Old-time musicians

Chapter 162 Leave Request (4800)

"Artistic taste is a kind of capital, capital in the cultural category."

"In terms of absolute wealth, how can I compare with Mr. Adair? In terms of absolute power and strength, how can the Bologna School compare with the Special Inspectorate? But the authorities know this truth better than anyone else: even the knowledgeable people I don’t want to live with myself in the abnormal zone..."

"The so-called "academic elites" or "royal aristocrats" in the eyes of the people are no longer most proud of their assets and land in this industrial age, but are, as always, in their hands the definition of 'elegant art and profound appreciation' Quan—just like what you once shared about your experience as an “art consultant.”

"However, I have also discovered that in public opinion reports on social hot topics, especially "negative" news reports, it is always the media with tricky angles and free hands that can take the lead in traffic. For almost ten days in a row, " The "Events" has been out of stock and reprinted almost all the time. It was originally a second-tier media whose influence was basically limited to the local area. As a result, for that issue of the weekly magazine, the demand in Santa Ramburg soared from less than 1% to 20% in the past. %, it can be said that it has completely overshadowed the "Ufranser Art Review" in the same city..."

"I have carefully read articles from several authoritative publications. It should be said that their criticisms are reserved, their discussions are rational, their attitudes are serious, and their conclusions are generally "need to continue to be reviewed." But unfortunately, these professional analyzes of "class" "Theoretical articles on the relationship between aesthetics and morality", but fewer people than before seriously read and think about them..."

"The reason is that the simple and crude "pictures + talk show-style reporting" of "The Incident" not only makes all citizens who are not involved in the matter want to take a look, but more subtly, it vaguely provides a certain This kind of emotional value directly meets the psychological needs of these people... What I find interesting is that these gentlemen and ladies who respect you, like you, and are close to you inadvertently reveal a kind of "Why are you still..." The petty mentality of "playing with others" actually makes many people forget that you are only from a better background in the middle class, and also forget that true masters of art are never just the pride of a certain country or a certain class, but the whole nation. The wealth of mankind..."

"But generally speaking, it can be believed that whether the voices this time are emotional catharsis or serious discussions, they only come from the attitudes of the upper class middle school elites and royal nobles. As for your question in your letter, whether you can summarize the industrial aristocracy, and the middle class What’s your view on this time of “labourers, hawkers, prostitutes and gentlemen and ladies enjoying themselves at the same time”——”

"They have no opinions. The media they dominate also reported on the incident, but the opinions are all in the nature of "tautology" and "echoing". I do not deny that in the industrial age, these people have gradually become more confident. Gradually, they seek to actively speak out on hot social issues, but once they enter the art field, they begin to show their timidity... They seem to actively embrace the "royal aesthetic taste", but in fact, before expressing their artistic opinions, they will secretly "take a look" What do we people say?" and then carefully crafted some words to show that he is "thinking independently", and his stance and tone are quite different... I have seen this kind of little thinking a lot! However, I still want to laugh... …”

"I have more leisure time than you, and I am under less pressure than you. Studying in a school is not about studying day and night. If the purpose is to search for a specific occult knowledge, then those documents will all appear obscure and lengthy with extremely low information density. , but in fact it is an exploratory reading of history, literature or art...Intangible things are often more valuable than tangible things. The hidden history always lies beneath the history we know. When you inadvertently capture When a detail revealed quietly is corroborated with past accomplishments, one can naturally smell the fragrance of aged precious red wine..."

"Lorfen Lake is the most beautiful and expressive appearance in the Royal Academy of Music. It is the eye of the earth. People who gaze at it can detect the depth of their own nature. When walking, I like to look at the rows of white stone statues opposite and imagine They are a choir chanting resurrection carols. The terrain here is naturally good, and the plant landscape combinations are hidden or visible, and the arrangements are very local... Now they have sprouted new buds, but the same spring is not the same. It must mean the same joy, pleasure or depression, depending on how each person spends the winter. If you have not tried your best to fight against the harsh winter, you will not be able to experience the warmth of spring. If you have not experienced the uncertainty of fate and gain, you will not be able to appreciate the day when you have it. of happiness.”

“If you think something needs to be done, keep doing it.”

"Your Roy McAdam"

His eyes passed over the last line of elegant and extremely stretched handwriting, and Fan Ning stuffed the letter back. His small smile gradually dissipated while reading the letter, and then he was stunned for a long time.

Under the delicate rose-colored envelope, there is another small document pressed in a way that is not completely covered.

Kaplan's handwritten leave request note.

Since March, such leave notes have appeared four times, each time lasting less than three days.

But in fact, since the New Year's concert, Kaplan's body has been declining day by day in an obvious trend, and the speed is completely inversely proportional to his sharply increasing command level.

His bone pain became more severe, he began taking medication more frequently, it became very difficult to stand for more than an hour, and he fainted several times during rehearsals or discussions about work.

In fact, since last year's opening season ended, Fan Ning has deliberately reduced many of his work tasks in terms of subsequent performance arrangements. With the arrangement of chamber music and solo performances for the next year, and the addition of two guest conductors, Fanning divided up almost all of his other affairs.

Except for the advance rehearsal tasks of the first four movements of the "Second Symphony" which he was unlikely to be willing to part with.

Fan Ning's inner reaction to the so-called leave request that Kaplan handed over every time was very contradictory.

In fact, why is it necessary to apply in writing? If you need to go to the hospital for auxiliary treatment and recuperation, you can just go directly at any time. Fan Ning will neither adjust his position nor deduct his salary. He also tacitly agrees to accompany Olga on leave. He even thinks that the best thing should be It means "get a complete rest before returning to the command podium."

But obviously all of the above is not the point or reality.

There is no such thing as returning to the podium after a complete rest. If Fan Ning asked Kaplan to continue returning to the hospital or home to rest every time he returned to his post and picked up the baton, it would be the same as killing him in advance.

That's why things became like this. Every ten days or so when he couldn't bear it anymore, he would come and submit a sick leave application for 2-3 days to Fan Ning, and then when the time was up, he would appear to be "resting" "Looking good" came back to report.

It was foggy outside the window, and there was no sunlight. Occasionally, one or two dull sounds of airships could be heard.

"Mr. Fanning, afternoon tea starts in ten minutes."

A polite reminder came from an administrative department employee at the door.

"I'm not going, you guys talk."

After his eyes wandered for a while, Fan Ning put away the letter and leave request he had read, suppressed all his messy emotions, processed a small pile of work documents, and then started to sort out tomorrow's first youth event. Here are the key points of arrangement for a symphony orchestra concert.

If daily tasks cannot be handled with high efficiency, the limited time for composing will be further squeezed, and the fifth movement, which has entered the final choral stage of writing, will be rehearsed even later.

However, another part of the "Music Relief" plan is about to take place. This was once Fan Ning's heartfelt wish, but now that it has come true, his mood cannot rise.

The rustling sound of writing is like the lead-yellow fog outside the window.

At 7:30 pm the next day, the Turner Hall was lit up with lights. The first peak of admission had passed, but there were still quite a lot of listeners in the ticket hall, second-floor corridor and other areas outside the symphony hall. Detention.

In fact, at tonight's performance, music fans from the previous class still accounted for half of the audience.

That New Year's concert really left a deep impression on the music world. Almost everyone knew that Turner Hall had a "Music Relief" project, and they also knew the level of the choir at that time. As long as they had some brains Everyone knows that the level of the Youth Symphony Orchestra is not too bad, plus today there are a large number of premieres of new works...

Even if the concert is priced at ten or twenty pounds, they will still buy it, and in terms of the opportunity to queue up to buy tickets, it is more convenient for them than the labor vendors.

Compared to the very few moralists who "refuse to enjoy pleasure with prostitutes", more people actually have a curiosity-seeking mentality that is not too big a deal to watch the excitement, but are even more looking forward to attending.

They really want to see how this group of people will perform, and want to see if the respected Mr. Fan Ning will regret letting them in, so many of them, who have the status of journalists, are near the ticket checking hall at this time. Stay and wait and see.

Among them, several reporters from the "Event News" are especially active. They are preparing to conduct "live follow-up reports" on the representative remarks of the early "music fan interviews"

In addition to the performance site, Turner Art Hall does not prohibit photography, and many media have begun to adjust the equipment.

But it wasn't until after 8 o'clock that a few journalists and music fans standing in the corridor on the second floor observed the reporters and fans below, and they realized that they had begun to collect tickets for admission.

The reason why I say it is hindsight is because...

These laborers, craftsmen, servants, vendors, small clerks and farmers in the suburbs all invariably chose gray and black instead of light colors in their clothing, and chose solid colors instead of plaids and stripes.

Of course, after taking a closer look, the reporters easily discovered that the texture and style were inferior and old-fashioned, the shoes were not leather shoes, the body shape was not tall enough, and the manners were not elegant enough. However, when a few people entered the venue at first, no one really noticed it. , and only realized they were coming when the flow of people behind them reached its peak.

This shows that in a concert setting, although such an image is somewhat nondescript, it is not shocking or laughable.


Many people paused once at the door because they saw the introduction and were guided by staff. There were wet wipe racks soaked in cleaning fluid on both sides.

These people who have no time to clean up the conspicuous stains due to work, generally do a cleaning before entering.

Holding the program list and tickets in their hands, they presented the tickets to the ticket inspector with some restraint. They repeatedly compared the numbers on the seats with the actual area entrance, and looked at the environment of the concert hall with curiosity and wonder.

Compared with factories full of dust, engine oil, noise or dye stains, the clean wood, slates, light boxes and beautiful display decorations here are not as exaggerated as saying they have arrived in the "Kingdom of Heaven", but they always remind them of it. , there are still places in the world where people can feel "alive".

In the corridor on the second floor, a reporter with a moustache from the "Event News" stared at the assistant in charge of photography next to him.

This...is not what we want to shoot...

It's unseemly, but it can't be said to be rude, right?

"Kacha. Kacha."

Ferrege, a senior reporter and music critic for "Hoffmann's Gramophone", thoughtfully pressed the shutter himself.

Time is too tight, and this second wave of ticket checking will end soon.

Basically, it was stuck in the first two minutes of 8:30, and the last batch was seated.

This is due to the large number of guide signs along the way, so that people in a hurry will not get lost in the huge concert hall.

“Why is today’s playlist so long?…”

After a few gentlemen got their hands on it, they found that it was beautifully typed and detailed, and could be unfolded into eight pages.

"First Half:"

"Overture to "Bat": Let's start with the warm and jubilant full band playing in unison! Then comes the energetic theme played by the double brass pipes in the soft music, and then you will hear the four fragments with different personalities in the middle——

The first section is a gorgeous and smooth Allegro. Under the pizzicato of strings (a bunch of violins), the violin melody is melodious and beautiful. Its vibrato is accompanied by the horn modulation, and finally connected with the piccolo vibrato;

The second section is an elegant "bang tsa tsa" three-beat waltz, still presented by strings, and later the flute also joined the dance;

The third section is a slower triple time Andante, where the strings are the accompaniment, and the main melody of the double brass is slightly sad and melancholy, but soon it becomes light and ready to modulate;

The fourth section is a very fast "Bangcha Bangcha" polka in two-four beats. The violin and flute lead the band to develop the joyful mood to the whole orchestra;

You will hear them repeated next, but what is worth noting is that the second and third paragraphs all change into a bright and cheerful major key. This is very interesting and very passionate. After the final intro part reappears, the music will heat up. ends with a climax. "

"Symphony No. 15 in G minor": a small symphony from the early and middle period of the original style master Tarakani, with beautiful melody, neat structure, distinctive image and full of classical beauty.

In the first movement, Very Allegro, pay attention to the restless minor-key sound of the woodwind section, and then we hear the beautiful and sentimental theme of the cello. After the orchestra passes with the intensified bow trembling, there is a warm dialogue between the subtitled horns and the double brass...

(Note, there is no need to applaud in the middle of the movement)

Second movement, slower Andante…

(Note, there is no need to applaud in the middle of the movement)..."

"Second Half:"

""Lightning and Thunder Polka"..."Quick Chat Polka"..."Swan Lake"..."Flight of the Bumblebee"..."Peasant Polka"..."Ice Waltz"..."

Today's 8 tracks each come with a prompt that Mr. Fan Ning calls a "guided tour", just like the Impressionism Art Exhibition!

Many people still haven’t noticed one detail:

The program list of this concert can be obtained in advance at the ticket purchase site at that time. This is different from the past. Many workers entered the venue with a repertoire that they had received in advance.

This has led to a phenomenon: most of the people who are reading it curiously and with relish are not workers, but gentlemen, ladies and professionals who have just received it on site.

Because many workers were familiar with it before, they just glanced at it again now.

Moreover, gentlemen and ladies also discovered that in addition to detailed guidance for each piece, there is also a "symphony orchestra seating distribution diagram" carefully attached to the back of the program list!

Not only is the relative position framed above, and each instrument name is thrown into the corresponding area, but there is also a thumbnail outline of the instrument below the name, and the positions of the principal and conductor are also marked.

"It is indeed quite clear, but does such a common sense question need to be marked so clearly?"

There are many music critics or music student listeners who are a little confused.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

The applause that rang out around them made more and more people look up from reading the repertoire and join the applause queue.

They saw musicians wearing suits and formal dresses starting to enter the venue.

These musicians are all young, and their movements and expressions are a little nervous at the moment.

But their complexion is very good, and their eyes are very bright and energetic.

A state that can only be found in an environment where spiritual life is extremely fulfilling.

Then Miss Lausanne, who was wearing a black dress, came on stage to even louder applause.

Seeing the young girls saluting the audience under the leadership of the conductor, there were quite a few reporters and music critics present, who suddenly showed a long and thoughtful expression.

"I realized another issue that I didn't pay much attention to before." A reporter recalled the public opinion during this period, and then whispered to his friends around him.

"What?" the gentleman next to him asked subconsciously.

"The origins of these young musicians on stage who are still young but whose temperament is beginning to show are also from the families of laborers, craftsmen, servants, vendors or farmers."

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