Old-time musicians

The second movement: The flowers in the field tell me (8): Famous piano (two in one)

"The Order of the Holy Injury is indeed an organization active among the indigenous people of the former Southern Continent."

"In the early days of the United Principality, they had been declared heretics by the Fanghui Temple and announced that they had been effectively eliminated. However, in fact, their actions were very secretive and low-key, until the golden age of the three order-executives of the Bologna sect where I once lived. era, and the last traces of intermittent activity remain.”

"Compared to organizations like the Immortal Esoteric Cult, most of them just instigate believers to dig holes in their own or other people's minds. Although some of them go crazy and occasionally die, they are not that extreme after all, and they are not as deadly as the Immortal Esoteric Cult. "

On the church's auditorium, Joan slowly walked in circles around Fan Ning while reminiscing.

"They worship the 'Tong Mother', an unknown origin god. Some believers believe that she is the origin god, but there is a lack of strong secret history evidence. She is the embodiment of wounds and insight. Wounds are the will of the world. is synonymous with doors, so she is considered to have considerable authority to 'guard the doors', and wounds create changes, which are related to things such as pain and blood. From these aspects, it is speculated that she should be in charge of the 'key' and ' Chi' two phases..."

So, in the Southern Continent, whether it is the Fanghui Temple of the Zhengshen Church or the two secret organizations, the Joyful Listening Society and the Holy Wound Order, the Lords of Witness they enshrine are all involved in the "Chi" phase?

As Fan Ning digested this secret knowledge, he found that the world was too vast and the history was too complicated. There were always secret organizations or witnesses that he didn't know much about, and it might even be difficult to exhaust them in his lifetime.

"What is the dream of the 'Cracking Field' like? Do you remember some related scenes?" he asked.

Joan once mentioned the experience of accidentally entering this secret realm related to the "child mother". It was a terrible feeling. Normally there was no need for her to recall it, but now she must try to dig out all possible information.

"It was a near-death experience that lasted for several years. The body and consciousness were torn apart. After luckily waking up, non-existent wounds all over the body were in severe pain. When the thinking was slightly complicated, the brain was like a knife. There was no chance to take advantage of the forgetfulness. I recorded the dream immediately from the beginning... What I can describe now is that it is full of bright and sharp things, which may be plant-like or wire vines. They are constantly rotating, intertwining, and grinding, and then, there are There are many wells beneath the surface.”

"Well?" This made Fan Ning a little confused.

"One of the most common totems of the Order of the Holy Injury is the 'well'." Qiong said, "The indigenous well language of the southern continent is an ancient language they use to communicate with the 'child mother'. They believe that only by chanting prayers in the well can they Call on the greatest divine power... The existence of the well destroys the integrity of the earth's surface, so in a sense, the well, the wound and the door are three in one..."

While Fan Ning was trying to figure out these meanings, he remembered a character mentioned in the third origin story of Fang Hui poet, a priestess "born from a well and a wound".

Perhaps the priestess is a metaphor for the "child mother" here, and...

“Drilling holes into an otherwise intact skull, does that destroy the integrity of the skull?”

"This is really a very typical wound." Fan Ning's words also awakened Qiong.

Perhaps, the Holy Injury Order's folk custom of drilling holes in the skulls of themselves or their believers is an important link in their "well" of tribute totems.

If there are a few people who have indeed greatly increased their inspiration through this method, and even gained the ability to "communicate with gods and summon spirits", perhaps these people can be regarded as knowledgeable people who have been promoted due to contact with the secrets of the "child mother".

"Interestingly, the Order of the Holy Injury has objectively made a contribution to the cause of human art." Joan's next words made Fan Ning even more confused.


"They're good at making instruments."

"Piano?" Fan Ning was puzzled.

"Specifically refers to musical instruments mainly made of holes in wood or metal." Joan shook her head.

"Like a violin? Or a guitar?"

"Well, what even many great musicians don't know is that there are many world-famous antique pianos today, such as the violin's 'Ferdinando', Sol's 'Ruby', Gunery's 'Mountain Pine', and the classical guitar's Yin Lilian', 'Feasting Beast', well, there are actually flutes, such as the long-lost 'Star Track' in the Western Continent... The ancestors of the violin-making family behind them all had connections with this secret organization. Inextricably linked..."

"These antique musical instruments not only allow the master to stand taller, but they are themselves extraordinary items of high status, containing extremely secret and amazing invisible power. If I can own a 'Star Track' one day, I will definitely do so in the future. He is the best flutist in the world." Joan's original tone had been calm and cool, but when she said this, she finally revealed a hint of girlish eagerness.

"..." Fan Ning's eyes widened when he heard the connection between the names of these familiar musical instruments and the unfamiliar names of secret organizations.

He had talked with Sheeran a little about the issue of famous or antique musical instruments before, but not much.

The main problem is that this was far from what I could afford financially at that time. Later, even with the Turner Art Hall's net worth, it was not yet. It was not until after the New Year this year that profitability skyrocketed again, and this problem became more realistic. , but later on, all my body and mind were focused on the "Second Symphony", until unexpected changes occurred on the premiere day, and there was nothing to follow.

What is the concept of the price of these pianos?

First, let’s use the luxury and noble musical instruments that are common in people’s minds as a base: the price of the “Diva” and “Golden Apollonia” models of the Virsa harp is between 1,000 and 4,000 pounds, and the price of the “Boethius” nine-foot piano from mass production to custom-made models is between 3,000 and 10,000 pounds, which is already the standard of professional concert halls, and it is an astronomical figure for an ordinary family for a lifetime.

The “Yin Lilian” six-string guitar used by the classical guitar master Tone of the South Continent in the last century, after being lost, the reward amount in the current art world is 450,000 pounds! Another classical guitar “Feasting Beast” enshrined in the Temple of Fragrant Flowers is considered to be “more valuable than the entire church building itself”. For example, the contemporary Western Continent violin master Meyerbeer uses a “Mountain Pine” made by the Guneri violin making family, which has a market value of 600,000 pounds!

Violin masters like Meyerbeer are already quite wealthy in the secular world, but he can't afford the "Mountain Pine". In fact, even a single noble or factory owner class can hardly afford it. 70% of the famous violins in the world are led by the royal family, school, church or musicians' association, and the masters have agreed on the support and use plan. A big force can only connect with one or two masters, and the maintenance and insurance costs involved are huge expenses.

So in a sense, the piano has raised the middle and high digits of the price of musical instruments, but the ceiling is really completely blown away by instruments such as violins.

"I suddenly feel that the connection between the two is both absurd and reasonable." Fanning said after a long pause, "You just said that the doctrine related to the 'child mother' believes that the well, the wound and the door are one to some extent. Then the Holy Wounded Order drills wells on the ground, drills holes in the skull, and drills holes in the wood of musical instruments. Perhaps it is essentially the same kind of tribute program, which is a link to activate some kind of mystical factors?"

"So when this secret organization went silent, there was no such antique famous piano." Qiong lowered her head and stroked her flute.

"Then this thing is also?..." Fanning couldn't help but raise his arm, he held the extraordinary string with purple light flashing.

"It was brought out by accident by me in the 'cracking field' with the subconscious of purple bean cake. Later, I realized and activated its function after regaining consciousness. But whether it is related to a famous piano is unknown..."

"Have you been using it?" Qiong asked casually.

Fanning said, "Hmm":

"I installed it on a guitar as a D string."

"What kind of guitar?"

"...an ordinary guitar."

Joan turned her flute again: "Actually, the most expensive brands of various musical instruments today are all inherited. They all come from the real descendants of those violin-making families. Their sound quality and function are worthy of the high price, and they can also bear slight extraordinary transformations..."

"But even with the advanced industrial technology today, they can't surpass their ancestors. The most advanced musical instruments are still those that were born two or three hundred years ago. After the danger of competing for the fruit is completely resolved, I will go to the Western Continent to investigate my life experience and see if I can find the lost flute "Star Track"..."

"What's wrong with your expression?" She suddenly found Fanning's expression a little lonely while narrating.

"Are you regretting that there are no more famous pianos being born nowadays?"

"Or are you regretting that your favorite piano does not have such a rare thing?"

"It's not the same thing. The modern piano is a new thing. It has a history of less than 200 years and has no intersection with the activities of the Holy Wounded Order. If you have a chance, you can really go to the Western Continent to see the famous ancient pianos such as harpsichords and wedge-hammer harpsichords. You can also try the organ that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Church of St. Perto's Sun. Although they are difficult to interpret romantic works, they can perfectly show the divinity of religious music in the Middle Ages."

Fanning looked at the empty long bench under the stage: "I suddenly remembered that I promised Sheeran that I would help her find an antique violin she likes when the conditions are met."

The implication is that if the Turner Art Hall can continue to grow in his hands, perhaps the conditions will be met next year or the year after, but without his own hosting, this is likely to be a "year after year" thing that ends in vain, and Sheeran himself cannot empty all cash flow to get himself an antique violin.

Joan was silent for a while and then said, "This kind of thing is close to 'reaching for the stars'. She won't treat it as an ordinary thing and wait for you to fulfill it."

"But you can do some other things you promised her. You can think about it..." She regretted it halfway through.

I don't know why my brain suddenly twitched.

Who told me what and when? How can I explain this?

And it's in such a wandering situation.

Fanning stared at the direction of the organ platform where he just came down. After a while, he slowly asked:

"Do you have any good ideas that can help trace back to the person or place where Weien performed the skull drilling operation at that time?"

As expected, he still has a big heart... Qiong secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "As far as the operation is concerned, it is naturally to investigate the relevant clues of the Holy Injury Order, such as the ruins of the 'well', or to find out where the operation was performed. It's better'... But the token of this matter is the 'gel fetal membrane', which may also involve the Fanghui Temple or the Pleasure Listening Society. After all, these three knowledgeable organizations in the Southern Continent are all related to 'Chi' Related, it is also a manifestation of the law of entanglement in secret history.”

Under her touch, a stronger ray of divinity than before adhered to the extraordinary strings, and its purple light had even begun to leave traces of infection in the air.

"Be more careful."

Fan Ning nodded slightly after taking the strings: "Take a look."

At the end of the second conversation, two stacks of booklets bound with the Skin of the End appeared in his hands, with a separate note between them.

"You always write so fast, making it difficult for others to catch up with you." Joan took it and began to flip through it, "These are the two vocal suites you mentioned last time, "The Beautiful Mill Girl" and "The Poet's Love" "?"

"The Beautiful Mill Girl" and "Winter Journey" are both works by Schubert. The text also comes from the poet Müller's long poem of the same name. It consists of 20 relatively independent and integrated art songs. The whole poem is also It tells a sad story of "palace love":

An energetic young man full of fantasy was hired as a miller while wandering and fell in love with the mill owner's daughter. However, his loyalty did not really touch the heart of the miller's daughter. Instead, she fell in love with a hunter. The misfortune of losing love caused the young miller to suffer extreme suffering and sorrow, and finally he threw himself into the clear river and died. .

"The Poet's Love" written by another romantic master, Robert Schumann, has a different tone. That year, he and Clara, who had been in love for many years, overcame numerous obstacles and finally entered the palace of marriage. He selected 16 poems of the same name by Heine to compose this set of art songs, which have been passed down to the world as his happy, passionate and deep love diary.

This is exactly part of Fan Ning's plan for the Masters Singer finals. He will first let Miss Nightingale use the "Winterreise" record to build momentum, then use "Song of Lucter" to open up the scene, and finally use "Beautiful Mill Girl" and "The Poet" These two sets of "Love" are also works that stand at the top of the history of vocal music art in the past, allowing the audience and judges to listen to it happily all at once.

Moreover, experiencing a process of "from pain to sweetness" satisfies the general public's reverie about the happiness that love should have.

"So, I need to trouble you to create some 'past impressions' of these two works in the Western Continent." Fan Ning said, "Of course, it is not the breadth of the public level, but the private emotional experience. In addition to music, There is no need to stress over other details of getting along, as long as this can be done, it will be enough to convince the Special Patrol Office during the investigation. "

"Using some dreams or spiritual hints to implant some memories with a short timeline, and most of them are limited to music, it's not very difficult." Qiong closed the music book and slowly looked at Fan Ning's separate note. The "arrangement" message left behind immediately turned into a strange look on his face——

"Are you getting too many 'ex-girlfriends'?"

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