Old-time musicians

Chapter 103: Get your phone back (4K 2-in-1)

"Da da"

In the quiet and airtight sealed room, apart from the occasional sizzling sound of electricity and running water overhead, it was the sound of Fan Ning's own leather shoes walking down the steps.

After walking about ten steps deeper, Fan Ning stopped in front of the first white cordon.

He glanced at the exclamation mark on the wall to his left.

"D-level sealed room: the contained material has no living characteristics\\/can be left idle for a long time\\/normal research\\/restrained use\\/low risk of confusion and distortion\\/allowed to be used by ignorant persons (civilians or police) with approval"

There is also a red prompt under the black font.

"Warning: Always pay attention to the residence time. If you think you have encountered an abnormal phenomenon other than the target access object, do not observe, do not deal with it, and do not think about it."

"Warning: No matter what happens, it is strictly forbidden to dream in the sealed room!"


Fanning untied the white strips from the guard pillar, and an invisible wall of spirituality melted away.

To the right is the same long and narrow corridor as always. Most of the room is lit by dazzling white light, and a small part is illuminated by other lights.

He continued walking deeper into the steps.

"C-level sealed room: Contained materials with incidental characteristics of living objects\\/Can be left idle for a long time under suitable containment methods\\/Prudent research\\/Restrained use\\/Danger of loss and distortion\\/Prohibited for use by ignorant people"

There is the same red text below the sign saying "Warning: Always pay attention to the detention time."

Fanning unbuckled the blue caution tape and this time turned right into the hallway.

In front of the white-painted alloy door of Room 8, he turned the plastic handle clockwise to expose a glass area for observation.

There is a glass panel in the middle of the room, dividing it into two parts: inside and outside.

There is a dark green umbrella behind the glass plate. It is open, as if it is being held by someone, floating quietly in the air. A cyan, intestine-shaped thing extends downward from the umbrella handle, which is then strangled by an iron chain. , tied into a round black iron plate on the ground.

Fan Ning took a moment to look at it, and after having a general impression that he could handle the situation with excuses, he turned the plastic handle and closed the observation glass.

Then he seized the time and turned back quickly.

Since the mobile phone storage area has been moved, there is no longer enough time, but I can barely get the card out.

"Hey, hey hey, hey hey hey"

A creepy, neutral laughter suddenly sounded from behind, and it was unknown which room in the corridor it came from.

Fan Ning followed the warning in red font, without stopping or looking back, without overthinking, and kept moving forward at an even and fast pace, back to the steps.

Go deeper down again.

"B-level sealed room: Contained materials have characteristics of living things\\/Containment and maintenance plan, one object, one policy\\/No research unless necessary\\/No use unless necessary\\/High risk of confusion and distortion\\/Strictly prohibited from contact by ignorant people"

The steps were almost at the end. Fan Ning frowned and thought for a while after untying the yellow strip and eliminating the strongest spiritual wall.

Then, a small piece of translucent, pink, unknown biological tissue floated out from the waist and abdomen of his tight-fitting shirt. It was the "gel fetal membrane" that is said to be able to alleviate "pool" phase pollution.

It’s hard to say whether Fanning’s motive for bringing it in advance was because it was “more or less resistant to pollution” or because he had a prior understanding of the entanglement laws of the secret history—he had been exposed to other films including “Green Night” Six extraordinary paintings, I always feel that I might be influenced by "The Room of Pain" this time.

Before entering the sealing room, this item, together with the mobile phone model and the prepared drift bottle label paper, were controlled by him to float and swim around inside the clothes.

Although the officer on duty checked his whole body in strict accordance with the regulations to show that he was fulfilling his duties in front of his superiors, he mainly used patting to see if there were any bulging objects on Fan Ning's body. These objects are small and can hide around. It is also covered by his own spiritual sense, making it difficult to be discovered.

Entering is not the point. The real strictness lies in waiting to come out of the sealing room.

So now that such an unexpected situation has occurred, it will really come in handy?

Fanning followed the instructions and wrapped the "gel membrane" around his left wrist.

It had a normal cold and gel-like touch. Although this piece of tissue was not big and was redundant compared to the thickness of the wrist, Fan Ning tied a knot in the front to barely ensure that it would not slip from his hand.

Turn right and enter the deepest B-level sealed room corridor.

Perhaps because of the "one thing, one policy" containment method, the corridor doors here are unevenly distributed. A few rooms only occupy a few square meters, while more rooms are as large as large conference rooms, and extremely complex systems are adopted inside. Containment method.

Therefore, the average distance between number plates is very long, and not every two doors are facing each other. Many of them are staggered.

Fan Ning did not slow down and went straight to room 12.


Winter winter winter winter!

"The sudden sound startled Fan Ning. There seemed to be a large creature locked in Room 4, and it was hammering on the door anxiously.

He glanced past the rickety steel door.

With a "squeak", the room with door No. 7 opened by itself, and there was no light on inside. Compared with the dazzling light in the corridor, it was as dark as the entrance to an unknown space.

What's going on? For the first time, cold sweat began to break out on Fan Ning's forehead.

The door is not locked? Isn't it a work mistake?

There was only one way, and he had to pass through this dark door. Fanning couldn't help but want to take a look at the sign on the wall next to the door to see what kind of containment material it was.

However, he remembered the reminder of "don't observe and think" for non-target storage and access, so he gritted his teeth and walked along the other side of the wall.

During this period, a large pool of black pungent liquid began to seep out from under the crack of the door No. 8 diagonally opposite, and the leather shoes made a clattering sound of water all the way.

Damn, this damn place. When Fanning walked to the vicinity of Door No. 12, cold sweat had soaked his shirt and vest.

The sign next to the door here seemed to be newly hung.

Although Fanning didn't read the other signs carefully, they were all densely packed with words at a glance, but this one was very simple: only the name of the "flashlight", a brief description of the event, the time of transfer, and the reason for the adjustment were still "Rudolf He Meng's request", and the rest of the columns were "none".

"Is this receiving extra attention, or not?"

Fanning smiled helplessly to ease his mood.

He took another step forward and came to the main entrance. Amid the restless "dong dong dong" sound of hammering on the door at the back of the corridor, he began to turn the plastic handle that controlled the observation glass.

Through the glass, you can see a simple storage table and a black portable iron box on it. There is no other complicated device.

It should be said that the level of attention has definitely increased, but it is completely different from these real B-level extraordinary substances.

Fan Ning thought so, and turned the lever of the door safety lock to the unlocked state gear, then leaned sideways and prepared to push it horizontally.

Suddenly, he felt a moment of mental confusion, and then a strange greasy feeling arose on his tongue and nostrils, as if a layer of mucous secretions covered them.

The spiritual state instantly sent out a dangerous signal. He stopped pushing the door and stood up. At this moment, he felt a tight feeling on his left wrist again.

Fan Ning raised his arm and looked down. The child's hole suddenly shrank.

The loosely tied "gel fetal membrane" was pulled up by itself without any external force, and the originally light pink translucent texture became more transparent and almost colorless.

The original "re, fa" d minor triad note mark on the fetal membrane, under the tense state, had an additional "sharp do" note on the top.

This time, the minor triad became a minor major seventh chord. Due to the additional augmented triad interval relationship above, the originally harmonious sound effect became extremely violent and rough, with tension and weirdness.

Although Fan Ning was puzzled by this mark, he was slightly relieved.

Because with the occurrence of the "gel fetal membrane" mutation, both the mental confusion and the strange slippery feeling in the mouth and nasal cavity disappeared temporarily.

It seems that it does have the effect of alleviating some pollution, but what happened just now?

After being delayed by a series of mutations for more than ten seconds, Fan Ning raised his hand again.

There are too many mysterious factors in a ghost place like the Sealed Room. Don't think about anything. Just get your phone and leave.

"Why is the light in this room off?" Fan Ning's hand stopped again.

Because he suddenly found that the back became pitch black from the observation glass on the door.

There were too many strange things after entering today. Fan Ning made up his mind and prepared to go in and turn on the light directly--

At this time, he raised his head and looked at the house number for some reason.


Why am I standing at the door of Room 11 opposite!?" The chilly chill instantly spread all over Fan Ning's body, and he finally saw the dense fonts on the sign next to him.

"Substance name: "Painful Room""

"External form: An oil painting. Observers believe that its content is an indoor sketch of a delivery room and a delivery bed."

"Origin: The painting was born. The creator has died in a hotel room. His whole body dissolved in the bathtub, leaving only his head floating in the slurry... After being circulated many times, it was confiscated at the auction of the Mecklen Free Museum. The owner was a person who violated the ban of the Joyful Listening Society and was shot..."

"Dangerous characteristics: There is a tendency of "pool" phase mysticism, with living characteristics... Medium risk of getting lost, high risk of distortion... After being appreciated by others, it will infect dreams and be born from its body... There is a possibility that people will observe its content without knowing it..."

"Containment method: Cover with a black curtain and nail it to the wall, arrange multiple layers of dark glass to partition the space. The texture should be as dark as possible but not affect the observation of its state. Turn on the light in the upper room to facilitate regular observation. After discovering that the painting has broken through the partition, a new partition will be superimposed on the outside to maintain the number of partitions at least four layers"

I almost went into this room just now! Fanning was scared.

"Black curtain covering, multi-layer partitions" He couldn't help thinking, "Then the room that is theoretically quite safe should be lit for easy observation? I didn't feel that there was a dark room in front of me at the beginning, but why did the light suddenly go out?"

The fact proved that the warning of "don't think" was correct. As soon as Fan Ning's thoughts diverged, he immediately thought of some possibilities that damaged his sanity:

Could it be that in a short time, it floated behind the observation glass?

The darkness in front of him was not because the room inside was not lit, but because the black curtain covering it was attached to the glass?

Fan Ning's scalp numbed, and he quickly stopped thinking.

He turned around, and Room 12 was right in front of him. He quickly pushed the door and walked in, then closed it with his backhand.

To prevent unexpected situations, the sealed room cannot be locked from the inside, only the buffer room can be locked, but after such a thick iron door was closed, people finally felt a little safe.

Fanning did not dare to take a breath to waste time, he quickly put the label paper with the name "Shelan Conner" on the wooden stopper of the drift bottle.

Then he opened the suitcase on the shelf, grabbed the black mobile phone inside, and put the mobile phone model in.

Feeling the cold and long-lost familiarity in his hand, thinking that his personal belongings finally came back after more than half a year of crossing, Fanning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is destined to be noticed by the Special Patrol Office. Since this is going to be done, it is impossible to leave no traces at all, including the fact that the "coffee cup" is not taken out later.

But Fanning believes that he has done his best to conceal this matter.

The first time he asked for a deposit, the second time he paid the balance to pick up the goods. He hired idle people on the street. His appearance was still Vassius, and his name was "Dalton".

Moreover, there is not much difference between a dead mobile phone and a mobile phone model in essence.

Even if it is discovered, this series of measures can always make the time later and the investigation more difficult.

Fanning reluctantly stuffed the time-travel witness into the drift bottle temporarily, and then prepared to go out.

At this time, he looked through the observation glass of his door and saw the observation glass of the opposite door.

"What's going on? The light in the opposite room is on again?" Fanning was stunned for a moment.

It seems that he really over-thought just now. Maybe there is a small problem with the circuit opposite.

He pushed open the door and took a step.

As he took a step, his hand trembled with fear, and the drift bottle containing the mobile phone almost slipped out of his hand.

On the wall of the corridor a few steps away from the door of Room 11 opposite, there was a black rectangular object!

The painting "The Painful Room" was hung outside the corridor at some point!

He suddenly shrank back to Room 12.

If he wanted to return to the original steps, he had to walk past the "Pain Room".

There was really no time left. After half a minute of stalemate, Fanning walked out with his throat raised.

He had to turn around under the "eyes" of the "Pain Room", close the door of Room 12 first, restore the observation glass, and then pretend to be calm and walk past it at a medium speed.

In those few short seconds, Fanning felt that there was a visual organ behind him looking at him, and then he felt that the black curtain would be suddenly unveiled, and then he felt that the content of the painting seemed not to be the delivery room and the delivery bed, but something else.

The "gel membrane" on his wrist hurt so much that he didn't dare to look back. Fortunately, the "Pain Room" behind him didn't seem to make any more noise. When he left the corridor and returned to the deep and long steps, the tension on his wrist finally slowly disappeared.

Fanning breathed a sigh of relief, quickly climbed the steps, and restored the warning strips one by one.

There is a destruction room at the end of each sealed room. Fanning would not go to the end of the B-level sealed room just now. He chose to go back to the corridor on the top floor where ordinary and strange items were placed.

The white light in the destruction room was dazzling, the tiles were stained, and there were a series of devices for incineration, crushing, dissolution and other operations on the operating table or the ground. There was a sewage dumping pool in the corner.

From the appearance, it was a bit close to an "enlarged version of a squat toilet".

When Fanning aimed the drift bottle at the top of the large-sized "toilet mouth", a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Who knew what he was doing? Flush the toilet with a mobile phone?

But things have come to this point, and there is no choice. He let go and twisted the flushing control lever next to him in a splash.

Since Benjamin can put the drift bottle in the river and then drift to the pool in the half-air garden of the Boethius Hotel, maybe this is really a ritual that can ignore logic and force the connection of cause and effect.

If so, it seems that whether I throw it into the river or flush it down the sewer is the same thing.

After finishing the important things that needed to be done and staying away from all the weird things below, Fanning finally sighed with relief, hid the "gel fetal membrane" and turned back to the swing-type explosion-proof door at the entrance.

The cast iron door slowly opened.

Fanning found a gentleman with blond hair, blue eyes and a hooked nose standing in front of him wearing a shallow top soft hat.

This person is Salman, the head of the Uvlansel branch of the Special Patrol Office.

"Vasius, how can an umbrella be stranded for 21 minutes?" He asked with a frown.

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