Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 378 Rat Surge Disaster

Just one skyscraper can accommodate thousands of people living and working at the same time. Once it collapses, the consequences will be disastrous.

What's more, there are many high-rise buildings in Binjiang Financial District, and the collapsed buildings are very likely to hit other high-rise buildings, triggering a chain reaction. No one can calculate how many innocent people will be killed or injured.

Fortunately, before the other party completely eroded the foundation of the building, it was discovered by the vigilant transcendent.

Due to the timely reinforcement and evacuation of the people, the attack caused no casualties.

But after wasting too much time, the attacker escaped along the intricate underground passages.

Another attack three days later, not so lucky.

It was rush hour.

On the busiest rail transit line No. 5 in the underground of Longcheng, a subway full of nearly a thousand passengers is running fast.

Suddenly, the tunnel directly in front of it collapsed, and the subway, which was caught off guard, rammed into it. The front of the car was completely damaged, and several carriages were all detached from the rails. Falling in the tunnel, he broke his tendons and fractured his bones, and his face was covered in blood.

This is not the scariest.

While the survivors were wailing in a pool of blood.

A gigantic monster appeared from behind the paralyzed subway, opened its bloody mouth, bit open half of the subway car in one bite, and devoured the passengers frantically. Then, before the arrival of the extraordinary, it got into the mysterious underground cave and disappeared in countless places. In the indistinct black fork.

The attack caused the death and injury of hundreds of citizens, and dozens of citizens are missing.

The so-called "disappearance" basically means being buried in the mouth of a fierce beast.

From the monitoring in the subway tunnel and the analysis of the pictures taken by the panicked citizens, the other party was Gao Ye who had disappeared for more than half a year.

After half a year of dormancy, his figure became even bigger, his body surface was covered with dense thorns, and his mouth contained more than a dozen rows of steel-like teeth.

Judging from the speed at which the carriage is torn apart, the bite force and pulverizer performance are quite astonishing, far exceeding a large shield machine of the same size.

Biologists also found a special acid in the cave he drilled, which can instantly make the hard rock riddled with holes and brittle.

And another kind of slime, which seemed to emerge from the excretory hole, was like a strong adhesive, which could bind the soil he had dug together and turn it into a hard substance like concrete.

It was hard to imagine that he could evolve such an incredible ability by himself in the wild.

Experts from the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau are highly suspicious. In the past six months, he has received further preparations from the Alien Beast.

Meng Chao also felt that such Gao Ye was more and more similar to the "demon god" in the memory fragments of his previous life.

Of course, due to his own interference, Gao Ye has not yet reached the level of "the perfect body of the nine demon gods".

If it was the demon god in the memory fragments of the previous life, he might be able to swallow seven or eight subway cars in one go, right?

And the attack that erodes the foundations of skyscrapers will not be so hasty, but it may really bring down several buildings and cause a catastrophe like an earthquake.

In fact, Meng Chao vaguely remembered that the demon god transformed from Gao Ye in his previous life was called "Earthquake".

It's too late to stop him now.

Ye Xiaoxing's No. 9 Team has been in charge of Gao Ye's case.

Nine groups of elite soldiers formed several hunting squads to track and prevent Gao Ye's next attack day and night.

Although Meng Chao is not an official investigator of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, as the last person who has seen Gao Ye, and he himself wants to solve the "mystery of the demon god", he will join the hunting team to track down Gao Ye whenever he is free. clues.

They tracked for ten days.

Although he failed to catch Takano, he managed to prevent him from carrying out more serious damage.

Several times, he almost grabbed his tail in the downtown area or near the livelihood facilities, but he used his powerful ground drilling ability to break out of the encirclement.

But over time, the hunting team also figured out a set of his action patterns, and analyzed from the degree of dilution of his acid and mucus that he was also exhausted and on the verge of collapse. This contest of will and wisdom seems to be It will be over soon.

This is the eleventh day.

In the south of Dragon City, inside a large-scale abandoned pipeline.

Dragon City is a three-dimensional city with a population of tens of millions.

Before crossing, the ground is full of air-raid shelters, shelters and passages connecting various secret facilities.

After half a century of continuous construction, destruction, abandonment, re-construction, re-destruction, and re-abandonment, the ground has been dug out with dense holes like a honeycomb. Even the person in charge and the engineer of the urban construction department may not be able to tell. , How many abandoned pipelines and how many collapsed shelters are there in the underground of Dragon City.

Although Takano has a strong ability to penetrate the ground.

But burrowing into the ground consumes a lot of physical energy, and it is overloaded to secrete acid and mucus. If he does not get food and spar supplements for a long time, he will not be able to last for too long.

When possible, Takano will try to use the abandoned pipelines underground in Dragon City to "hide and seek" with the hunters.

This was even more so after ten days of high-intensity escape.

And he dragged his huge body through the abandoned pipeline, and he would definitely leave clues.

Meng Chao woke up from ten minutes of deep meditation, and the fatigue of seven or eight hours of continuous tracking was swept away. He slowly opened his eyes and found that Lu Siya was still sticking her buttocks, pressing her ear to the wall of the underground pipe, listening A voice from deep underground.

After a few days of high-profile and ineffective siege, Ye Xiaoxing divided the hunting team into a "tracking group" and an "attack group".

The tracking team is composed of two to three investigators who are familiar with the monster's habits and underground conditions, preferably with harvesting and prospecting qualifications, and are responsible for monitoring the movement of Gaoye underground.

The attack team is on standby at the central commanding height on the ground. Once they receive the signal from the tracking team, they must race against time to reach the coordinates that may appear in Gaoye.

This kind of setting prevents all members of the nine groups from being exhausted, and collapses before grabbing Takano's tail.

Meng Chao still partnered with Lu Siya.

One has the skills of a senior harvester, and the other is a prospector plus agility. After ten days, the cooperation has become more and more tacit, and they have passed Gao Ye several times.

Today, it was also Meng Chao who felt Gao Ye's thorns scratching the pipe wall in this section of the underground pipeline, leaving small scratches, and following the faint smell of blood, he found a few body tissues left by ordinary sandworms. Used to stop and eat here.

That's why Lu Siya exerted her innate supernatural powers, held her breath, and listened to the weakest vibrations in the ground within a radius of several miles.

Meng Chao took out two high-energy nutrient supplements from his rucksack and sucked one first. He didn't want to disturb Lu Siya at first, but seeing the strong suspicion on her face, he threw the other one over and asked: "Well, did you hear anything?"


Lu Siya didn't even look at it, but casually caught the high-energy nutrient thrown by Meng Chao, and murmured, "There is a very unusual movement, but it doesn't look like a super sandworm, but rather some kind of smaller, more many……"

Accompanied by the faint rancid smell surging from the depths of the abandoned pipes.

Meng Chao also sensed the danger, and his hairs stood on end.

Now, without the ears of a "sensible person", one can hear "creak creak" from the depths of the darkness, as well as the sound of claws scraping the pipe wall.

"Ready to fight!"

Meng Chao pulled Lu Siya up, took out a burning stick from the armor belt tied to his thigh, pouted it hard, and threw it deep into the abandoned pipe.

The burning stick made a "chi chi chi chi" sound, and the scarlet light reflected the depths of the pipe like daytime.

It also illuminates hundreds of densely packed, furry mice with scarlet eyes.

Even if I knew that the depths of the abandoned underground pipelines must be full of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The scene in front of them still gave Meng Chao and Lu Siya goosebumps.

The burning rods they used were filled with the bone meal of various ferocious beasts. When burning, they would emit a pungent smell. It stands to reason that it has the miraculous effect of driving away snakes, insects, rats and ants.

These huge mice with spikes all over their bodies rushed towards them like a tide with their scarlet eyes widened.

"what happened?"

Meng Chao frowned slightly, but he didn't take the rat tide too seriously.

Holding his breath, he took a few incendiary bombs from behind and threw them over, immediately forming a wall of fire in front of him.

Countless mice were killed in the sea of ​​flames, and more mice's hairs that were as sharp as arrows were burned, and they ran around like rockets. Before they were half a meter away from Meng Chao, they were torn to pieces by the chain blade he swung like a whirlwind.

Lu Siya even floated in mid-air, using the magnetic field of life to resonate with the atomic energy layer of the rock, and summoned tiny ground thorns, directly nailing the mouse to the ground.

After throwing down hundreds of corpses, the group of rats realized how terrible Meng Chao and Lu Siya were, and they didn't dare to provoke these two "fierce gods" any longer. They separated around them like waves encountering rocks, and rushed out of the pipeline.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other.

Both of them had an ominous premonition.

Rat monsters are usually not too powerful, but because of their large number, strong reproductive ability, and the ability to spread a variety of diseases, they are often used by alien beasts as vanguards to disrupt the order of human defenses.

Could it be a coincidence that such a wave of rats appeared in the place where Gao Ye had just fled?

Meng Chao used the chain blade to pick up a mouse that had no time to escape.

In just ten seconds, it was broken down into a near art specimen.

It can be seen that the myelitis of this mouse is abnormally light blue, and the brain is edematous, and blue spots also appear.

"It seems to be infected with some kind of virus."

Meng Chao dissected another mouse whose limbs were nailed by Lu Siya, and the symptoms were still similar. He pondered, "Sister Ya, do you remember when we were looking for out-of-control sandworms in the No. 4 garbage dump, we also encountered a group of mice?" Infected with the virus, going crazy?

"That time, the mice were infected with a mutant rabies virus.

"But the virus they infected this time seems to be more powerful than the mutant rabies virus..."

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