Old-time musicians

The Fifth Movement The Angel Told Me (6): Zarathustra (two in one)

"Don't you object?"

"He was the only audience member who made Miss Nightingale cry before."

As soon as Fan Ning said this, someone from the back of the auditorium immediately glared "viciously" at the people around him. The latter were some fans who had been accused of giving flowers to "peach songs" before.

In fact, these people have a tendency to "change their minds" later on, or secretly feel lucky that "Fortunately, Miss Nightingale survived the competition without any danger." So when faced with the questioning looks of those around them, they can't help but feel guilty and deny one after another:

"I'm not." "I'm not."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Anyway, everyone's bouquets are on now, so there is no such thing as refusing to admit it.

It didn't take long for the light spots of immortal nectar to gather into "tails" and "wings". When Miss Nightingale finished her curtain call and stood upright again, they instantly turned into dust and light smoke and disappeared.

Also disappearing with it were the bloody flames that had gathered on Renyla's body.

It is almost two o'clock in the morning, and all the bouquets, air, number plates, and people's heterogeneous colors have returned to normal, which also indicates that tonight's famous singer contest has officially ended its mystical significance. Of course, the previous four spectacles Thousands of people witnessed it.

It stands to reason that ever since Fan Ning asked those words in an understatement, the open-air opera hall has been in a state of silence. However, just at the moment when thousands of red light spots evaporated, something unexpected happened, and there was a loud noise like thunder on the ground. It exploded from Fan Ning's mind!


He even suspected that the steel support of the entire stage base suddenly broke.

Or some kind of energy support that was already running low was completely taken away by the last big movement.

Along with the loud noise, there was also a violent and brief feeling of weightlessness, which disturbed and interrupted all his thoughts about the subsequent movements and Nietzsche's text.

Just like when you are about to fall asleep occasionally, you suddenly feel like your whole body is falling rapidly.

"What's going on?"

The shock only lasted a moment. Fan Ning sat in front of the piano and did not stand up. He just looked around calmly at the audience below.

The lighting was better than nothing, and the seats were dimly lit. You could see the whole crowd, but you couldn't make out any details.

However, relying on his powerful spiritual sense, Fan Ning confirmed that the audience did not react to the strange changes just now.

This was unreasonable. Such a loud noise and falling feeling made even my own heart skip a beat.

The next moment, Fan Ning moved his eyes from the audience seat to the judges' seat and other locations on the stage.

He saw several people return to their normal positions from raising their heads or looking around.

A few people.

For example, Master Lucter, several bishops or archbishops of the church, such as the two chief inspectors of the Special Inspectorate.

There was Luna and Ann, but no Walter.

"The one who noticed the strangeness was basically the Deep One?..." Fan Ning was a little concerned about what he observed, "Walter didn't feel it, so the other two students, An and I, performed together, and the inspiration was too great. High? Luna... It's probably not just a flip of the spectrum, but she also has a special feature of being the 'loser'..."

Then, he immersed himself again in his previous musical thoughts.

At the judges' table, He Meng and Gang looked at each other.

"You feel it too?"

"The revelation comes from the damaged skin of the world, but it's too secretive to say what it is specifically. Can you describe it?"

"Even the church people are a little confused." Gang Zai shook his head.

"Maybe it has something to do with the 'Red Pond'. Let's go back and get in touch with the leader." He Meng speculated in a low voice.

The feelings of these profound ones, including the Archbishop of Fanghui Temple, did not seem to be as strong as Fan Ning's. The two little girls also wondered whether it was due to their fatigue from the long battle.

The only one who showed a surprised and solemn look, but quickly calmed down, was Master Lucter.

He took a deep look at Scheele inside the stage, then stood up and briefly announced:

"Congratulations to Miss Nightingale, the famous singer in Tiya City, 914 of the New Calendar!"

No more controversy.

The admiration of the audience, who had already been captivated, poured out like a flood, overturning the roof of the hall.

To them, the episode just now was not actually an episode, because in their eyes everything was business as usual, but the shock brought by Scheler's "The Devil" lasted for a few more minutes.

The remaining forty-seven judges all stood up and applauded, and most of them also expressed congratulations from the bottom of their hearts.

The moving songs sung by Miss Nightingale are enough to convince centrists or those with less-close interests. Queen Eleanor is also very well-educated. Her elegant smile is hard to fault. At this time, her smile is slightly stiff. The only possibility is Prince Eleanor.

Others also have some understanding of this. After all, there is nothing wrong with fighting for the honor of the daughter of your family. The previous negotiations and arguments were within the realm of reason. As soon as the subsequent indisputable "Demon King" received a response, there was no longer any entanglement. A disgraceful situation.

According to southern customs, as the guest manager of the Eleanor State Opera House, Prince Eleanor will also take the newly minted singers on a tour of the sky gallery on the ceiling of the building.

The outer edge of the spotlight is always darker. As the second place after the winner, the glamorous halo on the field was quickly covered up. Senecino and Renilla left the stage silently amid the crowds of people. Those who rushed up one after another were the enthusiastic flower-givers from the music fans, family and friends of Miss Nightingale and Walter, reporters who had been waiting to report the grand event as soon as possible, and a large number of people from the music critics and opera circles.

The atmosphere here is what it should be after a great show.

"Miss Nightingale, you are the youngest famous singer in the South in recent years. Do you have any artistic mottos that you would like to share?"

"Beauty is the bait, love is the purpose." Miss Nightingale held the sheet music.

"What are Mr. Scheler's standards for accepting students?"

"It depends on fate." The girl smiled lightly.

"Hello, I am Dench, the music director of the Paragodos Opera House. Here is a letter of intent for signing and cooperation with our opera house. The treatment and status are very sincere. If you are interested, you can contact..."

"I would like to ask if Miss Nightingale has any intention of returning to Missing Grand Opera House to be the leading actress?"

"Miss Nightingale, why did you cry on stage just now?"


The crowd packed the front half of the stage, and the sound of camera shutters kept coming. Even Walter and Luna received quite a lot of patronage.

"Little girl, you will also participate in the competition like your sister in a few years, right?"

"I...I only know how to turn over music and help the teacher with accounting." "No, no, I'm not humble."

"Everything else about me is really average..." Luna faltered in the face of the reporters' bombardment.

"Conductor Walter, what do you think of the Southern music fans' feelings about Miss Cuckoo and Miss Nightingale changing several times tonight?"

"First, the evaluation guide of the competition is improper... Second, there are limitations in artistic aesthetics... Third, the shortcomings of one's own accompaniment level... To solve the above shortcomings, first of all, the church must further improve the system and mechanism, and secondly, the authorities must increase the intensity of cultural exchanges between continents. …”

As the poet laureate of the year, Walter was also the piano accompanist of this legendary night. His aura was no weaker than that of Miss Nightingale. His response was as serious and straightforward as ever. Every time he encountered a problem, he thought slowly and slowly, as if reading a speech. He answered directly, which made the reporters who were particular about obtaining information in a short and quick way scratch their heads and ears with anxiety. Many reporters at the back simply gave up the line after waiting for a while.

"Miss Nightingale, congratulations to you, a famous singer in Tia City. According to southern folk custom, Prince Eleanor, the head of the National Opera House, will lead the winner and guests to celebrate..."

Archbishop Fields came to Ann and made arrangements in a graceful and conscientious manner in the presence of a large number of public figures and cameras: "So everyone, please first let His Royal Highness lead us around the National Opera House Gallery. Get wine from the fountain on top to wish Tiya City far away, and then I will award the medals to the players at the banquet. Haha, it’s not too late for all the guests to have an interview with our Miss Nightingale. As usual, the city will not sleep tonight, and our art discussion will Talking casually on the streets of Tia”

"Senior Brother Walter, can you please do this for me?" An said softly at this time.

"Your piano accompaniment is also outstanding, otherwise we would not be able to build a fan base in the early and mid-term."

Everyone looked at Walter, who was standing upright in suits and ties.

No, why is it me again? Walter was completely stunned.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I'm staying here with the teacher." Miss Nightingale smiled, "He seems to have a lot of things to think about. It would have been nice to join in the celebration together, but inspiration is the most cherished thing, and it is more worth witnessing than excitement and celebration. and companionship.”

"Sister, what you said makes sense." Luna agreed quietly from the side.

Ann's words made the guests suddenly realize that Mr. Scheele, the "King of Love Songs", was still sitting in front of the piano in the dark side of the stage.

Surrounded by so many praises and compliments from the upper class, so many gracious flowers and lights, it seemed that they all had nothing to do with him. He placed the keys in his left hand and hovered with the pen in his right hand, staring at the music score in front of him, as if he was separated from the music in another time and space. Speculative philosopher.

"Go quickly." She saluted Walter, and then walked towards the back of the stage, her steps light and happy, "We have reached a consensus on the cooperative performance method, and it was also checked by the teacher. You are originally the poet laureate of the South. He is still a great conductor from the Western Continent. His explanations and sharing will be more professional than mine, and he will be more inspiring to the guests. Just bring the medal back to me, thank you, senior brother!”

"Then Lauwalt will be in command!" "Walter, poet, please come this way."

Everyone felt that what he said was reasonable and quite satisfied, and the enthusiastic southern people immediately surrounded Walter.

“Click.” “Click——”

No, it’s okay to be a substitute for "Awakening Chant", why is it that "famous singer" has become my substitute? This is really unreasonable! !

Amidst the sound of the shutter, Walter, who was being led by the guests and a group of relatives and friends to the ceiling gallery, felt that he could no longer figure out the reason.

The crowd dispersed from all the passages within minutes, and the staff who rushed to a series of celebratory parades did not have time to disrupt the situation. The open-air opera hall returned to its usual silence and dimness.

Fan Ning was still sitting in front of the grand piano.

The two little girls left behind sat on the ground leaning against the edge of the piano. Their legs were curled up, their hands clasping their knees, their faces slightly raised, staring at the faint lamps on the circular wall and the stars above their heads.

"Humanity tells me about the night, about expressing the depth and longing of the world, metaphorically transforming the spiritual and beginning of divinity"

The band part of the fourth movement has taken shape in Fanning's writing.

Its beginning is a reappearance of the "mysterious motive" in the introduction of "Poem of Awakening": low string sounds emerge from all directions, gloomy and dark columnar chords connect the dull and slow homophonic ups and downs, without forming a real melody, strange, terrifying, and weird, like a veil covering the mysterious substance.

This is the overall tone of "night" in the fourth movement defined by Fanning.

In the first movement, it represented "inanimate matter" or "people before entering the door".

Now, it seems to have returned to the previous scene.

But the next development is the human voice.

This is the key means by which Fanning achieves a leap in artistic conception. "The person before entering the door" becomes "the spirit before understanding divinity" - they are different phenomena at different heights of the tower, but there is something in common in essence: they are all the separation of "new self" and "old self".

"Text, about Nietzsche's text" Fanning returned to the beginning of the first page, wrote down the expression term "very slowly and mysteriously", and then stared at the line left for the female solo.

"When writing about human voices, you naturally have to determine the range of the voice. My Miss Nightingale is an excellent soprano, but the range of the voice must match the artistic conception expressed by the text."

"The Will to Power, The Birth of Tragedy, On the Genealogy of Morals, Dawn, and The Wanderer and His Shadow are actually among Nietzsche's many works. If we only consider the philosophy of 'Dionysus' and 'Apollo', choosing the text from The Birth of Tragedy is the most direct."

"But the theme of my Third Symphony is the Phaeton structure, the path of ascent, the six doors, and the way to 'rise higher'. 'Dionysus' and 'Apollo' are just narrative materials rather than essences. If I use The Birth of Tragedy as the text, there is a risk of causing the theme to deviate, or future listeners may not be able to accurately understand my intentions."

"In fact, when it comes to 'rising higher', another philosophical concept of Nietzsche is more consistent with it-" Fanning's endless sparks of inspiration are bursting and shooting in his head.


"There are many academic interpretations of the definition of superman, including moral definition, power definition, free will, mathematical logic or the relationship between suffering and joy, but none of them are important to me. What I want to express is that 'superman' is not a 'state', but a 'dynamic'! 'Superman' does not exist in the 'goal' of arrival, but only in the 'process' of victory!"

"From the rough juxtaposition of violence and pastoral poetry in "Poem of Awakening", to the opposition and compatibility told to me by flowers, animals and humans, the birth of 'existence' defeated the blank of 'nothingness', and then the opposition of 'higher' defeated the opposition of 'lower', this is 'superman', this is 'rising higher', which is the most fundamental theme of the 'Third Symphony'!"

"So, what kind of work should be chosen to express the depth and longing for the night in the world, the answer is obvious-" Fanning murmured a German phrase in a low voice.

"Also sprach Zarathustra"

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