After Zhuge Liang heard Lu Su's words, he was also confused, "I was impersonated, Zijing, what do you mean by this?" "

This can still be fake, shouldn't it."

"Since the words have already been said here, then I will not hide Kong Ming from you."

Lu Su sighed, and then told Zhuge Liang everything he heard in Cao Cao's camp.

After Zhuge Liang listened, he was also stunned for a long time, and this was when he looked at Lu Su.

"Zijing, I'm afraid you don't suspect that I was impersonated, but that I impersonated Wolong."


was said by Zhuge Liang, as if he really had this idea.

"Zijing, how can you think so much of me?" Zhuge Liang never thought that one day, he would be suspected of being a fake.

"I took refuge in Jingzhou and lived in seclusion in Wollongong, thinking that I had lived my life, so why should I impersonate others."

Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Su and said very excitedly.

"Kong Ming, don't get excited, I think this is just a dissociation scheme of Cao Thief."

Seeing that Zhuge Liang was so excited, Lu Su quickly comforted.

"Cao thief, deceive people too much!"

Zhuge Liang scolded and left, this matter, but it is related to his reputation, absolutely cannot be left alone.

Halfway through, Zhuge Liang remembered that he had originally gone to find Lu Su for Guan Yu's affairs.

As a result, I forgot about it.

Zhuge Liang thought about it, and it didn't seem appropriate to go to Lu Su again, so he went to find Zhou Yu.

If he hadn't believed in Zhou Yu too much, he wouldn't have made it like this.

Zhuge Liang had just arrived in Zhou Yu's mansion, and saw that Zhou Yu's mansion was lively.

There were a lot of gifts at the gate of the mansion, and Zhou Yu was supported by Xiao Qiao at this time, with an angry face.

"Metropolitan Governor, this is a thank you gift from Prime Minister Cao Cheng, please accept it no matter what, don't let down Prime Minister Cao Cheng's wishes."

The gift-giver looked at Zhou Yu and persuaded very sincerely.

", me."

"Cao thief, deliberately sent you to humiliate me, and if you don't roll again, don't blame Bendu for being unkind."

"This... Dadudu misunderstood, and the prime minister said that Dadudu was his own person, and he had no such intentions. "

It's good not to say this, as soon as he heard these words of his own people, Zhou Yu was angry.

"Hands on."

Without saying a word, Zhou Yu immediately ordered people to drive them all away.

If they are so troubled, they really can't stay in Jiangdong.

Finally, after the people drove away, Zhuge Liang greeted him.

"It's you Zhuge Kongming again, what are you doing, do you also suspect that I have defected to Cao Thief?"

After Zhou Yu saw Zhuge Liang, he was already angry, and immediately returned without anger.

"Kong Ming has no such intention." Zhuge Liang quickly explained.

"Hmph, don't forget, today's situation also has your share of credit."

After Zhou Yu listened to Zhuge Liang's answer, his anger eased a lot.

"Gong Jin, Cao Thief's various actions today are really too deceitful, how can you and I suffer such a great humiliation?"

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang, and suddenly he was even more excited than himself, and he was also a little surprised.

"What have you been humiliated by?"

You have been a defeat since you came out of the mountains, what else can you not get used to?

"Cao Thief got some cheap on the battlefield, and most of the gifts and humiliations were not mentioned, and it made people impersonate me, which was actually too deceptive."

Zhuge Liang also didn't know what Zhou Yu thought, and continued to say with an angry face.

"Someone impersonating you?"

After hearing this, Zhou Yu's face was shocked, and his expression seemed to say, who would think so much.

"Gong Jin, what kind of eyes are you?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Zhou Yu, I regard you as a confidant with the same illness.

You actually hurt me a second time.

Then Zhuge Liang told Zhou Yu everything Lu Su told him.

But soon, Zhuge Liang regretted it.

Because he felt that Zhou Yu's gaze seemed to be very wrong.

"Kong Ming, you tell the truth, are you Wolong or not?"

"Liang is not Wolong, can it be that Gongjin are you Wolong?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu, he never thought that he was questioned in person twice in a row in one day.

"Kong Ming, in fact, sometimes we don't need to care about so many false names, and besides, don't you still compare yourself to Zhong Leyi?"

Zhou Yu looked at the excited Zhuge Liang and said comfortingly.

"Gong Jin, did you listen to people?"

Are you talking about human language?

"This matter is not only about Liang's reputation, but also about the dignity of the Governor of the Capital."

"What does it have to do with me?" Zhou Yu glanced at Zhuge Liang, and the person who was counterfeited was not me.

As soon as Zhuge Liang heard this, he thought that Zhou Yu had already died in Cao Ying, and this dignity really seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Metropolitan Governor, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about Madame Zun."

"Liang heard that Cao Thief's preferences are different from ordinary people, and he is a happy woman."

When Zhou Yu heard this, his heart tightened, and he thought of Cao Cao's inquiry to him that day.

"So, do you have a plan?"

Zhou Yu also paid attention to asking Zhuge Liang.

"Liang suspects that this person who pretends to be Liang is that Zhuge Shouyi."

"Now the person on whom Cao Thief depends is this person, and Liang thinks that in order to get rid of Cao Thief, he must first remove this person."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and said solemnly.

After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Zhou Yu also felt that it made sense.

If you can't get rid of Zhuge Qiu, then no matter what strategy you use, you will be recognized by him.

"Having said that, this person is now a confidant of Cao Thief, how easy is it to get rid of this person?"

It's not that he didn't think about getting rid of Zhuge Qiu, but now he can't even attack Cao Cao's camp, and how to kill people.

"Long heard Jiangdong, there is a trouble-solving army, I don't know if most of the governors are trustworthy, if you can use this to use it, it is not difficult to get rid of Zhuge Qiu."

Zhuge Liang obviously had a plan for a long time, so he looked at Zhou Yu and said.

Although Zhou Yu did not speak, Zhuge Liang seemed to see the two words of disbelief in his eyes.

"Don't worry, this time I will gamble on the name of this Crouching Dragon, and my dignity will compete with him to get rid of this person."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and immediately promised.

As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, this Zhuge Liang actually played so big.

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