"He admitted it?"

"Sure enough, they did make a deal!"

"Why don't I believe it? I want Mr. Song to answer it himself! Did he make a deal with Atlantis?"

"Are you stupid? Will Song Haotian tell you the truth? How could Song Haotian admit this kind of thing!"

"Atlantis, it's real! I always thought it was a myth!"

"I think we are united now, we have to do something! Atlantis wants to kill us! Mochizuki wants to kill us too!"


Caballon's words did confuse some people on earth, but only a part.

Song Haotian's eyes turned cold, and he said solemnly, "You are courting death!"

With that said, he grabbed Kabalon directly and swam to a deeper place on the seabed!

He is going to slaughter Atlantis directly!

Cabalon grabbed Song Ping's wrist and said angrily, "Let me go! Let me go!"

Cabalon also has a monitor on his body, and the robots that follow Kabalon also have monitoring equipment on them!

Seeing Cabalon swimming towards Atlantis, Roms immediately pressed the switch button!

Everywhere on Earth!

The bodies of those scaled people burst open one by one!





one person!

two people!


One hundred people!

Two hundred people!


A thousand people!

Two thousand people!


In just one minute, 3,000 scaled people have disappeared from the earth!

This can terrify the people around you!

Roms' voice sounded from Caballon!

"Mr. Song, if you dare to approach Atlantis again, all the scaly people on earth will die! I know that you have a way to see the situation on earth, so you might as well take a look now!"

Song Haotian immediately checked the current situation on the earth, and found that the explosion of scaled people was rapidly increasing, and at this moment it had risen to 30 people in one second!

"Mr. Song! Don't go down!"

"Ah! I don't want to die! Song Haotian, don't get close to Atlantis!"

"Song Haotian, are you trying to kill us?"

"Whether you are with Atlantis or not, please stop immediately!"

"No! No... I don't want... ah—"


A scaled man screamed, his body turned into pieces!

Scammed people all over the world panicked and left messages on the Internet to refresh the screen!

"Song Haotian! Please stop immediately!"

"I'd rather be an Atlantis effort than die! Song Haotian, hurry back!"

"Song Haotian, do you want to be the murderer of 500 million people?"

"Stop! Stop! I'm a grass and mud horse! If I die, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"Please don't kill me at Atlantis! I am willing to be your slave! I am willing to live at the bottom of the sea forever! Even if it is pitch dark!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please! Ah-"


Someone exploded!

"Humph! You scaly people really deserve it! You are still threatening Mr. Song now?"

"Do you know how to be polite? Is this your country of freedom and equality? Do you remember that in the beginning, Mr. Song and Mochizuki ordered you not to kneel down and worship the sea! You don't listen! Now something has happened, you know Do you regret it? You deserve it! You deserve it if you die!"

"Humph! Atlantis is not a good thing, but this Mr. Song is not a good bird either! He has ulterior motives! He knows that someone will die, but he still wants to go down! I see, this is him and Atlanti. In one of his plays, one sings a red face and the other sings a black face, their purpose is to kill!"

"You can shut up! Mr. Song has done so many things for the earth, and you still doubt him? Why didn't the meteorite kill you bastards!"

"That's right, Mr. Song shouldn't have rescued the meteorite shower in the first place, just crush you all to death!"

"Anyway, what Mr. Song does is wrong, and what he does will arouse your doubts! The underground shelter is wrong, the space cannon is a lie, and it is wrong to save people. It is wrong not to let you bow down to the sea! Now! , Mr. Song is going to settle accounts with Atlantis, and you still think Mr. Song is wrong!"

The people of Wangyueguo, Baguidasda, and Wangxingguo fully support Song Haotian. These remarks are basically sent from their countries!

Their remarks were immediately refuted by the masses without the scaled people and the free country!

"We don't know that this kind of thing will happen when we kneel and worship the sea! Since Song Haotian knows, why didn't he explain it clearly? He only said that we wouldn't be allowed to kneel and worship, the ghost knows what would happen? Tell me the reason!"

"You are not scaly people, are you? You stand and talk without back pain, but what about us? You said you have to pay for your actions, okay, I will buy it! But now even if I become a scaly person, I shouldn't die! I am a slave to Atlantis! If I die now, it will be caused by Song Haotian! It is he who has implicated me, understand? It is his actions that make me pay for it! Why?"

"You're still so plausible here, I've convinced you! I think scaled people are the biggest threat to the world. We can completely give up these five or six billion scaled people in exchange for world peace! In this case, Mr. Song can also destroy Atlantis by the way! What do you think?"

"I see your mother! Why don't you die?"

"I agree! Anyway, these scaly people were created by themselves, no one can blame others, they will die! Now Atlantis uses them to blackmail Mr. Song, I am very upset!"

"The key is, what is the relationship between Mr. Song and Atlantis? These 500 million people can be ignored, but will more people die after they die?"

"You dare to let me die? I'll turn you into a scaly human first!"


As the quarrel on the Internet became more and more intense ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the scaled people completely rioted.

Anyway, everyone is dying, so it is better to get a few more scaly people before they die, and let them die with you!

After becoming scaly people, see if they dare to continue to say this!

nautical miles!

Roms laughed, "Mr. Song, have you seen what's going on on Earth? You can try to get closer to Atlantis! I promise you, these 500 million people will be ready within ten minutes. All gone!"

Song Haotian nodded and said, "Okay, I'm not approaching! Stop it!"

"That's right, Mr. Song! I don't know the conditions I put forward before, how are you thinking?"

"Don't you just want space cannons? No problem, I'll give them to you! But, as a condition, you have to let them all go!";

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