Old-time musicians

Movement 3: The animals in the forest told me (9): They (two in one)

"Baton?..." Bribery

"No, impossible!!"

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Fan Ning's heart was already filled with a huge wave of emotions because he thought of something when he saw only half of the letter.

He couldn't think of any other possibilities. Such a coincidence was completely unreal, but if it was "Old Days", the whole story was also unreal!

Why did Vien have "Old Days" in his hand at that time?

Didn't "Old Days" come from the Qiming Church?

Did Vien go to the Qiming Church? How did he get there? Where did he get the sign? ? ?

"Compared to the doubts about the source, the more dangerous reality is" Fan Ning, holding the letter, tightened his knuckles and continued to look down. Bribery

"Therefore, I suggest you stop indulging in the memory of playing that piece immediately, because its creation is also related to my baton, which is probably the reason why you feel your creative inspiration is blocked"

"Forgive me for not being able to explain the connection clearly in a short time. In short, if you have connections, please help me destroy the score circulating in the music circle as much as possible. For the baton involving supernatural things, I will also take some emergency measures immediately..." (Louis Vienne, January 5, 876)

After reading several relatively long letters, the information becomes more scattered as the timeline goes on.

"The intense headache and mumbling are like the soul being boiled and then licked and torn back and forth with an iron brush." ​​(Louis Vienne, February 16, 876)

"Don't go to that place, it is a forbidden area for the church. Judging from the current bad situation, the "reminder" left by your "friend" is also malicious." (Esta Thorn, February 20, 876)

"On the night of the final decision, I don't think the pain there can be greater than the current one, and the danger can be higher than the current one. Is there anything more terrifying than death in the world?" (Louis Vienne, February 2, 876) 5th)

(No signatures below, only time, maybe all are Esta Thorn) Bribery

"Don't go to that place. From our normal cognition, pain and death are the upper limit of fear, but that place is not within the scope of normal cognition." (March 3, 876)

"Don't go to that place." (March 6, 876)

"Don't go to that place." (March 20, 876)

"I haven't received a reply for several months. The messenger inquired about the residence but no one was there. I prayed that the "Fragrant Poet" would not withdraw His touch. Recently, my ability to move has recovered a little. I took a small walk in the courtyard. I can still support myself, but I am easily tired. ” (April 10, 876)

“I’m back. █████ maybe? ? ?” (Fanning couldn’t be sure who gave this one to whom, because most of the content was blacked out and the signature was crossed out as an ink blob, it should be April 12)

“I heard that you plan to return to your country in three days, and I hope to visit you before you leave.” (April 18, 876)

“Then I wish you all the best.” (April 21, 876) Bribe

“Has your illness been relieved after returning to your hometown? After months of reflection, I think that composers should not attribute the danger of creation to external circumstances. At least before the heart disease breaks out, I will ensure that the last few songs are born smoothly, I can't do anything about the plan of composing a large sonata, so I might as well let it go. "(September 10, 876)

"In a sense, pure performers are happier. They only need to enjoy the intoxicating performance of outstanding works, without being sad about the blockage of inspiration." (April 10, 877)

"The scenery of the sea of ​​flowers gives people a sweet and sad impression, which is too similar to my fate." (July 30, 877)

"People are always wandering, so tired. Maybe this is death?" (December 15, 877)

In general, the following chapters are very short.

Weien seemed to have been considering listening to someone's "memorandum" and going to a dangerous place to relieve his further deterioration. Thorn kept persuading him not to go, thinking that his "friend" was malicious and would make the situation worse.

From the perspective of the aftermath, Weien did not encounter any danger. He returned home smoothly and later lived ten years longer than the younger Thorn. Bribery

But strangely, the closer it was to his return, the less Vien replied.

This made Ton's letters gradually sink into the nature of a "soliloquy" diary. Fanning even suspected that the master had never sent some of the content, otherwise they would not have remained here until the master himself died of a heart attack caused by overwork in early 878.

Did Vien go to that dangerous place? It is impossible to judge. Did the two have a conversation on the eve of returning home? It is also impossible to judge - the correspondence was interrupted and one-way, but it is possible that the data was lost, or that he visited directly in the middle of writing the letter.

If these revealed information are linked to Master Rückert's casual recollection of "I still saw Vien three to five years later", it would be even stranger and more contradictory.

The daytime in midsummer is very long, and it is already slightly bright at five in the morning.

Fanning sat on the sofa in the reception room without moving.

"Regardless of why Vien was able to go to the Church of Enlightenment to obtain or return the 'Old Days', this still needs further investigation to supplement other information." Bribery

"At least, the problem of 'old days' pollution does exist. These two people worked together in the 'Awakening Song' concert. One was a composer and conductor, and the other was perhaps a more inspired harpist. Both were polluted."

"But what I can't understand is"

"Why are the symptoms of the two people's pollution completely different?"

"Vien has severe headaches, delirium, and hallucinations. These symptoms are common symptoms of pollution, but the reason for 'having an attack when listening to music' is a bit strange. Is it like this for any music? Indiscriminate stress allergy?"

"Master Thorn's situation is really hard to understand. Why is it affecting his creative inspiration?"

"Then I myself..."

"Whether it was because of the 'old days' or other hidden knowledge, I did have some moments of mental impairment or physical discomfort before, but it seems that the situation is not as serious as theirs. I listen to music almost every day and think about composing every day." Bribery

"Is the 'old days' now different from those then? Or am I different from them in some way? Or am I a third type of pollution different from them, and the danger is still lurking in the stage that has not yet erupted?"

From late at night to early morning, time passed by minute by minute. When the bell of the messenger rang outside the villa, Fanning realized that it had dawned.

Massenegu is very dedicated. He visited once last night and sent someone to deliver the latest news in the morning.

Fanning stood by the door and rinsed his mouth while looking at the half-sheet of light yellow letter paper cut into a rectangle in his hand.

The image of this knight commander is flawless in all aspects. The last time Fanning saw such an elegant handwriting was Roy's letter.

"You must be careful when eating crabs and pigeons in the future, but mushrooms are edible."

"The party started at night, and the people were arrested in the middle of the night. There were many people who begged for mercy, paid rewards, and lobbied. Many people were released soon after. There are far more followers who love and are loyal to them than you can imagine. When I have a higher title and the time is right, I will criticize this phenomenon in the current society. What is the difference between this behavior and a lapdog who likes to lick people?" Bribery

"In the last century, there were still some formal hospitals that provided skull drilling surgery, but they have been banned one by one in the past 20 years. At present, I can only provide you with some small towns that once had a good reputation. They are all in the jurisdiction of the Paradog Islands. You may go to the local vendors and workshops to inquire further: Gok Elan, St. Nicholas, St. Archie, Fort Vennecajov..."

"In addition, if you feel that the efficiency of the intelligence is satisfactory, you are welcome to pay more."

Fanning's eyes naturally stayed on the word "St. Archie" for a long time.

It was the place name of the violin-making family represented by the terrifying emblem on the back of the "Illyrian" violin.

I bumped into it again.

It was the same before. Not long after Fanning found the place name "Lowland Tizahi Paimia" in the display of the former residence of Thorn, Marseillegu brought the information containing the same place name. It seems that there is also a vague feeling before that.

Does it mean that things are coincidental? No. "Coincidence" means that unexpected discoveries provide you with angles that you would not have thought of before, but here... it seems to be the opposite. Whether it is the address of the villa or Saint Agenie, even if there is no information that comes later, Fanning will probably still investigate. Bribery

It seems like there is a feeling of "whatever you think of will appear"?

"Teacher, good morning, you didn't sleep last night?" Luna, wearing light-colored loose pajamas, stood in the side corridor and stretched to greet.

"Sleep on the way." Fanning spit out the mouthwash after a few gulps.

"On the way?"

"I'm going out soon."

"Ah, now, where to?" Luna looked surprised.

"Towards the Paradogos Islands." Fanning walked directly back to the living room, put "Illyrian" on his back, and began to pack his belongings into a small bag. Bribery

Including those letters and materials that may need further study and comparison.

"Doesn't that mean you're going on a long journey?" The little girl followed him in quickly, watching him packing things in the house, and bit her lips gently.

"Can I go with you?" Ann's clear voice floated from the stairwell, and she was still tying her hair with both hands.

"Reason?" Fanning glanced at her.

"I want to go, and your students want to go." Miss Nightingale's answer was surprisingly simple.

"You need to go to the city in the morning to record "Winter Journey." Fanning said.

"Let's go now. The recording will be finished in two hours. The Paradogos Islands are in the north. You need to go to the city and the port to cross the Goralado Inland Sea." An's expression was full of smiles, and Luna stood aside and looked at the two of them eagerly. Bribe

"Isn't there only more than ten days before the finals?"

"So you need to follow the teacher."

Fanning looked at her for a few seconds, pulled the guitar behind him, and stepped out of the door of the living room again:

"Ten minutes to pack up, Luna will come with you."

"Ah! Me too?" The little girl who had been silent before reacted more intensely than An, and she jumped up with joy.

In fact, Fanning considered the current safety of the "discolored one" and initially planned to let Luna follow him. On the contrary, An's request made him think about it more.

If the situation is not complicated, Walter, a knowledgeable person who has just entered the high level, is enough to protect his junior sister, but it is really hard to say now, especially in the famous singer competition, An and Renila are still in the competition. Bribe

The group's departure efficiency was very high, and soon they got on the car that the Falla Records Company had been waiting for a long time.

The efficiency of recording "Winter Journey" was also very high. For such a small company that took advantage of the strong support of the discussion group, the service brought by the excessive concentration of resources made Fanning feel that it was no worse than the former Northern Continent. Even the time period from production to promotion and release might be shorter than the expedited processing of Hoffman Records.

The profit-sharing plan they provided was also very sincere: the composer, pianist and soprano each accounted for 15% of the commission, and the record company, which bore the operating and production costs, only accounted for more than half. It was determined to follow the intention of the discussion group to give profits to the artists in exchange for the opening of the market and further cooperation in the future.

However, the composer still showed his indifferent and meaningless troubadour style.

"My Lord, are there really people in this world who are 'not interested in money'?"

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Duke Faya, dressed in gorgeous clothes, personally went to Tia City to lead the team. He watched the artists who had finished recording their records leave by car. The record company executives around him finally couldn't help but ask questions.

Mr. Scheller actually took away his share of the money in the name of "the money is too heavy to carry" and "too lazy to count"! So the two students became 5% bribes each

"I also found it difficult to understand at first, but if you have better eyesight, you can see it--" Duke Faya responded with a smile that showed that he was in an unusually good mood. He had completely recovered from the incident of his daughter inexplicably crossing the red line at the party.

"The guitar that Mr. Scheller was carrying when he was walking around in front of everyone turned out to be the long-lost 'Illyrian' from Master Thorn! It turns out that this guitar is in his hands! Do you know how much it is worth?"

"450,000 pounds!" Duke Faya gestured, "How could he be interested in this money?... To earn this guitar with the price of 20 pounds and the 15% share, you have to sell 150,000 records! Just one guitar!! Do you think that our small South Continent company can sell two and a half 'Resurrections' or ten 'Aria Variations' this time?..."

A group of senior executives and dignitaries around him were stunned by the Duke's words.

"My Lord Duke, I roughly understand why Mr. Scheller despises the share, but why did he take the wooden sofa in our company's reception room before leaving?"

"This, this I really don't know..." Duke Faya's face choked as he watched the car leave.

As for Walter, he naturally had no objection to such a good thing as pie falling from the sky, but what he didn't understand was... Bribery

How come everyone disappeared after recording a record?

"Practice your piano accompaniment first, and do your best in the finals." The teacher said before leaving, as if he was the one participating in the famous singer competition.

However, this is not the first or second time.

With the magical experience of "Awakening Chant" in front, Walter shrugged his shoulders and prepared to go to the former music director to "inspect" the band's work.

Fanning rushed to the Paradogos Islands very quickly.

Although he brought two students to protect, he hardly communicated along the way.

He didn't explain what he was going to do, nor did he take any carriage or ship. Bribery

"Swoosh-" "Swoosh-" "Hula hula..."

The two girls couldn't believe the situation they were in.

They sat on a wooden sofa, huddled together nervously. Luna still held the small black umbrella against the wind, but both of them stared at the turbulent ocean currents and reefs passing by. The waves wet their shoes and calves from time to time, and were immediately dried by the scorching sun and high temperature.

Fanning sat next to them, holding a guitar, leaning back on the sofa, looking straight ahead.

"Saint Archene, the violin-making family that created 'Illyrian'... That's right, the worshippers of the Mother of Eyes are good at making violins and drilling holes. Things are a little too neat. Could it be that there is a hospital or sanatorium where Vien once lived?"

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