Old-time musicians

Chapter 185 In the Name of Command (4600)

Several people turned their heads in surprise, and little Irene, who had been hugging Olga's thigh, ran over with a cheer.

"Dad, you've had a good rest."

Capron, who was wearing a hospital gown, was sitting on the edge of the bed, stuffing his shoes with his feet, and suddenly he was in good spirits.

He had been in a coma for 20 consecutive hours since his last brief awakening.

Feeling the concerned eyes of his wife and colleagues, Capron's mouth twitched slightly: "I didn't remember the date wrong, did I?"

"Dear, you remember it very accurately." Olga forced a smile.

"I'm a little hungry, this is strange, I actually want to eat a little bit." He said.

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"I'll do it for you, right away."

Hearing her husband, who had hardly eaten recently, say this today, Olga's eyes lit up and she rushed in front of the maid.

Capron let his daughter sit on his lap and slowly tied her hair in front of the mirror.

"Dad, is our location close to Sister Xilan?"

"Not far, baby."

The steaming food was light and delicate. Shepherd's pie made of potatoes, flour and egg liquid was his favorite staple food. Olga put stewed beef, mushrooms, tomatoes and chopped onions in it. A thin layer of butter made it shine. A little ketchup was squeezed on the edge of the plate. No spices or sauces were sprinkled on it.

There was also a small cup of milk.

Kapulan raised his knife and fork to eat and began to chew with his thin cheeks.

He drank the milk clean and finished more than a third of the shepherd's pie.

He walked to the closet step by step, took out the white shirt, suit trousers, bow tie and top hat one by one, fastened the buttons and belt in front of the mirror, and adjusted the bow tie repeatedly until it was decent.

After doing all this, Kaplun changed from a patient to a formal and serious gentleman. A layer of fine beads of sweat oozed out of his forehead, and he began to sit on the edge of the bed and breathe heavily.

In Olga's eyes, this was still the best day in terms of mental state.

After the initial surprise, she was vaguely anxious, but her face was still full of smiles: "Take a rest, there is still enough time. I will help you call Professor Fanning now. You can ask him if the "Super VIP Edition" seat is still available, and tell him that you are leaving for the trial."

"Wait, don't call." Kaplun changed his mind again.

"What's the matter?"

"He must be very busy now. Just help me contact Congreve to let him know."

So Olga helped him turn the phone wheel.

"Hello." After the staff transferred the call, a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Mr. Congreve, I am ready to listen. The seat is still available. Say hello to Mr. Fanning for me in advance."

There was suddenly no sound on the other end of the phone.

Today, the musicians have not seen Fanning lead the band on stage. The guest conductor Mr. Virgil gave some explanations, and many people were puzzled. However, Fanning's unconventional conduct is not the first or second time. The "Second Symphony" was basically arranged to perfection before. Everyone was a little puzzled, but that was all.

As a core member, Congreve was one of the few people who knew that something might have happened.

If it was normal work, this knowledge would include Kaplun and Olga.

But now

Does he dare to tell Kaplun, "The concert you waited for every day may not be performed now"?

How dare he say it?

"Mr. Congreve?... Hello, can you hear me?" Kaplun was a little confused and took the receiver to his face and looked at it twice.

Three more seconds.

"... Oh, that's good... You're recovering well, that's good... Come over quickly."

"See you in an hour."

It was not until Kaplun hung up the phone that Congreve's long and confused sigh came from the other end.

"This guy is definitely busy."

Kapulan coughed twice, laughed twice, adjusted the angle of his hat, and picked up the cane beside him.

"By the way, the score, don't forget the score, bring it with me, I'll watch and listen."

Before leaving, he did not forget to remind his wife who was packing her belongings.

"Under your pillow, Dad." Little Irene climbed onto the bed and picked up the score.

At 7:50 pm, thunder and lightning and storms were still sweeping the city in the dark.

The symphony hall was brightly lit and magnificent, and the applause for the musicians to enter had already sounded several rounds.

At the strong request of the art world and music fans, four consecutive rounds of additional seats totaling nearly a thousand people made it difficult to describe the scene as simply "full house".

The total audience size of 3,000 people was unprecedented, far exceeding the previous opening ceremony or New Year's concert. The corridors, the aisles under the stage, the gaps in the boxes, and all the places where small stools could be placed were crowded with people. Everyone was squeezed very uncomfortably, but no one had a complaint.

The audience present today was not only numerous, but also of unprecedented quality. To say "academic" or "art world" is too narrow. Almost all the upper class, including the cultural world, came out in full force. More than ten masters from various fields came to attend. Congreve deliberately lowered the price of some low stools and seats, so that music lovers with lower family backgrounds could witness the scene.

They felt their heartbeats speeding up while waiting.

The actors on the stage, just sitting there, had already brought themselves a rare impact——

The string section alone has more than 80 musicians, which is the same as the total number of regular romantic three-pipe orchestras. They are packed full, spreading out like a fan-shaped pancake, extending directly to the front and edge of the stage.

The volume of string instruments is relatively small. If a set of instrumentation schemes requires so many string instruments to balance the volume, it can only mean that the countervailing force is

In the middle and back position, the woodwind and brass instruments are shining silver and gold, especially the 10 trumpets and 10 French horns that are ready to fight. They are lined up in a golden ratio position and run through the entire band with an extremely aggressive attitude.

The two female singers sit on the side of the woodwind section, and their figures are mostly blocked by two harps.

Further back, two timpanists and four other percussionists stood there, keeping a distance from each other. Various percussion instruments such as timpani, snare drum, glockenspiel, celesta, cymbals, and triangles were densely arranged in front of them, and the heavy aura supported the entire stage horizontally.

If this is not enough...

Then when the audience cast their eyes higher and farther, to the newly completed organ performance seats and the seats below, they will also see the back of an organist and 80 chorus members in solemn black and white dresses, who sat in four rows and twenty columns, staring at the entire symphony hall.

Oppression! Shock! Suffocation!

This is not a question of four or five controls at all!

It is one thing to look at the list of two hundred performers and staff on the set list, but it is another thing to sit face to face with them on the spot!

What kind of work is this performance?

What kind of work would require such a composition and formation?

It is simply unimaginable, simply unprecedented, and simply unprecedented in history!!!

However, under the grand occasion, a few people noticed some unusual serious atmosphere.

Some media or artists who have better relations with Fanning did not see him socializing today.

Lee Viadlin did not see him either.

Perhaps today's performance is too important and there is really no time to be distracted.

But the musicians seem to be slightly anxious?

Even some people noticed that the most important musicians, such as the first violinist and the first cellist, felt a little strange, and the first flute did not come for some reason, and the second-ranked substitute was replaced.

Count Adair was a little surprised that Lu's body was a little too tense when standing in front of the timpani, and he did not habitually twist the drumstick in his hand.

The Marquis and his wife McAdam found that although their daughter was smiling today, her eyes were always on the music score for some reason.

The president frowned, and his spiritual sense quietly scanned all around him.

At the premiere today, there were at least 50 people in the symphony hall, among whom there were nearly ten powerful auras of different natures. In addition to himself and his wife, who were the Enlightened, there were also three people from the Guidance School, two representatives from the Holy Sun Church in the Empire, and a poet and a literary giant from the Western Continent.

However, his attention was mainly focused on the 15 investigators from the Special Patrol Office.

The astral bodies and emotional bodies of these people were very relaxed, even a little bored, and it could be seen that their main purpose was not to appreciate the music.

They were assigned this task before the top management decided to take Fanning away.

First, there was the "criminal record" related to Vincent and the Abnormal Zone; then he was involved in the clues of the secret realm of the "Grand Palace School", which was related to the "Hidden Lamp" and the "Fountain in the Painting"; he also got the "Disaster" out in the subway accident; he was also involved in the case of the Apostle Vassius, which was related to the "Red Pool"; finally, the "Disaster" also revealed that he was related to the "Old Days".

The remains and mysterious factors of the seven great artifact gods are almost all contaminated by him.

Direct and extremely serious pollution risk, top file.

Music performance is one of the most effective secret ritual templates. This kind of people go to personally conduct the music they wrote. They have prepared the echo in advance, and then they are ready to listen to it with ritual instruments and curses.

But today Fanning was taken away directly, and it seems that he will not come out, so he is very relaxed.

However, McAdam and several mentors or bishops think that these people in the special patrol hall are just full and have nothing to do.

With the scene of the symphony hall tonight, with the number of official knowers and profound people, which secret cult organization dares to make trouble here? I am afraid that the secret ritual altar was just painted, and he was directly scattered with his ashes.

And if you really act cautiously, you should at least send two patrol chiefs yourself, right?

As everyone was thinking, time passed by, and the clock was about to ring at eight o'clock.

The audience was ready for the warmest applause, but the hearts of several people had sunk to the bottom.

He didn't come out.

Roy in the front row finally looked up from the music score.

She exchanged glances with Sheeran, and saw that his face was frighteningly pale. Then her eyes passed through Sheeran, through the entire first violin group, and saw Congreve standing in the aisle of the stage.

He was counting his pocket watch anxiously under the dim light.


The clock struck eight, and Kaplun sat up straight from the special seat with the backrest reclined 45 degrees.

He was just about to applaud Fanning to come on stage, but two gentlemen came running over with their heads down.

"Miss Roy arranged a private doctor. If you feel okay, you can pretend we don't exist."

After saying this, the two men sat directly on the small stool next to them.

"Thank you, Miss Roy, for your concern. I will insist on listening to the five movements." Kaplan understood the intention instantly. He thanked in a low voice and took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, then put the score on his knees and spread it out.


Warm applause and cheers broke out, and Kaplan began to applaud along with the audience.

But three seconds later, the applause not only did not increase in intensity, but actually became smaller.

Congreve, wearing a straight suit, came out, seemingly holding a small card in his hand.

"Is this?..." The fans were a little stunned, "Is this the host?"

"It seems to be Manager Congreve of the General Operations Department."

"Is there any opening speech for this serious concert?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I need to read an announcement from Mr. Fanning, the music director of the Old Symphony Orchestra." Congreve's voice was low.

The applause suddenly disappeared, leaving only the faint sound of breathing in the symphony hall.


"Mr. Fanning's announcement?..."

"Why didn't Mr. Conductor announce it himself?..."

A bad premonition came over the audience.

Congreve gritted his teeth and began to read the letter Fan Ning left word by word:

"With immediate effect, I declare in writing that I am unilaterally withdrawing from the Guidance School, resigning as president of the Uvranser branch, and resigning as music director of the Old Symphony Orchestra. All businesses and assets under Turner Art Hall, and personal publications or All copyrights to the musical scores, recordings or theoretical textbooks being created are permanently and gratuitously gifted to Ms. Carolyn Van Ning."

"Therefore, the premiere of "Symphony No. 2 in C minor" may be postponed."

There was no response, and the symphony hall was as eerily silent as closing time.

Olga tremblingly grabbed Kaplan's hand next to her.

But Kaplan didn't faint, nor did he lean back. He sat there in a daze, as if his thinking had suddenly stopped.

The two medical staff stared at him as if they were in danger.

In the darkness of the emergency passage next to it, there were four stretcher-bearers ready to go.

Viadlin's eyes froze, and President P. Boulez and his mentor Carmen Leon exchanged glances next to him, and they both read the look of disbelief in the other's expressions.

When Marquis MacAdam saw the breath of the musicians on the stage being stagnant, and when he saw the calmness he was trying to maintain and the deep anxiety on his daughter's face, his eyes gradually narrowed slightly.

This most dazzling genius of the Guidance School cannot withdraw from the membership without any reason, and it must be one of the few reasons that can be found through the elimination method.

The symphony hall fell into a strange silence, and there was no explosive scene as he imagined, because these well-educated listeners were basically confused.

After this state lasted for more than three minutes, buzzing sounds began to be heard from all over the seats.

"Mr. Fanning resigned!?"

"The performance of "Second Symphony" has been cancelled?..."

"Why so sudden? What happened to Commander Fan Ning?"

Congreve had a second card to read, on which Roy handwritten four alternatives for fans to compensate for the cancellation of the Second Symphony.

But he felt that after reading Fan Ning's letter, he had exhausted all the energy to speak, and for a while he felt like he was stuck in his throat on stage.

The musicians either have their eyes downcast, stare blankly at the score, or look away from the audience.

Even those media reporters who are usually keen on reporting breaking news feel that their emotions are not very active at this time.

Time passed by, and Congreve on the stage did not say anything after reading the letter. The cancellation of the performance may have been a foregone conclusion, and no one left the table or lost their temper. The symphony hall was first silent, and then fell into a low mood. Talking in low voices.

It always feels like something is hovering, and this strange state will continue indefinitely.

Roy gritted his teeth, gently placed the piano steady, and was about to stand up——

"Please be quiet."

A thin voice floated out from the auditorium. Although it was weak, it was much more obvious than a whisper.

Silence returned to the hall again, and everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

Roy turned his head in surprise.

More than 50 knowledgeable and enlightened people turned their heads in shock.

The gazes of all the musicians stopped wandering, and Sheeran, whose eyes were red, looked away from the music score.

Olga slowly let go of Kaplan's hand.

She looked at her husband and stood up straighter from his seat inch by inch.

"Dad?" Little Eileen, who was shorter than the audience, hid behind and spoke softly.

Kaplan's arms and legs were shaking. He calmed down slightly, and then slowly picked up the music book.

"I, in the name of the permanent conductor of the Old Symphony Orchestra, announce that the performance will be held as scheduled."

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