"You are a mink cicada?" Zhuge

Qiu looked at the woman who came out, if it was about her figure, she was afraid that Huang Yueying was inferior, but this face seemed to be too ordinary.

It also has obvious freckles-like black spots, and the whole person's skin color also appears dull yellow.

Zhuge Qiu quickly understood, with the beauty of the mink cicada, I am afraid that few people can resist it.

If you show your true face, it is too easy to be discovered and do not speak and encounter the old color criticism, I am afraid that there will be constant trouble, and you will not be able to live in peace.

"Little lady, this kid also lied me to silver money before and took advantage of me, this time I just tied him up, and when we left, someone naturally rescued him." Thinking

of yesterday's events, especially being taken advantage of by Zhuge Qiu, she was angry.

This was the first time she had had such contact with the opposite sex since she could remember.

"No need, since this prince can find here, presumably your Uncle Wen Yuan is also here.

"This prince is thoughtful, how can he do something that he is not sure of?"

said the mink cicada lightly, because she could feel the confidence that Zhuge Qiu exuded from the inside out, and the calmness that remained unchanged.

"Let your Uncle Wen Yuan come in, and I'll go change my clothes and meet the deceased."

The mink cicada finished speaking, and then directly turned around and went in again.

Lu Lingqi stomped her foot angrily, "I knew this earlier, I should have taught you a lesson yesterday."

"Ahem, didn't you already teach a lesson yesterday?"

Zhuge Qiu gave Lu Lingqi a blank look, but he was slapped in the face.

"Don't hurry up and call Uncle Wen Yuan in. Of course, Lu Lingqi knew what Zhuge Qiu was referring to, so she glanced at Zhuge Qiu angrily.

"No need. "

Zhang Liao's martial arts are not bad, this person who practices martial arts has a clear ear, and his six senses are more sensitive than ordinary people.

So what was said inside, Zhang Liao naturally heard it, and Zhuge Qiu and Lu Lingqi did not deliberately suppress their voices to avoid anyone.

After Zhang Liao came in, he looked at Lu Lingqi in front of him, he was happy and guilty, and when he walked to Zhuge Qiu's side, he couldn't lift his legs.

He opened his mouth several times before he spoke, "Lingqi has grown so big, and she is also a little beauty who stands in the pavilion."

"Hmph. Lu Lingqi directly replied with a cold snort, obviously not interested in Zhang Liao.

"Isn't Uncle Wen Yuan also a general under Cao Thief now.

In a word, it directly dispersed Zhang Liao's hard-to-pluck courage.

Zhuge Qiu watched from the sidelines, did not interject, some things were better for them to solve by themselves.

"Lingqi. At this time, the mink cicada had already changed his clothes and came out of the house.

Zhuge Qiu was also a little unable to take his eyes off for a while.

It's really a big beauty, worthy of being one of the four beauties.

A pair of beautiful eyes hook the soul, as if born to speak, making people look at it, and it is difficult to move away.

The beautiful face, coupled with the charming body, is the infinite release of this charm.

This stepping horse, who withstands it.

No wonder Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu did not hesitate to turn against her for her, heck, it was really awesome.

Soon Zhuge Qiu withdrew his gaze, after all, looking at people like this is still a very rude behavior.

"Look at anything, and then look at the eyeballs will fall out."

Lu Lingqi said angrily, after all, the beauty of the mink cicada made her feel ashamed of herself.

"Faux pas. Zhuge Qiu did not answer, but watched the mink cicada give a salute and apologize.

The mink cicada looked at Zhuge Qiu's behavior in his eyes, and he looked up to Zhuge Qiu a little higher in his heart.

"There are countless eyes that stay on the slave family, even if it is the first sight, Gongzi is the one who has the shortest time and the cleanest eyes. "

Well, this can also be praised?

Think about it, can I compare myself with that group of old color batches.

I just cared about appreciation, and I really didn't think about anything dirty.

"I've seen Madame.

After Zhang Liao saw the mink cicada, he immediately saluted.

"No need to be polite, I am no longer a lady, just a woman who has lost her husband, and the mother and daughter depend on each other for their lives, surviving in troubled times."

Madame's words, Wen Yuan was ashamed. "

Gee, this mink cicada is not simple, there is no Lu Lingqi's edge, but the same sentence makes Zhang Liao ashamed.

Also, although it is said that the serial scheme is planned by Wang Yun, but if the mink cicada is too stupid, can it make Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu turn against each other?

Lu Lingqi was originally the daughter of the Yan family, but now the relationship with the sable cicada is not visible, you must know that with the mink cicada, the Yan family will be somewhat left out in the cold.

"If Madame and Miss have any orders, Wen Yuan will definitely go all out. "

To put it lightly, I want you to kill Cao Cao, did you do it?" Lu

Lingqi sneered, obviously disdainful of Zhang Liao's words.

"This..." Zhang Liao also looked ugly, indeed he couldn't do this.

Not to mention whether he had this thought, and Xu Chu protected Cao Cao almost around the clock, he couldn't get close.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at a few people, then at Zhang Liao, and finally at Lu Lingqi,

"He can't do it." Zhuge Qiu answered for Zhang Liao.

"Cao Cao is now the prime minister, there are countless guards around him, and there are even more Xu Chu's guards, how easy is

it?" "The two armies are contending, they are each in peace, and they are just kings and defeats, you want to avenge your father, it's okay, but what about the people who died under General Lu's military halberd?"


Lingqi and Sable Cicada were also stunned after hearing this, but they didn't expect Zhuge Qiu to be able to say this.

"Then, what do you have to do with me?" Lu Lingqi's momentum couldn't help but weaken a little.

"I just want to tell the girl that in this chaotic world, everyone is the same, and you and they are just one of them."

"Besides, if you really want revenge, I don't think you should look for Cao Cao."

"Cao Thief killed my father, not looking for him, looking for whom?"

Lu Lingqi immediately scolded angrily, she approved of the previous words, but she was the first to refute this.

"As far as I know, when Xuzhou was broken and Xiaping was lost, Cao Cao wanted to recruit General Lü, after all, his force was unparalleled in the world.

"It's just that because of people's dissuasion, this forced to kill General Lu."

This is just your one-sided remark.

Lu Lingqi subconsciously asked, and then said warily.

Wen Yuan knew about it.

"There was indeed such a thing, at that time, Cao Gong was willing to persuade Fengfeng to surrender first, but he had no choice but to kill Liu Bei to enter the words, and he killed Ding Yuan and slaughtered Dong Zhuo, so he had no choice but to kill him.

"Yes, General Lu is brave and martial arts known to the world, if it weren't for Liu Bei and the three of them and lost to Tiger Prison, how could General Lu defeat Xuzhou?"

"These three people are just a bully of the few, and I, Lu Lingqi, will kill the big eared thief and avenge my father." "

That's right?

Looking at Lu Lingqi's shaking of anger, I thought of yesterday's feeling.

Sure enough, big and brainless, just good to talk.

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