Although I don't know what Cao Cao smokes crazy, but eating this kind of thing, Zhuge Qiu will not refuse

, eat his own hot pot every day for nothing, eat his own meal back, that is not enough to return to the book.

At night, in the great village of the water army, on the largest ship, Cao Cao feasted on wine, and hundreds of civil and military officials sat in line.

When Zhuge Qiu came, he was already almost all here.

Many people have not seen Zhuge Qiu, and of course Zhuge Qiu has not seen them.

It is not unusual for people to have unknown people at this banquet.

Cao Cao sat at the top, looking at the martial arts under his command, thinking of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong's strategy, which was repeatedly seen by Zhuge Qiu, and his heart was also proud and full of emotion.

"Since the rebel army, I have eliminated evil and evil with the country, and vowed to sweep away the four seas and cut down the world, and Jiangnan is also the one who has not gained. Now I have a million heroes, and I depend on my life, so why not succeed! After subjugating Jiangnan, there was nothing to do in the world, and he shared wealth with the princes and enjoyed peace. "

Xie Chengxiang."

All the civil and military officials stood up and said thank you.

Zhuge Qiu was full of slander about this, this old Cao really liked to brag and show off when he seized the opportunity.

If he hadn't had himself, it is estimated that he would have been tricked by others.

Cao Cao has always paid attention to Zhuge Qiu's reaction, and seeing his flat appearance, he was also a little unhappy.

Soon, Cao Cao had an idea in his heart, and looked at everyone with a big smile, "The princes don't have to be restrained, tonight they can speak freely, there will be good works in the current wine, all the princes are extraordinary people, this scene must not be missed."

"It seems that the Lord is afraid that he has become poetic again."

After Xun Yu heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"The Lord's literary brilliance, poetry attainment, I am ashamed of myself."

Cheng Yu also said at this time.

When it comes to military strategy, they think they are no worse than Cao Cao, although Cao Cao also occasionally has ingenuity, but when it comes to poetry achievements, they are ashamed of themselves.

"By the way, Shouyi, I remember that when you were in Xiangyang, you seemed to have a few excellent poems, which were widely circulated."

Jia Xu looked at Zhuge Qiu, who didn't seem interested at all, and asked bitterly.

Zhuge Qiu just wanted to eat back to the original, so he didn't pay attention to it, just vaguely, "It seems that there is such a thing."

"The princes do not need to be modest, I don't know, the princes have heard these verses."

"Once the sea was difficult to water, but Wushan is not a cloud!"

"The crowd looked for him a thousand degrees, but when they looked back, the man was in the lamplight."

Zhuge Qiu was eating, and at this time he also raised his head, Lao Cao was good, how did he take out the poems he had moved.

"You do not know that whoever writes this good sentence is among us, righteousness, and if you do not know this situation, what good can we enjoy together?"

Cao Cao also directly stopped Zhuge Qiu at this time.

That's right, tonight he plans to try poetry with Zhuge Qiu, so as to save the face of his own father.

"Back to Prime Minister, no."

Zhuge Qiu saw that he was named, and he had to get up and respond.

This kind of limelight, he doesn't want to come out, after all, he always has to face the poems to copy.

"Shouyi, don't be modest, your writing is obvious to all, if not, how about you and I each give a poem tonight?"

Cao Cao was even happier when he saw that Zhuge Qiu refused so crisply.

You kid also has times when he is afraid.

Although Zhuge Qiu's previous poems were very good, Cao Cao could feel that these sentences were a little abrupt and not in a whole.

If it weren't for the fact that he really hadn't heard these verses, he would have wondered where Zhuge Qiu had copied them.


Zhuge Qiu was also a little puzzled, Lao Cao didn't drink much tonight, how to hold on to himself.

When Zhuge Qiu was about to speak, suddenly the crow cries sounded and headed south.

Zhuge Qiu looked at this situation, and then looked at Cao Cao, who was screaming, and immediately had a plan.

"Cao Gong really wants to compose poetry?"

"It doesn't hurt to make such a feast, if there is a good work, it will surely be passed down to future generations."

Cao Cao said with a wave of his big hand, and the wine in the cup was also drunk.

"Then it will be ugly."

Lao Cao, you forced me to do this, but you can't blame me, I don't want to.

"What is life like a song about wine?"

"For example, the morning dew is a lot of hardship."

"Be generous and unforgettable."

"How to solve the worries? Only Du Kang. As

a song line for reciting the full text, Zhuge Qiu is naturally not vain at all.

As soon as the first half came out, everyone else was stunned.

However, the most stunned person was Cao Cao on the first seat of the high platform.

How does this get all the thoughts in my heart?

So what poem will I write later?

Qingqingzi, leisurely my heart.

But for the sake of the king, it has been silent to this day.

Youyou deer chirping, the apple of the wild.

I have guests, drummers.

Obviously like the moon, when can it be lifted?

Worries come from it, and they cannot be cut off.

The more the stranger, the more useless the existence.

Talk about old graces.

The moon star is rare, and the black magpie flies south.

Three turns around the tree, what branches to follow?

The mountains are not tired of heights, and the sea is not tired of depth.

Zhou Gong vomited, and the world returned to his heart.

Zhuge Qiu's poem was quickly finished, and everyone in the audience was stunned at this time.

They did not expect that Zhuge Qiu, a counselor, would be able to make such a magnificent poem.

Moreover, the style of this poem is very close to Cao Cao's style.

"Shouyi is worthy of being the prime minister's favorite person, and even the style of writing poetry is in line with Cheng."

Xun Yu even smiled and got up to directly point this out.

However, when he saw Cao Cao's gaze, his heart trembled, could he say something wrong?

But he felt that he was not wrong.

"What Gongda said is that keeping this stone of righteousness really exhausted my heart."

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu very unpleasantly, and he felt that if it were not for Zhuge Qiu, he could also write this kind of poetry.

There is always a feeling of being plagiarized.

The banquet lasted until midnight, the next day after the end.

Zhuge Qiu planned to go to see Pang Tong, after all, he had not seen it yet.

I want to see if this unlucky ghost is really as ugly as Xu Chu said.

After Zhuge Qiu arrived, he didn't see it, but Pang Tong saw another familiar figure.

"Gongda. Why are you here?

Zhuge Qiu was also surprised when he saw Xun Fu.

"The Lord came to ask me today, but there is a way to solve seasickness, but I can't answer it, so the prime minister asked me to come and study with Pang Tong."

Xun Yu said with a bitter expression.

When Zhuge Qiu heard it, isn't this a typical left-footed company and expelled.

"Gongda, did you offend Lao Cao somewhere."

Zhuge Qiu didn't ask if it was okay, and when he asked Xun Yu, he was even more bitter, "I don't know, the prime minister was fine yesterday."

"That must have been your gaffe last night." Zhuge Qiu analyzed very affirmatively.

"Shouyi, you look at the point, I'll go to the prime minister to intercede, ask clearly."

Xun Yu also felt that it made sense, and left directly.

As soon as Xun Yu left, Zhuge Qiu saw a black man with a nose facing the sky and some shabby clothes walking towards him.

"Lying groove, where is the ugliness."

"You... Is it Pang Tong? "

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