I'm a 25-year-old police officer.

To be honest, I've seen a lot of vicious criminals in my three years of work.

I thought I was well-informed and nothing could cause my emotions to fluctuate.

But reality gave me a hard blow. Today I met the most brutal, arrogant and fierce criminals in history.

Now the two criminals are in front of me, two men in black suits, holding pistols in their hands, and they are experts at first glance.

"What do you want to do?!" Hebian Akira took out his baton and then shouted:

"Come on! Someone is trying to steal the post!"

Vodka looked at the uniform on Hebian Akira and was a little confused.

This... is this the police station? !

How is it possible? !

It's fake, it must be fake!

I understand, this is a trick.

This guy is a smart guy, he wants to put on a uniform to disguise himself and deceive himself.

So, Vodka slowly raised his pistol and aimed at Hebian Akira.

Seeing this, Gin's cigarette in his mouth trembled, the ash fell to the ground, and then nodded slightly, very satisfied.

Not bad, worthy of being Vodka, it seems that he has seen through the enemy's trick.

Yes, Gin has the same idea as Vodka.

The reason is very simple, because there is no sign of the post at the door, and besides, the post will be in such a remote alley.

Unless it is the back door, but it is obviously impossible.

"Kill him." Gin gave the order indifferently.

Hebian Huang took a breath of cold air. He thought these two were cruel enough, but he didn't expect that he was still shallow.

They actually rushed into the battle to kill people? !

He seriously suspected that these two people wanted to commit suicide, otherwise how could they do such a brainless thing.

Criminals need evidence, but anti-terrorism only needs a list!

Gin's terrifying eyes told Hebian Huang that this was not a joke.

In other words, these two really dared to shoot themselves!

Although Hebian Huang was so scared that his calves began to tremble, he still shouted loudly: "I warn you, don't mess around."

"Humph! Ridiculous, you are still pretending?" Vodka laughed.

You are so deep in the play, it seems that I have to help you sober up.

"Don't move! Put your hands up!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was like the sound of nature in Hebian Huang's ears.

Then, a group of police officers rushed out with guns and electric batons, and squeezed into the narrow back door corridor.

Vodka's hand holding the gun quickly dropped, and Gin's hand smoking suddenly shook.

The two thought at the same time: It's bad! This is really a police station!

At the same time, the police officers on duty also thought at the same time: It's bad! Two gangsters want to rob the duty!

The duty is different from the Metropolitan Police Department. Police officers usually patrol nearby blocks and areas. They are usually equipped with batons and very few guns.

There are two people on the other side, two guns. Who of them has seen such a big scene? For a moment, no one knows what to do.

You can't just rush up, don't be funny, let us use batons to shoot pistols?

Do you think we are Indians?

"Let's go!" Gin reacted the fastest, threw away the cigarette butt, and took out a smoke bomb from his coat and threw it in the corridor.

Vodka didn't even bother to shoot, he turned around and ran, fearing that he would be caught up.

He was definitely not afraid, he was just obedient.

The two came and went in a hurry, and walked very fast.

The police officers in the police station also breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party could easily take out smoke bombs, and they were obviously gangsters, absolutely organized and disciplined.

I just don't know why these two guys thought of attacking the police station at night.

I don't think there is anything valuable here?

"Don't chase them, they have already driven away, report this matter quickly, and immediately launch a wanted order for the two."

The patrol chief is still experienced, and he reported it directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

In fact, this buddy was also sweating all over. He is in his forties this year and has worked here for more than 20 years, and he has never seen such a ridiculous situation.

Are these terrorists no longer hiding now?

Even the police station is listed as a robbery target by them? !

"Yes!" The police officers responded and immediately started to get busy.

Only He Bianhuang collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

He was lucky to have saved his life. If his colleagues had come a little later, he might have been in trouble today.

He was about to die.

The eyes of the two men told him that they really dared to shoot.

Recalling what happened just now, Hebian Huang shuddered suddenly, and then swore silently in his heart.

I swear, I will never go through the back door from now on!

On the other side, Gin, who returned to the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove away in a flash.

"Brother, your direction is wrong." Vodka saw the abnormality.

Why do I feel that the big brother wants to go around to the front door of the Jiaoban to see?

This is indeed the case. Gin wants to confirm this with his own eyes.

The Porsche 356A stopped at the front door of the Jiaoban.

Through the glass door, you can clearly see that the police officers inside are busy.

"Haha, Shirley!" Gin laughed instead of being angry.

He already understood everything!

It must be a trap set by Shirley, deliberately leading them to the Jiaoban, so as to catch them all in one fell swoop.

She even deliberately set the position at the back door of the Koban, which shows that she has come here to inspect.

Want to avenge her sister?

Interesting, very interesting!

Gin admitted that he had misjudged her. He did not expect that Shiho Miyano would actually take revenge on him, nor did he expect that the seemingly childish guy would actually have such a scheme.

But this made Gin even more excited.

Struggle! Resist!

Then wait for death with fear!

Kill her! Definitely kill her!

Gin's killing intent reached its peak. He wanted to see Shiho Miyano's terrified, unwilling, stiff, and blue face with his own eyes.


"Shirley, I will find you, absolutely!"

Gin's laughter made Vodka feel a little perverted.

Perhaps he had laughed enough, or perhaps he wanted to track down Shiho Miyano. Gin stopped laughing and stepped on the accelerator to leave the Koban door.

The police officers in the police station were still busy, not noticing that the two terrorists had just left the door openly.

Metropolitan Police Department.

A cry of surprise suddenly came from Officer Megure's office.

"What? Gunmen robbed the police station?!"

The police officers in the entire Metropolitan Police Department paused, looked at Officer Megure's office, and then began to rub their hands.

"Let's go! Let's go! We must catch those two terrorists wearing wide-brimmed hats and black suits!"

Officer Megure got angry rarely.

The police station, that is a colleague organization, and it is also the main symbol for ensuring regional security.

Now it was robbed by two gunmen, although nothing was stolen.

But the point is not this, the point is the face problem!

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