This is a famous saying of the master brother of the broken water flow.

As soon as this remark comes out, the taunt skill is automatically topped.

Listening to this, Kuang Jing should be happy that his previous purpose had been achieved.

But now he couldn't be happy at all, as if he had been crushed naturally.

That's right, I just look down on all of you, I had a showdown.

"Arrogant to the extreme. "

Shameless, it is simply tarnishing the Yaxing of the poetry club like me."

"Shame on this person. "


There was a lot of scolding, even Huang Yueying froze, she didn't expect her fiancé, who she had never met, to be so strong.

I also heard my father Huang Chengyan say before that his fiancé has great talents, and he often compares himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi.

Zhuge Qiu faced everyone's insults, but he didn't care, on the contrary, he was full of grids and looked out the window.

That posture, who disdains whom, at a glance, is clear.

Under the window, he saw a luxurious carriage convoy passing by, and Zhuge Qiu suddenly had a plan in his heart.

Mad, without the system this time, Lao Tzu's ancient poetry skills in nine years of compulsory education can beat you.

"BMW carvings fill the road. Moths snow willow golden wisps, laughter and dark fragrance go.

The crowd looked for him a thousand times, and looked back, but the man was there, in the light. "

Although the deleted Qingyu case is not even very appropriate.

But for those rich second generations who pretend to be cultured, it is enough to abuse them.

Especially in the last sentence, the crowd looked for him a thousand degrees, and looked back, but the man was in the lamplight.

Even if Huang Yueying sensed that something was wrong in the first two sentences, the last sentence directly conquered her.

Seeing Zhuge Qiu turn to look at his gaze, Huang Yueying was a little shy.

It turns out that what is looking for in the poem is himself.

"Linglong dice An red bean, into the bone lovesickness jun know?" "

Looking back with a smile of a hundred meisheng, the sixth palace pink has no color."

"Once the sea was difficult to water, but Wushan is not a cloud!" While

they were stunned, Zhuge Qiu was even more frequent.

"Kuang Gongzi, are you satisfied?" Of

course, Zhuge Qiu would not forget after pretending to be forced, and let Kuai Jing eat it himself.

So he didn't notice at all that Huang Yueying's eyes changed when she looked at her under the sentence after sentence.

"I..." Kuang Jing's face was difficult to see, and the gloomy could drip water.

No matter how thick-skinned he is, he also knows his shit verses, which are not as good as shit.

But it was precisely because of this that he hated Zhuge Qiu even more in his heart, and the eighteen generations of ancestors were scolded.

You hit me in the face on a horse, and you want me to spit on myself.

"Whoever else, who else wants to compare poetry with me, find out, I will ask you who is not a spicy chicken." "

Are you convinced?" Zhuge

Qiu was full of spirits, nine years of compulsory education had never been so refreshing, and they didn't dare to raise their words.

Because this is really a crush level.

Huang Yueying looked at Zhuge Qiu's arrogant attitude at this time, and did not feel that it was arrogant, but felt that it should be so.

The poetry of these people does not understand, it is spicy chicken.

When Zhuge Qiu left the tea garden, he walked with the wind.

Although Zhao Yun was not happy with Zhuge Qiu's proud look, he had to admire that Zhuge Qiu's poetry was really far-reaching.

"That... Miss Huang, there is still something to do next, so I will leave first. At

the intersection, Zhuge Qiu and Huang Yueying said goodbye.

"Well, today's trip can get you to send such a golden sentence, it is really worth the trip, Yueying has no long things, only this sachet, I hope not to dislike it, in return." Huang

Yueying took out a sachet and handed it over, and then ran away quickly with a red face.

Zhuge Qiu was stunned, "Listen to poetry and send sachets?"

Zhao Yun gave Zhuge Qiu a blank look.

Zhuge Qiu took the sachet, and after hearing this, he patted the door of his head.

Lying groove, the bull is big.

Zhuge Liang, you really can't blame me for this horse, I really didn't mean to soak your future wife.

It was your wife who recognized the wrong person and was finally conquered by my personality charm.

But then again, Huang Yueying is really good.

Zhuge Qiu was like doing something wrong, he didn't have the heart to go shopping, and quickly took Zhao Yun back to Xiahou Wei.

"Brother Shouyi, where did you run, you know that the old brother is easy to find. As

soon as Xia Hou Wei saw Zhuge Qiu, he immediately said anxiously.

"If you want to drink, no way.

Zhuge Qiu directly glanced at Xia Hou Wei and decisively refused.

These people are all wine barrels, and the little Maotai Wuliangye they smoked is already very little.

There are no points draws.

"No, it was the Lord who came to you for a discussion.

Xia Hou Wei quickly shook his head and said, he could still tell the right thing clearly.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhuge Qiu entered, he saw Boss Cao's figure.

"Shouyi, you are back, you kid is more dashing than my prime minister, and I can't see you when I just entered the city.

After Cao Cao saw Zhuge Qiu, he immediately joked with a smile.

"What's the matter with Cao Gong

?" asked Zhuge Qiu with a smile, but he just didn't like the excitement.

Moreover, Cai risked them to slap horses, and he went to Cao Cao, why did he provoke that.

"Naturally, I am looking for you to discuss the next move, the battle of Jiangling, although Yu Ban won, but the whereabouts of the big eared thief are unknown, I am very worried. "

Zhuge Qiu is not surprised, Liu Bei's girl belongs to Xiaoqiang, and the ability to escape is first-class.

"Now that Liu Bei's whereabouts are unknown, it can only be slowly plotted, and Cao Gong should stabilize the land of Jingxiang, and then capture Changsha, Guiyang, Jiangxia, and An Jingzhou to eliminate future troubles.

"Then Shouyi, you mean that if you can determine Jingzhou first, then you can send troops to wipe out Jiangdong in one fell swoop."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao immediately asked like a chicken with blood.

Where would Zhuge Qiu not know Cao Cao's thoughts, and his heart wanted to unify the world as soon as possible.

He also knew about Cao Cao's release of water in Xuanwu Pool to practice the water army.

"Wait for the moment, don't rush it. Zhuge Qiu said after thinking about it.

After hearing this, Cao Cao also calmed down, indeed it is almost winter now, and it is indeed not a good time to send troops.

"Shouyi, Yuan Zhi has been inquiring about your news, I'm afraid he has also detected your existence.

"But don't worry, I will definitely keep a secret for you, so I will wronged you to stay here for the time being."

Cao Cao gasped and assured Zhuge Qiu.

"It's okay, I think it's good. "Zhuge Qiu doesn't care, he eats and wraps up, and he doesn't have to show his face, it's not too cool.

After seeing off Cao Cao, he simply cleaned up, and Zhuge Qiu also returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, looking at the intimate sachet sent by Huang Yueying, Zhuge Qiu was also full of thoughts.

I'm green Zhuge Liang?

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