Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 725 Mechanical Martial Arts

After getting along day and night for half a year, he has already figured out Lei Zongchao's temper.

The former "God of War" hated others the most, treating him as a supreme powerhouse, bowing their heads and ears to him, and respecting him.

Instead, I hope that everyone can forget his identity, at most, think of him as a veteran who has returned to the field, or an old teacher who has been preaching and solving puzzles all his life, and can still play a little bit.

Of course, Meng Chao really cared about the old man's body.

No one knows better than him how weak the current "God of War" Lei Zongchao is.

When Meng Chao had a deep understanding of the battles he had experienced and the trauma he had suffered over the past few decades, he realized that such a trauma placed on others was enough to crush ten god-level powerhouses.

But Lei Zongchao knew that time was running out, so instead of taking good care of him, he dragged his disintegrating body, practicing and working harder, and spared no effort to pour his life's experience, painstaking efforts and strength into Meng Chao, the people in the Martial God Palace and others. Inside the children of Dragon City.

As if he wanted to release the last light and heat to his heart's content before the fire of his life was completely extinguished, to illuminate the path of more latecomers.

"Meng Chao, you're back just in time. Take a look at my newly developed martial art!"

Lei Zongchao adjusted his breath evenly, tried his best to push Meng Chao away, and assumed a very stiff and strange posture.

One stroke at a time, like a robot doing radio gymnastics.

Although he didn't fall down this time, the feeling of hemiplegia was even stronger.

"What kind of martial art is this?" Meng Chao was a little dumbfounded.

"Mechanical Martial Arts."

Lei Zongchao said seriously, "In the past six months, the red dragon army, hunters and colonists have hunted down the remnants of monsters in the depths of the monster mountains. , more people were injured and disabled, right?"

"That's right." Meng Chao looked a little sad.

Although the war in the past six months has been described as "destroyed and broken", it has been a hundred times smoother than the end of the monster war in the previous life.

But there are no immortals in war.

Especially in the depths of the Monster Mountains where the road is rugged, the air is humid and hot, snakes, insects, rats and ants are everywhere, and the spiritual magnetic interference is extremely strong, and the torrent of steel is difficult to spread.

Even if human beings control the absolute air supremacy, they can use thousands of cannons to open the way, and even burn one mountain after another to scorched earth.

After all, it is impossible to stop the rising number of casualties.

An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood.

Every inch of living space in Dragon City was bought with the blood of martyrs.

"The victim has already slept forever, but the soldiers who survived, were seriously injured and lost some limbs, may not be willing to withdraw from the battlefield forever. Many people still want to continue fighting after being equipped with mechanical prosthetic limbs."

Lei Zongchao explained, "Compared to the original flesh and blood limbs of human beings, the materials of mechanical prosthetic limbs can be strengthened infinitely, and they can also be equipped with various combat modules. They have hundreds of different uses and are very powerful weapons.

"However, the current simulated neural current technology and human-computer interaction technology are still unable to improve the level of brain-manipulated mechanical prosthetics to the accuracy of 'arms and fingers'.

"On the other hand, there is no spiritual vein on the mechanical prosthetic, which means that the mechanical prosthetic cannot construct a spiritual magnetic force field and perform all kinds of extraordinary skills, so it cannot exert the strongest force of a superhuman.

"Many warriors with extraordinary skills, after being seriously injured and losing part of their limbs, often cannot continue their original path of warriors even if they are replaced with powerful mechanical prosthetic limbs. They can only become 'gunners' or 'mechanics' full-time.

"Even if you are still a warrior, you can only follow the path of 'gun fighting style' or 'mecha armor style', and your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

"With the continuous escalation of the scale of the war, seeing more and more disabled people in the circle of superhumans, I thought about developing a 'mechanical martial art', to create a new way for superhumans equipped with mechanical prosthetics. path of."

I see.

Lei Zongchao did not cultivate for himself.

Instead, he took great pains to create a brand new martial art for the injured and disabled Transcendents.

Meng Chao was in awe again.

"Let's not talk about this first."

Lei Zongchao practiced two more moves, and seemed to have encountered a joint that he hadn't figured out yet. He waved his hand, sat down on the edge of the super-giant medical cabin, looked at Meng Chao, and said with a smile, "How about it, your sister reported Are things going well?"

"It went well."

Meng Chao said, "Anyway, it's much better than I was back then."

"I heard that the little guy Wang Dao kept the record of 'Going up the Ladder' for several years, but your sister broke it twenty seconds earlier!"

Lei Zongchao smiled and said, "When she is on winter vacation, if you have time, you can bring her here, and compete with those guys outside, and kill their prestige, so that they don't think the 'Walking God Palace' is so great all day long!"

This is what the "War God" meant by personally instructing Bai Jiacao.

Meng Chao was overjoyed, and hurriedly expressed his gratitude on behalf of his sister.

"It should be, even if it's not your sister, any son of Dragon City who can break the record of the king's way is worthy of me, a bad old man, to help her."

Lei Zongchao continued to ask, "And I asked you to give it to the children in Chaocheng. Have you sent all the data chips for getting started with martial arts?"

"I've delivered it, and I guarantee that there will be a lot of children under the age of sixteen in the entire Nest City."

Speaking of this matter, Meng Chao couldn't help but want to complain, "Master Lei, you said that you want to lighten the martial arts path of the children in Chaocheng. Physical condition, it took a full three months to polish a full seven sets of basic cultivation methods. It is already exhausting and painstaking. Why do you have to sign every data chip?

"Okay, even to encourage the children, autographing the name of 'War God' is enough to witness your ardent expectations.

"But you also asked me to ask for a list of all the children in Nest City, and wrote down the names of each child with my own handwriting. There was also a different message for everyone, and I wrote it for a whole day and night.

"It's not that you don't know your physical condition, is it necessary to do this step?"

"Since we are going to do it, we must do it to the extreme. Otherwise, we can put the teaching materials and videos on the Internet and let the children download them by themselves. Why bother you?"

Lei Zongchao first smiled, and then sighed, "Nest City has become so smoky, and many children have grown up in a deformed and ugly environment mixed with fish and dragons. Jin Wanhao is responsible for this matter, and the nine super companies are responsible. I There is also great responsibility.

"The past can't be changed, I just hope that at the end of my life, try to... correct all the mistakes I made over the decades.

"Just a signature is not enough to show my sincerity, let alone let these neglected children realize their unique value.

"Meng Chao, you have just left your teenage years. Let me ask you, if you go back ten years and you receive a training chip signed by me, there is a solemn sentence written on it, 'Meng Chao, come on, I saw you cultivation potential', what mood are you in?"

Meng Chao thought for a while, and said, "I will definitely jump up for joy, knock a hole in the ceiling of our house, and then practice hard, and never let down your expectations. With a personal gift, you will be resurrected with full blood in minutes!"

"That's it. In fact, people are similar to each other. Everyone has two shoulders and one head. No one has three heads and six arms in the womb. How can there be such a difference in cultivation talents?

Lei Zongchao said, "Everyone has talent, it all depends on how to stimulate it, just my signature may be able to stimulate 50% of the cultivation talent of the children in Chaocheng, but with the addition of each child's name and The different words made the children feel that I know each of them, and that I specially polished these basic exercises for each of them. This unique treatment may stimulate their cultivation talents by 120%. ?

"There are so many children in the entire Hive City, as long as ten or eight of them have aroused 120% of their cultivation talents, my hard work all day and night will not be in vain, don't you think?"

Only then did Meng Chao understand Lei Zongchao's good intentions.

I can't help but pay more and more reverence to the former "War God".

Thinking of the conversation between himself and Su Mulian.

He secretly thought in his heart: "If Miss Mulian can really help the 'War God' last five to ten years, let him take charge of the overall situation of Dragon City, and gather all the forces including the nine super companies, this invincible Iron Fist will definitely crush Doomsday!"

While chatting and thinking, Lei Zongchao seemed to have figured out the sluggish joints just now, stood up again, put on a posture of stiff hands and feet, and developed his "Mechanical Martial Arts".

Seeing his hemiplegia, Meng Chao knew it was not true, but couldn't help but said: "Master Lei, you need to rest!"

"The last thing I need right now is rest."

Lei Zongchao smiled while gesticulating, "Anyway, it won't be long before I can rest forever, why rush for a while?"

Meng Chao was speechless.

I also know that this seemingly relaxed and easy-going old man becomes stubborn, and even the nine doomsday beasts can't stop him.

He could only switch his mind and use his own method to reduce Lei Zongchao's workload.

"Master Lei, if you really want to develop a brand new martial art for the mechanical prosthetics of the disabled, I have some immature ideas here."

Meng Chao made a weird gesture and said, "Lie back in the medical cabin first, and see how I am?"

His limbs all move in the direction of the anti-joint.

There was a "crackling" sound from the joints all over the body.

It's not as rigid as a zombie, but jumps up and down like a marionette.

Of course, this is not his own move.

Instead, he recalled deep in his brain, in the memory fragments of his previous life, those skeleton soldiers summoned by necromancers and liches, the usual routine.

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