Old-time musicians

Chapter 136 Dream Interview Method (4.8K 2-in-1)

"Art title?"

"A new field of art?"

"How does it work?"

The concept proposed by Fanning was very novel, as if it had never been heard of before. Even Director Humphrey, who was present as a witness, could not help but ask.

Everyone was waiting for him to explain.

"A business model that combines art and the market." Fanning explained with a smile, "Well, although it is commercial in nature, I guarantee that it will be 'very elegant' and 'very cultural'"

He took out several draft letters of intent for cooperation and asked his attendants to distribute them.

Fanning's explanation and characterization made the gentlemen and ladies who took over read with great interest.

"I will briefly explain several of the main sections to you."

In the first section, Fanning summarized the class and artistic taste of Kent car owners;

sorted out the list of competing car brands of Kent Motor Company;

Analyzed the guest groups who often attend art occasions such as concerts or art exhibitions.

And analyzed various exposure channels for related art activities

In the second part, Fanning listed a series of rights that the company can enjoy after accepting the "art sponsorship" cooperation.

The most important thing is to prefix the name of the concert project with the brand's "Kent Night·" and require the media to maintain this format when reporting;

Then, for example, set up "art partner" display areas for at least one year in several prominent locations in Turner Hall.

For example, in the ticket checking hall of the concert hall, a luxury car model of Kent Motor Company is shown to the audience, and the company can arrange for a narrator to analyze its artistic concept and cultural origin from the perspective of industrial design.

For example, the company's own company logo will be carried on concert tickets, posters, and repertoires;

For example, their old customers can receive free tickets and invitations signed by Fanning, and can enjoy exquisite tea breaks during the intermission;

Big customers can get limited qualifications to be invited to watch artists rehearse on stage


Fanning's tricks stunned several family executives of Kent Motor Company on the opposite side.

Their original intention was to prepare a sponsorship fund and establish a relationship with the great artist in the name of "commercial cooperation".

But when they talked with Fanning, they suddenly realized that it was not certain who was "sponsoring" whom in this matter!

The big chaebols care about reputation and taste, but expanding profits is still their instinctive thinking. Their leaders are not fools.

The marketing and publicity resources provided by Fanning are much more effective than spending money like a fool and putting those damn subways, radio stations or commercial building GG positions!

The audience accuracy of this kind of publicity, the improvement of cultural taste and brand image, is not at the same level as before!

Compared with the company's bottomless marketing funds every year, this investment is really not much, and there is a high probability that it can be earned back from the future market growth!

The idea of ​​"art sponsorship" proposed by this conductor Mr. Fanning is really fucking interesting!

Why does he want to play art? Why doesn't he do business!


The family executive of Kent Motors originally planned to provide 5,000 pounds of funding to the Old Symphony Orchestra in the name of the company, and to give Fanning, the artistic director, a luxury car of similar price in the name of the second daughter of the family, which means the total sponsorship value is about 10,000 pounds.

As a result, after Fanning played a different "trick", when he finally walked out of the negotiation room, what he signed was replaced by a stack of preliminary cooperation intention letters.

The core amount involved was to use 30% of the total box office value to provide artistic title for the Old Symphony Orchestra concert.

The price of his plan that Fanning told him was not cheap. If calculated by the total box office, Fanning could directly recover the cost of 9,000 pounds before each concert was sold.

What the two parties signed was all the performances of the opening season at the end of the year!

A full ten performances!

When they came out, these people had smiles on their faces, as if they had made a lot of money and climbed high.

The next two negotiation partners were the Gogowa Group and the Piodoro Winery Group.

Fanning carefully considered for a long time to choose these three chaebols as potential sponsors of the old symphony orchestra.

First of all, the brand must be high-end.

The brand tone of Kent Motor Company is somewhat similar to Mercedes-Benz in the early days of modern Europe. If compared with the purchasing power of contemporary currencies, the price is even higher. Since cars have not yet entered the stage of large-scale industrial production, they are considered rare objects that are semi-handicrafts and semi-industrial products. Only citizens in a few large cities can often see them. Fanning specified that they must display the company's most luxurious models in the concert hall, which are undoubtedly bulk industrial products that can demonstrate the status of the upper class.

The Gogowa Group is a world-renowned luxury group that started out by creating daily necessities such as men's suits, pocket watches, canes, belts, etc. Its sub-brand Tiffany's business is feminine perfumes, jewelry, shawls and shoulder bags.

As for several high-end red wines of the Piodoro Winery Group, the circulation price in the aristocratic circle of Theolian is high. As long as the family has a little bit of strength, there must be several bottles of Piodoro collections in the wine cellar of the manor.

In short, the partner must be a brand that targets the luxury needs of the upper class, rather than coal mining, chemical industry, smelting, grain and salt, etc., which are the lifeline of the economy but always sound a little "unrefined" or "incompatible".

Tioline has entered the industrial age. There are many groups with strong financial resources, but the partner that can be tied to concerts, art exhibitions, art salons and other elements cannot be the "Grand Godive Coal Mining Company" Or "West Waverler Hog Slaughterhouse"?

So a certain Earl Gardner who has been trying to contact Fanning has been ruthlessly rejected.

Then, the second condition must also be met:

It cannot be a completely monopolized industry!

It is normal for Theoline Railway Company to use a small amount of money to sponsor artists, but it will never invest a large amount of GG funds to promote people to take its trains or subways.

Do the people have a choice?

Such companies have no real concept of "customers" at all.

Peer competition must exist for the original motivation to seek publicity and exposure to be strong.

Last but not least: your partners should belong to different industries and there should be no direct competition.

You can't collect money from several parties and let them fight with each other, right?

Fan Ning's selection work for luxury cars, collections of red wine, jewelry, perfumes, pocket watches and other luxury goods is very precise under the positioning of the above three conditions.

The effect is fully realized.

On the one hand, these things themselves are artistic in design or cultural heritage. For Fanning himself, their appearance throughout Turner Hall will not lower the image of the old symphony orchestra.

Some media are keen to ridicule business practices in the art field. Once artistic activities are related to money, they cry out for "destroying purity", as if artists should not eat and art careers should not burn money. However, these elements selected by Fan Ning, through appropriate expression carriers, will only make the external environment of the art hall more elegant and bring a better experience to music fans and guests.

On the other hand, for these chaebol groups who pursue fame and fortune,

With this investment in "art naming", the style of its own brand will be tied to keywords such as concerts, art exhibitions, and art salons, and its high-end image and cultural taste will be further clarified.

More importantly, their existing or potential customers are highly overlapped with the upper class groups who visit art venues!

They are treated with courtesy, and customers are treated with courtesy. Their image becomes elegant, and the client's image seems to become elegant as well.

In fact, this is not the case, but the psychology is so subtle.

Imagine a rich kid who is wavering between several major car brands.

Or an aristocratic lady who is planning to buy other luxury brands

After listening to a concert, they suddenly realized what was going on! ? Why is there "Kent Night" in front of the name? Why does the owner of the Kent car have an invitation and complimentary tickets from the old symphony orchestra, as well as the signature of conductor Fanning? Why can those ladies who own the Tiffany satchel brand owned by Gugova be invited to socialize in the exquisite coffee break area and enjoy drinks and snacks during the intermission?

We are all luxury consumers, why are they more elegant?

For upper-class people who pursue nobility and respectability, the impact of this consumption choice is very interesting!

"They spend money to create the atmosphere in their new venues, but you charge money to create the atmosphere. It's hard for people to find fault with it, but even the sponsors benefit from it. Maybe a public school in Tiolion should hire you as a business administration professional." Honorary Professor.”

Director Humphrey, who acted as a witness, sighed during the discussion after learning about the cooperation plan drafted by Fan Ning.

The band received substantial sponsorship;

The atmosphere for music fans to enjoy the music and watch the exhibition is more elegant;

The chaebol's style and turnover can be improved;

Customers receive noble treatment.

A pattern that benefits all parties.

In the second and third negotiations, the person in charge of the other party showed an increasingly strong interest, and was already eager to try another wave of "Gugova Nights" or "Piodo Nights" naming cooperation.

This will not only be an artistic investment that is rumored to be a good talk, but also a pioneering example of luxury marketing!

Fan Ning, however, suppressed the pace of cooperation.

What he conveyed was that it was still early.

The opening season at the end of the year has been negotiated with Kent Motors Company, and the performance plans reserved for these two companies are the first and second quarters of the new year.

After "testing the waters" this time a year ago, he will adjust subsequent cooperation methods based on the market response from both parties.

Prices and other aspects will be optimized. Of course, the various benefits provided by the brand after naming it will also be expanded.

It's all a good thing. With experience, the effect will definitely get better and better in the future. The people involved in the Gugova Group and the Piodo Group readily agreed and kept emphasizing on keeping in touch before leaving.

When Fan Ning stepped out of the office building of the Ministry of Culture and Media, dusk fell again.

"The luxury goods industry already relies on premium prices to gain high profits. Now I will help you improve the so-called 'taste' and 'nobleness' again. If there is more, please share more with me."

"You can't just pick the wool of your companions when you're short of money. These chaebols are so rich, it doesn't matter if they spend more."

"We can't let Sheeran worry about the band running out of money every day, right?"

Fan Ning sat in the taxi with a smile on his lips, admiring the flowing street scene to relieve his fatigue.

There was a dinner hosted by the Adair family in the evening, and Fan Ning did not refuse for Lu's sake.

Early the next morning, Fan Ning started to visit or accept appointments again. This time he was dealing with several well-known investors, publishers or collectors in the art circle.

After running around Santaram Castle these days, except for recording and learning piano on the first day, Fanning only felt tired.

For him, decent and extensive socializing is something that can be done but needs to be maintained deliberately. He cannot enjoy this process from the bottom of his heart like some people.

Sometimes he fantasizes that he also has a family background with strong financial resources, so that he can follow his own temperament and purely choose the interesting parts of the music career to do.

But the reality is that the museum is about to open, and many links need to be opened in advance, and the daily operation of the huge team, the high-level platform promised to followers and companions, and his own artistic concepts and popularization plans all require a lot of funds.

It's not an interesting thing, but I did it well.

The most important thing about art is high-quality works and interpretation, but art management also talks about human relationships. Many people are poor during their lifetime and their value is discovered after death. If possible, Fanning does not want to be a tragic figure. He is a mixture of idealism and realism. The progress of the art career is the desire for control, and the breakthrough of artistic creation is the sense of mission. Both are needed.

It was a week later when I returned from Santaram Castle.

During this period, led by Sheeran, Joan, Luo Yin, Lu and the Kapulen couple, and supplemented by several outstanding former principals who have graduated from the Santa Lenya Symphony Orchestra, the screening work has basically been completed for the resumes that have been received.

[An old book friend who has known me for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

As soon as Fanning came back, he began to organize the first round of interviews based on the temporary venue borrowed by the school.

Those performers who passed the initial interview or those who applied for administrative positions received a mysterious final interview notice.

That night, Fanning fell asleep and recited the prayer about the "Endless Fugue". His spirit penetrated the astral world and landed lightly on the wooden altar of the Qiming Church.

He walked down the stage, passing through the mahogany benches separated by the columns, and on both sides were rows of candles on the porch.

The right hand was gently raised, and the thread of inspiration delineated the small area of ​​the candle wick, and the other end reached out to a certain existence outside the dome skylight.

He imagined himself pulling the distant light and heat here, and the raised palm slowly moved horizontally.


The candles lit up golden flames one by one. In the light and shadow of each circle of candlelight, Fanning "saw" different dream scene prompts and distinguished the different spiritualities of the protagonists.

But the common point is that these dreams all echoed some sound backgrounds with Fanning's self-characteristics.

Breathing motive, wilderness theme, bird song motive, Jacques brothers, devil motive, chant motive

The applicants who received the final interview notification all strengthened the memory hint of the "Giant" segment of Fanning's "Symphony No. 1 in D Major" before going to bed according to the above requirements.

"It should be no problem to take on no more than 30 people." Fanning thought carefully, "Well, I have to drag Sheeran and a few others into Lianmeng to help me evaluate and refer to them. To be safe, the number of people for the final interview will be controlled at 20, and they will enter in three batches, so that there will be no situation of falling off the chain in the middle."

Fanning, who had already made a plan, moved his fingers and first casually threw the thread of inspiration into the flame of a candlestick.

At night in the Pshor District, in the boudoir on the third floor of a single-family villa, a girl with fluffy blonde hair was lying on her side in a soft sleeping blanket and breathing evenly. She was Yin Nide, a harpist who graduated in the same year as Fanning and participated in the premiere of the "First Symphony".

The girl's sleeping group was filled with fragmented things such as lake water, breeze, new buds, and morning mist. Together with them was the sound of the wilderness theme of the "First Symphony". At a certain moment, she suddenly felt something in her heart, squatting in a bush of flowers and smelling the fragrance. When she stood up again, she was already on the dark wooden podium.

In the dream, Yinnid looked around the church in front of her in surprise.

The golden mist was thick, the atmosphere was solemn and peaceful, and the jumping candlelight made the shadows of the heavy curtains flow on the curved columns.

The next moment, her eyes fell on Fanning.

He was wearing a white shirt and sitting in the middle of the first row of the empty auditorium, leisurely looking at herself on the podium.

"Hi, Professor Fanning, good evening?" The scene and atmosphere of being alone made Yinnid raise her hand shyly and greet him.

This unreal fantasy made her sure that Mr. Fanning was really an extremely powerful official mystic.

"Hello." Fanning smiled at the blonde girl in her nightgown, "Welcome to the interview. I was impressed by your performance at the premiere of the First Symphony."

Great! This is definitely a plus! When Yinnid thought that she was one step closer to this job with a salary that was a little unreal, her excitement overwhelmed her nervousness.

"How, how do I interview? What do I need to do?" But she still asked weakly.

"Everyone will be here soon. You can follow the prompts and imagine the instrument you are best at." Fanning said.

After a few breaths, the outline of a harp emerged from the golden mist, and gradually became clear, stable and textured.

"Please sit down." Fanning raised his hand, and the chair and music stand also took shape beside Yin Nide.

The girl sat down carefully in front of the harp, and when she tried to play a series of crystal clear arpeggios, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed:

"I'm not dreaming!"

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