Zhuge Qiu really wants to say, let's talk about a fart, Laozi is afraid that you will lose, affecting me to drink and.

But now it can only be recognized.

"Shouyi, you are really a wizard in the world, skilled in strategizing, knowing arithmetic, knowing agricultural tools, and now you are skilled in medicine, is there anything you won't do in this world?"

After seeing Zhuge Qiu admit it, Jia Xu looked at Zhuge Qiu with admiration.

Well, Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that this would also be able to harvest a wave of worship.

Although I really want to keep a low profile, but your sudden worship made me suddenly,

"Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend."

Zhuge Qiu looked at everyone very coquettishly and said.

For a while, everyone's gaze towards Zhuge Qiu also became complicated.

I have to say that this is still very pretentious, which makes them feel cool, but seeing Zhuge Qiu's expression, they feel very uncomfortable.

"Ahem, in that case, I happened to hear about Zhang Zhongjing's location, and it is said that someone has seen him in Changsha."

Cheng Yu's old face said with some embarrassment.

Although you are really good, we are not obsessed with you.

"Then I'll go find him."

After Zhuge Qiu saw the news of Zhang Zhongjing, he immediately spoke.

"This... Are you just looking for Zhang Zhongjing?

Cao Cao was a little surprised, he felt that even if he wanted to invite, there was no need for Zhuge Qiu to go in person.


Zhuge Qiu nodded, but not in his heart.

Changsha County, in addition to Zhang Zhongjing, there is also a very famous person there.

Huang Zhong was a subordinate of Han Xuan, the commander of Changsha County, and now Han Xuan returned to Cao Cao and just brought people from Changsha.

"In that case, then I'll let Wen Yuan accompany you."

Cao Cao believed that Zhuge Qiu would not mess around, so he did not refuse.

Zhuge Qiu nodded, now Gan Ning was borrowed to train the water army, and he could only go out with Zhang Liao.

Before leaving, Zhuge Qiu also asked Cao Cao to take a token.

In his words, personally inspect for Cao Cao whether these people have heard or disobeyed.

"Sir, are we really just coming out to find Zhang Zhongjing this time?"

Zhang Liao didn't believe it, after all, he had gone out with Zhuge Qiu before, and he also knew how awesome Zhuge Qiu's medical skills were.

"You can also drop by to see if there are any other gains."

Zhuge Qiu replied with a smile, it seems that Zhang Liao went out with him last time, but he learned wit.

This time, in order to suffer less for himself, Zhuge Qiu also specially changed the carriage and stopped riding a horse.

This thing is really grinding.

"Sir, let's go to the forest ahead and rest."

After a morning of driving, Zhang Liao looked ahead and asked.

"Aren't you afraid that the front is not peaceful and encounter robbers?"

Zhuge Qiu joked with a smile, remembering that when he first crossed over, he was caught by Xiahou Wei's scout like this.

"How can there be such a coincidence, and this section of the road has always been peaceful."

Zhang Liao smiled, not to mention that this ordinary thief wanted to get close to his body.

"Then go and rest."

Originally, Zhuge Qiu was just joking, and he rushed all morning, and he couldn't stand it without resting.

After getting off the carriage, the two directly found a comfortable place and sat down.

"I'll just say how coincidental it is."

After sitting down, Zhang Liao looked at Zhuge Qiu and smiled, and handed over the dry food and water at the same time.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu reached out to take it, he heard movement behind him.

"Waited, so long, finally waiting for someone."

Zhang Liao looked at the dozen or so people who were suddenly killed, and he was also stunned.

"Sir, your mouth is open, right?"

Zhuge Qiu himself was also crying and laughing, and he just said it smoothly.

They really encountered robbers, but looking at their appearance, they seemed very unprofessional.

"What are you two muttering, hurry up and hand over all the money on your body, so that you don't die."

The man at the head had a beard and a scar on his face, and looked at the two with an unhappy face.

"Wen Yuan, they look down on you."

Zhuge Qiu also stood up at this time, and naturally stood behind Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao glanced at a few people, "If you don't want to die, hurry up."

"Hey, I really met someone who is not afraid of death."

The scar man at the head was not angry but said with a smile.

"Brothers, give them some color." With a wave of his big hand, the little brother behind him surrounded Zhang Liao.

After Zhang Liao saw it, he was not afraid, he had seen thousands of battles, could he still be afraid of a few fur thieves.

The big knife in his hand was directly chopped, and soon someone fell to the ground.

A few robbers were immediately frightened when they saw it, and the others immediately did not dare to go up.

"Good man spare his life." The scar man at the head also knelt down immediately.

Zhuge Qiu and Zhang Liao were both a little confused, so they were instigated.

"What kind of sin did I make, the young people I met before were so powerful, and now there are two more."

The scar man muttered with a look of grievance.

"Who else did you meet before?" When Zhuge Qiu heard it, he was also funny, he didn't have this ability to learn to rob, and he was lucky if he didn't die.

"A man with a silver spear also rested here before, and our big boss wanted to rob him, but no one was his opponent."

A younger brother on the side immediately replied, seemingly with a somewhat flattering posture.

"Silver gun?" Zhuge Qiu immediately thought of Zhao Yun.

"Where did he go and when did you meet him?"

"Yesterday afternoon." Where did they dare to hide it, they immediately replied, "Go in the direction of Changsha." "

When Zhuge Qiu heard it, it was really a coincidence, it seems that his decision to go to Changsha this time is really a good decision.

Zhuge Qiu asked Zhang Liao to release the people, and then they immediately went towards Changsha.

When Zhuge Qiu arrived in Changsha, it was already a few days later.

"Sir, there are so many people here, how can we find Zhang Ji?"

Looking at the lively crowd on the street, Zhang Liao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

The two of them had never seen Zhang Ji, and if they were to look for it without any purpose, they were afraid that Zhang Ji would not know each other when he appeared in front of them.

"Have you heard a saying, to use magic to defeat magic, since you want to find Zhang Zhongjing, naturally you have to go to the medical hall."

Zhuge Qiu replied with a smile, to inquire about Zhang Zhongjing's news, it was naturally the easiest to do in the medical hall.

"Look, isn't there a medical center, let's take a look."

After speaking, Zhuge Qiu pointed to the small medical hall in front of him, not far away, in the small alley, and said.

"Let's go over and take a look."

When the two were about to go over, they were attracted by another lively scene.

A familiar voice directly made both Zhuge Qiu and Zhang Liao stop.

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