Old-time musicians

Chapter 80: Very nervous and panicked (4K 2-in-1)

"Thank you. Increasing your artistic knowledge is the greatest significance of today." Fan Ning expressed his understanding calmly.


Luo Yin on the other side said: "For the position of permanent conductor, even in the symphony orchestra of the Conservatory of Music, Mr. Fan Ning has broken the record for the age of taking office. Among those present today, there are several other summer art festivals. The conductors of the conservatory and the more famous soloists who work with their orchestras should all be ten or twenty years older than you..."

Fan Ning nodded: "So for me, what I look forward to most at the condolence event is to be able to see their musical techniques and artistic ideas. Not only are multiple famous artists showing off one after another, but the presentation method may also be different from a step-by-step concert." different."

As everyone approached the spacious and high-ceilinged ceremony room, there were gradually more mourners around them with solemn expressions.

Looking towards the choir stalls under the dome from this current position is perhaps the most gorgeous and solemn perspective in the church. Everything there is exquisite work of art, including stone steps, benches, curtains, oil paintings, and sculptures. ...All kinds of gold, silver or silk utensils are gorgeous and dazzling. Even a small candle on the corridor is engraved with exquisite and complicated patterns.

High behind the choir is the organ bandstand, and in front of it is the sacrament altar, decorated with flowers, in which the coffin containing the body of the poet Bassani lies quietly.

"President, I'm here." When he was still more than 20 meters away from the holy altar, Fan Ning saw a familiar figure in the front row of the altar. It was not appropriate to make loud noises in a solemn environment, but Fan Ning Just by speaking in a low voice, the figure in the distance heard the sound and turned around to get up.

He has sharp features, dark skin, burly body, almost bald head, limbs as stable as cables, and eyes as sharp as knives. He is none other than President Viadlin.

However, the seat he just sat in seemed to be the seat of the inspection team members?

"Carolen, long time no see...Mr. and Mrs. McAdam? Miss Luo Yin?" As early as when Viadlin turned his head, Fan Ning heard his low voice, but it seemed to be transmitted twenty meters away through the air. A ringing sound in my ears.

…The president should be surprised that I stand with Luo Yin’s family. Fan Ning heard the change in the tone later, but he felt that the president's tone and expression seemed to be surprised, but there was also a hint of complexity?

"President, if you don't return to Woodpecker Consulting Office, I'm afraid you won't even be able to find your office room number." Confused, Fan Ning was still in a relaxed mood and made a joke.

"It's true that we can withdraw. I'll wait for you to take over as soon as possible." Viadlin's expression returned to normal, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. McAdam, and Miss Luo Yin."

…What’s going on? What did I take over? Fan Ning was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Good afternoon, Sir Viadrin." Luo Yin stepped forward lightly and bowed Yingying.

"Congratulations on the addition of a profound person to the Guidance School." What McAdam said made Fan Ning's eyes light up.

So that’s it, is the president considered a “promotion”? Entered the upper echelons of the Guidance School?

After MacAdam and Viadlin finished shaking hands, he glanced at his wife, and then cast his distant gaze on the flowers on the altar: "Mr. Bassani was able to see both of his students promoted to the Knower during his lifetime. This is the greatest relief on my deathbed..."

…Who are the two students…referring to? Fan Ning silently observed their expressions and tone.

One should be the president, he seems to have been successfully promoted to the Insightr recently, and the other one? ...It doesn’t seem to be referring to MacAdam himself. The Marquise is also a Knower? As the wife of the President of the Bologna School, this is quite reasonable... But she and the President are from the same school, and they are both students of Bassani? Is there a brother-sister relationship?

Among Bassani's various public identities, he is most famous in the world as a "great poet", but he is also a famous musician who plays the cello.

According to Mr. Anton’s letter, Sir Viadrin should be very accomplished at the piano; and Luo Yin’s mother, Marquess Yinlaian McAdam, was a famous soprano singer at the end of the last century in her youth. Later, he gradually shifted his career focus from the front to the back of the stage, and became a well-known cultural critic, music salonist, and art collector in Tioleen.

Could it be that the young president was a suitor of this soprano singer? Combined with Viadlin's expression that he had inadvertently revealed before, Fan Ning vaguely guessed some old events in his mind.

"I am sincerely happy that you have overcome the difficult hurdles in life." The Marquise congratulated her elegantly, "If I guess correctly, the legendary pianist who once conquered music fans from all over the world with his brilliant skills and made countless female admirers crazy Coming back."

"A lucky pursuit of knowledge in my twilight years." Viadlin shook his head and smiled, "Regardless of the pace of the mysterious side or anything else, I am considered a laggard."

After chatting for a few minutes, he waved to everyone: "I won't disturb you all for now..." His eyes turned from Marquis MacAdam to Luo Yin, and finally fell on Fan Ning, "...Carolen, the two artists of MacAdam and his wife Be well-educated and seize the opportunity to get along. I hope you will benefit. ”

From Viadlin's eyes, Fan Ning not only read appreciation, but also a hint of "come on".

"Okay, President." Fan Ning agreed seriously. The president must have expressed his relief and encouragement when he heard that he had been promoted quickly.

Soon after Viadrin returned to the ceremonial seat, a gentleman with brown hair and blue eyes walked up slowly and took off his hat to salute. He was about 35 years old, holding a gilded cane and holding a music score with a baton in his other hand.

His posture was elegant and humble: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. McAdam, it is an honor to meet you and your family. Beautiful Miss Luo Yin, the last time we met was in the year 912 of the new calendar, at the Royal Academy of Music's "20th Anniversary of Master Lorfen's Death" commemorative concert."

This person is Adonis, a famous conductor and composer, the chief conductor of the Royal Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra. He has gained this reputation in the art world and has become the head of the Imperial Student Orchestra, which is extremely rare at his age.

"Excellent performance, nice to meet you." Luo Yin responded with an impeccable smile.

"Conductor Adonis, I look forward to your performance in the premiere of the Symphony No. 3 in F Major." McAdam maintained his usual calm and calm tone.

Adonis chatted with Luo Yin and his daughter for a few minutes before leaving. Another gentleman of similar age came up to greet him. He was the famous pianist Dutoit, who performed a concerto with the Theolian National Conservatory of Music Orchestra.

The pianist bowed slightly: "Mr. Marquis McAdam, I greet you and your wife. Miss Luo Yin, I learned from several music salons that you collected the "Uccello 24 Piano Etudes Complete Works" recorded by me in the first half of the year. I can't help but feel a little flattered."

Luo Yin smiled lightly: "The batch of records released by Hoffman Record Publishing Company at the beginning of the year are all high-quality and sincere works."

The few people chatted for about ten minutes, and more people came over.

While his wife was greeting, Marquis McAdam said to Fanning: "You can go sightseeing or socialize as you like... If you are sure to show yourself to the inspection team later, I will give you appropriate care in the evaluation in return." Then he turned around.

...Will Mr. Fanning be unhappy? After responding to the other party's greeting, Luo Yin took two steps to the side where Fan Ning was, and said with a sneer: "Now you can see that we are always overwhelmed by the people who visit our family on such occasions..." She deliberately lowered her voice to whisper, "After the condolence activities and the funeral are over in the evening, let's talk on the way back."

"Oh?...Oh! Okay." Fan Ning, who was looking up at the sky, withdrew his eyes briefly and agreed without thinking. I don't know how much he heard from the two people just now.

...My worries seem unnecessary. Luo Yin was a little amused, but his expression was obviously relieved: "Then I'll find you tonight."

"Okay, okay." Fan Ning turned his attention back to the murals everywhere on the vault.

"Every painting... every scene... every fragment... these are all treasures, masterpieces, and masterpieces of the world, and they are all priceless art treasures..." Fan Ning couldn't help but murmured.

There are many horizontal marble protrusions on the top of the church, which act like "frames" or "screens", dividing the dome into several parts. The murals are painted by two art masters, Martipenus and Secchivaros, more than 600 years ago, based on the classics of the Holy Sun Church, "The Book of Illumination" and "The Book of Judgment".

Each scene is surrounded by vivid and diverse human bodies. The pictures are magnificent and powerful. Fanning feels that he is one step closer to the inspiration that he had when he first saw the church.

Is it a hymn? Chanting? Is it in the category of vocal music? Although the specific musical vocabulary is still unclear, Fanning is sure that it is a kind of humming, soul-cleansing, and endless sacred sound.

Under the extremely high inspiration, he began to have a series of hallucinations, and the entire church vault seemed to tremble violently because it could not bear the weight of these murals.

Like a flood, the high-pitched inspiration quickly fell, and the things in sight returned to normal, but Fanning couldn't help but hold his chest with one hand and his chin with the other, and began to think deeply about the feeling that the sound in his head had brought him.

The twelve bells rang, and it was noon. The people walking around became fewer and fewer. Fanning, who was interrupted by the bells, found that he had accidentally walked to the side below the altar. He quickly quickened his pace, slightly bowed his head and walked back to the ceremonial area, and found a place at the back to sit down.

During this period, his eyes naturally looked at the first few rows. In addition to McAdam and Viadrin, there were two acquaintances in the first row. The first one was Bishop Christopher, who he met not long ago. He smiled at him with a kind look.

Was this bishop of Uvlansel also invited to serve as a member of this inspection team? Then referring to the level of members of other extraordinary organizations, he is also a profound person.

There is another "acquaintance" who needs to be put in quotation marks. It is He Meng, the chief inspector from the Special Patrol Office. Fanning "knows" him very well, but he only knows Vasius.

Judging from the prepared bouquets placed on the benches in the ceremony, there should be seven people in the first row. Fanning noticed their seats with interest.

Perhaps influenced by the position of the leader of the discussion group of Poglieri of the Special Patrol Office, He Meng sat in the middle, and on his left were McAdam, Christopher and Viadrin.

Now the high-level representatives of the four official knowledgeable organizations in Theolian are all here, but what makes Fanning curious is what is the situation of the three empty seats on the other side?

Slightly dense footsteps sounded, and a large group of mourners and church clergy in solemn appearances, surrounded by three gentlemen, slowly walked into the venue and walked to the first row.

The leading gentleman was obviously old, but his neatly combed gray hair and straight suit made him look as energetic as others. The two gentlemen in tuxedos behind him were about 40 or 50 years old, and the other about 30 or 40 years old.

The four profound masters led by He Meng stood up at the same time and shook hands with them one by one. The mourners in the back, including Fanning, also stood up one after another and sat down after them.

This is the courtesy enjoyed by the world's top artists, or those with the official title of "Boethius Artist".

After seeing their faces and comparing them with the portraits, posters or record covers in his memory, Fanning was stunned.

Sweelinck, born in 832 AD, is now 81 years old. He is a veteran master of romantic music and has been famous since the era of classical music. His representative works include the piano sound and picture collection "Steam and Speed", "Orchestral Prelude", and the symphonic poem "Summer Night in Lepiche" that Fanning will conduct at the concert this time.

Schillings, born in 865 AD, has been determined since his youth and spent nearly 30 years to create the "First Symphony "Untitled"". He single-handedly led the "pure music" camp to launch a counterattack against the "title music" camp. With his high summary of classical techniques and successful breakthroughs in humanistic philosophy, he won the title of "Gilles's Successor" in the music critics. His other works are also famous works that are now widely performed around the world.

Niemann, born in 876, a good friend of Schillings, is a musician born and raised in Theolian compared to the two people from the Kingdom of Holy Janus. He is also a schoolmate of Fanning. The "First Piano Concerto in C Minor" premiered at the graduation concert of the St. Lenin Conservatory of Music in 898 shocked the world. From the perspective of the graduation concert alone, it received much more response than Fanning's "First Symphony". He was called a "great composer" when he was less than 40 years old, and even many people in the music industry thought he could be called a "master".

Four Proficient Ones and three Music Masters attended the memorial service for the poet Bassani. This was a terrifying spectacle. Looking at it this way, the lineup of judges for the improvisation at the St. Lenin Conservatory of Music before, although there were also three Proficient Ones, was simply incomparable to the current occasion.

Fanning's breathing even began to quicken slightly.

Previously, he didn't care about what McAdam said, "It depends on whether you are sure to accept the scrutiny." He was too lazy to guess in advance what theme or element today's inspection activities would revolve around, but now he was a little nervous, and the more he thought about it, the more nervous he became.

Three contemporary masters of romantic music! What a concept? In the previous life, I would never have had such an experience!

- To make a very appropriate analogy, this is equivalent to if I go up to perform later, the people listening to my performance below are Mendelssohn + Schumann + Chopin in the previous life, or other music masters of the same period.

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