Old-time musicians

Chapter 107 A logical madman

"Reconciliation school?" Dupont and Monroe looked a little confused when faced with Fan Ning's question.

In fact, Fan Ning didn't detect any clues related to this from the party. He simply sensed from various recent clues and fragments of information that Joan might be entering someone's field of vision.

As for the risk, Fan Ning couldn't tell whether it was the identity problem caused by Joan's spying on the mysterious side, or her vague memory about "Purple Bean Cake" and the "School of Harmony".

But at least for now, the pros outweigh the cons by asking teammates to fill in the missing information.

"I know a little bit about it. This organization was notorious in the eyes of insiders in the past era, but in recent decades it has generally been quiet, and not many people may know about it."

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Cyndia, the elixir master who had been silent before, spoke up. She was a thin woman with short hair. She had smooth and healthy wheat-colored skin and a young face. However, she wore brightly colored eye shadow and lip shadow, which made her look older. Fanning is several years older.

Notorious, what kind of secret force is this that worships an evil god? The other people all looked at Cyndia.

"In fact, most people in the city may have heard of the original origin of the Harmony School. It was called the Continental Alchemists Association!"

Fan Ning of the Continental Alchemist Association frowned. He did know the name, but it had been a very, very long time, right? It is an old historical term.

Are there any alchemists left in this era? I have to find a similar profession, maybe a chemist? ?

"It has something to do with the Bologna School." Cyndia recounted. "In the predecessor of the Tioline Empire, which was the Hoffmann Empire more than two hundred years ago, before the industrial age, the feudal aristocrats were in power, and alchemists The Association is a part of the Bologna School, even the most important, the most vocal, and the highest-status part.”

“At that time, alchemists were a highly respected and awe-inspiring profession because they studied the changing laws of matter and even refined certain substances that could have an essential impact on the human body or soul – something that was previously considered to be something only nature could Or the power that the gods can control. In the legend of the alchemists, there exists a sacred object. This mythical object is believed to come from the heights of the Tower of Phae, the origin and essence of all elements in nature, and the key to the ultimate transformation of life. The limit and purpose of this mythical item they are pursuing is called the 'Fountain in the Painting'."

“But in the next hundred years, the situation has changed. With the vigorous development of natural science and industry, especially the successive breakthroughs in physics and chemistry research results, the transformation of matter has become a scientific principle that everyone can understand. Even the transcendent categories of certain spirits or souls have some incomplete scientific explanations.”

"Of course, this is the perspective of an ignorant person. From the perspective of mysticism, the development of human industrial processes is the embodiment of the will of the Lords of Witnesses who hold the phase of the 'key'. Laws turned into teachings and revelations, allowing those who studied the "Key" to gain insight into knowledge and reason. Some people subsequently became outstanding scientists involved in the mysteries of human vitality, mainly related to the phase of "cocoon", matter and spirituality. The secret of mutual movement and transformation may also be related to "evolution"

"But in short, the title or profession of 'alchemist' has been gradually pulled down from the altar. Specific to them personally, some people follow the trend and pay more attention to the study of 'key' revelations that are more closely related to science and industry, and remain in The public schools under the Bologna School are developing in the direction of chemists, while more people still stick to the tradition, pursuing the path indicated by the alchemist's sacred object "The Fountain in the Painting", and trying to study the more essential mysteries of life and spirituality. They are independent came out and called themselves the 'School of Harmony'"

Fan Ning, who had listened for a long time, now said: "So, the Harmony School is the product of the split from the Bologna School after the empire entered modern times. This is understandable. After all, from classical mysticism to modern mysticism, there have been continuous changes In terms of development, some people are willing to change, while others are relatively conservative.”

He raised his own question: "But after all, these members were once knowledgeable people with official status. Even if they parted ways, how could they become a secret organization and be given the adjective 'notorious'? Well, just look at this I think the name is quite neutral in appearance.”

Cyndia's voice was a bit eerie: "Because later, they discovered that the 'Fountain in the Painting' was crazy."

Fan Ning's expression was stupefied: "What do you mean, isn't this the so-called alchemist's holy object... crazy? Is this a living thing?"

When he began to listen, he felt that the "fountain in the painting" was either an abstract concept concocted by alchemists, or it was a ritual vessel that was once used to enhance the sense of ritual in a very high-level secret ceremony in ancient times. Or... this is simply the name of a certain god who is in charge of the aspect of "cocoon" or "evolution".

Even if it is the latter, the Lord of Witness is similar to the rules themselves and has no personality. Why is he still crazy?

"In short, the truth is almost like this." Cyndia said, "The 'Fountain in the Painting' went crazy, and then the original group of alchemists from the Harmony School also went crazy after learning the truth..."

"And the people of the Conciliation School, even before they went crazy, hated the official organizations of the empire, especially the Bologna School... You know, in history, such incidents of separation due to ideas or directions are inherently accompanied by complex powers. Strife, personal persecution and even bloody incidents, many rights and wrongs are difficult to explain... But the objective fact is that some of the hidden structures of both parties have a certain degree of homology, which makes the top leaders of the Bologna School always very afraid of this organization. The most direct manifestation is the conservatism in the employment system..."

...This is really...a big guy from the school next door.

Fan Ning sat back in his seat, tapped the table with the end of his pen, and elaborated on his thoughts: "I have always suspected that there may be another organization behind that perfumer, one that is in the Pleasure Listening Club, the Transcendental Club, and A secret organization that occupies a controlling or dominant position above the colluders in the school..."

"Looking at it now, the code name of Perfumer, her refining and identification skills, and her claim to be the controller behind Prudence Auction House - this is a large grocery store of antiques, curios, works of art and rare materials. ... Various characteristics may support the hypothesis that the organization behind her is the blending school... But what about Sylvia? This woman has no characteristics for thinking... The conventional assumption is that she and the perfumer are both from the blending school. But my intuition tells me it’s not that simple…”

Fan Ning raised his head and looked at Cynthia, "But... you just said that the 'Fountain in the Painting' is crazy, and then the alchemists of the Harmony School are also crazy... But those two people seem to have quite normal minds."

Cyndia said: "The people of the Harmony School have a comment from those who are familiar with it -"

"A polite criminal, a logical madman."

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