Old-time musicians

Chapter 94 Fanning's return to the stage (4K two-in-one)

The two people's curtain call at the front of the stage made the already warm applause suddenly rise to several levels.

But if you look carefully, you can hear that the main component of the sudden rise in the sound is that it is mixed with a lot of shouts for the name of the girl holding the piano next to him.

"Miss Sheeran!" "Miss Sheeran!" "Sheeran Conor!" "Bravo!"

These shouts coming from all directions combined almost broke the roof, and there was no sign of stopping.

"This concert doesn't seem to be over yet." Fan Ning, who was bowing his head, heard the little girl next to her, covering her chest and bowing, muttering to herself in confusion.

The bell of the symphony hall rang, and Fan Ning let go of her hand and exited to the side of the stage first, followed by Sheeran at a distance of two or three meters.

The voices in the audience were still rising and falling.

"Miss Sheeran, when is your next concert!?"

"Don't go, Miss Sheeran."

"Miss Sheeran, don't you accept flowers?"

Some gentlemen who shouted too outrageously were immediately slapped by the female companion next to them: "Are you out of your mind? The second half hasn't started yet."

What's even more exaggerated is that in the auditorium aisle, there are already music fans holding bouquets and starting to walk forward quickly. But as they walked, they felt something was wrong, so they slowed down at first, and then stopped completely when the two figures disappeared from the stage. down.

"Yes, isn't this the end of the first half?"

"What am I doing?" The people who had almost reached the steps on both sides were stunned.

"It's great, I can see her again later." Other audience members got up to rest one after another, while some were still staring at the names on the track list in trance.

Sheeran is not just a soloist this time, she will return to the position of concertmaster later. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for her skills and physical strength, but so far, music fans have not found any signs of this little girl slipping away.

In the performance channel on the side of the stage.

"Caron, that" Sheeran stopped and spoke as soon as the two of them were out of sight of the audience.

She held the piano and bow in one hand, and held the hem of her white evening dress with the other hand. She seemed to have a slightly embarrassed expression on her face: "I didn't know the audience would react to me in such a big way."

"Now you are famous." Fan Ning turned around with a smile.

After this battle, Sheeran's reputation as a "17-year-old young violinist" or "genius girl" should gradually spread throughout Theoline. In contrast to the recognition of "young musician", she has been upgraded to a "groom." ” or the second height of “The Sower” should be no problem at all.

"What will happen if you become famous?" She curled her lips.

"There will be honors and courtesy that belong to artists, and your spirituality will be more conducive to promotion. Oh, by the way," Fan Ning deliberately joked, "There will also be box office, invitations, love letters and roses."

"Ah, then did I steal your limelight?"

"Otherwise, why would I dedicate it to you? A successful premiere of a new concerto should make the soloist more dazzling than the conductor."

"Thank you." The little girl's face turned red, "But I have no experience getting along with music fans. Are they too enthusiastic?"

"Just enjoy how they like you." Fan Ning said, while secretly cursing in his heart, no matter how enthusiastic he was, he wouldn't be as enthusiastic as the president was when he was young, right?

"Ah, but" Sheeran opened her eyes wide and was about to say something else. The musicians who were leaving the venue also opened the door and entered the aisle. She was standing too close to the door and still very close to the stage. She quickly moved to Fan Ning. A few small steps.

"Take a rest." Fan Ning patted her gently and turned away, "You have exerted the greatest physical strength today."

It is indeed rare for a violin soloist to serve as concertmaster of other repertoires in addition to a concerto. This time it was mainly due to accidents. Fortunately, it is a student orchestra, so some special combination plans are understandable.

The twenty minutes between the intermissions passed quickly. Everyone drank water, went to the bathroom, sat on the sofa, rubbed rosin, put on oil, etc., and soon the bell rang.

The second half of the song was Gilles's "Symphony No. 3 in F major". Fan Ning still led the students to perform a "ceiling-like" performance at their level. The band opened with a brilliant strong performance, and then the intensity of ff Immediately retracting, the string section lays out the undercurrent of tremolo with mp intensity, the cello and bassoon in the presentation section elicit melancholy questions, and the entire brass section gives a solemn answer with the loud horn sound.

After the solemn and majestic conclusion of the first movement, Minister Noel of the Ministry of Culture and Media of Tioleon held his heart that was constantly heaving and exhaled happily.

He finished appreciating the mesmerizing Andante that followed. After the movement returned to calm, he took advantage of the band's slightly longer break and asked in a low voice, "Inspector Chief He Meng, what do you think of this year's ranking of the Imperial Student Orchestra?" How will it change?”

"One half is enough to judge the first and second half." A feminine voice came from next to him.

"Indeed, I think after this night, it will be difficult to find people who hold different forecast views." Minister Noel nodded in approval.

"The symphony orchestra conductors of the three major conservatories in Santa Ramburg are just 'blade holders.'" He Meng emphasized and reminded him in a cold and fast tone.

His implication was obvious: the Summer Art Festival was a youth-oriented platform for the Empire. A musician of the quasi-‘Forged Lion’ level was born. It was quite easy for him to debut his large-scale orchestral work in such a student orchestra. Moreover, he really took more than a month to bring the orchestra up to a higher level, which was even more overwhelming.

Of course, this was what the discussion group hoped to encounter the most when promoting the establishment of this inspection platform.

The bright scherzo movement sounded, and in the repeated patterns played by the cello with a spicate bow, the flute and the single yellow pipe wheel played a light and agile theme, and the two ended their brief discussion.

"The Bologna School guys picked up a big leak." He Meng's eyes swept over the dozen professors of the Santa Lania Conservatory of Music sitting in the first and second rows.

In order to increase the sales, the professors did not sit in the VIP ticket area. This is different from the concert. The most expensive tickets are naturally the closest to the idols, which is easier to see and interact with. However, the golden area of ​​the concert is about rows 6-12, where the sound effects are the clearest, the most integrated and the most balanced. The first 1-5 rows are second-class price.

He Meng's eyes finally stopped at the backs of Sternike and Huxley.

The two people were on the list of suspected pollution investigations submitted by the Bologna School a few days ago, but his personal inspection last night did not find any obvious abnormalities.

The work entered the finale. Here, Gilles used a highly dramatic variation form. Fanning's conducting showed a fiery passion similar to the finale of the "First Symphony". After the orchestra played a rapid and powerful introduction, the string instruments plucked the fixed bass theme one note at a time. It is an old folk song material, but it has experienced a real symphonic development in the variation. Each variation has a brand new image, and more and more power, passion and stronger life impulse converge in it, becoming more and more broad, and the music ends in a solemn ode.

The whole audience applauded like a storm, and Fanning led all the musicians to bow. As soon as he raised his head, he saw that a dozen fans who presented flowers had already stepped into the aisle, and those who were further back or sitting on the second floor were still struggling to move out of their seats.

I don’t know if it’s because of the “accumulation” after the end of the first half, the guys who shouted “bravo” the most fiercely before, now don’t shout a word, but rush up like a war, and step onto the steps on both sides of the stage in a blink of an eye.

Every time Fanning received a bouquet of flowers, Sheeran would receive two or three larger and more beautiful bouquets of flowers.

Even so, Fanning’s hands were still full in less than half a minute.

Fortunately, as the "target of siege" at the graduation concert, he had accumulated some experience and quickly sent the bouquets to the principals of other string groups and the wind group behind. This not only relieved the burden on his hands, but also led some fans behind to change their targets.

But when he turned around, he found that Sheeran was holding a small mountain of bouquets in his arms, and his hands below were barely holding the piano and bow. The whole person was very embarrassed and rubbed in front of him.

Looking at the little girl whose face was blocked, Fanning smiled and asked, "Why did you give them to me?"

"Carlon, my piano is about to fall." Sheeran's weak pleading voice came from behind the flowers.

Fanning stretched out his hands with a smile and grabbed two bouquets. After bowing and thanking the audience, he threw them to the audience, which triggered a shout that broke the ceiling. Several fans who got them screamed excitedly.

Other audiences also burst into hearty and joyful laughter.

The flowers were obviously sent from the audience. After staying on Sheeran for a while, they were transferred by the conductor, as if the meaning was different.

Fanning used the same trick again, secretly calling on invisible power, first throwing a few bouquets of flowers farther back, and then focusing on the fans on the second floor in other directions.

"This conductor is so strong!" A lady in the front row, who was looking up to the sky and crying for food, was stunned when she saw the bouquets flying straight back from the sky.

After several rescues, Fanning left the stage from the performance channel. At this time, the boiling and chaotic applause from the outside world gradually became uniform.

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" The calls for encore came one after another.

Fanning walked back to his actor's lounge, drank a sip of water in a hurry, then tidied up his appearance, restored his elegant smile, and walked out.

"Wow!" Cheers rang out, and the applause became chaotic again, but when Fanning stepped onto the podium and raised his right hand, and all the musicians took their seats, the symphony hall immediately became quiet, with only a few sporadic coughs.

Fanning's left hand gently pressed down, indicating a slow and subtle emotion, and his right hand prepared to beat. The violin played a tremolo in A major with a broken bow, like the earth awakening, the clouds breaking and the sun coming out, and the water rippling. Against this background, the French horn blew a series of lively and light horn sounds, accompanied by the dotted echoes of the woodwind, showing a bright and shining morning scene.

It was the most famous waltz work of Johann Strauss II in his previous life, "The Blue Danube", which is known as the "Second National Anthem of Austria"! (314)

Now Fanning's inspiration is enough to recall the orchestral works he had heard in his previous life, but it is limited to short-length and light-hearted music. The music of Strauss and his son is very suitable. It is not only pleasant and beautiful, but also does not require too much effort to rehearse 80% to 90% of the effect.

After the prelude, there are five groups of small waltzes played in succession. Each group contains two contrasting materials. The iconic lyrical melody of the first group sounds, with a relaxed and clear rhythm and echoing stop-step dance steps, which immediately attracts the attention of music fans. I pictured in my mind a scene of people dancing around a beautiful riverside.

"Another original orchestral piece? The flavor of Janus in the Western Continent is too pure!" Master Svelink's eyes widened.

"Even the encore has such a surprise!? This Mr. Fanning is so sincere," Minister Noel also praised endlessly.

Whether they were professional music critics or ordinary listeners, they just felt that their pores were opening, and most of them even couldn't help but start shaking in their seats.

The themes of the five waltzes are sometimes noble and elegant, sometimes passionate and unrestrained, sometimes soft and tender.

The exquisite melody and rich harmonies continued to stimulate the audience's nerves. When the music ended in a stormy carnival atmosphere, they raised their hands above their heads and clapped wildly to express their love for this encore.

Fan Ning bowed again and this time, before he left the stage, there was a neat round of applause.

"Encore!" "Encore!"

He had no choice but to symbolically crawl into the cast and crew tunnel, and after standing there for a few seconds, he returned to the podium again.

A humorous expression appeared on his face, and his left and right hands dropped a preparatory beat at the same time. The band played a strong sound, and then jumped into the descending melody and the thunder of the timpani.

Johann Strauss the Younger's most famous polka work, "Lightning and Thunder Polka". (324)

On the endlessly swaying two-beat rhythm, the fast and light strings are accompanied by the roar of bass drum, timpani and cymbals. It vividly depicts the joyful scene of people dancing and singing wildly in the wind, rain and thunder to celebrate the harvest. .

In three minutes, the frequent "lightning and thunder" motif pushed the music to a white-hot climax, and another fiery and crisp strong performance ended. The music fans who seemed impatient to wait immediately applauded and applauded.

"A new work, a new work again!" The audience in the audience began to speak excitedly and incoherently.

"An astonishing violin concerto, two waltzes and polkas with extremely pure style and classic quality. Is this something I can hear at a student orchestra concert for 6 pounds?" Two of them Audience members seated at the back asked each other questions.

"Who knew that there would be so many new works coming out tonight?" The original inspection team was completely shocked. "The quality of each song can definitely become a classic. How much artistic inspiration does he hide?"

Some fans even secretly sneered at their friends: "Those idiots actually thought the tickets were expensive before? A divine premiere, beautiful Ms. Sheeran, and two new encore songs of the same high quality. How many times have the band had such a pleasant listening experience? I’m afraid those guys will be beating their chests with regrets when the news comes out!”

Fan Ning took three curtain calls and left the stage waving.

"Encore! Mr. Fanning, one more song!" After the official performance, people always feel more relaxed. Several audience members on the first floor began to shout from the air with their hands like trumpets.

"What are you thinking? Two original songs in a row have returned. In the past, the composer would treat him as a treasure and hold another concert to collect money!" Although the companion next to him was clapping non-stop, he felt that There can be no more.

"I really haven't finished my thoughts yet. I'd also like to play a piece I've already composed." The person in front of me hurriedly replied, and then continued to shout: "Mr. Conductor, please play another piece. I'll wait for the next person to buy ten records!"

"Miss Sheeran! I want to see Miss Sheeran play the piano!"

"Encore! Encore!"

There were also sounds on the second floor, and someone even whistled.


! "The cheers soared into the sky again, and Fan Ning returned to the podium for the third time.

As if he had read the fans' thoughts, he did not face the symphony orchestra, but faced the audience, with a mysterious smile on his face, as if he was asking others to guess what the song was.

"Do you think there is any more?" Marchioness MacAdam asked her husband.

"It's not a new piece." The president shook his head repeatedly, "There are already two pieces. What's more, there are three encore premieres in one night. Plus the violin concerto, it will be four pieces. I'm afraid Santalan will perform it tomorrow. The hearts of the music critics could not bear it”

"No, absolutely not." The two masters of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts sitting next to each other shook their heads decisively.

After smiling at the audience for about ten seconds, Fan Ning finally turned his head and motioned for the band to take their seats.

He offered a light, encouraging gesture to the percussionists in the back.

Then the big snare drum and the snare drum struck a high-spirited prelude, and then the band played a majestic, passionate and confident melody.

In the previous life, the repertoire of the Vienna New Year's Concert every year, Johann Strauss Sr.'s "Radetzky March" (228) sounded in the symphony hall!

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