Old-time musicians

Chapter 108 Mobile Phone Ringtone (4K 2-in-1)

What kind of astonishing understanding is this? The mysteries discussed by the other three newly promoted high-ranking knowers are completely on a different level.

It was hard for the knowers to imagine that most of the revelations received by the three members were already mastered by Fanning before he entered the dream "Spark Field". In addition, he had persisted in the "Incinerator" the longest, and what he thought about were more concise and more direct issues.

So Boulez could only try to briefly explain Fanning's first two questions.

There are some direct reasons for the collapse of the "Climbing Path" structure, but the fundamental reason is unknown. Its current appearance is not what it used to be.

In ancient times such as the late second history, human status was humble, and early art forms such as murals, dances or songs were just budding, but at that time the structure of the Huita was more stable, and the seven "grids" and the seven doors were completely corresponding.

For example, the "moth" can ensure that it is safe enough in the process of passing through the first gate and being promoted to the Adept, and the "Forged Lion" can easily find the landing point of the "Garden of Radiance", and then pass through the fourth gate above and be promoted to the Order.

But that was only in the past.

"The gates are old wounds of the world's will, always torn and healed, some gaps are restored to their original state, and some gradually become unhealed wounds." - The second act of the miracle play "The Great Terror" by Archbishop "Benshuva Lenya" of the Holy Pride Sun Church.

"Even the oldest witness master once practiced chariots to ascend here, how many countless creatures have passed through them later?"——The fourth volume of "Chariot Ascension Theory" written by "Okegan", the last president of the Alchemist Association.

Some vague statements in the mysterious documents that Fanning had studied finally became completely clear at this time.

They are metaphors for a phenomenon: the doors in the Huita have been changing from ancient times to the present.

And the changes are not good.

Perhaps it is because of the "wear and tear" caused by the previous generations' passage, perhaps it is because of the disputes and evolution of the witness master, or perhaps there are other unknown factors. In the new calendar, the danger of the "ascending path" is much higher than the second or third history.

The unknown details in the secret history have caused these doors to be overwhelmed, and many of the original doors have undergone transformation or collapse , the connection relationship also becomes weird. In addition to the problem of obtaining and crossing the "door-key" itself, the wise will also endure many unknown dangers.

The old wounds of the door are difficult to heal. The discussion group has determined that the door that was originally at the "moth" level can only be crossed by the "forged lion" knowledgeable people. There are objective reasons for the "difficulty of crossing" and subjective reasons for "restrained use".

"Containing the spread of abnormal areas" and "restrained use of doors" are two "political correctness" in the extraordinary world. Everyone in the discussion group who wants to dominate the rules of the game will act under these banners. Of course, the Special Patrol Office is currently sitting in the dominant seat.

In Fanning's understanding, this is equivalent to the "level" being constantly depreciated under the current rules of the game, just like the "academic qualifications" in the previous life-of course, this does not mean that contemporary art masters are not as great as ancient masters, but that Looking at the mysterious side of things, the requirements for "character" to climb up in the Huita are becoming more and more demanding.

So Fanning vaguely smelled another contradiction.

This contradiction is not between extraordinary organizations, but between newcomers and old people.

The difficulty of crossing the first door has increased, but it is not necessary to have the character of "Forged Lion". "Groom" is not okay? "Blade Holder" is not okay? The same applies to the higher doors.

Everyone's situation is different, and the situation of each door is also different. Is it unworthy to pursue knowledge if you are a "moth"? You must know that exploring the mystery is a risk-taking, which is the simplest fairness and justice.

The original intention of establishing the "Boethius Artist" mechanism half a century ago was to create a platform that is more conducive to "upgrading" to fight against the abnormal zone, not to control the crossing of the door. This is necessary There was no such thing in the past.

Those who were promoted to the second and third levels of the Succeeders in the last century, and even those who have climbed to the second and third levels of the Succeeders, have taken advantage of their "first come" and are now at the top of various extraordinary organizations, but in fact many of them are not "Forging Lions" at all, and some are not even "Blade Holders"!

Because the abnormal area is spreading, because the "climbing path" is unstable, and the old people have occupied the most advantageous observation angle of "spiritual knowledge", so in order to take the overall situation into consideration, restrictions should be set for the newcomers who come later?


When personal interests conflict with collective interests, perhaps the various extraordinary organizations can use management methods to restrain their members, but if the characteristics of human life span limitations and the pursuit of hidden knowledge in old age are taken into account, and the variables of secret organizations or evil god organizations instigating and bewitching are added

This psychological state is gradually a bit subtle.

Those who have knowledge can be promoted to a high level and are considered a person, so they give up climbing and wait for death peacefully. Is it because they are too honest? Even dreaming at home has to obey the arrangement?

Fan Ning thought about it carefully, and he was afraid that there would be some big problems in the situation of the extraordinary world.

But the situation in this world was really helpless.

"The internal collapse of the Huita of the world's will, will this also affect the abnormal area of ​​the world's appearance?" He couldn't help thinking when he learned this.

Theoretically, the enlightened should choose a certain phase they have studied and climb up in order from bottom to top, but in fact, the current Huita situation is too easy to encounter "dead ends", and those festering cavities or proliferative Abnormal organizations are sometimes very misleading, often leading people unknowingly into the abyss of madness.

Regarding this "impossible" problem, the solution given in the system inherited by various extraordinary organizations for many years is

"The secret about the 'turn' of the seven phases."

The shadows of candles danced on the faces of the four people who discussed the mystery.

Boulez explained briefly: "The 'turn' of the phase allows the Knower to accommodate other 'gnosis' to a certain extent, thereby switching to parallel doors during the climb, avoiding the need to remove the distorted parts. Extremely advanced occult knowledge, as well as specific and harsh conditions for realization, various schools of thought have passed down examples of 'transformation' from ancient scholars. Most of the principles behind it are difficult to understand, and today's practitioners only use mechanical reference. operate."

Fan Ning nodded to show his understanding.

His hand held the pen tightly.

After adding these more complete hidden details to his cognitive system, he asked a question again with a hint of luck and a hint of confirmation:

"Are all the source gods seriously polluted?"

"Everything," Boulez said.

"What happened?" Fan Ning's fingers turned white when he pressed the tip of the pen. "According to the secret history I know, the seven Origin Gods were originally the Lords of Witness studied by the Third Palace School of History."

"You are right. In fact, the birth time of the God of Origin was also distributed in the 3rd Sinoa Dynasty and the Tulungalia Dynasty."

"Refining ritual vessels with complete 'true knowledge' and 'divine nature' must have been instructed by those older and more powerful witnesses. Many historians in the New Calendar believe that Turunga The Leah Dynasty was also threatened by the doomsday spread of the Abnormal Zone and was looking for a way out, but judging from the outcome of the destruction, their attempt seemed to have failed in the end, and the Lords of Witnesses all went crazy. "

Therefore, the reason why Qiyuan Shen went crazy may be related to the threat of the abnormal zone at the end of the Tulungalia Dynasty. Fanning grasped the message.

"The Great Palace School subsequently fell apart. Of course, some of the knowledgeable people in the school have always survived and passed on. The knowledge and remains of the Origin God have also been partly passed down. After more than nine hundred years of reorganization and evolution, some inheritance Reasonable methods to control pollution have been explored and evolved into today's official organizations. Some inheritances study the secrets of Qiyuan Shen without restraint and gradually degenerate into secret organizations. "

"The Guidance School, which comes from the Grand Palace School of the 'Guido Lazuo' lineage, initially inherited the hidden knowledge of the 'Incinerator' and the 'Blade'. Soon after, the wreckage of the 'Blade' was uncontrollable due to contamination and was abandoned and escaped, but He was successfully taken into custody more than 200 years ago by Boglerich, the youngest enforcer of the Special Patrol Department.

"The Bologna School comes from the alliance of three other families of the Grand Palace School. They initially inherited the hidden knowledge of the 'Hidden Lamp', 'Fountain in the Painting', 'Red Pond' and 'Disaster'. They seem to have mastered the four major source gods. , but unfortunately, all subsequent pollution controls have failed.”

"The 'Hidden Lamp' and 'Calamity' were the first to be abandoned and then escaped. The pollution of the 'Fountain in the Painting' first affected the Alchemist Association, and then the 'Eternal Life Secret Cult' that had been eliminated appeared, and then the 'Reconciliation' The pollution of the school of thought "Red Pond" led to the emergence of the "Bloodborne Cult", and later after it was eliminated, the "Happy Listening Society" appeared again."

"So in fact, the pollution of the seven source gods can still be barely controlled, and the only ones whose remains are still in containment are the 'Incinerator' of the Guidance School and the 'Blade' of the Special Inspection Department."

After sorting out the relevant secret history, Fan Ning has a clearer understanding of the evolution of the Grand Palace School after its disintegration.

But listening to the whereabouts of these contaminated artifacts, Fan Ning felt that the matter was getting more serious.

He asked tentatively: "So, there are only six pieces of 'old days'?"

"Do you even know the name of the 'old' god?" Surprise flashed in Boulez's eyes.

She is really one of the Gods of Origin. If she said this, Fan Ning's last chance of luck was broken. However, he still controlled himself and explained calmly: "I just learned about seven people in the 'Incinerator' revelation." All the names of the Lord of Witnesses.”

"Her situation is the most special and has the least records. We don't even know her general concrete form." Boulez nodded slightly, "Judging from some obscure and secret documents, the origin time of 'Old Days' was in the Qiyuan God. It is the earliest among them, and it involves the secret history of the Holy Sun Church, but even their senior officials may not have studied it very thoroughly."

"Related to the Holy Sun Church?" This connection made Fan Ning a little unbelievable. "Don't they believe in the 'Unfallen Fire'? Moreover, the church is a church and a school is a school. These seven witnesses are obviously great "Followed by the court school"

"There is a view that Guido Lazuo, the great scholar of the Grand Court School and the first leader of the school, was once a monk who returned to secular life, which means that he had some connections or entanglements with the Holy Sun Church. Of course, this statement lacks sufficient documentation," Boulez said.

A monk returning to secular life? Hearing this, Fan Ning's mind suddenly flashed through the documentation of the unknown "Illusion Man" secret technique.

When the Archbishop of the Holy Sun Church and the author of the miracle drama "The Great Terror", Banshua Lenia, traveled to the Western Continent, he tried to create a "phantom man" in order to open "a door with a price". When he almost went crazy, It was the encounter with a monk who returned to secular life who claimed to be an "enlightener". Under his relief, the materialized "phantom person" regressed back to the concrete stage, gradually collapsing into thick fog, black shadows, outlines, and then back to smells and scents. The voice finally disappeared completely from my mind.

From this point of view, the "enlightenment" of the monk who returned to secular life mentioned in the unknown document is very likely to be the first leader of the school of guidance, "Guido Lazuo"!

With such a connection to the secret history, it is indeed possible that the "old days" are related to the Holy Sun Church.

And no wonder Banchuva risked his life to chase a door that had nothing to do with the "Unfallen Fire"! Because there is collapse in the "climbing path", he may want to "detour", that is, find a way to "turn around" the phase.

This doubt that Fan Ning had when reading unknown documents and the miracle drama "The Great Terror" was finally confirmed and resolved by cross-connection with other hidden knowledge.

So after talking about the mystery of heights, the discussion on the secret history also came to an end.

At this time, Boulez reminded Fan Ning in a concluding tone: "Although the remains of the Origin God are related to the direction of the 'Glow Garden', the upper three doors of the Hui Tower and the promotion of the 'Enforcer', all knowledge has a price. Mr. Fanning should have felt how terrible their contamination was."

Carmen Leon sighed and nodded: "Since they overthrew the Tulungalia dynasty, for more than nine hundred years in the New Calendar, extraordinary organizations all over the world have tried to control pollution, but in the end, only two wrecks have been successfully contained. They also remind people all day long that the rest of the wreckage must give up or escape. Their contaminated knowledge has created countless lunatics and evil organizations all over the world."

"That's right, Caron, you must be careful." Viadlin also said solemnly, "You have achieved the artistic level of 'Lion Forging' at a young age. After being promoted to a high level, you directly reached the early stage of the ninth level. It’s a promising future.”

"When your inspiration intensity reaches the ninth level limit in a few years, the school will find a way to help you solve the key problem, allowing you to become a great artist and genius comprehender. You must not go astray. Blindly chasing the hidden knowledge of Qiyuan Shen."

"Especially when you come across their wreckage, you have to be able to avoid it and don't even think about it. The guys in the Special Patrol Office are definitely destroying themselves by collecting the wreckage. Compared with their danger level, A-level containment Material is simply not worth mentioning. It has guided the school to exert all its efforts in the past thousand years. Just to contain one 'incinerator', there have been countless tragic pollution accidents!


"Okay." Fan Ning stared at the three senior leaders of the school across from him, and finally uttered a word. The grooves of the pen had already made lines on his fingers.

Then the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed, at least in the eyes of the three people opposite. Fan Ning was undoubtedly the highest-ranking and most valued middle-level member of the Guidance School at this moment.

They were in a good mood and told some things about Fan Ning's latest appointment during the chat. Fan Ning nodded mechanically and pretended to write in his notebook, but in fact he didn't listen at all.

At around two o'clock in the morning, things finally came to an end tonight.

The summer wind in the middle of the night brought with it a chill. Fan Ning walked out of the old library building, and the expression on his face darkened little by little along with his mood.

All seven source gods are seriously polluted, and the wreckage is highly dangerous?

So what exactly is the pollution of the “old days”? Have you or those around you been contaminated without even realizing it?

Why is it that the sealing room of the Special Inspection Department is always a small place to fight, but as soon as I enter, I encounter so many weird things? Did it happen by chance, or did you just "think" you saw it?

And the reaction of the pollution detection device "Two Friends"

The pollution of the "old days" is one thing, and there is another thing that makes Fanning feel even more gloomy.

According to the information elicited from Sylvia, once Pogolelic gets the "Calamity", he is likely to retrieve information about the whereabouts of the remains of other source gods!

He has been registered in the intelligence network of the Special Patrol Office. Once Pogolelic receives revelations about himself, the consequences will be disastrous!

Why did he end up getting involved in this matter? ?

"Didi dididi..."

Rhythmic, familiar yet unfamiliar electronic sounds rang out, frightening Fan Ning, who was in a daze, to the point where he almost jumped.

The next moment he reacted, he put his hands on his trouser pockets in disbelief.

Why did my cell phone suddenly turn on? ? ! ?

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