng about this?

Meng Chao thought for a long time, and could only say, "So, is this the end?"

"if not?"

Shen Yupeng asked back, "We caught the mastermind behind the scenes, and also the provider of the berserk drug. We also found special syringes and other crime tools at the home of the direct perpetrator of the case. The spirits of the two victims were comforted. 'Spiritual Creation Creatures' don't have to continue to suffer innocent injustice, so can't the case be perfectly closed?

"Student Meng Chao, I know what you're thinking, but this case is not as simple as you imagined. Did you see the news about today's gathering and parade of practitioners in the biochemical modulation and monster industries?"

Meng Chao nodded: "I see, it is said that tens of thousands of people participated."

"It's not tens of thousands, it's hundreds of thousands. You know how high the unemployment rate is in Dragon City right now. There are a lot of idle young people wandering the streets and alleys. How could they not join in the fun when encountering such a thing?"

Shen Yupeng sighed, and said, "If the case can't be closed as soon as possible, the conflict between the supporters of biochemical modulation technology and the supporters of rune mechanical technology will become more and more acute. Today you will hold a parade of tens of thousands of people plus tens of thousands of pet beasts." , Tomorrow I will drive hundreds of tons of mining excavators to the main road, drive to the front of Chaofan Tower to block traffic, and then attract hundreds of thousands of angry unemployed youths to watch. The big event that swept through Dragon City.

"The meaning of the above is that we absolutely don't want to see the contradiction between biochemical modulation technology and rune mechanical technology intensify. We must come up with a conclusion as soon as possible on this case to appease the emotions of all parties. Every day that is delayed increases the risk of detonating the whole city. do you understand?

"Although we were under a lot of pressure, we didn't act hastily, and we didn't beat them to death. Instead, we fought day and night for more than forty-eight hours and did a lot of meticulous work. Believe me, 99% of this case has survived. After all, once we draw conclusions, we will definitely face the double nitpicking of the 'biochemical modulation school' and the 'rune mechanical school', and it is impossible not to make an iron case.

"Even if there is a 1% flaw in the issue of Jin Yongqiang's death, I believe no one will care about it, not the 'spiritual creation', let alone the battered 'Tiangong Machinery'."


Meng Chao said in a deep voice, "If Jin Yongqiang is really killed and the murderer is still at large, what will happen next time?"

"Then wait until the next time he commits a crime, and then bring him to justice."

Shen Yupeng picked up another bowl of porridge and smiled, "I think we are too passive in doing things, unlike the legendary secret police who are wise and powerful, and solve cases like gods, don't you?

"No way, we live in a world that is completely different from the earth, our civilization and the earth's civilization, although similar in appearance, are fundamentally different.

"In our society, there are a large number of humanoid monsters called 'superhumans', humanoid tanks, humanoid battle fortresses, and humanoid blockbusters-they have amazing destructive power and superb criminal skills, and we can hardly stop them. It is impossible for any extraordinary person to commit a crime, and it is impossible to judge which extraordinary person has the possibility of committing a crime.

"Let's just talk about you, classmate Meng Chao, of course you are now in the prime of life, with extraordinary skills, a wide range of friends, and a bright future. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to commit a crime.

"However, as long as you make a small mistake during cultivation, allowing a negligible ray of psionic energy to rush into your central nervous system, damage or transform a small area of ​​your brain the size of a grain of rice, it may make you go crazy and change your temperament drastically. , giving birth to a strong desire to kill and destroy.

"Excuse me, how can we prevent such out-of-control crimes in advance?

"And how can you guarantee that you will never go crazy when you practice?"

Meng Chao thought for a long time, but there was no guarantee.

"Even the resources of the Extraordinary Tower and the Tribunal are limited, regardless of manpower, case handling funds, or possible collateral damage during case handling, they are all quite limited."

Shen Yupeng said rather helplessly, "I also want to close the case 100% perfectly, but it is impossible to continue to invest 100% of resources for 1% of flaws, because when I am investigating the mystery of Jin Yongqiang's death, it is very likely that there will be people all over the city. There have been dozens of vicious incidents in which extraordinary people went mad and committed crimes out of control. I think you, Meng Chao, can tell the difference."

Meng Chao sighed, got up and added a bowl of porridge, and said, "I know the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, and I also understand that many things are like relying on Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea. It has to be done, but can't be done.

"It's like knowing that the Golden Tooth Nest City is a place where all kinds of filth are hidden, and there are even a large number of wanted criminals hiding in it, but the current Dragon City has not yet been able to completely eradicate it.

"It's just that, thinking that we are so close to the answer, the truth and justice, but because we want to ease the contradiction between the 'biochemical modulation school' and the 'rune mechanical school', we can't pursue it to the end. I'm just not reconciled."

"Truth and justice have never been pursued by the Secret Police, the Tribunal, the Extraordinary Tower, or even the Survival Committee."

Shen Yupeng said lightly, "Unity and stability are what Dragon City needs most at present."

"Brother Shen, do you think there can be 100% unity and stability without 100% truth and justice?" Meng Chao frowned.

"Why not?"

Shen Yupeng came over and stared at Meng Chao, "If I want to pursue 100% justice, the first thing I need to find out is what happened to Shen Yulong and Lu Siya's two prospecting teams deep in the bottom of the Raging Wave Mountains. Did the surviving prospecting team members die from the spewing of the spiritual magnetic storm, or from the hands of each other's swords and mine hammers.

"Even if doing so will lead to an all-round escalation or even a complete breakdown of the conflicts between the Huanyu Group and Qingtian Group, the Shen family and the Lu family, the tribunal and the Investigation Bureau, I should remain unmoved and try to find out who killed these prospectors." The real culprit, figure out the roles played by Lu Siya, you and Qin Hu in this matter. After all, this is 100% justice, and only the spirit of the deceased can be comforted. This is the true nature of the secret police, right?

"Look me in the eye and tell me, should I check it out?"

Meng Chao was speechless.

"As for the truth, if I want to pursue the 100% truth, the first one to investigate is still you."

Shen Yupeng continued, "Why did you suddenly rise 50 days before the college entrance examination, break through to the realm of two-star spiritual transformation in just half a year, and master so many strange secrets? Does it exist, is it a crazy illegal scientific research team, or simply a criminal group hiding in the depths of the hive city?

"Do you think I should do whatever it takes to thoroughly investigate your origin, background, source of strength...all aspects?"

Meng Chao was speechless.

"Look, 100% truth and justice just can't bring 100% unity and stability."

Shen Yupeng sat back down again, returning to his lazy and sloppy uncle next door, lazily said, "I have been in the tribunal for many years, although there are many stories about me, many people have heard of 'secret police', Scary titles like 'Adjudicator' or even 'Judge' tend to imagine me as a ruthless and ruthless person.

"But in fact, as long as your threat to Dragon City is not too obvious, I am not very willing to kill you.

"I can turn a blind eye to the conflicts in the underground of the Raging Waves Mountain Range. If you say that my cousin Shen Yulong and so many prospectors were killed by the magnetic storm, then it is an accident!

"I can also ignore your origin, if you like to make up the story of 'The Old Man who Passes Fire', then make it up, anyway, every extraordinary person has his own secrets, and he likes to make up his own stories.

"For the same reason, even if the last piece of the puzzle is still missing in the mystery of the 'Sega Tiancheng Beast Murder Incident', the cost of finding it is too high. So, this case ends here, okay?"

Push the book.

Although it is already super popular, it doesn't need Lao Niu to recommend it.

"Sword of Dawn", Yuan Tong's masterpiece.

There is absolutely nothing to say about the quality, it is good to see.

[Gao Wen traveled through time, but something went wrong during the time travel.

After floating over a certain foreign continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to become a complete traveler, but he didn't expect that he would still need to carry this body after finally succeeding. Crawl out of the coffin and face two terrified great-great-great-great-granddaughters.

And a world approaching the end of an era. 】

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