Old-time musicians

The first movement: Awakening Poem (38): About cherishing (Happy Valentine's Day)

"Oh my God, what did you think of that?"

Roy came over and looked at Fan Ning carefully, as if trying to figure out why he had so many ideas in his mind.

"Let me think about it, some big chaebols and big factory owners have indeed tried this model on the sales side. 'Chain stores' provide standardized marketing services to customers. They themselves have 'brands'. But in the field of arts management? 'Cinema chain'? This sounds very unrealistic at first."

"Whether it is a church, an opera house or a concert hall, it has always been a model where the troupe resides in the hall and the hall and troupe are integrated into one. The 'touring' system has only been solidified in the past 100 years. The main reason is that it is too different from the factory in nature. Large, those industrial products only need to be manufactured in batches, and then solve the problems of warehouse, transportation and store decoration. However, commercial performances in the art field are not assembly line production. The production and consumption links are limited by time and space, and must be agreed at an instant. At the same time, in the art field, except for the brand names of big bands, there is no real 'art product brand', and the emergence of record companies is just a packaging box with an extra layer of technology."

“But I suddenly felt that our management model does have a lot of highlights that are unprecedented in the industry, and it can be copied and promoted as the ‘brand standard’ of ‘theater chains’!”

Fan Ning kept smiling quietly, watching her gesture and analysis.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"You see, we have an 'artistic naming' system with extremely high taste and style, widely praised by major customers, and a wide range of personalized solutions; our performance schedule includes high-priced and high-level ceiling-level concerts , we also have popular concerts called "Born to Love Music" that are of acceptable quality and very low price; we have a message wall system that can fully mobilize the audience's enthusiasm for communication; we have carefully prepared track guides and mini-notes for each concert. Knowledge popularization and lyrics scrolling car; we also hold music lectures and interviews from time to time in the afternoon session, which can bring you to a theoretical discussion from time to time, or allow musicians to share their artistic life; and there are also, Even the exquisite grade and deliciousness of the tea break cannot be enjoyed anywhere else.”

"Ah, I simply can't list all the features of Turner Hall. In short, there are none in other concert halls! Once this system's management model is copied and promoted, will colleagues in other places be dumbfounded? ? But I don’t care if they are dumbfounded or not, I just want to see how the Special Inspectorate will praise us in the discussion group briefing."

"Why do you just smile and say nothing?"

Roy stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Fan Ning's face, then waved it back.

"Did I say something wrong? Come and tell me something."

Fan Ning smiled and shook his head to avoid blocking her sight:

"I just gave you a title, and you've almost finished writing the article."

"Then let's discuss quickly. Let's first decide where to open the next home and the next home's Turner Art Hall." Roy took back his little hand and looked around and thought. "Personally, I think it must be the imperial capital of Santaram Castle first, and then the Western Continent." In São Perto, the 'art capital' of the Janus Kingdom, folk art venues are now blooming everywhere, and local politicians will definitely not reject a cultural investment team that is famous, highly accomplished, wealthy and advanced in management."

"No, what you said needs to be done, but in the second big step." Fan Ning shook his head, "The first step we do is still in Ufranser."

"Or Uvranser?" Roy was a little confused now. "Although this is a big city with extremely developed industry and strong consumption level, our reputation has been capped. Will this be the headquarters of Turner Art Hall in the future? Wrong, but is there any room for further action?”

Fan Ning smiled mysteriously:

“Have you ever heard of the term ‘channel sinking’?”

"I've never heard of it." The girl shook her head truthfully, her eyes sparkling with laughter, "But I've seen this scene before. Once Mr. Fan Ning's movements need to be coined into a phrase, there must be some novel movements that no one has heard of."

"You are really easy to understand." Fan Ning nodded deliberately and praised, then slowly explained.

"The 'chain' I plan to lay out is different from all the opera houses and concert halls in various countries. Generally speaking, most of the latter are built at the county level. The logic is easy to understand: serious music It is what the world considers to be 'elegant art'. Only the artistic taste and spending power of citizens in big cities can match the construction and operating costs of such large-scale art venues."

"But the concept of Turner Art Hall has been different since its establishment. We not only pursue top artistic standards and top commercial profitability, but also pursue the popularization and enlightenment of the light of art in the world. The construction of theater chains in big cities is naturally a priority. The top priority, but in addition to counties, people in various regions, small towns and even villages should not be ignored. In my plan, the Turner Art Hall cinema chain has three-level construction standards——"

"The first-level standard is the current Ufranser Base Camp, or the theater chain you just mentioned, which will be built in Santa Ramburg and San Porto in the future. It must be built according to world-class artistic standards. We We have experienced that according to the personnel and facility standards of Turner Art Hall, the initial investment required to build such a concert hall ranges from 50,000 to 80,000 pounds, depending on the cost of land, building materials and labor in each city.”

"It used to sound expensive, but now it sounds average."

Roy couldn't help but comment at this time.

"Even if we expand 30 theaters at once, the cost will only be more than two million pounds. Mr. Kaplan's initial capital can basically support it, and this can already cover most first-tier cities in various countries... Besides, Yes, theaters are actually being built one by one, several by several, and the time progress is smooth. Considering that everything is going well and continuing to make profits, and considering the cultural subsidies provided by governments in various countries, this is not a burden. "

Her expression is confident and her voice is confident.

"Really? Then let me continue." Fan Ning shook his head and smiled.

"The second-level standard must cover all 'areas' within the jurisdiction of a county. Take the current Uflandsel as an example, including not only Inner and Outer Lenia District, Pushor District, South Quay District, Dongmei District, The Karen District... also includes the 'small towns' that are at the same level as the 'region' outside the city limits, such as the small town of Gogol, the small town of Langefni, the small town of Lowland Wafus, the small town of Metraun..."

"This level is called the 'Turner Art Gallery', and its specifications must meet 'excellent professional standards.' Its performances are mainly chamber music ensembles and solos. The musicians can organize 4-5 small-scale symphony performances a year. It is enough to know how to do it. In my plan, the cost of building the museum must not exceed five figures at first. It is better to control it within the range of 5,000-8,000 pounds. The consumption level will also be reduced ten times, just like my dad’s once. The predecessor of Folk Turner Art Museum.”

"But it should be noted that there are a lot of them. In Ufranser alone, I have the impression that there are 15 or 16 administrative divisions at the 'region' or 'small town' level, which may cost more than 10 Thousands of pounds of capital.”

Roy finally showed serious thoughts.

"Looking at the third-level standard again, this level is called 'Turner Art Gallery'. It needs to cover every block or town under an area or small town, serving town residents and nearby rural villagers. The level must be 'half Professional' or 'top amateur' level, the performance mainly relies on the guidance of several professional musicians + recruiting local famous country musicians + music lovers to entertain themselves together. If you can still perform 1-2 small symphonies a year, That’s a very well-run ‘art gallery’.”

"The cost of building the museum should not exceed four figures at first, and should be controlled within the range of 500-800 pounds. If the consumer price is reduced by ten times, it will be reduced by another ten times, that is, a hundred times. The number of its theaters will be There are so many. In my impression, just a small town called Gogol has more than 25 towns below it, and even the East Mecklen District in the city has 11 blocks below it. The entire Uvranser alone needs There are definitely more than 300 third-level theaters established! The cost is 200,000 pounds!”

"In addition, I need to add that all these theaters have performance and teaching functions integrated into one. The old music conservatory will have corresponding 'training branches' at each level, even at lower levels. , the proportion of teaching function is even more important, it needs to provide a platform for all people who are eager to learn music to get in touch with their dreams..."

Roy pursed his lips tightly and began to calculate the cost behind this.

Looking at it this way, it is not at all what I thought at first. In each county and city, the first-level theater chain has the lowest cost, and the burden becomes heavier as the future goes on!

Even if it is the "base camp" of Uvranser, which has already been built with a first-class cinema chain, it would cost more than 300,000 pounds to cover all 15 areas/small towns + more than 300 blocks/towns. And if it is the Holy Tower The behemoth of Lamborghini probably cost more than 500,000 pounds!

I just said that I would cover thirty major cities in various countries in one go...

The starting capital of more than 2 million pounds sounds scary, but according to Mr. Fanning's method, it is not enough to play a few games!

However, this plan sounds simply...

Roy took a deep breath, and his shoulders began to tremble slightly with excitement.

She finally understood why Fan Ning had been doing "music rescue" and "art popularization" before. This was all groundwork.

If this plan can be completely realized, the territory and feats achieved will be simply great.

"I understand, this is 'channel sinking'." She thought for a long time, calmed down and said, "I know why you said that arranging the major counties and cities is the second step. If this is the first step, the battle line If it is too long and too wide, and if it is developed deeper into the second and third levels, I am afraid that the management will be messed up.”

According to Fan Ning's idea, this requires at least the establishment of a four-level management organization of headquarters + county + region + town. Music resources at all levels will be used in large quantities. The operation of a huge organization sometimes involves unimaginable internal costs. , the amount of work involved in managing people, money and property is extremely terrifying!

“...So, since the headquarters is in Ufranser, we will develop cinemas in this city first, and wait until the construction of secondary venues academies in 15 regions or small towns and third-level venues academies in more than 300 blocks or towns is completed, and operations will begin. When we are on the right track, we will sum up our experience and gains and losses, and copy and move this big framework to Santa Ramburg and San Perto. We will proceed steadily and step by step, seeking depth first and then breadth!”

"The next time I contact you, you can submit your project according to this idea." Fan Ning smiled.

The girl crossed her arms and stared at him: "It's really hard to be the president of the old music academy. I misunderstood it before. The difficulty level is much higher than that of the director of the old symphony orchestra."

"Miss Roy." Fan Ning called her by name with a complicated expression at this time, "So I said that this heavy workload will make people exhausted. Although Sheeran, Lu, Olga and Congreve, People will also help you. I will arrange at least four 'vice dean' positions for them, responsible for different directions as assistance. Our principal flute lady will be of great help in the future when she regains her strength, but once we really hand over Since I have given you the leadership, no matter how much the workload is, at least for the next few years, I am afraid that you and your colleagues who are committed to this cause will be wandering around. "

"You're wandering around too." Roy looked at him.

"Yeah, but originally, I should be the leader of this matter. I will complete it myself based on my own thoughts."

"So what will you do if I don't agree?"

"Besides letting it go for the time being, there is no good way." Fan Ning said calmly, "Among the current partners and teams, the ones I mentioned are all suitable to be deputies in this undertaking, but the people who can take the lead, except me, Only you are left."

"So if I refuse, you will definitely be unhappy with me."


"At least you will feel that I don't understand your thoughts."

"No way."

"Would it be sad at least?"


"Aren't you sad even if you are sad? You must not be telling the truth to me."

Roy was looking up, and he could see that she didn't believe this at all.

“How much a person values ​​something and cares about a goal, he will be very sad when he fails to achieve what he wants, especially when there is a person who had the ability to help him, but in the end failed to understand him or help him.”

Fan Ning was silent for a while, then slowly said:

"Miss Roy, I actually understood this truth when I was very young."

He was actually referring to his previous life as a student.

“What a person values ​​or pursues may very well be worthless in the eyes of others.”

Roy was startled when he heard this.

Fan Ning picked up the guitar that was lying next to him, lowered his head and plucked the strings but made no sound:

"The tickets you bought by scrimping and saving money, the concert you spent several hours driving to get to. Others have channels to directly get free tickets and a special car to pick you up directly, but they may not even listen to it and directly miss the performance time. , or resell the tickets and give them away to others;

For a piece of music that you have worked so hard to practice, some people really want to hear you play it but have no chance, and some people are sitting next to your piano but playing with their own things with their heads down;

A place evokes your memories, a poem makes you smile, and a performance brings tears to your eyes. It is obviously because of the nostalgia of old times or pure artistic touch, but some people will only think that it must be due to The 'feeling between a man and a woman' when you see something and miss someone else, and he/she may still be your good friend or lover. "

"Furthermore, this is not at all because of how good you are, how unique your taste is, or how rich your spiritual world is, nor is it because of how bad others are, or how vulgar their taste is, or how spiritual they are. The world is so lacking, just because you are not others and others are not you.”

"The things you cherish and long for may be as light as dust in the eyes of others. Therefore, I will never ask others to carry my own thoughts and move forward. That is very self-righteous and smart."

"So the reverse is also true, right?" Roy asked softly at this time.

"What do you mean?" Fan Ning was confused.

"Your careless thoughts may be regarded as their own in the eyes of others."

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