Old-time musicians

Chapter 27 After Waking Up

In the dream of the street, Lu, who was surrounded by many inspiration threads, was no longer distracted and his body became stable.

Fanning didn't care about Lu's expression. The sudden vision of the key in the dream occupied all his attention.

He only felt that he was burdened with Lu's consumption, but he was still at ease.

So he tried to project more invisible inspiration threads around.

This time, he felt that his consciousness became a little jumpy, and suddenly he noticed another person beside him, and felt the other party's response to him.

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Obviously this person has always been by his and Lu's side, but he didn't notice it before, so it was like he appeared out of thin air.

This is a tall girl, she is wearing a graceful red corset skirt, her face lacks some details, but you can see the beautiful facial features and outstanding body temperament.

"Mr. Carolan Fanning?" the girl covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Miss Roy? Why is it you?" Timpanist Lu also spoke in surprise.

"Who are you? Who is Roy? If it's not you two, how do you know each other?"

Fanning was very confused at the moment.

What the hell am I doing?

The girl folded her hands on her heaving chest, and after calming down, she took the initiative to introduce herself to Fanning politely:

"My name is Roy McAdam, a year younger than you and Lu, a cello major, the deputy head of the first group, and sat in the audience last Saturday night to listen to your performance of "Fantasy Impromptu". Just now during the day, Uncle Huxley invited you to our music salon. Of course, Lu was a frequent visitor to our music salon before."

In the dream, Fanning gradually reacted after hearing the full name and self-introduction of the girl with a blurred face.

She was the organizer of the music salon-the daughter of the Marchioness McAdam.

In fact, I had heard of her a long time ago.

Or it should be said that no one in the school would not know the name of Miss Roy.

Born in a famous family, with a distinguished status, a rich family background, stunning appearance, great talent, self-discipline, and all the qualities, manners, habits and cultivation of a noble lady in traditional cognition.

She has countless suitors.

In the past, I was obsessed with music research all day long and had little presence in school.

In theory, we are all in the same college, and I should have met Roy before, but in fact I can't even remember what she looks like.

In the vast white fog on the street, Fanning replied a little blankly, "Hello, Miss Roy."

Then he wanted to ask other things, but Roy continued to speak, with a hint of awe and respect in his voice:

"Mr. Fanning, I didn't expect you to be a knowledgeable person. Roy greets you."

The girl in the red skirt covered the snow-white skin at the collar with one hand and saluted Fanning.

"No, Miss Roy." Lu said seriously, "Mr. Fanning's strength is definitely more than that, as he can maintain a three-person dream for such a long time, and with two ignorant people."

Lu's voice trembled a little: "Mr. Fanning is at least a high-level knowledgeable person, and may even have broken through to the realm of 'sophisticated people'."

After saying that, he also bowed deeply to Fanning.

Roy exclaimed: "Sophisticated people?"

In the entire Uvlansel, there are only a few high-level knowledgeable people in the various forces. Sophisticated people? Maybe there are a few permanent residents in the imperial capital?

So what is the background and talent of this classmate Fanning?

No, he doesn't need any background. Sophisticated people themselves are the background of a huge force!

Even if he is "only" a high-level knowledgeable person, at this age, he is already a rare genius in a century!

At this moment, the two of them could not imagine Fanning's true origin and origin.

"Is Mr. Fanning a leader of a school of knowledgeable people? A core trainer of the church? An inheritor of an ancient secret organization? A mysterious senior member of the Imperial Special Patrol? Or is it the "discussion group" that is above these forces and that even the family head usually keeps secret?"

"Although the Special Patrol severely investigates and punishes those who touch taboos, it targets more than 99% of the high, medium and low-level knowledgeable people... If Mr. Fanning is really a strong person at the level of a master, even if he comes from an unofficial organization, he is an existence that the Special Patrol needs to treat equally... Rules are often designed for people who are not strong enough, and they automatically become invalid when they meet upper-level people..."

The two knowledgeable people searched their memories for the things they knew.

Fanning was even more confused.

No, what's the connection

Why did you jump a level for me?

However, Fanning quickly covered up this emotion and maintained his calm and confident expression.

He deliberately used an interested tone and smiled: "It seems that you two know a lot about the knowers."

Looking at the unfathomable Fanning in front of her, the red-dressed girl Roy quickly said: "Mr. Fanning, please forgive me for making fun of you. Although Roy has just started to control dreams, the intensity of inspiration is far less than the requirements for promotion to knowers, but the McAdam family has a certain status in the empire, and our family has a few knowers. Lu's family situation should be similar to mine."

Lu nodded: "It seems that Miss Roy also dreamed of Mr. Fanning by chance after listening to the "Fantasy Impromptu", so she had the opportunity to respond to the invitation of the dream alliance."

Roy said, "Yes, and like you, I attended Professor Anton Konar's funeral, and was fortunate to listen to Mr. Fanning's touching performance at the funeral."

Fanning secretly analyzed the information revealed in the conversation between the two.

First of all, it is easy to infer that the number of knowers is extremely small.

For a long-standing marquis family like Roy, or a new big chaebol like Lu, the knowers can be counted on one hand.

Then, he remembered that Viadrin had told him before that knowers can indeed pull people into a clear dream or even move them.

Now he knows more details of the information-the prerequisite for dream connection should be: they are nearby in reality, or they happen to dream about each other. And the person being pulled is willing to accept the help of the other's inspiration.

There must be a certain degree of randomness for them to dream about each other, but the probability can be increased through strong hints in real life. If the other party knows a little about dream control and has the basic inspiration of dream verification and dream knowledge, things will be easier.

For example, this time, both of them had a strong impression of their two performances.

As for me, because I had seen Lu at the funeral, he appeared in my dream more easily.

I didn't know Roy before, and Fanning only knew her name but not her.

But when I was on the stage, I might have glanced at her face, leaving a certain subconscious impression, so it was a little easier for her to appear in my dream.

Finally, the time for dream connection was short and the cost was high, even the "enlightened" were not willing to do it easily.

I was responsible for two people, and my inspiration should have dried up quickly, and everyone fell into other dreams without knowing it.

But my key to the art gallery made them misjudge their own strength.

It was more than a misjudgement, it was completely misleading.

After thinking through the joints, Fanning finally sorted out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Mr. Fanning." Roy spoke again politely, "Are you going to use this method to inform Roy that you have confirmed your participation in our music salon next Saturday?"

"Um, I haven't decided on this question yet." Fanning's mind was working quickly, "But if I say I haven't confirmed it yet, I have to have another reason to explain why I want to pull them into my dream, otherwise this chat will not be easy to continue."

I didn't know it would be like this before?

I thought it was fun and just pulled them in?

No, then my character just established would be broken.

He smiled and nodded: "Yes, please mention me as a classmate in various occasions in the future."

"That's the way it is, isn't it?" Roy expressed his understanding, and then showed a sweet smile with impeccable etiquette, "This is an honor for Roy and the McAdam family. I will send a car to pick you up at the school gate an hour in advance."

"I understand what you mean." Lu also said hurriedly.

Roy and Lu are both smart people. Since Fanning has chosen the public identity of a student at the current music school, whether he is traveling or for any other purpose, they cannot spy on him.

At least Mr. Fanning is a respectable composer, and the process of getting to know him is also pleasant. There are only benefits to being friends with him.

Lu then took another step forward: "Mr. Fanning, I don't intend to waste the precious dream-linking time you created, but I still want to make a request."

"Team Leader Adair, what's the matter?"

Fanning did not feel that his inspiration was running out, he asked slowly.

"No, no, no, just call me Lu." The young man shook his head repeatedly, "I want to commission you to write a work."

"Oh?" Fanning was a little surprised, "Why? What kind of work?"

"Anything, as long as you leave my father's name in the dedication when publishing. You know, this has nothing to do with any subsequent copyright issues. It's just an honor for our family, just like collecting a famous painting."

"If you are willing to accept the commission, we are willing to pay you 400 pounds for chamber music works and 1,200 pounds for large orchestral works. Aren't you just conceiving a symphony for your graduation concert?"

Finally, Lu quickly added: "It's not a transaction, nor is it hiring you for work. It's just to express respect for artists."

"One chamber music for an apartment? One symphony for a small villa? Artists in this world are really popular. No, it should be said that capitalists are rich and inhumane." Fanning fell into thought.

He pinched his nose: "Well, speaking of which, I'm conceiving a string quartet recently."

"Your wonderful inspiration is really endless." Lu's tone revealed a hint of joy.

"Mr. Fanning, we are willing to pay 500 pounds for the dedication of the string quartet." Roy's crisp voice came.

Lu looked at the girl in the red dress in surprise: "Ms. Roy, you didn't ask for first come first served before, you go to reserve Mr. Fanning's later works."

Roy said: "Lu, I think I am the hostess of the music salon next Saturday."

Lu tried to raise the price: "Mr. Fanning, how about I pay 600 pounds."

Roy said unhappily: "Can you listen to me first, I am not competing with you, a rich guy. Lu, don't you want to participate in the salon too? Bring your viola, we can play a new work together, and let my family take the dedication first. Are you really worried that Mr. Fanning will not have any works in the future?"

"Okay, it's a good idea." Lu made a persuaded expression.

In his heart, he first considered that the two families cooperated in many fields, and then considered that he should show his good gentlemanly manners of being courteous to a lady in front of Fan Ning, so he decided to make Roy the main beneficiary of this premiere.

"But for the performance, we have to rehearse for at least a week to ensure the best results on high-end occasions. I don't know how long Mr. Fanning will be recently," Lu continued.

Fanning smiled and said, "I can finish it before the end of tomorrow."

"Roy, actually you can also pay 600 pounds." Fan Ning added secretly in his heart, but was embarrassed to speak.

"Great! You are really an outstanding young composer." Roy's tone was very excited. "Then let's try to rehearse together after the college's public class on Wednesday. The location will depend on which small chamber music hall has Sora, I play the cello, and Lula plays the viola, eh?"

"I have suitable candidates for the two violinists." Fanning added.

"Then I will naturally follow your recommendation." Lu responded, "Miss Roy, the next opportunity to contribute must be given to me. By the way, Mr. Fanning, if your "Fantasy Impromptu" is willing to be published, I can Pay 150 pounds, um, 200 pounds in return for the dedication!”

"This guy is too persistent," Fan Ning said inwardly.

He cleared his throat: "We'll talk about this later. Everyone, let me say good night to you today."

"Good night, Mr. Fan Ning." The two saluted Fan Ning again with standard etiquette.

In the dream, Fan Ning tried to retract the thread of inspiration surrounding the two of them. Their eyes quickly dispersed, sinking under the street and falling into other unconscious dreams.

He tried to divert his attention again, canceling the image of the art museum key in his mind, and then the entire necklace disappeared out of thin air.

My ability to control dreams has become more and more flexible.

Fan Ning, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

"What's going on!? I've traveled back to Earth!??"

It was still dark outside the window, but the bedroom was bright, just like the high-power fluorescent lamps in the room in the previous life.

He was so frightened that he sat up from the bed!

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