Old-time musicians

Chapter 164: What is related to the

"This, can I leave a message?"

On the evening of May 21st, during the intermission of the fourth concert series "Born to Love Music", a young man wearing a remade gray cotton-padded jacket with a few dyed hair exposed under the black felt hat on his head saw the corridor. After checking the message wall, counter, pens and special stickers, I asked a female staff member hesitantly.

Since the first performance of the opening season, "Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor", the message wall has had posters for more than 40 performances, extending more than 60 meters forward.

"Everyone in the audience can leave a message, sir."

Thirty seconds after registration and collection, a white sticker was pasted under the poster for tonight’s performance:

“I hate being preached to by anyone but the musicians on stage.”

As audience members clutching ticket stubs wandered along the aisles, one could not help but notice the message wall surrounding the symphony hall.

After several sessions, more and more first-time listeners, especially the majority of workers, left stickers.

Most farmers and vendors in this era were illiterate, but laborers, apprentices, and clerks were relatively well-educated classes.

Although limited by their cultural level and artistic accomplishment, it is difficult for them to form distinct opinions or professional discussions, but at least they can use words and sentences to express their direct feelings.

Most of the content is simple and straightforward, speaking directly from the heart: "It sounds great", "Rarely touching", "Salute to the musicians", "I hope I can buy tickets next time".

The handwriting is also crooked, far from decent and elegant.

But as the number of stickers posted by these workers gradually increased, people discovered that there were many colloquial messages, which upon closer inspection had very philosophical connotations.

“After the words ended, music came.”

"After hearing about the true beauty, I realized that my past life was a mess."

“I became obsessed with kindness.”

Discussions on the message board have been in full swing during this period, but the art and media circles have generally fallen into a strange state of silence regarding the controversial follow-up discussions brought about by the "Born to Love Music" series of concerts.

It wasn't until a special report in "Hoffmann's Gramophone" in mid-May that the real turning point began to appear.

The source of this report is also from the message wall of Turner Art Hall.

Its title comes from an inconspicuous sticker under a previous New Year’s concert poster:

"A Neglected Lesson Plan: The "Carolon Method" or the "Ning Method."

Their chief researcher became interested in the naming method in this sentence, so after some in-depth research, he came up with this special report:

"It's been a long time since that shocking New Year's concert, and many people take it for granted that it brought the ultimate aesthetic experience. Yes, because it was performed by Carolne Van Ning and the Old Symphony Orchestra, From the lively performance of several masters and famous musicians..."

"Therefore, a prominent fact has been taken for granted: the sublimation method of "Choral Fantasia in C Minor" is the chorus, and the ultimate joy also comes from the chorus, which is the soul of this great work. This is good, but do you know that the children in the choir have no musical foundation? Just three months before they took the stage, they were still living in a mess of their native families or in a dark machinery factory, except for one. There is nothing but a voice with slightly better than average conditions! All this is due to their use of the "Carolen Teaching Method" or "Ning's Teaching Method" in the process of receiving "Music Rescue". !”

"When we realize this, our inherent understanding of "music rescue" will be completely broken. We previously thought that this is nothing more than basic music education of a "cover-up" nature - letting children sing in their spare time, They initially felt the beauty of music... but the reality was completely opposite! After just three months of training, they successfully took on the last piece of the puzzle at the turn of the new year, and it was the most glorious part of the puzzle. Not amateur at all! This is more professional!”

"What's even more surprising is that when we further understood the structure of the "Carolen Teaching Method", we found that it does not teach staff music, basic music theory, or even piano in the early and middle stages. It only requires a tuning fork to start teaching. , which simply subverts the basic common sense of music education! When Mr. Fanning designed it, he considered the worst basic conditions of children. The principle lies in "musical instinct stimulation" and "inner auditory training", because "the human voice is "The best musical instrument", the youth symphony orchestra also needs to take this course. In the first unit, he first introduced the original "twelve-note gesture"..."

This special report on "Hoffmann Gramophone" is very long, and it summarizes the "Kodály Teaching Method" written by Fanning in great detail, and the subsequent topic expands from "Affiliated Chorus" to "Affiliated Symphony Orchestra". And emphasized that they have the same origin.

So at the end of the report, the chief researcher pointed out thought-provokingly: "This is the ridiculous part of our previous debate! Musicians who come from "laborers, craftsmen, servants, hawkers or farmers' families" take the stage to perform for "laborers, craftsmen" , servants, vendors or farmers "playing a symphony at a professional level, and then it's the ladies and gentlemen's turn to sneer at them, what a shame!"

"To put it another way, even if they really don't know etiquette and can't appreciate music, we should also reflect on why the empire's music education failed to let them bathe in the grace of art, and why the public school has been passed down for many years, but has not created a music education system that can turn decay into magic like the "Carron teaching method"!"

This special report did not attract the attention of the public at first, but was widely circulated in the academic community, from the thoughts of music educators to the entire academic and aristocratic circles, and finally back to other fields in the art world, eventually causing an uproar.

Since Fanning is an honorary professor of St. Lenya's Conservatory of Music and has already had four influential public lectures on music theory, for a time, scholars and educators who inquired about the professor's schedule or sought visits and exchanges were endless...

When the reputation of the "Carron teaching method" or "Ning's teaching method" was widely spread at home and abroad, Fanning himself seemed to be in the eye of the storm.

He designed the blueprints and instructed the construction points for this project that he had always dreamed of, but he never looked back at its finished appearance.

In a calm, focused, and inexplicably gloomy mood, Fanning spent month after month, and even later, even his colleagues in the Turner Art Hall could talk to him less and less, although he still lived a life in the office, living room, art gallery, back mountain and surrounding street walking area.

On a stormy night of June 29, 914 in the new calendar, Fanning completed his "Symphony No. 2 in C Minor".

After picking up the pen and hinged the book, he stared at the lightning and thunder outside the window for a long time, then slowly walked into the living room and lay face down on his soft big bed.

That was almost at the same time.

A secret place in the dream "Chaos Sky Stairs".

There are always thousands of transparent stairs piled here, and the complexity of their entanglement is completely beyond the scope of human thinking. Light blue streamers flicker between them, and there is an endless storm below.

"Now, you can try to pray to Him once, and I can guarantee you one minute of relative safety. Note that I have only temporarily suppressed His pollution to avoid the direct falling method of divination. Just pray for the revelation of relevant connections."

The owner of the fast and low voice is the leader of the discussion group and the director of the Special Patrol Department, Poglerich.

But in the eyes of dozens of subordinates, the leader's current image in the "Chaos Sky" is a bit strange.

His characteristic nostalgic denim double-breasted dress, upright short hair, gray gloves, and the typical facial features of the Tiolain northerners are vaguely visible, but the whole person is not three-dimensional, but just a plane erected on the steps, like a card with an oil layer or electric current.

And on the opposite side of this step, the strange mirror-like cloud image of "Disaster" has also been flattened into an upright card. In the middle of the two hangs a narrow scimitar, with a golden handle, a black sheath, a blue ribbon under the thread, and a blue storm pattern.

"Disaster" was not originally "disaster". His name was changed to this after he went crazy. He once symbolized probability, cause and effect, and connection, but now all the observers can observe are scenes of bad luck, bad omen, and disaster, which will directly pollute the observers from the level of fate.

After collecting the wreckage into the "Chaos Heaven", Poglelich spent nearly 300 days to stabilize its pollution and escape characteristics, and set up a high-level secret ceremony with "Blade" as the core ritual, creating an opportunity to pray to it temporarily today.

"Yes." He Meng did not dare to neglect it. He floated directly in front of the flat image of "Disaster", imagining that he "closed his eyes" in a dream, and then let the spirituality wrap around it.

"About the revelation and connection of the Lord of the Source Witness, 'The Old Day'..."

"About the revelation and connection of the Lord of the Source Witness, 'The Old Day'..."

For such a secret and high-level object, if you use any ordinary divination or secret ritual method to pray for information, it is almost impossible to receive any useful revelation, unless the core ritual of the secret ritual is "disaster".

After chanting and praying for a few breaths, he "opened his eyes" again, and then the clouds in the oil layer plane and countless stacked and nested mirrors began to flicker and change.

Most of the scenes on the mirrors are still difficult to distinguish, except for a picture like water ripples.

It seems to be a bird's-eye view of the city, with streets, hills, factory chimneys, steel supports, residential communities... and in the center, there is a wide building with elegant and stretched lines that are extremely artistic.

"Turner Art Hall?" He Meng, who recognized the characteristics, was surprised, and the patrolman next to him, Changgang, and several senior investigators behind him all showed surprise.

A name emerged in everyone's mind.

"Follow the contact and investigate further. It will take me some time to solve the trouble of the Red Pool."

Poglelich's eyes flashed with surprise, but his tone remained calm.

There is hardly anything in this world that is worth his shock.

He waved his hand in the air, and the bright silver blade was pulled out of the suspended scabbard. Several dark golden streams appeared, and the scene expanded and collapsed. The "disaster" regained its three-dimensionality, but it became a pile of scattered fog balls of varying sizes.

It was like a strong airflow blowing into the oil layer, and these fog balls were carried by him into the "card" where he was, just like a non-existent space after entering the door.

"Why is it him?"

After the leader disappeared with the "disaster", Chief Inspector Gang said thoughtfully: "Fanning's investigation line was originally only related to the fragments of the sound series, Vincent and the abnormal zone. Could it be that the 'Old Days' are also related to him?"

He Meng also felt that things were a bit too coincidental.

If these two things that were originally completely independent in his vision can also be linked together...

Then can the problems of the 'Fountain in the Painting' and the 'Hidden Light', as well as the problem of Vassius's loss of contact, be considered to be combined with Fanning's clues and re-examined?

"He is almost the existence of the 'New Moon' in the future. It is already delicate enough to deal with Vincent's affairs. The second investigation plan of the B-105 abnormal zone at the end of this year, how to deal with him, the leader has not given a clear instruction yet... 'Old Days'... What kind of existence is 'Old Days'? Why is he related to 'Old Days'?"

"Old Days Symphony Orchestra." A senior investigator behind him suddenly reminded.

The eyes of several people in the dream lit up.

Yes, I noticed it when I reported to the Ministry of Culture and Media.

This conductor Fanning registered a symphony orchestra with the name of the "Old Days", and then made such a big fuss worldwide, leaving such a deep impression in the memory of the world.

The Old Days Symphony Orchestra has leapt to the top of the first-class professional orchestras, and can be said to exist as the "11th" after the world's top ten orchestras.

So it led to the revelation of such a strong connection in the "Disaster" scene?

Norma Gon's eyes were a little surprised.

When she first saw the revelation of the scene, her first reaction was to naturally think that Fanning might know the whereabouts of the "Old Days" wreckage. Even Mr. Poglerich knew very little about this mysterious witness, so the leader just had a slight surprise that He would have an inexplicable connection with Fanning?

Otherwise, why did "Disaster" think that the bird's-eye view of Turner Hall was related to "Old Days"?


Damn it.

Is it because the resident orchestra of Turner Hall is the "Old Days" Symphony Orchestra, so its bird's-eye view appears in the mirror of "Disaster"?

That's it? ...

The leader spent so much effort, and that's it?

Norma Gon felt that this was simply a joke.

"Why did Fanning name it "Old Days"?" He Meng thought for a moment and asked himself.

"He is interested in this witness lord."

Salman from the Uvlan Celt Patrol Hall Branch spoke in the crowd.

Hearing this, Norma Gon turned her head and her eyes became a little colder.

"Be more detailed." She stared at the main regional person in charge of investigating Fanning.

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