Remember for a second【】

"Scanning the position of the artificial moon..."

"Scan successful, locking..."

"Locked successfully, ready to intercept..."


puff puff puff...

The dark box has small holes in it, just like a hornet's nest, neatly arranged.

After locking Song Haotian's black hole moon, the small holes shot out flying objects like syringes, with tails, and shot straight into the sky!

"Huh? Intercept?"

When the ion cannon was just exposed to the sea, Song Haotian used his mental power to detect it.

But he just smiled lightly and didn't take it to heart at all!

You know, he's not using technology!

It is the power of the body, that is, "metaphysics"!

If it is technology, then Song Haotian may still be worried!

But the power of metaphysics, how can a small fifth era be able to intercept and stop it?

Song Haotian's full blow, even he himself did not know how terrifying it was!

Because after coming to Earth, he has never recovered to his peak state!

Taking a step back, even if he really returned to his peak state, he would not dare to use all his strength easily!

Because he was afraid that the universe would not be able to hold it!

He is afraid that one blow from himself will annihilate the space and shatter the universe!

This universe is very different from the other-dimensional universe!

The different-dimensional universe includes countless planes and continents, which are indestructible!

At the very least, it is a million times stronger than the earth!

The stones, trees, flowers, wild beasts, including people, live in an environment nourished by spiritual energy all year round!

It is equivalent to being soaked in spiritual energy!

Therefore, their constituent elements, body structure, and muscle strength far exceed those of the earth!

Including some dead things too!

But this is the case, a powerhouse like Song Haotian can still destroy a plane and a continent!

Not to mention Earth!

Not to mention the solar system!

Not to mention the Milky Way!

Ashes in the blink of an eye!

Therefore, the power of Song Haotian's metaphysics is unshakable!

Not to mention the Fifth Era, even the weapons of the Sixth Era, Seventh Era, and Eighth Era would never be able to compete with his magical powers!

Traveling through time and space, this kind of thing can only be done in the sixth era.

But for Song Haotian, isn't this easy?

Didn't Song Haotian just travel back through time and space!

And what needs to be clear is that he is not an ordinary time traveler.

He traveled through parallel universes, from the fantasy world to the earth world, and returned thousands of years earlier!

This kind of method cannot be done in the sixth era or in the seventh era. Even people in the eighth era can hardly travel between the two parallel universes!

Therefore, Song Haotian's strength is immeasurable!

Those syringe mini ion energy cannons really caught up with Song Haotian's artificial black hole moon!

Song Haotian's black hole moon is not flying very fast, because Song Haotian wants to restore the earth's gravity little by little!

He is also not sure how high the black hole moon can fly to, which can restore the normal gravity of the earth to the past!

If it is not too fast, then the gravitational force may be adjusted to the highest level all of a sudden, and the earthlings may suddenly be unbearable, causing many emergencies.

For example, some people fell while running, some fell directly into the sea, etc...

These are all uncontrollable factors, so Song Haotian has to give everyone time to prepare.

After those syringe ion cannons flew to the side of the black hole moon, they suddenly exploded, wanting to blow up the black hole moon!

However, Atlantis underestimated Song Haotian's black hole moon!

This is the product that Song Haotian condensed with his own spiritual energy!

It's definitely not made of material on Earth!

indestructible! Unstoppable!

boom boom boom...

Even a mini ion cannon the size of a syringe affected most of the sky after it exploded.

In countries in the east of the earth, everyone looks up at the sky.

I saw the light behind the clouds flickering constantly, as if there was a storm coming, and half of the sky was illuminated brightly.

The light didn't last long.

That is, it disappeared in ten seconds.

"Damn! King, our ion cannon can't blow up this moon!"

"There is such a thing?"

The king of Atlantis came to the technology console, and he could clearly see that the ion cannons they fired did not cause any damage to the black hole moon.

The black hole moon continues to rise slowly, and correspondingly, the gravity of the earth is gradually increasing!

Originally, everyone jumped four or five meters, but now they have to drop at least half a meter!

People all over the world have discovered this phenomenon.

"I can't seem to jump high!"

"I feel like gravity is back!"

"It's true! Gravity seems to be coming back!"

"Hmph, you idiots, my gravity has long since returned!"

"Yeah, you haven't come back yet.

^0^ One second to remember【】

, I bowed down to the sea early in the morning. I have to tell you a secret. After kneeling down to the sea, I feel stronger and stronger! Not bragging at all! I'm really getting better! "

"Yes! I can attest to this. After kneeling in the ocean, I feel like I've drank ten bottles of Red Bull. I feel like I've been in the gym for ten years! I'm full of explosive power now!"

"Is it true or false? Why don't I believe it! You guys are talking about this too mysteriously. Even kneeling down to the sea can have power... How can this matter become more and more evil!"

"Evil sect? If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself! My brothers and I are like this, absolutely true! Really!"

The robots of Atlantis are taking rhythm around the world again.

This time they used words such as "abs", "no exercise", "strengthening physique" to tempt everyone!

And also published a video, a picture, to prove the authenticity of his remarks!

"Look, this is me! I didn't have abs at first, but now, since I bowed down to the sea, I've grown eight-pack! Eight-pack! And pectoral muscles!"

"The video is proof, the liar killed the whole family! Everyone can watch it! Even if the gravity of the earth is going to recover, it might as well have a few more abdominal muscles!"

"That's it! No matter what you choose, I still choose to believe in the sea! I feel that the sea is the incarnation of God. This is not evil, but God's love for us!"

As soon as they heard that they had abdominal muscles and saw the attractive pictures, a large number of netizens immediately went crazy, and they all lost their reason and knelt down to the sea!


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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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