Hearing the words of the ancestors, everyone nodded.

Because of so many materials, it is already a very difficult thing to collect, let alone transport.

The biggest trouble is to transport these things!

Now that the ancestors have contracted this matter, it is completely nothing!

So, after Song Haotian's instructions, the Song family also passed through the gate of time and space one after another.

After the Song family left, only Song Haotian and Song Huoling were left on the earth.

Song Huoling's expression was very weak, and the next second it seemed like he was about to fall asleep.

There is no way, the door of time and space is so wide open, and other energies must be integrated. For Song Huoling, who is not familiar with the operation, a lot of energy is wasted in many places, so that opening the door of time and space consumes all the energy in her body. of almost few!

So there is such a weak side.

"Master... I'll take a break..." After saying that, Song Huoling narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, Song Huoling actually changed back to the heart of a volcano!

However, this is not a retrogression of cultivation, but a temporary transformation into itself!

Song Huoling in this state recovered much faster than before!

As for the title of master, it's not that Song Huoling doesn't want to be called Song Haotian's father, but that the title of master, Song Huoling is more used to it!

Song Haotian caught Song Huolin, who had turned into the heart of a volcano, and put it into his arms.

He could see at a glance what was going on.

It's just that this is the first time Song Haotian has encountered such a thing.

If an ordinary person faints, or a cultivator faints, Song Haotian can quickly cure them, but Song Huolin is the spirit of heaven and earth, and Song Haotian really doesn't know where to start with this kind of thing.

However... Song Haotian knew that Song Huoling was constantly recovering.

So Song Haotian didn't worry too much about this matter. After all, after recovering, Song Huoling could be transformed into a human form again.

Song Haotian did it again for the last time. He re-explored the earth with his mental power. He confirmed again and again that there were no living people on the earth, and this reassured him.

As for the creatures on Earth... Song Haotian didn't care about them.

Whether it is animals or plants, these creatures that were originally on the earth, Song Haotian did not plan to move them all to planet k18.

After all, although the earth is not suitable for human beings, some creatures can continue to live.

At that time, these organisms will be needed to maintain the ecosystem and improve the environment on the earth.

What's more, the ecosystem on planet K18 is similar to that on Earth.

It is even more complete than the ecosystem on the earth, and the variety is dozens of times more!

Song Haotian has inspected all of these things! So he can open the gate of time and space with confidence and let everyone go to planet k18!

Recovering his thoughts, Song Haotian came to the place where Song Yuancheng said that he put the pile of materials.

Thousands and tens of thousands of trucks, all of which are piled up with materials!

Song Haotian did not hesitate, and immediately connected to the projection on planet K18.

The position of the Gate of Time and Space on Planet K18 was instantly moved to the position of Song Haotian's projection.

This location is exactly where Song Haotian gave Song Yuancheng to go to this place before!

Then, Song Haotian used his own mental power to control all the materials here, passed the gate of time and space one by one and appeared on planet K18!

Soon the trucks here were all empty trucks.

As for sending the truck directly, this method has actually been considered, but the gate of time and space cannot pass through such a machine!

Once the car enters the gate of time and space, it is the scene of a twisted explosion!

Therefore, all these materials can only be transported in the past.

Half an hour later, Song Haotian sent all these things to planet K18.

But this also made Song Haotian's strength drop from three thousandths to two thousandths!

A full one thousandth less energy! Such energy can completely shatter a planet, but such powerful energy is used to transport materials!

But Song Haotian didn't care too much.

After all, strength can be recovered slowly, and materials are indispensable!

Moreover, his strength does not require him to do anything!

A little more strength, a little less strength, and it does not affect!

The work of moving from the earth to the k18 planet is basically coming to an end!

Now, only Song Haotian is left to pass through this gate of time and space!

After Song Haotian canceled the projection of his clone, he came to the gate of time and space.

At this time, Song Haotian stopped and looked back at the earth for the last time.

"Qi Ying... I'm leaving Earth, I'm going to planet k18, where are you... now?" Song Haotian murmured.

He knew that his question would not be answered, but Song Haotian still asked this sentence.

Song Haotian stood in front of the gate of time and space, looking in the direction of the earth.

At this time, the gate of time and space was closed, and there were only the last ten minutes left.

And Song Haotian seems to want to wait until the end of the last ten minutes before leaving the earth!

No matter who it is, no one can feel the same as the current Song Haotian!

They won't know why Song Haotian cares so much about the earth!

Song Haotian is a longevity person, and Qi Ying is a longevity person. The two met and fell in love with each other. It all happened on earth. They lived together for so long, and they all spent it together on earth!

Now that he is leaving the earth, how many people can understand Song Haotian's reluctance? !

Song Haotian slowly closed his eyes, constantly recalling everything in the past, bits and pieces of the past, as if those days were just in front of us!

Qi Ying seems to be by his side...

However, when Song Haotian opened his eyes, he couldn't see Qi Ying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ huh...

Song Haotian let out a long breath, and murmured with trembling lips, "I'm leaving..."

Ten minutes passed quickly, and in an instant it was the last minute.

Song Haotian looked at the direction of the earth, and stepped back step by step, behind him was the gate of time and space, and a few steps back, Song Haotian was about to enter the gate of time and space.


two steps...

Song Haotian finally stepped into the gate of time and space.

The earth will slowly disappear in front of Song Haotian.

However, at this time, a figure appeared at the door!

This figure looks like Qi Ying!

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