Old-time musicians

Chapter 109 Pleasant Blood (4K 2-in-1)

When the agent's vision returned to normal, it was too late. Google Search Reading

Dupont's hand holding the short blade was fast and powerful, and it directly passed through his neck, cutting a large wound!

Bright red blood gushed out from the agent's neck in large streams, spraying fast, far and in large quantities.

Just like a faucet that was turned to the maximum, free of charge!

...Is it solved? Dupont held the blade in his backhand and stopped in place. His left hand was still holding a curse seal that had not been used.

"You killed Professor Anton, right?"

Fanning, who was standing at the door with a gun, looked coldly at the agent whose neck was bleeding like a fountain.

"His spirit became the essence, a part of the great cause, and it is an honor... But this person next to him, a follower of 'Chi'? A lost stranger?" The agent did not look at Fanning directly, but smiled at Dupont.

Dupont looked at him in doubt, and the agent's chest was stained with more and more blood, reflecting red.

"Since you have studied the 'Pool', why don't you join me and throw yourself into the arms of our secret and true mother, the 'Red Pond'?" the agent continued to ask.

"A madman who worships evil gods and has hallucinations when he is dying?" Dupont clenched the short blade in his hand and guessed secretly in his heart.

He is a wanderer from the distant southern country. The witness symbol of the migration road sign used when he was promoted is the "Fragrant Poet" of the righteous god of the United Principality of Feyton in the southern continent.

The so-called secret and true mother "Red Pond" mentioned by the agent, before he learned about the information of the Joyful Listening Meeting from Fanning, he had never heard of this witness master.

"Alas..." The agent sighed for a long time, and blood dripped from his cheeks, chin, and earlobes.

His face was covered by the splattered blood and could not be seen clearly. The blood hung on his clothes, making it a deep red polyhedron with a special texture, and each face was shining.

Dupont suddenly felt something was wrong.

If a person's carotid artery is cut like this, he should be able to pretend nothing happened for a few seconds, but this agent has been standing here chatting with him for 10 to 20 seconds?

Why hasn't he died yet? He should be dying soon, right?

Although he stood still, should I go up and stab him twice more?

A large amount of blood was still pouring out of the agent's neck. Fan Ning at the door had already aimed his automatic pistol at his head. With a distance of several meters, he could easily hit him with his current proficiency.

But this strange scene that he had never seen before made him a little undecided.

In the battle of the knowledgeable, either try to kill the other party, or avoid being killed by the other party, or chase or flee. What is this situation now?

He should be dying soon, right? Should I turn around and leave, or wait until he is dead so that I can confirm it with my own eyes? Or shoot him in the head twice more?

Will the leader of this secret gathering place that worships evil gods have some unexpected situations after his death?

Thinking that Professor Lorraine's head was shot that day, it accelerated his deformation progress, and Fan Ning's fingers hesitated at this moment.

The situation was at a standstill for a while.

First floor.

After a short battle, two first-level knowledgeable people in suits and leather shoes resisted slightly, and then one was poisoned to death, and the body of the other was blown to pieces. Lawyer Monroe and spiritualist Cynthia stepped onto the steps and entered the smoking and crumbling company door. The receptionist at the counter and several unlucky employees who passed by huddled in the corner.

"What's your name? Let me ask you about your situation."

"Ma'am, my name is Calvin."

Cynthia grabbed a passing student with curly hair and asked him a question. Although this guy huddled up, he explained clearly and with a smile on his face.

The content of the students' part-time jobs was relevant and easy, which fully proved that studying professional knowledge can create higher value.

In the morning, in the pleasant-smelling recording studio, listening to records that can bring inspiration, and sleeping when tired, this is about three or four hours. In the afternoon, I spend another short hour recording my own experience or inspiration from my dreams, which can be in words, music scores or paintings, or playing instruments and recording. This is not mandatory every time, but from the salary rules, it is obvious that high productivity is encouraged.

It is said that people with particularly good performance can be transferred to the performance hall on the first floor.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Lawyer Monroe, who wears gold-rimmed glasses, has a gentle and fair face and a gentle temperament, holds a black shotgun. Every time he arrives at a locked recording studio, he shoots at the bolt and then kicks it open.

The room in front of me is filled with aromatherapy, records are spinning, an orchestral work is playing, and four people are sleeping on four recliners.

"Spiritual expansion and stabilization of the mind?" Scindia sniffed the air and asked Monroe, "Do you feel something is weird?"

"Of course, what is this record playing? Familiar orchestral genre, familiar various instrumentation timbres, but this melody makes me feel uncomfortable. It's better to catch a monkey to write on the piano. People who have been sick for more than ten years can't write this thing at all."

Mr. Monroe muttered, "Don't say, it's quite avant-garde. It's acceptable if you listen carefully. The feeling of harmony and color is very strange. The complex rhythm and timbre combination seem to confirm some of my emotions that are difficult to express in words."

"You have a good level of appreciation, so it's better not to listen to it." Cynthia felt something was wrong and reached out to turn off the record. "I said it was weird at first, but that's not it. It was because of the state of some employees I saw along the way. , although the reaction to the accident is normal and the communication is normal, don’t you think there is something strange about them?”

She took out two small slender glass tubes, filled with a trace amount of light purple liquid, like a thread.

There were two soft "bang bang" sounds, the seal of the glass tube was shattered after hitting the table, and purple smoke floated out.

"Put it in one nostril and inhale hard." Cynthia handed one to Monroe.

After the liquid evaporated, it turned into smoke and entered the tip of the nose. The fragrance carried an inexplicable sense of fragmentation and alertness. Monroe was freed from some unconscious weak emotions: "Yes, although those employees were frightened to a certain extent, their eyes were calm and... The verbal contact gives people a very positive feeling? It's not an exaggeration or abnormal excitement, but it always gives people an excessive and abnormal feeling of being in a good mood, especially when I just blew up the door of their company."

"And we are making so much noise, and these guys are still awake?"

Cynthia's eyes swept over the four students on the couch one by one. Suddenly her face changed slightly and she quickly walked to the next one.

"This man is dead."

Second floor.

"Are you...happy? Are you satisfied?"

The blood gushing from his throat was like crimson paint, staining the manager's shoulders and the clothes on his entire body in large chunks. His pants turned into thick and heavy strips, and a pool of blood accumulated on the sunken stage. The layers of blood are flat.

"Why the hell isn't this guy dead?"

In the strong smell of blood, Fan Ning suddenly felt that his mood was a little positive and a little anxious. He suppressed this weird sense of dislocation and shot seven or eight bullets at the agent in succession.

Some hit the head, and some hit the body, causing the agent's body to tremble a little, but in the bright red covering, it was difficult to see clearly the blood splashes from the bullets that penetrated the flesh.

Suddenly, the entire agent's body quickly sank into the pool of blood accumulated at his feet!

Fan Ning and Dupont looked at each other in confusion at first, and then smiled strangely for no reason.

But Dupont had noticed something strange before, and a curse mark with a bouquet of flowers had already been thrown over their heads.

Several groups of classical guitar decomposition chords sounded, which seemed to have a pleasant fragrance, and the two of them came back to their senses from their abnormal state.

Fan Ning used his spiritual sense to scan the environment up, down, left, and right, and then shouted: "He is downstairs in front of us on the right!"

First floor.

Cyndia looked at the person lying in front of her. The girl's expression was calm and pale.

"It's strange. When I opened the door and entered a minute ago, there should be no dead people here."

The aspects that Scindia has studied include "cocoon" and "key", and her perception and affinity for life force are far beyond ordinary people. Even in the row of green plants by the window of her room, she can sense that one of them is in poor health.

Her fingers touched the girl's cheeks, neck and arms, and her eyes became even more astonished: "No blood? And no wounds? What happened in the process just now? She didn't pay much attention to it. She mainly focused on the strange thing. "on record music"

Suddenly, she turned her head again, because she found that another student's life force was rapidly passing away, and the originally healthy and rosy complexion quickly turned pale.

"Be careful!" Monroe suddenly felt nervous for no reason, picked up the shotgun and aimed it at Cyndia's back.

From his perspective, the student, who was blocked by the elixir master who was leaning over to check, suddenly sat up straight!

The clothes were stretched open, the skin was chapped, and the whole body exploded like a balloon burst by water. Scarlet blood spurted out, splashing large stains all over the two of them.

The agent's bloody body emerged from inside.

"Boom!" Smoke burst out from the shotgun, and the bullets passed through Scindia's back like nothing, beating the agent's chest into a sieve.

"Boom!——" "Boom!——"

Monroe did not dare to neglect, and shot several times in succession, causing the wall behind him to be covered with fine pieces of meat, and his entire head and body were almost torn apart.

"In her name, I will give birth to myself." The manager spoke to the two of them in a warning tone.

Plasma and pieces of flesh were scattered everywhere, and his damaged and ragged body fell off again, and another agent emerged from it. His delicate skin like a newborn baby was red and covered with blood.

The skin of the other two students in the room quickly turned pale.

After Munro fired this shot, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this weird and morbid scene. He looked at Cyndia, who was also frowning, and did not dare to stay, and pulled her back. , ready to flee.

This person's methods are even weirder than the last battle in the workshop. Either he prayed to the evil god for some abnormal invisible power, or his level is higher than the "experience officer", and he is definitely not on his side. A third-level and a second-level knowledgeable person can deal with it!

The manager took a few steps, opened his arms, and made a hugging and lifting gesture from bottom to top. As a result, his limbs and torso were exaggeratedly stretched, and he was about to embrace Scindia, who had just stepped out.


Dupont spit out a word that was relatively unfamiliar to others. This was the Mixed Lydian language that was popular in the Southern Continent in the third history. It was the product of the fusion of the ancient Lydian language of the Western Continent and the indigenous Jing language of the Southern Continent. .

A small fruit-like object appeared in his palm. In the ancient spell, it seemed that something on the surface turned into powder, and turned into a pale red moist mist blowing towards the agent.

The agent, who was moving forward to hug, suddenly smelled the dizzying fragrance of wine and stumbled to the ground.

The black barrel of the shotgun in the hands of lawyer Monroe was tilted to the ground.

"Boom-" "Boom-"

The agent's whole body was hit and floated back a distance. The neck and chest were completely ulcerated, but as the skin and flesh collapsed, another smooth, white, but bloody upper body appeared from the inside.

"Wow-" Monroe and Cynthia finally couldn't stand the discomfort. They both vomited a stream of blood in a jet-like shape. Although it didn't last, they collapsed. Dupont saw the situation of his two teammates and his face changed drastically.

There must be something wrong with the ubiquitous smell of blood in the air!

Suddenly, the agent sat up, and the top of his head split open, and a blood-red strange thing poked out from it. It had several joints, not like a tentacle, but rather like a twisted and slender finger.

This finger suddenly stabbed at Scindia.

"Be careful!" Fanning, who had just arrived at the corner of the corridor, saw this scene and suddenly shouted!

Because he was behind, he went downstairs a little later than Dupont, and used a pistol to deal with five or six staff members who were also armed. These people had a gunfight with the middle-level knowers who studied "Candle", and all their intentions and positions were completely exposed. Moreover, they couldn't even aim under the interference of spirituality.

Dupont suddenly turned around, his arm flashed red, and he directly and accurately captured the slender finger.

He felt a slippery and extremely powerful force, so the "Pool" sense was frantically urged, and his wrist was coiled several times in a row, tightly hooking the finger for several circles.

With his freed hand, he threw the short blade at his waist fiercely, which turned into a pink stream of light in the air, and once again cut the agent's throat.

The agent's throat was bleeding, and he recited a prayer in a trance: "The Great Mother eats us, just as we eat nutrients; our fragments are carefully cared for, just like branches sprouting from the earth."

"Puff" "Puff" - a bunch of slender blood-red fingers suddenly stretched out from the hole in his throat and reached out to the crowd.

"Is this person immortal?" Du Pont's face became more and more ugly.

The next moment, his eyes condensed into a rich red, and his inspiration gathered and focused on the agent's head, exerting the maximum degree of sensory extraction! The full-strength move of the middle-level knower even caused the air and light in the middle to be distorted!

The agent trembled all over in an instant, and his eyes turned up to show the whiteness of the fish belly. After those fingers came into contact with Du Pont, they seemed to find no sense of force, and lightly cut away from the surroundings, and then retreated casually.

Fanning ran over: "Monroe, take Cynthia to other rooms and cut off their spiritual resonance. This guy can't have so much blood and such a strong vitality... Go! Dupont's light of first acquaintance probably won't last too long."

Dupont stepped back a few steps and called on his hearing, which had surged in a short period of time: "All the students on the east side are dead, go directly to the west!"

The two struggled to get up from the ground and quickly ran to the west. Monroe blasted open the locked doors one by one, and Cynthia dripped a special liquid that could temporarily block the perception of the astral body and put people in a dreamless sleep into the students' nostrils.

In just a few seconds of talking here, the agent's eyes had returned to normal.

"Not bad sensory fuel, but unfortunately, the light of first acquaintance has been combined with the spirit. It would be great if it was still ignorant." His expression showed regret, and his body was densely bulged, and countless slender blood fingers drilled out from it!


Fanning uttered a mysterious ancient Janus language——


The "Scorching Sun Guide" in his hand looked like it had returned to its original black round metal form, but at this moment, a sharp golden light burst out from the mysterious patterns engraved on it!

------Off topic------

Thanks to Sneeze Dragon, Wang Xiaoming from Class 2, Grade 3, book friend suffix 0001, Frozen Dawn, Human Sun and Moon, Noke Does Not Exist, and book friend suffix 3521 for their monthly tickets~

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