Old-time musicians

Chapter 141: Light and Blood in Life (Today's 4800)


The voices of the boys and girls were like heavenly music, and the bright C major triad was still echoing in the classroom.

Something blossomed from the heart.

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More and more people began to tremble slightly in their shoulders or arms.

They were still singing, but they closed their eyes one after another and raised their faces slightly.

They hadn't looked at the blue sky for a long time. Although it was hard to find blue sky in this city and there was no sky above this classroom, they felt that they were facing the sun.

No, as a speaker, they were part of the sun.

“Boys and girls, your breath is surprisingly long and stable.” Fan Ning spoke loudly, motioning everyone to stop and take a breath.

They closed their mouths, opened their eyes, and looked at each other.

What kind of feeling is this?

Is this a chorus?

Carrying a bag of luggage, they came to this strange and noble place, facing an unknown life, an unknown fate, and even a considerable number of people only have a few years left to live.

And there are strangers all around here, they are nervous, inferior, alienated and wary of each other.

But now, many of them are smiling at each other.

Frank, relaxed, friendly and warm smiles.

Because of a cooperative C major triad.

They are savoring the feeling just now, and everyone is still unsatisfied.

"The game continues." Fanning smiled, "Do you mind adding a little difficulty? A little bit."

The children showed eager expressions and nodded subconsciously, but when they heard Fanning say that the difficulty would be increased, they secretly clenched their fists.

"Listen to me sing." Fanning pointed to the left area again, "do, do, xi, do."

Well, the change is too simple, just adding a new note, just half a degree lower.

They breathed a sigh of relief and repeated it.

"Still drag it out, but not so long. Look at my signal--" Fanning demonstrated again and waved his hands, dragging each note for four beats, "do, two, three, four; do, two, three, four; xi, two, three, four; do, two, three, four."

The children spoke again: "do-do-xi-do--"

It was an easy imitation, but it was a little monotonous.

"Hey, you guys." Fanning waved to the middle area, "mi, mi, re, mi."


"It's your turn." Fanning looked to the right, "sol, sol, sol, remember, your change is in the second one."


"Great." Fanning laughed happily, "Now, as usual, I'll give you some time to strengthen your memory and prevent interference from others. With so few changes, I don't think we need to add time, right? Still ten seconds."

The children nodded with anticipation. The feeling just now was so wonderful. What kind of sound will come out this time?

"Three, two, one, zero!"

"do\\/mi\\/sol——" "do\\/mi——" "xi\\/re\\/sol——" "do\\/mi\\/sol——"

A simple 1-4-5-1 (dominant-subdominant-dominant) framework. Of course, Fanning made a slight modification, replacing the 4th degree with the 6th degree, which also has the function of a subordinate, and turned it into a softer 1-6-5-1. Then the two chords in the middle used the first inversion, which made the children's melody line smooth and easy to remember, and only one note needed to be changed.

Under the traction of Fanning's inspiration thread, bright colors began to flow, and the light and shadow slowly rotated, returning to the origin after a brief and simple dislocation.

The fluctuations of the children's emotional bodies and astral bodies were clearly visible under Fanning's spiritual perception.

Overall, it was a warm and long-lost feeling, but each level was slightly different: those who sang the low notes do and xi felt their own depth and generosity, because they contributed to the foundation of color; those who sang the middle notes mi and re felt comfort and peace, just like a newborn child lying in the warm arms of his mother; and the boys and girls who sang the melody notes of sol above opened the window spirits with their own hands in a high altitude, bringing sunshine and breeze to everyone.

4 chords, 4 measures and 16 beats, the choir conductor Clark and the piano accompaniment Yin Lisabeth who were listening in, couldn't help but squint their eyes in this comfortable sound field.

Chorus is really a magical thing. When these sounds sounded, even the cold tables and benches in the classroom became beautiful.

When they finished this round of chorus, they felt that their hearts were beating deeply and powerfully, and the hesitation and sadness in their eyes disappeared. They smiled more sincerely and happily, smiling at Fanning and smiling at the people around them.

"The last round of the game." Fanning frowned deliberately, "Well, it may take a little time to do it next, mainly depends on whether you can cooperate well."

Tacitly? The boys and girls looked at each other.

Of course we are great, aren't those beautiful sounds just now produced by our cooperation?

Their eyes showed the encouragement of "come on".

"Hmm-" Fanning hummed a common melody, "Please raise your hands if you can hum at least one part."

This is a soothing, gentle folk song widely sung in the north of Tiolain.

At first, only one or two people raised their hands, and the rest were habitually timid and hesitant, but when they thought of the wonderful feeling and the look of mutual recognition just now, they finally raised their hands one after another.

"Then the first ten people who raised their hands." Fanning said, "Please change seats with them and let them sit in the middle and front rows temporarily."

At Fanning's signal, they hummed together with the vowel a. The pitch and rhythm were generally satisfactory, and the difference between men and women was one octave.

"Now, everyone will sing the scale with me first, but there is one more requirement: please look at my gestures and follow me."

"Do." Fanning said, and at the same time stretched out his right hand and made a fist gesture.

"Do——" The children followed and imitated.

"Re." Fanning opened his right fist, put his five fingers together, and the fingertips pointed diagonally upward.


"Mi——" Put five fingers together, palm facing down. "Fa——" Make a fist with four fingers, thumb facing down. "Sol——" Put five fingers together, palm on the left side. ——” Five fingers are clenched. “xi——” Index finger is extended diagonally upward. “do——” Return to clenched fist.

Fanning led everyone to walk up and down the scale four or five times until the set of note names and gestures were completely memorized.

The student choir conductor Clark showed a thoughtful look, while the green-dressed girl Yin Lishabeth in front of the piano tilted her head in confusion.

Why didn’t Professor Fanning use the piano in class and teach them to learn the five-line notation?

“Very good. "Fan Ning nodded in approval, "Then, students in the front row who are humming folk songs, please try to sing along with your own gestures first."

"As for everyone in the left, middle and right areas, please follow me to remember a group of notes, but this time there are 8, please cooperate with gestures."

Under Fan Ning's inspiration, three and a half minutes later, as Fan Ning's hand prepared for the beat, a four-part chorus with a length of only 8 bars and a slow and square rhythm sounded in the classroom.


A practical harmony series called "Canon Progression" in the previous life (), but in the human voice singing, it has a sacred and solemn sense of marching. Fanning still made a transposition process, so that the lines of each part can be stepped more smoothly and easily remembered. On the pillar chord composed of three parts, there is a nostalgic ballad swaying with warmth and warmth.

The two outstanding professional students saw more things. When someone in each part group almost forgot what the next note was, the gestures of the people next to him allowed him to remember and keep up, and the fragments he remembered clearly reminded others with gestures. There were also more dangerous accidents, but Fanning on the stage still had two hands.

"It was only half an hour from the beginning. There was no theoretical foundation. More than 50 people with only a little singing talent, four-part coordinated performance, the first chorus, went straight down?" Clark was stunned.

You have to know that chorus and solo are not the same thing. There are many people with good vocal conditions and good pitch. They usually sing very well. Once they sing different pitches or rhythms at the same time with others, they will be led astray.

Chorus is also different from unison singing. Unison singing means that everyone sings the same melody, sometimes the difference between men and women is an octave, and the music material is essentially the same as that of a solo.

And here there are four parts.

Clark naturally heard a lot of flaws, and there were many sounds that came in after the chord switching, but there was no chaos, no interruption, and it went smoothly without any danger.

"You are really cute." After the end of the 8th section, Fanning praised sincerely.

Cute? Several boys and girls were stunned after hearing this encouragement and praise.

Since they were a little older, their lives have been filled with monotonous labor, fatigue, sleepiness, scolding and threats from factory owners and foremen, and life is full of heavy housework and busy farming, debts and diseases, food and clothing calculations, the death of brothers and sisters, and the tears, complaints and scolding of parents.

Living in this world, can you still be called cute?

Aren't people the fuel for machines or the nutrients for soil?

The music echoing in my mind soaked the withered spiritual garden, and the grievances seemed to have a place to vent, the corners of my eyes were wet, and the tip of my nose was sour. The light soaked the air, dripped on my face, and flowed on my skin. The gray and white world filter was removed, and everything restored its colorful colors.

"I just started. From now on, you will teach them according to the content above. There will be two or three students from the Conservatory of Music to help you with the eight units above, about one a week, until New Year's Eve. I will come to inspect the results once a unit is completed, and I will come here often at other times."

Fanning handed two textbooks to Clark and Yin Lisabeth.

It was a printed material, but it was handwritten by Fanning himself, and it was thicker than the previous "Introduction to Harmony" lecture notes.

This textbook, which Fanning poured a lot of energy into, came from the "Kodak Yin Teaching Method" system in his previous life.

Clark and Yin Lisabeth looked through and talked, and they were more and more surprised.

In this choral teaching material compiled by Professor Fanning, most of the first half of the material has no musical notation and no piano accompaniment!

This completely subverts the common sense of academic education!

The staff did not appear until the sixth unit, and the piano accompaniment did not appear until the seventh unit. The eighth unit was directly a piece of work. It seemed to be a new work that they had never seen before. It was unclear whether it was a pure choral work or some kind of fragment. It required A male trio, a female trio and a large choir are used.

Is it a work prepared for the New Year's concert?

"Professor Fan Ning, why don't you let them start learning from the staff?" Lisa Bai Yin finally asked her doubts.

Fan Ning glanced at his pocket watch, and then asked her with a smile: "A total of 33 minutes have passed since I entered the door. If you want to learn music notation, think about it."

"They definitely can't achieve the chorus effect just now." Yin Lisabai suddenly realized.

"This is not the most important reason." Fan Ning shook his head and lowered his voice, "The result is that they will have difficulty walking, will be discouraged, will not feel happy, and will make their already low self-esteem even more frozen."

"Children are the most easily moved. They are better able to understand every great artist than we are. Even for children who have reached a rebellious stage due to the influence of poor life or family environment, art can guide them out of their predicaments. The most promising means of rescue”

"But Yin Lisabai, they are different from you. They have grown up in a withered spiritual garden since childhood, where there is drought all day long, no sunshine, and only a residual spark of spirituality is lingering."

"They have no persuasive teachers, only rude parents and eye-catching production line supervisors. They have never studied art, logic, and theology, nor traveled to every inch of the empire, growing up under the influence of history and humanities."

"In my contact with them, I found that many of them have problems with their thinking and language. They cannot express slightly complex feelings and do not know how to express long-form opinions. Many girls even only know daily listening, speaking, reading and writing. And simple arithmetic. Unfortunately, they are too late. They should have been exposed to these wonderful things long ago. "

Yin Lisabei nodded obediently: "So you have compiled this unique teaching method. First, let them remediate their listening sense, gain confidence, and gain simple happiness. The purpose of putting the staff to learn later is to reduce the difficulty."

With good cultivation and moral education, she can understand these truths.

But she underestimated the power of the "Kodak Yin Education Method".

I don’t understand the real principle behind this teaching method.

As a famous Hungarian music educator, the method he created has limited popularity in Fanning's country, but it plays an extremely important role in the music education system of many European countries.

In the early stage, it uses scientific and humane methods to stimulate the instinct of music and singing that everyone has. In the happy experience, it establishes solid basic skills of listening-memorizing-singing practice.

Yes, it takes advantage of human instinct, the musical instinct that is hidden no matter how low the education level is.

Once the time is right, and then go back to the music notation and other music theory knowledge, the learner's musical level will suddenly show an explosive growth!

Even for those who have the spare capacity or the conditions to learn another musical instrument, their results will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Correspondingly, it requires careful investment and puts forward higher and more special requirements for the teacher's level. However, it does not require the help of piano or staff in the early stage. It only requires a tuning fork and can be taught from school age. Start as a child and teach until you embark on a professional path.

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The only "disadvantage" may be that it is of little use for grade examinations.

Of course, more people who are influenced by the "Kodak Yin Teaching Method" have not embarked on a professional path, but these children have slowly grown up in listening and singing. The lower grades of elementary school can already perform a cappella singing one-on-one. In senior grades, they can start simple two- and three-part a cappella choruses. In middle school, they can start four-part choruses by picking up sheet music. Music has become a lifelong cultivation and wealth.

"You have to know-" Fan Ning's eyes drifted away, and his speech became slow and forceful.

"Music is the birthright of everyone, not the privilege of some musical geniuses or the upper class. This includes both the right to 'learn music' and the right to feel happiness from 'real music'"

"But there are different classes in this world. Some people are destined not to own a piano of their own in their lifetime, nor can they understand what it is like to be taught by musicians through words and deeds. Such a simple C major chord chorus is obviously for everyone. Baptism is something every child should have, but many people have never experienced it once in their lives and have no idea how wonderful it is.”

He moved his eyes away from the faces of the two conservatory students and looked at the eager young girls in the audience: "Unfortunately, musical instruments are a commodity and have a price, but fortunately, the best musical instruments will always be It is your voice. It is free, naturally accessible, and reaches the soul. It can allow you to withdraw from the muddy work or the roar of machinery day after day, and find a moment of solace in the resonance and movement of the notes. It allows those of you who work harder to enter those golden halls that were once considered 'noble' or 'unworthy'."

"The music you listen to here, the knowledge you learn, every song you sing, and every touch you receive will be engraved in your hearts forever, whether you are poor or rich, whether you have a long remaining life or have already Time is running out”

“They will be the light and blood of your lives.”

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