Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 748 Falling into the Abyss

"This is impossible!"

Looking at the dozen or so UHV transmission towers swaying towards him, Meng Chao was dumbfounded.

He clearly remembered that all the ultra-high voltage transmission towers that were covered by green tides, pulled by vines, and rose from the ground were all wiped out by long-range bombing.

Those steel and iron bones all melted and kneaded again, turning into indivisible scrap copper and rotten iron.

How is it possible, still intact?

Moreover, the two-hundred-meter-high ultra-high voltage transmission tower, under the control of vines and branches, advances like a myriad of insects. Grenade, without being discovered by them?

You know, they release a "Peregrine Falcon" over the jungle at intervals to act as aerial scouts and signal relay stations!

Countless questions rolled over Meng Chao's cerebral cortex.

But the situation was urgent, and he was not allowed to think about it. Seven or eight vines with polymorphic charcoal fungus growing on their tips, like the vines of a demon spreading its ghost claws, sprang up from the grass again and shot towards him.

Swish Swish Swish Swish!

Meng Chao reacted instinctively. The ghost blade dragged the chain, swirling an impenetrable translucent knife net around his body, cutting the vines and ghost claws to pieces.

But the broken vine fell to the ground, and the green tide covering it immediately became active, wriggling and moving closer to each other, shooting out thousands of green threads like blood-patterned flowers, intertwined and reconnecting the vines.

"So strong cell activity!"

Meng Chao snorted coldly, and under the agitation of spiritual energy, the Golden Tooth Blood Sword released a flame of more than ten feet, sweeping across the crazily wriggling vines with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops.

Wherever the pale golden spiritual flame went, the green tides scorched and withered one after another, turning into pale ashes.

However, more expedition members did not have Meng Chao's fighting power and peerless magic weapons, especially the auxiliary combat personnel such as geological experts, who were attacked by poisonous vines one after another, and were killed all at once.

What's more, more than a dozen green giants transformed from UHV transmission towers have rushed out of the jungle and killed them.

The two sides are close at hand, and the towering UHV transmission tower is more and more obvious, and the strange transformation of this towering tower after being eroded by countless creeping green tides.

More and more vines shoot out from the inside of UHV transmission towers.

No matter how many vines Meng Chao and the exploration team cut off, with the surge of the green tide, the stumped limbs and arms of these evil forces can "resurrect from death".

Seeing that the entire expedition team will be surrounded by UHV transmission towers.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and looked at Long Feijun. The two of them rose into the sky at the same time and flew towards the two UHV transmission towers in front.

Meng Chaoren was still in the air, his spine bulged high, and part of his spiritual energy surged from the depths of his spinal cord all the way to his shoulder blades, turning into a pair of invisible wings of light that spread out behind his back.

More psionic energy was poured into the Golden Teeth Blood Knife along the ever-expanding arms, turning it from a heavy sword as heavy as a mountain axe to an exaggerated form capable of cutting an armored airship in the middle with one blow.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

On the blade and back of the blade, the minions of the doomsday beast bounced off one by one, adding a bit of ferocity and domineering.

There are also dark gold and bright red spirit patterns, flowing along the blood chalcedony on the spine of the knife, surging into the densely packed ancient runes engraved on the knife body, activating the offensive spiritual magnetic force field contained in the ancient runes, making the mysterious and complicated knife The awns expanded to dozens of meters away, and even condensed a dazzling little sun on the tip of the knife.

"Tianba Broken Star Slash!"

Amidst the roar, Meng Chao relied on the boost of "Nine Dragons Seal" to volley out the famous stunt of "Underground Emperor" Jin Wanhao.

I saw a few golden streamers like dragons, lingering around a shining golden ball, blasting fiercely into the center of the UHV transmission tower at lightning speed.

In an instant, all the vines and branches entwining the UHV transmission tower screamed piercingly, trembling crazily as if being fried by an invisible frying pan.

Streams of golden light came out from their gaps, turning into golden dragons again, devouring every piece of green greedily, and soon burned up the green tide covering the UHV transmission tower, leaving only an empty, crooked body. iron shelf.

Without the control of the creature and without a solid foundation to support it, this steel skeleton could only collapse down.

On the other side, "Train Cannon" Long Feijun also used his powerful iron fist to blast a green giant riddled with holes and fell on his back.

But there are too many green giants left.

Each green giant can shoot out hundreds of vines with thorns and slime, attacking Meng Chao, Long Feijun and the explorers separately.

They have even evolved the wisdom of demon gods and know how to use human tactics.

While using countless vines to block the offensive of Meng Chao and Long Feijun.

While entangled with other exploration team members, they were dragged into the UHV transmission tower to serve as meat shields, making Meng Chao and Long Feijun throw their hands at them.

The spiritual magnetic environment in the Hidden Fog is very complicated, and the endurance combat time of the extraordinary here is much lower than that of the outside world.

Meng Chao and Long Feijun cut off hundreds of vines and blasted several green giants, but their movements slowed down.

They were scratched by several vines for a while, and the mucus flowed into the blood vessels along the wound, as if countless algae and spores proliferated in their bodies, forcing them to mobilize a lot of spiritual energy to eliminate the intruders, and the speed naturally became faster. Slower.

Just then, there was an ominous metal twisting sound behind them.

Looking back, Meng Chao's scalp tingled.

The UHV transmission tower that had just been chopped off, exploded, and turned into scrap copper and iron was covered by a layer of green tide like a green creeper at some point, wrapping it into a huge "worm cocoon".

Accompanied by the "creaking" metal twisting sound, the "worm cocoon" burst, and a new green giant stood up!

"What the hell is going on here?"

Meng Chao was almost desperate.

How could the activity of the green tide rise to such a terrifying level in an instant, making the vines, branches and moss become extremely crazy, and even the hard steel can be shaped and integrated at will.

Where did Green Tide get such a huge amount of energy to complete these incredible movements?

If the green giant covered by the green tide is the reason for the disappearance of several expedition teams including "Pan-eating Pomfret" and Lu Siya, why didn't there be any trace left at the scene, and Lu Siya and the others didn't send out a half-way distress signal, or take pictures To the hideous face of the green giant?

A huge UHV transmission tower, waving hundreds of vine tentacles, even a blind person can take a clear picture!

The scene in front of him was like a nightmare, completely confusing Meng Chao.

He only saw that one and one exploration team members were entangled by vines, swallowed by green tide, and sucked into the UHV transmission tower.

Hundreds of heavy machine guns and flamethrowers fired at the same time, but there was no difference between the bullets and flames shooting on the tumbling green tide and the real wave. After that, it recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Train Cannon" Long Feijun roared again and again, but he was still no match for the siege of hundreds of vines, and gradually disappeared in the overly bright green.

The originally unimpeded communication channel suffered strong interference in an instant, with rustling noises in my ears, and pale snowflakes in front of my eyes.

They still have rear contact with the other nine exploration teams, which have been completely severed.

Finally, someone couldn't bear it, and activated several "Peregrine Falcons" amidst the roar of collapse.

The faithful suicide drone circled a few times in mid-air, and smashed at several green giants one after another, smashing out a huge mushroom cloud, rising slowly, like an arrow frozen in mid-air.

The long-range firepower arrived in an instant, and the destructive light ball, heat wave, and shock wave reappeared among the green giants, burning the UHV transmission tower and the vines, moss, branches, and green tides covering it.

Of course, humans were also burned at the same time.

This time, the distance between the exploration team members and the UHV transmission tower was closer than when taking the Kunpeng.

Meng Chao almost watched helplessly as the shock wave turned into a stormy wave tens of feet high, swallowing the UHV transmission tower, Long Feijun and the others together, and then rushed towards him aggressively.

Rao, with his five-star celestial realm strength, faced the devastating carpet bombing, and still felt that there was an invisible strange hand tightly clutching his crotch.

Meng Chao let out a strange cry and ran away.

All the psychic energy blasted to the feet, exploding one by one like spar bombs, but they still couldn't escape the approaching shock wave.

Accompanied by a deafening bang, Meng Chao seemed to be kicked hard by lava in the back, kicking him directly into the sinkhole.

Meng Chao tried to control his figure in mid-air, and flew to the center of the sinkhole.

But the wind in the tiankeng was chaotic and fierce, faintly mixed with ripples of spiritual energy that penetrated into the bone marrow, just like the legendary "gang wind".

The shock waves behind him were even higher than the waves, like magma kicking one foot after another.

In the depths of the tiankeng, another strange suction force, like an invisible vortex, sucked Meng Chao in.


Meng Chao's life magnetic field was finally disordered.

As if falling into an abyss, the whole body is swallowed by the sense of weightlessness.

And this abyss is really bottomless, and it seems to be an elevator that extends infinitely, crashes down, and leads directly to hell.


After falling for an unknown amount of time, Meng Chao finally landed heavily.

The spine and lower body are unharmed.

Instead, the top of my head hurts badly.

The lower body was still shaking, trembling, as if it had fallen on something very soft.


Meng Chao couldn't help covering his head, and found a big hot bump protruding from his head.

Even so, he still regained his composure in an instant, regathered the magnetic field of life, and the spiritual energy surged around his body, making the Golden Fang Blood Knife and Ghost Blade "buzzing".

Meng Chao looked around warily.

But he was dumbfounded for an instant.

He was mentally prepared to see any incredible images.

He would not be so surprised whether it was the crazily creeping green tide, the colorful primordial forest, the magic cave full of skeletons, the mastermind behind the hideous monster civilization, or even the crashed orbital space station of the ancient civilization.

But what appeared in front of Meng Chao was a room.

An ordinary, antique, and earth-filled room.

To be more precise, he was lying in the middle of the room, on a big fluffy and soft bed.

Above is naturally a solid ceiling, without even a single gap.

The big bag on his head was caused by jumping off the bed just now, and hitting the ceiling with too much force!

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