Old-time musicians

Chapter 88 Seven “frames” (4K two-in-one)

Fan Ning thought for a long time.

In fact, he feels that both the definition and characteristics of "ge" are very consistent with his long-standing artistic values.

Especially the last point made by Viadlin, regarding the evaluation of art in the long history.

During his lifetime, Bach was considered an old organist who "liked to write in outdated genres" and was not as famous as his sons. After his death, he and his works were long forgotten by the world.

Van Gogh believed that the sunflowers he painted should be worth 500 francs, but in fact no one cared about this price. The only public auction record in his life, "Red Vineyard" sold for 400 francs.

The two men were opposites when they were alive. One was considered "old-fashioned" and "old-fashioned" and the other was considered "weird" and "deviant." However, later history proved that they were both pioneers.

Only those who are enthusiastic, diligent, loyal to their inner thoughts, and have a reverence for art can live forever in another way.

Viadlin's gaze went from top to bottom, passing through the highly staggered cross-corridors of the church: "People's research on the mystical theory of 'G' has gone through a tortuous process. They found that ancient scholars found in the hidden classics Interpretations of similar definitions vary widely, some are incomplete, some are difficult to understand, some are too emotional, and some even have value judgment tendencies that are contrary to human beings' consistent aesthetics, which are considered to be dangerous hidden knowledge recorded when being contaminated by evil gods."

"The division method adopted by the current discussion group is based on the 'Seven Doors' theory of the Third Historian School of the Imperial Palace, combined with the inspiration of the concrete elements in the metaphorical mural "Cow Slaughtering Picture" popular in that period, and through the modern mysterious It was formed after learning optimization and adjustment.”

Hearing this, Fan Ning's heart moved. The third historical metaphor mural?

Judging from the name, this is most likely the image on the stone tablet that he saw deep in the underground building. Unexpectedly, Viadlin also knew that what he heard at the joint dream meeting of the Special Patrol Hall Several nouns can indeed be found in the details of "Cow Slaughtering Picture".

"The principle behind the naming method of 'Gate' does not need to be delved into because it involves the hidden knowledge of higher levels, but you have already half-stepped into the threshold of a high level, and are about to form an intuitive impression of Huita, and the division of 'Gate' itself at each level Methods, we really should have a comprehensive understanding.”

In Viadlin's explanation, not everyone has a "character". People with "character" cannot always survive after death.

Those who live a mediocre life without any output must have no "cognition and remembrance by the world" from the beginning to the end.

Even if an artist has produced a certain amount of "quality" during his lifetime, as he dies, he may be gradually forgotten by the world and gradually decline to the point of "not being popular", or he may be said to have lost his "quality". ". Of course, there are also situations where the artist is gradually understood and realized by the world after his death, and the "qualification" rises instead of falling, or it is said that the "qualification" rises.

Under the premise of clarifying these points, there are seven levels of "ge" at or above the "flow" level. According to Viadlin's explanation, their names are all metaphorical to correspond to the "big court school" "Seven Gates" is a term used in the occult theory -

First height: "Moth". In Fan Ning's understanding, the world's recognition corresponding to this height is probably close to someone who "begins to leave his own footprints in his artistic career." Becoming a "moth" means that he will interact with thousands of people. Thousands of similar people, in a small way, devote themselves to the pursuit of noble things, and do not hesitate to burn out their inspiration.

A considerable number of musicians, singers, painters, poets, diligent composers and conductors, teachers with rich academic experience and qualifications, and a very small number of geniuses in their student days who have left a deep impression on their peers and appreciators are all here. One level.

The essential difference between "Moth" and the unpopular "Ge" is that the former has received complete art theory and practical training, and has profound insights in a certain field. The former's art theory can influence people, and art teaching can educate people. , the work or performance can move people, but the latter cannot.

Second height: "Groom". It roughly corresponds to the "young artists" recognized by the world, and also includes many highly respected "old artists", "old professors" and "old scholars". Fan Ning had accidentally discovered that " "Bridegroom" and "sower" are the same word, which means that this person has begun to output something with a personal imprint into the world.

The essential difference between the "Groom" and the "Moth" is that the former has begun to follow free will, explore an artistic path of his own, and has gained recognition from a certain range of audiences. He has transformed from an artistic "craftsman" to a complete artist. Art has a "home", which does not and cannot.

The third height: "Blade Bearer". Roughly corresponds to the "famous artist" recognized by the world. It means that the artist has turned the illusory free will into a weapon in his hand, and is determined to use a fighting attitude to create essential changes in himself and the world.

The essential difference between "Blade Bearer" and "Bridegroom" is that the former has developed a mature and strong personal style, and his artistic reputation resounds throughout his country and spreads around the world, while the latter does not and cannot.

Those who can still maintain this height after death, or who have fallen to this height from other heights, will have their works and achievements recorded in documents with search or index functions. Those whose names can be found in Fan Ning's previous life's IMSLP music score collection website or in reference books such as the "Music Bible" are at least the "Blade Bearer" composers; those who have been dead for hundreds of years can still be found somewhere on the Internet. At least it was the "Blade Bearer" artist who found one or two pictures of his paintings in the corner.

The fourth height: "Forged Lion". Roughly corresponds to the "great artist" recognized by the world. This is the height of the discussion group's nomination for "Boethius Artist", which means that the artist's works or interpretations have achieved "great power" and his style can produce a transcendent "sublime aesthetic".

The essential difference between "Lion Forging" and "Blade Bearer" is that during his lifetime, the influence of the former has spread all over the world, and wealth and honor in the worldly sense are at your fingertips. Even after some time after death, people around the world will spontaneously set off There are countless commemorations, but the latter does not and cannot.

Take composers as an example. Hundreds of years after their death, their names can still appear in Fan Ning's previous college textbooks such as "History of Western Music". You can even find some unpopular recording resources on the Internet, at least "Forged Lion" Artists, but they are usually second- and third-tier knowledge points that are “difficult to memorize and remember.”

Fifth height: "New Moon". Roughly corresponds to what the world recognizes as a "great master of art". This is the height at which the discussion group awarded the official title of "Boethius Artist", which means that the master's "grid" is as great as a newly rising celestial body.

The essential difference between "Crescent Moon" and "Forged Lion" is that the former not only creates relatively high-yield outstanding works, but also has an influence that has not faded away from the field of vision after hundreds of years of countless outstanding works, but has become more lasting. , people of later generations commemorate them every day, appreciate or perform his works around the world every day, and shed tears and gain comfort at countless moments, but the latter cannot.

The "forged lion" is the pride of a country or nation, and the "crescent moon" is the eternal wealth of all mankind. No amount of gold can be used to exchange for one more masterpiece by the master.

Whether here or in previous lives, the most well-known music masters and art masters are the existence of "Crescent Moon". As for those "forged lion" composers who will be considered second- and third-tier in a few hundred years, except for extreme enthusiasts and music scholars, most people will not listen to these "unpopular" works.

Sixth height: "Torchbearer". It roughly corresponds to the "great master" of art recognized by the world. Its weight is extremely important, surpassing that of "master". There are only one or two musicians in each artistic period. In this world, there are only one or two musicians who can reach the level of "master". Romantic musicians such as Gregory, Kashunich, and Giles, who have only developed for more than half a century, no one dares to be evaluated in this way.

The essential difference between the "torch bearer" and the "crescent moon" is that the former is indisputable. It opens up a new era, leads artistic changes, inspires countless "forged lions" and "crescent moons", and has a profound influence on the entire human history of mankind. They are pioneers who have had far-reaching influence, and if the latter evaluates them in this way, they may face the controversy of "over-praise" or "one's own opinion".

In Blue Star, there are only a few musicians who can reach the level of "torch bearer", such as 3B: Bach in the Baroque period, Beethoven in the classicism period, and Brahms in the romantic period. There is no dispute about the "form"; perhaps there are also Wagner, who has a very special position in the history of opera, Tchaikovsky, the master of national music schools, Debussy, the founder of impressionism, and the founder of modern music and expressionism. The "character" of these people is different.

The seventh height: "Father". This height is only theoretical, and no secular term can correspond to it. In other words, if ignorant people had to recognize such an existence, they would think it was God. According to the mystical thinking of the Grand Palace School, this height is enough for mortal creatures to pass through the "Dome Gate" and become an existence comparable to the Lord of Witnesses.

Seven "grids": "moth", "groom", "blade bearer", "forged lion", "crescent moon", "torch bearer", and "father".

With his previous achievements and response, Fan Ning is considered to have risen to the top of the "Groom" and is infinitely close to the "Blade Bearer".

Now, he has performed the "Gothenburg Variations" perfectly in front of four comprehenders, three "crescents", and many other "qualified" artists. The subsequent series of reactions will elevate Fan Ning's "qualified" to the highest level. The top of the "Blade Bearer" is infinitely close to the "Forged Lion", which is why the three masters agreed that he can be nominated as a "Boethius Artist".

After clarifying the concept and level of "lattice", the previously mentioned relationship between "the prosperity of human art" and the "speed of diffusion of abnormal areas" can be explained in a simpler and more intuitive mystical language——

“The more high-level “grids” there are, the slower the abnormal area spreads.”

No wonder Pogolelic said that having one more person with a "crescent" height will buy a lot of extra time.

The influence of many masters is eternal. After death, if the world's understanding of them remains unchanged and their memory is immortal, the "New Moon" will still exist in the world.

Even for musicians whose creations have a heavy market component and focus on superficially gorgeous and elegant music - such as the extremely popular operetta Dominic, the virtuoso pianist Uccillo, and the former Lee Viadlin - as long as they He can bring spiritual enjoyment to the world and gain great response, and his "character" can still be raised to "Forged Lion" or even "Crescent Moon".

After their death, whether their artistic influence will fade or their style will decline, at least they have made great contributions during their lifetime.

And scholars who study musicology or art history have an extremely important value in that they may rediscover the precious value of some artists that have been buried in history.

—— Bach, whose style was barely at the level of a "blade holder" during his lifetime, who would have thought that he would become a "torch bearer" hundreds of years later? Although there was the accidental discovery of "Matthew Passion" by Mendelssohn, in the final analysis, what a person has left in the world, history will eventually make a fair assessment.

After Viadrin went down to the church ground, Fanning still put his hands on the railings of the steps of the lighting pavilion and was in a trance for a long time alone.

He felt a sense of spiritual joy and enlightenment at this time.

Many things that were previously emotional, confusing, or wanted to express have now been confirmed at a deeper level.

However, he had other confusions. The "Boethius Artist" selection mechanism was born more than half a century ago. It was created for the evaluation needs of "grades" and to integrate resources to create momentum to help artists create responses more quickly. However, I don't know why it has been directly related to the promotion of the mysterious side in recent years.

In response, Viadrin said that after he was officially promoted to a high level and successfully finished the performance, he would take him to the headquarters of the Guidance School to learn something.

After the condolence performance below was about to begin, Fanning walked around the intersecting corridors and walked back to the church floor one by one.

"Why are you sitting here?" When approaching the ceremonial seat, Fanning found that Luo Yin was sitting next to the bench behind him before, looking at him with a smile.

"Waiting for you to share with me the feeling of a successful performance." Luo Yin said.

"Okay." Fanning sat down next to her.

"What does it feel like?"



The tuning sound of the instruments on the sacramental platform made the two of them quiet down immediately.

Several singers, with the cooperation of a small orchestra, took turns to perform more than a dozen art songs with lyrics of Bassani's poems. After these meaningful and long small works, the choir slowly entered the venue. Bishop Mir took the brief opportunity to make a simple introduction, one sentence of which impressed Fanning.

"Everyone must follow the free will of his heart to produce truth again and again, otherwise he will wither. Bassani spent his life pursuing the truth. Even if it is not the ultimate truth, at least he will not be judged as disqualified by history."

Tarakan's large-scale religious work, "Requiem in A Minor", began to be played. This was the music used as a mystical prayer to stabilize the mind when Fanning first came into contact with hidden knowledge on the phonograph of the Woodpecker Consulting Office.

Accompanied by the heavy rhythm of the strings and the sound of the bells, the woodwind orchestration group and the French horn played the gloomy and melancholy prelude, and then the choir sang the gloomy, terrifying, and trembling hymn theme with the accompaniment of the organ.

The Church of Saint Janine is undoubtedly a building with top sound effects. The listening experience at the scene made Fanning's blood rush and his scalp tingle.

Vocal music is indeed an instrument that touches the heart. Some impulses began to emerge from the depths of the heart and became stronger and stronger.

Luo Yin obviously noticed something. During the interval of the curtain change, she leaned over and asked softly: "Mr. Fanning, can I ask what you are thinking about?"

Fanning looked at the solemn display of the choir on the stage and slowly responded:

"What if I want to add a chorus to the last movement of the next symphony?"

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