Old-time musicians

The fourth movement: Humans tell me (5): Hospital construction plan (two in one)

"A completely puzzling way." Sheeran commented.

The actions of ordinary secret organizations or secret cults are generally inseparable from such a routine: spreading strange and chaotic things among the people, setting up secret gathering points, attracting acquaintances to join the cult, grabbing activity funds, plundering extraordinary resources, and then secretly holding rituals to please evil gods, indulge in luxury or seek promotion.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

No matter how "holy" or "unworldly" it is packaged, it still needs people, money, and things, and it is inseparable from "sociality".

So people can't figure out what this organization means by deceiving people into the abnormal area, and what part of the routine it is.

But the next moment, Fanning and June's eyes met.

He understood that the other party probably thought of the same thing as him at the same time.

——Back then, Weien also ignored Thorn's dissuasion and finally chose to follow the advice of the so-called "traveler friend" to go to a dangerous place to relieve the pollution pain brought by the "old days".

——Further ahead, "Miss Purple Bean Cake" was also facing the collapse curse of the heavenly evil, and when she had no time to find a way to turn it around, she had no choice but to choose to exile herself in the abnormal area.

Fanning can only guess that the abnormal area may involve the collapse of certain rules. If a person's situation under normal natural rules is already a disaster, why not go to a place that subverts the natural rules?

When the body is already full of tumors, it can only rely on chemotherapy to barely survive, and when the mind knows that the pollution is irreversible, it can only be distorted into the ancient Chaniz language that makes the consciousness more confused... Similar to these "fighting poison with poison" practices?

But this still cannot explain the purpose of the instigation of the "Snake" organization.

"That's all for Mr. F's analysis for now."

Fanning paced the side of the podium, and after the image of Scriabin in his past life flashed through his mind, he added:

"From now on, whether it's Sheeran who presides over the old symphony orchestra, or Luo Yin who has the entire Northern Continent Academy behind him, please pay more attention to the 'avant-garde' trends at the forefront of serious music creation around the world."

"Frontier of creation? Avant-garde?" Sheeran repeated these two words, "Carron, are you talking about the impressionism you supported before?"

"No." Luo Yin shook his head, "I guess he meant to see if there will be some works using 'mysterious chords' in the music world in the future, because this may represent some new trends of Mr. F and the secret organization."

"It's bigger than this range." Fanning emphasized, "all contemporary music works that are more radical than the impressionist style...if they are discovered."

When he said this, he had a strange idea.

Strictly speaking, Scriabin's "Mystical Chord" system in his previous life was also integrated, developed, and created from European Romanticism, French Impressionism, Russian Impressionism, and then his own mystical thoughts.

And the current timeline: I traveled to an old industrial world in the Romantic period, and then promoted the development of Impressionism, and then, this "Snake" organization entered the vision of the Special Patrol Office?

Although the current era is a fierce confrontation of humanistic thoughts and drastic changes in artistic styles, why do I feel like I have played a role like a catalyst?

"Okay." Although the two did not fully understand what Fanning wanted, they still agreed.

"The second topic is the progress of the chain cinema." Fanning said.

"We have discussed it thoroughly." Luo Yin smiled happily, "How about, Shilan come and share with everyone our 'Turner Art Hall and Old Music Academy Chain Theater Establishment Plan'."

"Ah! Let the senior sister talk about it." Shilan hurriedly declined, "I... I am not as organized as the senior sister when talking about such complex and systematic things."

"Okay, it's not complicated, after all, the most critical source of start-up funds is no longer a problem, and the rest is nothing more than the management structure, the source of teachers, the market strategy and the execution time nodes."

"As for the management structure, according to the headquarters-county town-urban/small town-block/small town, the subsidiaries are registered at three levels, the lowest is the urban/small town level, and the most basic block/small town art station belongs to the third level Subsidiary management..."

"The headquarters has one principal and three vice-principals, and the relevant personnel have been negotiated. If... I am allowed to be the dean, then I will preside over the work and be responsible for contacting the academic faction; Xilan's work focus is on the old symphony orchestra, so she will only serve as the vice-president here, in charge of the construction and operation of orchestras at all levels; the second vice-president is Olga, in charge of personnel and finance and other administrative work; the third vice-president is Lu, in charge of venue construction, transportation and logistics, and government relations. Well, if this part is spread out, the workload is not small. The site selection, operation and maintenance of grassroots sites, and the application for subsidies for art venues are all extremely heavy and trivial matters..."

Luo Yin explained her division of labor plan in a few words and glanced in the direction of Qiong.

"If I can go back, I will continue to be the principal flute. I don't know other positions, but I can help when there is a fight with other orchestras." The purple-skirted girl stood against the podium, one leg bent back, and stepped barefoot on the wall.

"Okay..." Luo Yin smiled, "The issue of the source of teachers is also very clear. Behind me is the Imperial Public School under the jurisdiction of the Bologna School, and behind the operator of the Kaplan Art Fund is the City College and the Guidance School. For elementary schools, teachers can be invited from these two aspects. I have already confirmed my intentions with many artists, including several masters, and Sir Viadrin... However, the people on my side are few but skilled, and I mainly focus on the county. For theaters, the guidance school focuses more on filling the second-tier cities/small towns, and recruiting and managing prestigious country musicians in the third-tier neighborhoods/towns..."

"In terms of market strategy, to put it bluntly, it is about how to ensure a sustained balance of payments. My idea is that in addition to retaining the 'Born to Philharmonic' popular concerts, the county theater chain will generally continue the current high consumption level of the Turner Hall headquarters. . As for the lower level of the site, it adopts the nature of "differential appropriation". It must have some profitability, but it must also rely on the superior art fund to ensure a certain degree of public welfare... In terms of student enrollment, the county and city increase the number of admissions by examination. ratio, but still retains a considerable quota of 'recommendation letters + school establishment fees', and aristocratic families at all levels who are willing to pay do not have to refuse, while the grassroots 'training stations' lower the threshold and focus on the improvement of interests and accomplishments..."

"In terms of execution time points, since Ufranser is both the headquarters and the county town, we only need to build two levels downwards. After the entire framework is set up here, we can consider expanding to Fort Santalan first, and then to another one. The royal cities of three countries..."

"The only thing I didn't mention is the operating cost, because once the stall is spread out, the asset management, labor costs and internal losses involved will increase exponentially, and the variables may be very large. There is no reference value in forcing a calculation now, and we can only wait and see. After Fransel's frame is set up, he will make on-site calculations... But there is no need to worry too much. Our start-up capital of 2 million pounds can cover any variable no matter how big it is. If it exceeds expectations by too much, it will just slow down the pace of subsequent expansion... …”

"Fan Ning... Sir, the report is over. Hey, now that you are gone, I don't even know what position you should be called at work." Luo Yin took a deep breath after saying that, behind his hands, his eyelashes fluttered, and he looked like a groom. Looking ready to boast.

Of course, she was also prepared for the other party to ask in-depth questions about some details.

Fan Ning looked at her face, rolled his eyes a few times, and then asked a question with a smile:

"Do your parents agree?"

"Ah!? What do you mean..."

Luo Yin was stunned at first, but looking at the other person's smile, he gradually understood and waved his hand pretending to be relaxed:

"After all, we have to get their consent, so planning comes first."

As the eldest daughter of the MacAdam family, what field Luo Yin will devote her main energy to after graduation is related to the direction of the entire Bologna School. For such a major decision, she needs the support of her parents and even the consultant behind the school.

In fact, this career itself is a good thing. Her status as the director of a theater chain and an old conservatory is worthy of her talent and status, and the linkage between the Bologna School and the Guidance School behind it is also worth mentioning.

The problem lies in what happened between Fan Ning and the Special Patrol Office.

Although the public welfare nature of the Kaplan Art Fund is impeccable in the establishment of such a high-profile network-like venue, if Luo Yin comes forward to preside over the old conservatory, the relationship between the Bologna School and the Special Tour Hall may become delicate in the future.

From the perspective of the entire family and school, she really couldn't decide this matter based on wishful thinking.

"The construction plan is very good, there are no other problems." Fan Ning said at this time, "However, for the venues built at other sites, I suggest that the names of Turner Art Hall and the Old Conservatory of Music be temporarily removed, and only the names of the venues built at other sites are emphasized. Just join the Lun Art Foundation. Of course, if your academic teachers join, you can also focus on promoting it.”


Luo Yin's eyes widened now, "In this case, wouldn't this matter have almost nothing to do with your previous business brand?" "

In this way, the resistance to persuasion is reduced, but the nature has completely changed!

Yes, that's right, the name of the Kaplan Art Fund is "Kaplan", but don't forget that the main source of funds now is the income related to the "Second Symphony". Kaplan is the conductor, But Fanning is also a composer!

It is equivalent to one party paying to build a library and paying extra to hire teachers from the other party to teach, but the result is completely to make the other party famous, accumulate fame, and cultivate talents!

"You have to understand that the most important thing about this music career that will benefit Qianqiu is to start it with as little resistance as possible." Fan Ning smiled calmly.

"There is no need to be so aggressive, as if I am promoting my influence virally. It is not important. What is important is that the local people will benefit from it after the museum is built, and those donors who have supported this cause and Artists, we also want them to be rewarded with the moral reputation and promotion they deserve.”

"History doesn't lie."

There was light shining in Luo Yin's blue eyes, and he seemed to want to speak, but Fan Ning raised his hand, indicating that it was time to move on to the next topic.

"Are you almost ready for the concert season for the first anniversary of Turner Hall?" He looked towards Sheeran.

"Congreve and Olga have made a very detailed plan." Sheeran said, "In terms of time, tickets will be sold from the end of September, and the symphony will start in mid-October. The symphony will mainly be my father's complete set of nine symphonies, both live and on record. As for solos, my "Violin Suite" and Luo Yin's "Cello Composition" will be the heavyweight tracks for the premiere..."

"Mr. Fanning, I... I don't know how to describe these two works you left behind." Luo Yin made a solemn comment at this time, "I say it elevates the string solo, Or the appeal of chamber music is not enough, and it is not enough to say that it perfectly carries forward the legacy of late medieval music. It simply expands and sublimates the artistic boundaries of the two instruments, violin and cello! "

"My plan is to rely on it to achieve "Forging Lion" as soon as possible."

Fanning looked normal, thinking about whether there was anything missing and then said:

"By the way, another important part of the first anniversary music season should be Sir Viadrin's piano solo..."

He raised his hand, and three thick music scores floated in front of Sheeran and Luo Yin.

"Upper, middle and lower volumes, what are so many things? ... "32 Piano Sonatas"? "Several people could not hide their surprised eyes.

That's right, Fanning was preparing to let President Viadrin bring Beethoven's complete piano sonatas to the world.

In the previous life, the historical status of this collection of music can be summed up in one word - the "New Testament" of piano keyboard works, and the corresponding "Old Testament" is Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier".

Well, anyway, the replica of the president on the Blue Star, the piano maniac Liszt's teacher was Czerny, and Czerny's teacher was Beethoven. It is reasonable to break through the master level threshold by playing the works of the ancestor.

"Please also hand it over to Sir Viadrin in the name of 'the manuscripts left by Director Fanning before he bid farewell to the music industry'. The premiere of this set of "32 Piano Sonatas" should be the focus of publicity... The president's reputation had reached the peak of "Forging Lion" long before he retired from the performance industry. Now he has been promoted to a profound person, and after so many years of precipitation, this work will help him finally become a "New Moon"..."

Fanning's calculations were clacking in his mind. Viadrin was the chief piano consultant of the old symphony orchestra.

"Okay." Shilan agreed immediately.

She thought for a moment and said, "Caroen, didn't you suggest that I stay sensitive to the international art market? I think there's a record worth paying attention to in the music industry recently."

"Oh, what?"

"Winter Journey."

Fanning and Joan looked at each other again, and the other's expression was full of "You continue while I listen."

Sheeran continued to explain, "This is a vocal suite. The composer is Scheller, an unknown troubadour in the southern continent, and the soprano Anne Chretien is even more unknown. But what caught my attention was its piano accompaniment Walter. This Walter is a famous conductor in the western continent. This time he won the annual championship in the southern continent and was promoted to "Forging Lion". But the key is that he won the championship under the guidance of this Scheller!"

Her eyes floated all over Fanning, and she analyzed very seriously, "This shows that this Scheller is not only quite accomplished in art songs, but may even be as good as Caroen in the field of symphony..."

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