Old-time musicians

Chapter 68: First Encounter with

"There are still ten minutes before dawn." Seeing that Fan Ning had not expressed his position for a long time, Wasius's voice suddenly turned cold.

"My friendly negotiation is based on the pursuit of high efficiency. I will give you two more minutes to think about it. Don't think that I can't do anything to you. I don't mind taking away the person next to you first..." He narrowed his eyes and looked at it. Xilan, "Haha... I have seen this little girl's application for membership. The light of first acquaintance is interesting. You can try to see if the low-level slow effect can stop me, or try the low-level wound transfer ability." Can’t you smooth out the hole that goes through your head?”

…Why am I looking for “Moonlight”? It's because the fragment of the music sequence lacks a C sharp... But Fan Ning is still desperately squeezing his own inspiration and association.

Could it be more than just "Moonlight"?


The tonality of C-sharp points to the most widely circulated works in people's memory on Blue Star, but the correspondence is definitely not limited to "Moonlight". There are 12 tonics, 24 major and minor keys, and there are countless works that use each tonic to set the tone.

Since this is the special room that Vasius found through the pocket watch ritual, and since Mr. F made a similar "no animals" reminder to prevent interference, there must be something occultly connected to C sharp, as long as If you find it yourself, you might be able to make that No. 2 card...

what else? what else? …

As long as you figure out this last link, you don't need to play any intrigues with this guy!

Time passed, and another minute passed. Seeing Vasius's face sinking deeper and deeper under his top hat, Sheeran frowned and said, "Mr. Investigator, you just said to open the door?... Why do you need Joan? She I'm afraid it's still far from being promoted to the Profound One, right? Moreover, this place is not Huita..."

"As far as I know, the internal structure of the door can be divided into three parts: 'this door', 'path' and 'that door'." Roy said at this time, "Doors are all kinds of strange and irregular shapes. There may be other parts as well. parts, but these three parts are the most basic elements.”

"Therefore, opening and time travel are two concepts. Although both require a key, the requirement that the keyholder's inspiration intensity is close to the high-level limit is obviously required to complete the entire time travel process... If I guessed correctly, this requirement It is a mixed zone between the world's appearance and will. Behind the wall is not only a moving place, but also a moving secret place where the spatial coordinates and Huita's existence are connected. "

"Miss Nehemiah, there is no danger if you just put your hand up. The situation is forcing you to use up your inspiration." Roy said this and stared at Vasius, "I probably know the purpose of your trip. You can help me with this." It is her, but it is not targeted at her personally, but at our entire school... The Special Inspection Office has taken a lot of trouble. It is a basic door to contain the 'Gnosis' and has sent you, the No. 2 of the Ufranser branch. Take a trip yourself."

"Knowing so many secrets and being able to guess half of the motives, she deserves to be Miss Roy of the Bologna School." The corners of Wasius's gloomy and gloomy face twitched, "Yes, the task is to get the order from Bogle, the director of the imperial capital. What Mr. Rich personally conveyed... does not apply to your school of thought. The climbing paths mastered by the major knowledgeable organizations, we will all start to implement the containment one after another on behalf of the 'discussion group', step by step, first easy and then difficult. "

…house the climbing paths mastered by each organization? Why do I feel like I’ve heard similar expressions from the mouth of crazy investigator Benjamin before? What is "gnosis"? ...Although Fan Ning focused most of his energy on thinking about "C sharp", he also listened to the entire conversation in front of him.

"There are still five seconds left in two minutes." Vasius reminded coldly.

"Okay, I'll just put it up." Qiong gritted his teeth and stood up. "I hope you will keep your promise and take us out of here after completing your so-called climbing path containment work."

...It's meaningless to be left here. As for the issue of Caron's secret being reported to the Special Patrol Office after he returns, he can only think of a solution after he gets out.

"You can only choose to believe, can't you?" Wasius said calmly, "'Hidden Lamp' has gone crazy. Without the spiritual shelter and resonance left by the 'Disharmonious Pocket Watch', it simply relies on itself to find inspiration from the external reality of time and space. The resonance point is basically impossible to achieve.”

Joan walked to the small white stone door in the corner of the room, took a deep breath, and pressed her little hand on it.

"Boom!" There was a buzz in her mind, and some special textures or marks in her spirituality invaded "this door" like a key in a lock, causing fear and shrinkage in this invisible door whose power far exceeded that of human beings. .

Fan Ning and his party first saw its twisting shadows and peeling skin, and then the path behind it, which was composed of a cold and silent aura. There were countless unrelated landscapes stacked there, either as clean as snow or as dull as ink. , the silence of some supreme beings is better than words, and only the unconscious souls of the dead speak for them in a slippery way.

With just this glimpse, basic hidden knowledge penetrated into everyone's minds like a tide.

This is not the "Gate of Broken Keys", nor the "Gate of Seven Lights", this is the "Gate of No Light".

Especially the deeper part of the path, which is the Hui Pagoda. The tower is so tall that it reaches the sky and is extremely pale. Fan Ning felt the fascinating knowledge about "desolation" on it.

This is a temptation more terrible than the original desire impulse. It flows quietly on the epidermis of Huita, showing every inch of the holy body. As long as you pass through it, call and touch every inch of skin and mirror in the void, and then greedily sip those crystal-like particles, you can see, embrace, taste or possess it.

At this moment, Fanning understood that this is "spiritual knowledge"! This is "spiritual knowledge"!

A special hidden knowledge, a hidden knowledge of a higher status, a hidden knowledge that is more concise about the mystery of the Lord of Witness and the phase. Only humans who pass through the door and become the knower can understand this "spiritual knowledge". It has a more direct and intimate relationship with the glow, so that as long as the knower can see it, his spirituality can undergo a fundamental change!

No one does not want to enter this door, and no one does not want to go this path.

Of course, if I really pass through it at this time, I am afraid that the result will not be insight into spiritual knowledge.

Fanning exhaled deeply, calmed his instinctive desire for knowledge, and continued to focus on the association of "sharp C".

…I have seen their secrets. Xilan couldn’t even look away from the “Lightless Gate”.

She had been promoted by vaguely referring to the “wild” signpost, and now countless transcendental memories were stimulated. In the colorless and surging world where she first roamed, there were “winter wind”, “raven”, “watching death”, and the black lamp on the top. They all reflected the first light of “wild” and penetrated into her own skull and blood in the dream.

The path behind this door is so deafening that it calls out to me, and it’s about to come out!

“Truth, this is truth! It’s inviting me to pursue it!!” Julius, who had been following behind silently, suddenly trembled with excitement after taking a look at the scene behind the door.

Before Xilan could react, her shoulder was hit hard by Julius.

The next moment, Julius threw herself directly into the "Lightless Gate" and floated towards the pale white skin of the tower deep in the path.

"Truth, my truth, woo woo woo..." She first trembled and sobbed, and then gradually burst into tears, as if the person she had loved for many years but could not get suddenly embraced her, as if a homeless child returned to the warm mother's womb, as if a wanderer who had suffered all kinds of grievances in a foreign land finally returned to his hometown.

During this process, her clothes melted like snow, and then her smooth body, the delicate texture on every inch of her skin was smoothed out, turned into a smooth mirror, reflecting the cold and silent halo or the clean snow-like scenery around her.

"Woo woo woo, my truth..."

In the end, Julius's figure was no different from the scenery behind the door, but the crying was still echoing behind the door, overlapping layer by layer.

Shilan, who witnessed this scene, woke up suddenly, his throat was hoarse, and his scalp was numb.

She felt the deep fear behind the desire, restrained her strong impulse to obtain "spiritual knowledge", and forced herself to turn her back.

At the same time, she was extremely confused, why was Qiong's spirit also the key to the "Lightless Gate"? Isn't the hidden knowledge she studied the "key"? Didn't her spirit change happen accidentally in the "cracking field"?

When everyone's mind was dizzy due to the opening of the "Seven Light Gate", no one noticed Qiong's feelings and expressions.

Unlike others, her attention was not on the things behind this door at all. After some special textures in her own spirituality turned, it was like a gear driving a gear. Another entangled memory that was not quite the same but belonged to her now was torn apart more.

The image of the purple ball of light and the long arc of green eyes of "Purple Bean Cake" appeared in her mind. Joan first thought that she had remembered her companions again, and recalled that when "some disqualifications" planned by the School of Harmony affected her, "Purple Bean Cake" helped her transfer her identity and protectively sealed the memories of her new self and her family. But later she felt that "Purple Bean Cake" seemed to be her former destiny.

What was I chasing?

Did it like to listen to me playing the flute, or did I like to play it for myself?

Joan couldn't help but glance at Fanning who was in deep thought. It was not for any other reason, but the baton in his hand was similar to a flute in the dim light, just a little thinner and shorter.

She suddenly realized that the collar of her chest had been wet, and she seemed to have lost something worth following and remembering in the past.

Vassius didn't know when he had a small black wooden box in his hand. After opening it, there was a dark red pipe lying inside, covered with incomprehensible secrets and symbols.

There was another spiritual potion containing colorless liquid in the wooden box. At this time, Vasius's expression became serious. After knocking on it and inhaling a mist, he read out a secret code in Turangalian, with a lost and lonely tone.

"Go, lost soul, go to the pure white wilderness, go hand in hand with the silent elves, there are too many cries in this world, you don't understand."

Then he moved the pipe to his mouth, inhaled, and exhaled.

Wisps of white smoke were blown into the door, and gradually condensed into a human face in the cold snow-like path.

"Wow! ——" The volume was not loud, but the strange cry was still as disturbing as nails scratching a blackboard.

The face was pale and distorted, with thick eyebrows and eye sockets, a short and collapsed nose, and a long and upward-raised lip arc.

…The dream man "phantom" created by the Harmonic School? Roy had expected it when he saw the familiar red pipe before.

Compared with the hideous and ugly giant mucus form in the symphony hall of the graduation concert that day, the "phantom" contained in this pipe-shaped ritual vessel for two months, although it still looks like it is still there, has become a weak and transparent state, and the condensed smoke seems to be dissipated at any time.

"Good plan, good means, the Bologna School and the Harmonic School, both sides are really played in your hands." Roy, who witnessed this step of Vassius, said coldly.

She naturally recalled the messy and tragic scene in the symphony hall that day and the death of Dean Gould.

"The responsibility lies with the School of Reconciliation." Vasius inhaled another wisp of mist from the spiritual potion tube, "...Looking back to the past, in the final analysis, this is the truth, isn't it?... Don't worry, the Special Patrol Office will find a way to help solve the current predicament of the Bologna School."

Roy lowered his eyelashes, so that he would not look at the light of spiritual knowledge in the doorway: "If you mind your own business, we will be more efficient in solving internal historical problems."

"We have always been good at investigating and clearing those who have been contaminated by hidden knowledge." Vasius didn't care about her accusations.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that the ancient ritual of the School of Reconciliation, which he had researched from nowhere, was really useful. As long as the invisible power could be clamped while retaining its status as a profound person, the limit of a 'phantom' was estimated to be able to accommodate 3-5 spiritual knowledge subjects behind the doors, which was much better than the several solutions previously discussed by the Special Patrol Office.

Julius had thrown himself into the door, Hiran was in fear, Joan was in a daze, Roy was watching Vasius's actions coldly, and among the people present, the only one who was relatively aloof at the moment was Fanning.

After appreciating the beauty of spiritual knowledge for the first time, the sense of urgency prompted him to return to the tense reasoning and analysis.

In front of him was a non-existent partial piano keyboard. When Fanning "stared" at the black key on the upper right of the C note for a while, he suddenly realized that the name of this black key was not only "sharp C", and the trigger here was not necessarily related to "moonlight".

After the experience of exploring the art museum for the first time, I seemed to have a preconceived idea?

Do and re are a whole tone relationship. Under the twelve-tone equal temperament system, do sharp semitone and re flat semitone are equal pitch, so... it can also be...

"D flat"?

The non-existent No. 2 exhibition board, the corresponding tone fragment, can also be "D flat"! ?

With new ideas opened up, Fanning began to call upon his vast reserve of classical music, trying to think whether the objects here had any connection with "D flat".

He has a personal habit: when he needs to search for a piece that meets certain conditions in his memory, he will first follow his memory and start to check from the pieces he has come into contact with, practiced, listened to, or left a deep impression on in the past year.

Soon, he locked onto a piece of music in his mind and began to look again at the various statues and dolls hanging in the room.

This piece of music was a skit that he had played at a dinner party for country gentlemen while composing the "First Symphony" by Lake Möttraun.

Chopin's "Waltz in D flat major".

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