Old-time musicians

Chapter 16 New System (4K 2-in-1)

"...If you are late three times, your qualification as chief will be revoked?"

As soon as Fan Ning said this, the audience was still quiet, but the dozen or so chiefs suddenly seemed to feel the heavy eyes on them from behind or from the side. It was not covetousness, most of them were mainly looking at the show or expressing sympathy.

Especially the chiefs who were late today, their necks and eyes were frozen in place and unable to move.

"Professor Fan Ning, I have questions."

"I have questions too."

Seven or eight people in the orchestra raised their hands, led by Julius, as well as the principals of flute and trombone.

This is not a workplace, and the relationship between teachers and students is relatively flat. While public school students are taught to value etiquette, they also focus on cultivating the ability to express questions and opinions.

So Fan Ning chose the person to take the lead: "Julius, if you have any questions, please tell me."

Compared with when Fan Ning was investigating the factory last year, the concertmaster looked innocent and restrained. Today, she behaved politely and confidently in the orchestra. She stood up and spoke softly: "Professor Fan Ning, I remember half a year in the orchestra." There are only two parts to the assessment: "Performance Examination" and "Daily Rehearsal."

She is right, the assessment mechanism of the St. Lenia Symphony Orchestra has always been the same in previous years.

The "Performance Exam" accounts for 80 points and is divided into "optional solo" and "band excerpts". The other 20 points for "daily rehearsals" are subjectively evaluated by the conductor after the end of each semester and based on the opinions of the members. They are usually given full marks. They mainly serve as a restraint to prevent someone from having a bad attitude during rehearsals.

"It changed this year." Fan Ning smiled softly, "This is the first thing I want to share with you at today's meeting."

"...Has there been any change in the half-year assessment?..."

"Does this mean that the format of the performance exam will change in the next few days?" The musicians made eye contact one after another.

"Wait a minute, let me find where I put my notebook." Many students were groping around, preparing to take pens to write down.

It's normal for them to react like this.

The half-year assessment plays a leading role in almost all personnel arrangements, including not only the appointment and removal of the chief, but also the flow of formal members and substitute members - the top 40% of musicians enter the ranks of formal members, thus maintaining the formal and substitute memberships. 1 to 5 ratio.

The formal members are responsible for important performance tasks, while the substitute members are relatively "tool people". In addition to being substitutes, they are mainly responsible for a variety of small tasks, such as new student works, departmental activities, public welfare performances, supporting teaching demonstrations, etc...

After all the musicians' eyes were focused on him, Fan Ning began to give a concise explanation:

"The new version of the assessment mechanism has four sections——"

"The "Performance Test" accounts for 40 points. In addition to "Optional Solo" and "Band Excerpts," "Specified Solo" and "Sight-Reading" are added, which are both literal."

“‘Sight-singing and ear training’ accounts for 20 points. We are all music majors, so I won’t explain too much.”

""Attendance Management" accounts for 20 points. For example, the lateness issues and leave issues mentioned just now are all in this section."

""Daily rehearsals" account for 20 points, and full marks are not defaulted. 10 points will be given for correct attitude, so the ranking will not be affected as before. The other 10 points will be given as irregular encouragement rewards."

There began to be faint whispers in the audience.

Fan Ning's eyes on the conductor's podium scanned the musicians: "If you have any questions, ask them all today, and I will answer them one by one. I will give you 15 minutes to discuss freely, and the questions will be handed over to the violinist to summarize."

The first violinist is the person whose status and role in the symphony orchestra is second only to the conductor. Although Fan Ning has a lot of dissatisfaction with this Julius, she is still in this position, so it is better to let all the problems be summarized by her. , it is best for you to solve it all at once.

After Fan Ning finished speaking, the students' eyes were a little dazed. They probably didn't expect that the new permanent conductor would use such a democratic method to let everyone discuss freely first. They suspected that they had misunderstood the meaning.

It wasn't until they saw Fan Ning actually walking off the podium that they began to stand up and leave, and then gradually gathered around Julius.

The rehearsal hall started to become noisy. During this period, Fan Ning handed two pieces of paper to the conductor's assistant Kaplan: "For this sight-singing and ear training test, help me go downstairs to make copies. I will print a little more. One type of paper will print 30 copies, 80 copies of second-class roll printing.”

After Kaplan took the order and went out, Roy stepped forward and handed a small black wooden box to Fan Ning. After thanking him and putting it in his briefcase, she asked in a low voice: "Mr. Fan Ning, could it be said that Common Professor Si, can you please revise the assessment mechanism?”

"It took me twenty minutes to convince him," Fanning laughed.

"Roy is particularly curious about how you did it." The girl opened her eyes in disbelief: "You know that in the past, it usually took Professor Commons several years to make a decision to change... However, it is really necessary to do this. Are you going to collect everyone’s doubts? As usual, similar systems are introduced unilaterally, and students only need to implement them..."

"So do you think how well they have implemented it in the past?" Fan Ning said, "A system that is not followed is meaningless. Today I will take advantage of everyone's presence to ask them to put forward all their doubts or suggestions. The purpose is to let everyone A consensus will be formed so that I can operate strictly according to the system. If someone deducts points for any reason in the future, please don’t come to me to plead for mercy.”

Roy nodded thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, has Mr. Fan Ning become interested in elixir research recently?"

Fanning asked, "What do you think of Dean Graham?"

Roy thought, "He has a good personality, was obsessed with scientific research in his early years, and is now happy to make money. Generally speaking, he is neither a trusted core member nor has he been suspected too much among the resident members..." She realized the implication in Fanning's question, "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with his spiritual potion?"

"I did have this thought by chance, but I know that since I haven't received any recent news about the two principals, it means that they are recovering normally, and it is impossible for them to take things without scrutiny... So I just want to try it casually when I have time."

"That's true... But I will mention your idea to them tactfully." Roy said seriously.

She looked at the girl sitting in the back row again: "Mr. Fanning, did you notice that Miss Nissimi's mood seems to be a little off today? Is it because she just joined the orchestra and is not used to it, or because she used to be your principal but is now only the third flute, etc.? ... Do you want to care about her? Or if you are too busy, I will go and see her?"

Joan did not join the St. Lenya Symphony Orchestra when she was a freshman. She only recently submitted an application at Fanning's suggestion. Most of the principals of the sections are in the third and fourth grades. Although Fanning knows that as a knowledgeable person, her musical level is far higher than these people, she can't sit on the first day... As for Sheeran, she can't be a college student at St. Lenya University until at least September, so Fanning wrote a concerto this time to let her participate as a soloist, which is also a trick.

"She shouldn't be that kind of person..." Fan Ning also frowned and looked at Joan from a distance, "Forget it, the discussion will end soon, there is no time to ask, let's talk about it after the show."

After the musicians returned to their seats, Julius stood up: "Professor Fan Ning, everyone is very grateful that you are willing to communicate with the members about the assessment mechanism. Our questions are mainly concentrated in three aspects."

"You say." Fan Ning stared at Julius.

The violinist spoke carefully: "First, in terms of the "performance test", we believe that "band excerpts" and "self-selected solos" have already covered the two fields of ensemble and solo. Will the "designated solos" and "sight-reading" you added have some overlap and duplication?"

"No." Fanning answered the question concisely and clearly, "'Band excerpts' are based on rehearsal reality, and "self-selected solos" are based on personal preferences. Although the latter is conducive to the musicians to show their personal style, it is easy to be biased. The "designated solos" are solo works that I have selected specifically based on the technical difficulties of the recent rehearsal repertoire. In addition, a mature orchestra must accumulate a deep enough pool of spare repertoires. Now the sight-reading abilities of each member are uneven, which seriously reduces the efficiency of rehearsing new works. Therefore, "sight-reading" must be tested to urge you to focus on improvement."

"The two new forms are one for depth and the other for breadth. Next question."

Everyone felt that Fanning's words made sense and could not be refuted, so they all looked at Julius.

The first violinist continued, "The second question is... we all think that the mission of the orchestra is to perform, and what we care about is the quality of performance, so "performance exams" and "daily rehearsals" are both direct and necessary, while "attendance management" is relatively indirect..."

"The mission of the orchestra is to perform? Wrong." Fanning said.

...What else? Everyone felt it was incomprehensible this time and was stunned.

"The mission of a professional orchestra is to perform, which is correct, but this is a student orchestra, and the student orchestra belongs to the school. It also undertakes the functions of art education and character cultivation. You are all gentlemen and ladies studying in public schools, so I don't think I need to elaborate on this... Your application to join the orchestra has implied a commitment to obey the performance arrangement, and the rehearsal attendance rate will directly affect the performance results. I will only deduct a small point for asking for leave in advance, and the negative impact must be reflected."

"...But everyone will inevitably encounter busy time periods." The first trombone who said he had doubts earlier couldn't help but say.

"Isn't it just right to be a substitute member?" Fanning glanced at him.

"..." The boy's expression froze, and his face turned pale.

"Punctuality is the most basic contractual requirement. If you want to be loyal to art, you must first be strict with yourself. I ask you to enter on time, and I will also promise not to delay."

... Mr. Fanning said it very well. Roy almost couldn't help but applaud.

"Next question."

Julius's tone was a little unconfident at this moment: "Finally, finally, we are a little confused. Isn't "Sight-singing and Ear-training" a professional course for our freshman year? Why do we have to re-assess it..."

In this world of "focusing on inspiration and neglecting theory", the school's cultivation of comprehensive music quality is indeed not systematic enough. The practical performance major is okay, but the theoretical composition major, how well students can learn depends entirely on the so-called "talent".

"Do you know what kind of musicians professional symphony orchestras prefer when the performance skills are similar?"

"Those who are used to listening to others and reading scores."

Fan Ning slowly said: "The core thing of music is 'listening'. You can all hear it well, but many times you don't listen to others... I won't ask you to dismantle the symphony as carefully as the conductor, but At least you need to understand what function your voice plays in the whole... Sight-singing and ear training is just a means, I will have a lot of related training, the purpose is to gradually cultivate the habit of reading scores. "

Everyone felt that Fan Ning's reasons were irrefutable, but they secretly complained that the exam pressure was now much greater.

"This is a question you raised yourself. I have already explained it... It is now assumed that you have reached a consensus and will strictly follow the new mechanism in the future. I will announce the implementation details in writing as soon as possible, and you can also supervise it yourself."

"Now that we've talked about the assessment, let me share the second thing about the meeting. There are two new members I want to introduce to you."

"The first one is our new timpanist Noel. He was recommended by the group leader Adair, an outstanding graduate. He is an excellent percussion young man."

The boy directly behind stood up amidst the applause and briefly introduced himself to everyone.

"The second one is our new flutist Joan, who everyone should be familiar with. She was my principal flute at the supplementary graduation concert. This time she supported me in taking up this conducting position and will lead the team in the summer. Art Festival, I applied to join the symphony orchestra.”

Fan Ning's introduction can be said to imply very high praise. Everyone looked at Qiong with friendly and admiring eyes. However, the female flutist who was already in the first position looked a little guilty at this moment.

Qiong stood up amidst the applause, said "Please take care of me" in a soft voice, and then sat back. Fan Ning could see that her smile was a bit forced, and she couldn't help but feel more puzzled.

"Here's the third thing."

Fan Ning put on a mysterious smile: "This is good news."

Everyone was a little nervous about the new assessment mechanism and felt that the newly appointed Professor Fan Ning was a bit harsh. At this time, they finally showed expectant looks and pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

"I have finalized the matter with Principal Sternikai a few days ago: after deducting the travel costs and soloist contract fees from the commercial performance box office of the Summer Arts Festival, all net proceeds will be given to the musicians as remuneration for your performances. ”

As soon as these words came out, the entire rehearsal hall immediately erupted!

"What's going on!?"

"Did I hear you correctly? The box office proceeds will be shared directly with us? How much is that? 20 pounds per person? Or 30 pounds?"

"No, it's more than that! If calculated based on the box office in previous years, I suspect it's dozens of pounds larger. If the chief can get more, it might be close to 100 pounds!"

"Oh my god, I will get the first performance payment in my artistic career right away! I am not dreaming!"

“And there’s also a free trip to the imperial capital!”

Students have no income from joining the symphony orchestra. In previous years, the income from commercial performances was supplemented to the orchestra's funds.

And now...

100 pounds is three months' salary of a teaching assistant at the University of St. Lenia, one year's salary of a skilled worker, and nearly two years' salary of an ordinary laborer. Except for those who come from a noble family, this is for most students, especially those who come from a wealthy family. For middle-class people, it is a large amount of money, enough to support a decent social life for a long time.

Although Fan Ning's answers to questions made them feel irrefutable before, everyone was more or less complaining about the increase in assessment pressure.

And now, they suddenly feel that Professor Fan Ning, who was so strict when he first took office, is so amiable...

Fan Ning saw the cheering of the musicians in the audience, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "But..."

"In the end, I will only select more than 60 classmates to perform in the imperial capital."

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