Old-time musicians

Chapter 102: The Essence of the Light of First Enlightenment

Woodpecker Consulting. Google search reading

"The "Unfallen Fire" is the origin of the "candle" phase, the lord of the sacred flame, the god of hope and enlightenment, and the true shadow of the radiance..."

"The "Endless Fugue" guides people to climb to the top of art. She controls the aspect of "candle", so she is the Lord of inspiration and the god of polyphony. She also controls the aspect of "key", so she is also the Lord of reason and the god of command. . A certain high-ranking secret ceremony exists in history, reproducing her words and triggering her interrogation. The ritual vessel used to increase the sense of the ceremony is called "Old Days"..."

Fan Ning looked at the open notebook. He had recorded the new and higher-level hidden knowledge here on the carriage.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"Sacrificial vessels usually contain all kinds of strange and mysterious properties, but this baton of unknown material, named "Old Days", has been tried repeatedly since it was brought out by Yiyong, and it seems that it is really just a baton..." I have to say that it has characteristics. I just think its style is cool, and its feel is very consistent with my command preference. Even if it is placed on the chest, it fits just right..."

Fan Ning put it away and looked at the two glasses of room temperature water on the table.

The inspiration thread was wrapped around it, and after demarcating the space, another untried one-way pulling method was used...

Within a few seconds, a change gradually occurred. One of the glasses completely solidified into ice and white smoke emitted, while the other glass completely boiled with steam.

When he was promoted to a knowledgeable person, the "light of first acquaintance" that Fan Ning received was the "exchange of temperature". After reaching the intermediate level, his "light of first acquaintance" was sublimated, not only the distance and range of temperature exchange were greatly enhanced. , there is another control method - one-way flow that directly controls the temperature of two places!

The speed is not nearly instantaneous, and is much slower than temperature exchange.

Fan Ning has always been able to understand why it is "temperature", because temperature and flame belong to the invisible power of "candle", but he does not understand why it is "exchange", nor does he understand how this is related to the "endless fugue" of the Lord of Witnesses. What does it matter.

After several moments of inspiration and enlightenment, and after mastering more of the mysteries of the "Endless Fugue", he came up with a conjecture:

The essence of "Light of First Acquaintance" may come from some of the polyphonic creation techniques she inspired!

So Fan Ning held the pen and tried to further supplement the existing records.

"Polyphonic music writing techniques: transposition, retrograde, expansion and contraction, reflection, close connection and response..."


... Speaking of which, people in this world create music mostly driven by inspiration. Although some concepts and techniques have been summarized, the theory of composition has not formed four independent pieces: "Harmony", "Counterpoint" and "Form Analysis". "Orchestration Method", but "Composition Science" is consistent.

In other words, the theory is not systematic.

The Lord of Witness "Endless Fugue" is in charge of both aspects of "Candle" and "Key". Her mystery includes not only inspiration, but also reason! If you want to practice her rules...

He wrote the three characters "Counterpoint" on the title page, then turned to the second page and wrote:

"A theoretical technique that allows two or more independent melodies to sound simultaneously and harmoniously in music creation. It is the main writing technique for polyphonic music."

Considering that the current fragments of inspiration were advanced techniques, in order to leave room for organization and gradual progress, Fan Ning turned directly to the middle page for the second time and continued writing:

“If there are two melodies running in parallel to form polyphonic music, and they can still coexist harmoniously after being inverted and interchanged according to a certain interval relationship, then it can be called “double counterpoint.”

"The technique of transposing two melodies up and down here is called "transposition"."

"When the interval relationship of the "transposition" is an octave, it is called "octave double counterpoint", which is equivalent to the nature of the two melodies remaining unchanged, but only exchanging the positions of the parts. For example, the original violin played melody 1, and the cello played melody 1. Play melody 2, then the violin plays melody 2, and the cello plays melody 1.”

"Therefore, the 'temperature exchange' revealed by the Lord of Witness's 'Endless Fugue' is essentially a special case of 'transposition'." When Fan Ning wrote this, it was already clear in his heart.

He continued to think about the second control method he had obtained so far, turned the page and continued:

"There is a melody, and its order is reversed and written in reverse. For example, if "do, mi, fa, sol" is written as "sol, fa, mi, do", the latter can be called the "retrograde" of the former. "

"If the same two melodies run in parallel to form polyphonic music, and they can still coexist harmoniously after being processed "retrogradely", it can be called "retrograde double counterpoint."

"Inspiration pulls in one direction between the two cups, the low temperature is lower, the high temperature is higher, creating a temperature difference that does not exist out of thin air... Therefore, the second method of control given by the Lord of Witness 'Endless Fugue', Its essence is a form of "retrograde"

Fan Ning tightened the cap of his pen and closed his eyes. In the next moment, the solid ice went from melting to boiling, and the boiling water went from still to frozen, just like the water glasses switching places instantly.

After a few seconds, they returned to normal temperature, but there were water stains on the outside of the cups and on the table.

After sorting out the relationship between the mystery of the Lord of Witness and the invisible power, he felt extremely spiritually transparent.

"Mr. Fan Ning, I send you the "Tioline Cultural Weekly", issue 4, 913 of the New Calendar."


Fan Ning opened this stylish and well-decorated publication.

"'Divides and Bridging—Looking at Future Artworks from 'Death and the Maiden'?" Fan Ning read out the rather long title of the first edition.

The music column editor Don Yetus, whom he met at the music salon, finally published his important music review the day after the special concert and the last week of the re-examination.

The music score is divided into three parts. It first analyzes a large number of previous works and comments, abstracts the debate between "title music" and "pure music" into the two categories of "content" and "form", and then points out Fan Ning's string music. The quartet "Death and the Maiden" has bridging and convergence in the category of "content", describing its listening experience as "romantic philosophy emerging from the body of classical and orderly music, as if passionate passion flows in healthy and elastic blood vessels." blood".

In the last part, he objectively mentioned that the bigger difference in the debate between "title music" and "pure music" lies in "form".

"Is this Yetus also a mystic?" Fanning read here a metaphor for the mystical element.

"If art is also divided into representation and will, what is the highest form? If the highest common art form is opera (drama), then music, art, dance and poetry are just representations that realize it; but if music itself is the highest Art enlightens, then it is the concentrated expression of will, while other arts are only indirect reflections of will.”

"'Death and the Maiden' is a minor disturbance in this line of questioning. Although it is not powerful enough to draw a conclusion, we can see that the composer has sketched out the outlines of future works of art."

"If the law of implicit transmission written in Guchaniz language is completely true, and the third type of transmission method mentioned by Dupont is empirically valid, then at least in this world, I agree with the second view." Fan Ning took a deep breath, Closed the weekly newspaper.

"When Wagner in his previous life promoted the idea of ​​'musical drama', he adhered to the first point of view, but later he was still convinced by Schopenhauer's 'musical volition theory', which is the second point of view expounded by Yetus here: Speaking of believing that music itself is the highest form of art, Nietzsche hit the nail on the head when he called Wagner's "Tristan und Insold" 'a symphony'."

"Morning, Carolne."

Joan knocked on the ajar door, then pushed it open and said hello cheerfully.

The girl's sweet voice interrupted Fan Ning's thoughts: "Qiong, it's only Friday today and freshman year has just started. Don't you have any classes?"

"I'm asking for leave. I have an important matter to discuss with you."

"Huh? You sit down first."

She sat down opposite Fan Ning's desk with a serious expression on her face: "Should we attend Sylvia's next party?"

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