Old Injury

Chapter 18:

[Liang Qiuyang said that the "world-weary face" is very popular recently, and he also said that he wanted to learn. I unconsciously had an image of a person in my mind, and then I saw a few pictures of people he gave me as examples, and sure enough It's that dead look. 】

It is said that in addition to our house on the mountain, there is also a small temple whose age has not been tested.

In addition to the temple, there is a small stream nearby, the shallow clear water probably only covers the back of an adult's feet, and there are various colored pebbles lying on the bottom. When the weather is good, the surface of the stream is sparkling, cast into the water, and the stones glow like gems.

Last time, Song Mo was praised by the teacher for his observation work. He was very happy. This time, the teacher asked me to pick up a beautiful stone, and he took me to the stream.

Wearing rain boots, he was drowning in the stream, looking down for a stone that could be called "beautiful".

I followed behind him, and when I saw a pebble in good condition, I picked it up and asked him for his opinion: "Momo, how is this one?"

This piece in hand is amber, translucent in the sun, it looks like jade, and it is pretty good-looking.

Song Mo looked back at the stone in my hand and shook his head, obviously dissatisfied.


I threw away the small stone in my hand, bent down to look at the bottom, and searched again.

After a few minutes, I got nothing on my side, but Song Mo made progress.

He suddenly picked up something from the water, raised it above his head, and waved at me cheerfully: "I found it!"

I stood up and saw a little red flash across his hand in the sun.

Song Mo ran to me against the current, held the crimson pebble in front of me, with a "I'm great, hurry up and praise me" expression.

I took the stone from him, admired it for a moment, and commented: "It's really beautiful, wow, this texture, this size, like bloodstone, maybe it's really a gem. "

Song Mo rolled his eyes and asked me suspiciously, "Bloodstone?"

"Go back and show you the picture." I returned the red stone to him, "It's also red, you will love it."

Song Mo carefully took the stone and put it in the small pocket in the middle of his overalls.

I saw that his mission was finally completed, and asked: "Are you going back?"

Song Mo patted his pocket, as if to tell Xiao Shishi to be obedient, and nodded at me when he heard that.

He looks so cute, I can't help rubbing his head: "Okay, then go back."

Song Mo didn't need me to lead him, he gave full play to the child's flexibility, and returned to the shore in two or three easy steps. I was slower, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and it took him twice as long to get to the shore.

"Don't run so fast, I'll lead you." Seeing me on the shore, Song Mo ran forward. I was afraid that he would trip over the roots and vines, so I hurried to catch up. As a result, the rain boots on his feet slipped on the bank of the muddy stream, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The pain came from the ankle, and the pain made my brain blank for a while, and in just a few seconds, there was a layer of cold sweat.

"Mom!" Maybe Song Mo saw that I wasn't following, so he turned to look for me. When he saw me like this, his face turned pale.

He threw himself beside me with a pitiful voice: "What should I do..." I didn't even cry, his eyes were red.

I reluctantly comforted him: "It's alright, it's just a sprained foot."

I took off my rain boots and saw that my ankle was swollen quickly.

If you go like this, you can't go back, so you can only call for help.

Fortunately, I remembered to bring my mobile phone this time, otherwise it would be a big trouble... When I saw the small word "No Service" in the upper left corner of the mobile phone, the whole person was confused.

I tried to search for the signal again, twice to no avail.

Song Mo grabbed my arm with a worried look, looking more uneasy than me.

The mobile phone has no signal, and I don't feel relieved that Song Mo, a five-year-old child, is walking alone on the mountain road, do I really want to climb back?

In desperation, I tried searching again. I don’t know if it’s because God thought it was too much to climb back, and even found a weak signal for me.

I seized the opportunity to bring up my contacts and dial the first number.

The phone rang twice, "Shrike" picked up, but the signal was not stable.

"Hey, it's me." I explained the situation as quickly as possible, "I got a foot in the creek, can someone come and pick me up..."

Song Bailao didn't seem to understand what I said: "What... Hello? What's the matter with you?"

I repeated louder, but the other end hung up automatically. I looked at the phone screen again, and sure enough there was no service again.

I slumped my shoulders, a little discouraged. Song Mo may have sensed my emotions, so he hugged my arm even tighter, and he was sobbing when he spoke.

"Mom, I'm afraid..."

I hurriedly gave him a smile: "Don't be afraid, come, get out of the way, I'll try to see if I can stand up."

Song Mo Yiyan let go of me and took two steps to the side, I propped on the ground and stood up carefully, I managed to stabilize my crumbling figure, I felt like it was okay, wait for the injured foot to step on the ground... It was just an illusion.

I sat back in silence and continued to think of a way out.

"Waiting for Dad?" Song Mo ran back to me again, staying close to me.

I looked at the sky, the sun was still blazing at two o'clock in the afternoon: "Momo, do you think Sister Nine will send someone to look for us when the sun goes down and we won't go back?"

Song Mo thought for a while, then shook his head honestly: "I don't know."

I sighed and took him into my arms, letting him sit on my uninjured leg.

Suddenly, there were two crisp bird calls not far away, and a bird with an orange chest and back stood on a large rock, staring at us curiously.

"Little bird!" Song Mo forgot his worries and pointed at the bird quite excitedly for me to see.

I was stunned, this bird is too distinctive, it is really easy to recognize: "That is... a shrike."

There are thousands of birds in the world, I can count ten fingers, and the brown-backed shrike is one of them.

One time, a very beautiful bird appeared on the rooftop, blue-purple, with a tail longer than its body, which was rarely seen in the city.

I was doing my math homework at the time, I was attracted by the tweet, looked up and couldn't look back.


Song Bailao's voice suddenly sounded behind me. He didn't know when he came behind me, which startled me.

I have forgotten the name of the bird he said at that time, but it seems to be quite confusing.

He seemed to be in a good mood, and he told me about the bird's growth habit and species characteristics.

At the end he asked me with a smile: "Do you know the shrike?"

I know, but I don't know if I should nod.

Before I could answer, he said to himself: "The shrike is ferocious by nature, also known as the butcher bird. It looks like..." In the draft book, you want to draw one for me.

Unfortunately, no matter how good an alpha is, there are shortcomings. No one is perfect. Song Bailao's painting skills are as bad as his temper. From the messy lines, I can at most tell that it is a "creature" .

"..." I was silent, hesitating whether to politely make a stunned expression, or to tell him truthfully that I didn't understand.

Song Bailao may also feel that he is not good at drawing, so he looked left and right, and still tore the page.

"I didn't bring my phone..." He frowned, a little distressed, "Did you bring it?"

According to the school rules, electronic entertainment products should be prohibited in the school. Song Bailao, the king of discipline violations, is not afraid, but I have to abide by it.

"No." I took the draft back from him, "Well, you say, I'll draw it."

"You can still draw?" Song Bailao looked surprised.

Although beta's physical IQ is not as good as alpha's, but we are not fools, what's strange about drawing?

But I only dare to slander in my heart, and my face is still normal.

"A little bit."

According to Song Bailao's dictation, the head, wings, and tail gradually took shape, and after about fifteen minutes, a bird I had never seen appeared on the paper.

"It's a good drawing." He grabbed the sketchbook and took a closer look, "If the feathers on the back and chest are orange, it's a brown-backed shrike." He pointed to the same bird in the painting part road.

He took the initiative to mention the shrike, which reminded me of Zhu Li's statement about his bad name.

I'm not gossiping, I'm just curious: "Is your name... from this bird?"

Song Bailao held up the sketch, his eyes lingering on the bird drawn with pencil.

"Do you think my name is too fierce?"

I was in the center of what he said, and I coughed twice in embarrassment: "You said it was a butcher bird..."

"Although the shrike is ferocious by nature, it takes great care of its children. Even if a beast like a viper wants to harm the young bird, it will not hesitate to stand in front of them and swear to protect them." At the end, his speech slowed down a little bit, and his emotions turned from high at first to low, "Maybe the person who named me also hopes to protect me like a shrike."

I didn't feel anything when I heard his explanation back then, but now that I think about it, the name is too poignant.

Song Mo raised his head suspiciously after hearing my words: "...Dad bird?"

Daddy, Daddy Bird? !

Faced with his naive face, I don't want to laugh, but it's hard to hold back.

"No, it's just the same pronunciation as Dad's name."

Song Mo nodded ignorantly and looked back at the shrike.

The other party also looked at us, pecked two streams from time to time, jumped on the stones, and was very lively.

Song Mo couldn't help getting up from my arms and approached to observe. I told him to be careful, and sat there with my eyes fixed on him.

He squatted on the bank and watched for a while, maybe he had seen enough, got up and walked towards me.

"...Dad?" Song Mo stopped and called in my direction.

The shrike fluttered with his voice, and I corrected him amusingly: "It's not papa, it's the shrike."

Before he finished speaking, the rustling of grass leaves came from behind.

"Who am I?" The familiar lazy tone, accompanied by the soft sound of the branches breaking, was very close to me.

I turned around in surprise, and saw Song Bailao frowning and pulling away a branch that was blocking the way, and slowly walking towards me.

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